false() public static method

public static false ( $value, $message = '' )
Beispiel #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function chooseDifferentBillingAddress()
     $driver = $this->getDriver();
     if ($driver instanceof Selenium2Driver) {
     $billingAddressSwitch = $this->getElement('different_billing_address');
     Assert::false($billingAddressSwitch->isChecked(), 'Previous state of different billing address switch was true expected to be false');
  * @Then the currency :currencyName should not be added
 public function theCurrencyShouldNotBeAdded($currencyName)
     Assert::false($this->indexPage->isSingleResourceOnPage(['name' => $currencyName]), sprintf('Currency with name %s was created, but it should not.', $currencyName));
  * @Then /^(this promotion) should no longer exist in the promotion registry$/
 public function promotionShouldNotExistInTheRegistry(PromotionInterface $promotion)
     Assert::false($this->indexPage->isSingleResourceOnPage(['code' => $promotion->getCode()]), sprintf('Promotion with code %s exists but should not.', $promotion->getCode()));
  * @Then there should not be :email administrator anymore
 public function thereShouldBeNoAnymore($email)
     Assert::false($this->indexPage->isSingleResourceOnPage(['email' => $email]), sprintf('Administrator with %s email should be deleted', $email));
  * @Then /^province with code "([^"]*)" should not be added in (this country)$/
 public function provinceWithCodeShouldNotBeAdded($provinceCode, CountryInterface $country)
     $this->updatePage->open(['id' => $country->getId()]);
     Assert::false($this->updatePage->isThereProvinceWithCode($provinceCode), sprintf('%s is a province of this country.', $provinceCode));
  * @Then I should not be able to choose :name
 public function iShouldNotBeAbleToChoose($name)
     Assert::false($this->createPage->isOptionAvailable($name), sprintf('I can choose %s, but i should not be able to do it', $name));
Beispiel #7
  * @Then I should be unable to edit their address
 public function iShouldBeUnableToEditTheirAddress()
     $address = $this->getAddressOf($this->sharedStorage->getLatestResource());
     Assert::false($this->addressBookUpdatePage->isOpen(['id' => $address->getId()]), sprintf('I should be unable to edit the address of "%s %s"', $address->getFirstName(), $address->getLastName()));
  * @Then the zone named :zoneName should no longer exist in the registry
 public function thisZoneShouldNoLongerExistInTheRegistry($zoneName)
     Assert::false($this->indexPage->isSingleResourceOnPage(['name' => $zoneName]), sprintf('Zone named %s should no longer exist', $zoneName));
  * @Then /^(this product) should not have(?:| also) an image with a code "([^"]*)"$/
 public function thisProductShouldNotHaveAnImageWithCode(ProductInterface $product, $code)
     /** @var UpdateSimpleProductPageInterface|UpdateConfigurableProductPageInterface $currentPage */
     $currentPage = $this->currentPageResolver->getCurrentPageWithForm([$this->updateSimpleProductPage, $this->updateConfigurableProductPage], $product);
     Assert::false($currentPage->isImageWithCodeDisplayed($code), sprintf('Image with a code %s should not have been displayed.', $code));
  * @Given channel :channel should not have default tax zone
 public function channelShouldNotHaveDefaultTaxZone(ChannelInterface $channel)
     $this->updatePage->open(['id' => $channel->getId()]);
     Assert::false($this->updatePage->isAnyDefaultTaxZoneChosen(), 'Channel should not have default tax zone, but it has.');
  * @param string $sourceCurrencyName
  * @param string $targetCurrencyName
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 private function assertExchangeRateIsNotOnTheList($sourceCurrencyName, $targetCurrencyName)
     Assert::false($this->indexPage->isSingleResourceOnPage(['sourceCurrency' => $sourceCurrencyName, 'targetCurrency' => $targetCurrencyName]), sprintf('An exchange rate with source currency %s and target currency %s has been found on the list.', $sourceCurrencyName, $targetCurrencyName));
Beispiel #12
  * @Then I should not see the product :productName
 public function iShouldNotSeeProduct($productName)
     Assert::false($this->taxonShowPage->isProductInList($productName), sprintf("The product %s should not appear on page, but it does.", $productName));
  * @Then /^(this payment method) should no longer exist in the registry$/
 public function thisPaymentMethodShouldNoLongerExistInTheRegistry(PaymentMethodInterface $paymentMethod)
     Assert::false($this->indexPage->isSingleResourceOnPage(['code' => $paymentMethod->getCode(), 'name' => $paymentMethod->getName()]), sprintf('Payment method %s should no longer exist in the registry', $paymentMethod->getName()));
Beispiel #14
  * @Then I should not be able to resend the verification email
 public function iShouldBeUnableToResendVerificationEmail()
     Assert::false($this->dashboardPage->hasResendVerificationEmailButton(), 'You should not be able to resend the verification email.');
  * @Then the static content :title should no longer exist in the store
 public function theStaticContentShouldNoLongerExistInTheStore($title)
     Assert::false($this->indexPage->isSingleResourceOnPage(['title' => $title]), sprintf('Static content with title %s exists, but should not.', $title));
  * @Then /^(this product review) should no longer exist in the registry$/
 public function thisProductReviewShouldNoLongerExistInTheRegistry(ReviewInterface $productReview)
     Assert::false($this->indexPage->isSingleResourceOnPage(['title' => $productReview->getTitle()]), sprintf('Product review with title "%s" should no longer exist in the registry.', $productReview->getTitle()));
Beispiel #17
  * @Then I should not be able to shop without default currency
 public function iShouldNotBeAbleToShop()
     Assert::false($this->homePage->isOpen(), 'Homepage should not be opened!');
  * @Then /^(this shipping method) should no longer exist in the registry$/
 public function thisShippingMethodShouldNoLongerExistInTheRegistry(ShippingMethodInterface $shippingMethod)
     Assert::false($this->indexPage->isSingleResourceOnPage(['code' => $shippingMethod->getCode()]), sprintf('Shipping method with code %s exists but should not.', $shippingMethod->getCode()));
Beispiel #19
  * @Then I should not be able to log in as :username authenticated by :password password
 public function iShouldNotBeAbleToLogInAsAuthenticatedByPassword($username, $password)
     $this->logInAgain($username, $password);
     Assert::true($this->loginPage->hasValidationErrorWith('Error Bad credentials.'), 'I should see validation error.');
     Assert::false($this->dashboardPage->isOpen(), 'I should not be able to log in.');
  * @Then /^inventory of (this variant) should not be tracked$/
 public function thisProductVariantShouldNotBeTracked(ProductVariantInterface $productVariant)
     Assert::false($this->updatePage->isTracked(), 'This variant should not be tracked, but it is.');
Beispiel #21
  * @Then I should not see review titled :title in the list
 public function iShouldNotSeeReviewTitledInTheList($title)
     Assert::false($this->productReviewsIndexPage->hasReviewTitled($title), sprintf('Product should not have review titled "%s" but it does.', $title));
  * @Then /^this taxon should not have(?:| also) an image with a code "([^"]*)"$/
 public function thisTaxonShouldNotHaveAnImageWithCode($code)
     Assert::false($this->updatePage->isImageWithCodeDisplayed($code), sprintf('Image with a code %s should not have been displayed.', $code));
  * @Then tax rate with :element :name should not be added
 public function taxRateWithElementValueShouldNotBeAdded($element, $name)
     Assert::false($this->indexPage->isResourceOnPage([$element => $name]), sprintf('Tax rate with %s %s was created, but it should not.', $element, $name));
Beispiel #24
  * @Then I should not be logged in
 public function iShouldNotBeLoggedIn()
     Assert::false($this->homePage->hasLogoutButton(), 'I should not be logged in.');
Beispiel #25
  * @Then I should not be able to specify province name manually for billing address
 public function iShouldNotBeAbleToSpecifyProvinceNameManuallyForBillingAddress()
     Assert::false($this->addressPage->hasBillingAddressInput(), 'I should not be able to specify manually the province for billing address, but I can.');
  * @Then /^(this product option) should not have the "([^"]*)" option value$/
 public function thisProductOptionShouldNotHaveTheOptionValue(ProductOptionInterface $productOption, $optionValue)
     Assert::false($this->updatePage->isThereOptionValue($optionValue), sprintf('%s is a value of this product option, but it should not.', $optionValue));
Beispiel #27
  * @Then /^I should not be notified that (this product) cannot be updated$/
 public function iShouldNotBeNotifiedThatThisProductCannotBeUpdated(ProductInterface $product)
     Assert::false($this->summaryPage->hasProductOutOfStockValidationMessage($product), sprintf('I should see validation message for %s product', $product->getName()));
  * @Then /^(this coupon) should no longer exist in the coupon registry$/
 public function couponShouldNotExistInTheRegistry(PromotionCouponInterface $coupon)
     Assert::false($this->indexPage->isSingleResourceOnPage(['code' => $coupon->getCode()]), sprintf('Coupon with code %s should not exist.', $coupon->getCode()));
Beispiel #29
  * @Then I should not be able to cancel this order
 public function iShouldNotBeAbleToCancelThisOrder()
     Assert::false($this->showPage->hasCancelButton(), 'There should not be a cancel button, but it is.');
  * @Then I should not see create account option
 public function iShouldNotSeeCreateAccountOption()
     Assert::false($this->createPage->hasCreateOption(), 'The create account option should not be on customer creation page, but it is.');