Beispiel #1
  * Perform a search with clean params
  * @param ParamBag $paramBag The params you'd normally send to solr
  * @return json
 protected function search($paramBag)
     // Remove global filters from the Solr connector
     $map = $this->solr->getMap();
     $params = $map->getParameters('select', 'appends');
     $map->setParameters('select', 'appends', []);
     // Turn off grouping
     $paramBag->set('group', 'false');
     $paramBag->add('wt', 'json');
     // Search
     $response = $this->solr->search($paramBag);
     // Reapply the global filters
     $map->setParameters('select', 'appends', $params->getArrayCopy());
     return $response;
Beispiel #2
  * Obtain information from an alphabetic browse index.
  * @param string   $source      Name of index to search
  * @param string   $from        Starting point for browse results
  * @param int      $page        Result page to return (starts at 0)
  * @param int      $limit       Number of results to return on each page
  * @param ParamBag $params      Additional parameters
  * POST)
  * @param int      $offsetDelta Delta to use when calculating page
  * offset (useful for showing a few results above the highlighted row)
  * @return array
 public function alphabeticBrowse($source, $from, $page, $limit = 20, $params = null, $offsetDelta = 0)
     $params = $params ?: new ParamBag();
     $params->set('from', $from);
     $params->set('offset', $page * $limit + $offsetDelta);
     $params->set('rows', $limit);
     $params->set('source', $source);
     try {
         $response = $this->connector->query('browse', $params);
     } catch (RemoteErrorException $e) {
     return $this->deserialize($response);
Beispiel #3
  * Search Solr.
  * @param string $q    Search query
  * @param int    $rows Max rows to retrieve (default = int max)
  * @return array
 protected function searchSolr($q, $rows = 2147483647)
     $params = new ParamBag(['q' => [$q], 'fq' => $this->filters, 'hl' => ['false'], 'fl' => ['title,id,hierarchy_parent_id,hierarchy_top_id,' . 'is_hierarchy_id,hierarchy_sequence,title_in_hierarchy'], 'wt' => ['json'], '' => ['arrarr'], 'rows' => [$rows], 'start' => [0]]);
     $response = $this->solrConnector->search($params);
     return json_decode($response);
  * Create the SOLR connector.
  * @return Connector
 protected function createConnector()
     $config = $this->config->get('config');
     $handlers = ['select' => ['fallback' => true, 'defaults' => ['fl' => '*,score'], 'appends' => ['fq' => []]], 'term' => ['functions' => ['terms']]];
     foreach ($this->getHiddenFilters() as $filter) {
         array_push($handlers['select']['appends']['fq'], $filter);
     $connector = new Connector($this->getSolrUrl(), new HandlerMap($handlers), $this->uniqueKey);
     $connector->setTimeout(isset($config->Index->timeout) ? $config->Index->timeout : 30);
     if ($this->logger) {
     if ($this->serviceLocator->has('VuFind\\Http')) {
     return $connector;
Beispiel #5
  * Create connector with fixture file.
  * @param string $fixture Fixture file
  * @return Connector
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException Fixture file does not exist
 protected function createConnector($fixture = null)
     if ($fixture) {
         $file = realpath(sprintf('%s/solr/response/%s', PHPUNIT_SEARCH_FIXTURES, $fixture));
         if (!is_string($file) || !file_exists($file) || !is_readable($file)) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unable to load fixture file: %s', $file));
         $this->response = file_get_contents($file);
     $map = new HandlerMap(['select' => ['fallback' => true]]);
     $conn = new Connector('http://example.tld/', $map);
     return $conn;
Beispiel #6
  * Extract the Solr core from a connector's URL.
  * @param Connector $connector Solr connector
  * @return string
 protected function getCore(Connector $connector)
     $url = rtrim($connector->getUrl(), '/');
     $parts = explode('/', $url);
     return array_pop($parts);