  * Return search specs
  * @param string $filename config file name
  * @return array
 public function get($filename)
     // Load data if it is not already in the object's cache:
     if (!isset($this->searchSpecs[$filename])) {
         // Connect to searchspecs cache:
         $cache = null !== $this->cacheManager ? $this->cacheManager->getCache('searchspecs') : false;
         // Determine full configuration file path:
         $fullpath = Locator::getBaseConfigPath($filename);
         $local = Locator::getLocalConfigPath($filename);
         // Generate cache key:
         $cacheKey = $filename . '-' . (file_exists($fullpath) ? filemtime($fullpath) : 0);
         if (!empty($local)) {
             $cacheKey .= '-local-' . filemtime($local);
         $cacheKey = md5($cacheKey);
         // Generate data if not found in cache:
         if ($cache === false || !($results = $cache->getItem($cacheKey))) {
             $results = file_exists($fullpath) ? Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($fullpath)) : [];
             if (!empty($local)) {
                 $localResults = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents($local));
                 foreach ($localResults as $key => $value) {
                     $results[$key] = $value;
             if ($cache !== false) {
                 $cache->setItem($cacheKey, $results);
         $this->searchSpecs[$filename] = $results;
     return $this->searchSpecs[$filename];
  * Return search specs
  * @param string $filename config file name
  * @return array
 public function get($filename)
     // Load data if it is not already in the object's cache:
     if (!isset($this->searchSpecs[$filename])) {
         $this->searchSpecs[$filename] = $this->getFromPaths(Locator::getBaseConfigPath($filename), Locator::getLocalConfigPath($filename));
     return $this->searchSpecs[$filename];
Beispiel #3
  * Load the specified configuration file.
  * @param string $filename config file name
  * @param string $path     path relative to VuFind base (optional; defaults
  * to config/vufind
  * @return Config
 protected function loadConfigFile($filename, $path = 'config/vufind')
     // If we don't have a local config file in config/vufind, check for it in
     // config/finna and load from there if found.
     $localConfig = Locator::getLocalConfigPath($filename, $path);
     if ($localConfig === null) {
         $localConfig = Locator::getLocalConfigPath($filename, 'config/finna');
         if ($localConfig !== null) {
             return parent::loadConfigFile($filename, 'config/finna');
     return parent::loadConfigFile($filename, $path);
  * Standard setup method.
  * @return void
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     // Create test files:
     $parentPath = Locator::getLocalConfigPath('unit-test-parent.ini', null, true);
     $parent = "[Section1]\n" . "a=1\nb=2\nc=3\n" . "[Section2]\n" . "d=4\ne=5\nf=6\n" . "[Section3]\n" . "g=7\nh=8\ni=9\n";
     $childPath = Locator::getLocalConfigPath('unit-test-child.ini', null, true);
     $child = "[Section1]\n" . "j=10\nk=11\nl=12\n" . "[Section2]\n" . "m=13\nn=14\no=15\n" . "[Parent_Config]\n" . "path=\"{$parentPath}\"\n" . "override_full_sections=Section1\n";
     // Fail if we are unable to write files:
     if (null === $parentPath || null === $childPath || !file_put_contents($parentPath, $parent) || !file_put_contents($childPath, $child)) {
         self::$writeFailed = true;
     // Mark for cleanup:
     self::$filesToDelete = [$parentPath, $childPath];
Beispiel #5
  * Restore configurations to the state they were in prior to a call to
  * changeConfig().
  * @return void
 protected function restoreConfigs()
     foreach ($this->modifiedConfigs as $current) {
         $file = $current . '.ini';
         $local = ConfigLocator::getLocalConfigPath($file, null, true);
         $backup = $local . '.bak';
         // Do we have a backup? If so, restore from it; otherwise, just
         // delete the local file, as it did not previously exist:
         if (file_exists($backup)) {
             rename($backup, $local);
  * Display summary of installation status
  * @return mixed
 public function homeAction()
     // If the cache is messed up, nothing is going to work right -- check that
     // first:
     $cache = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('VuFind\\CacheManager');
     if ($cache->hasDirectoryCreationError()) {
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute('install-fixcache');
     // First find out which version we are upgrading:
     if (!isset($this->cookie->sourceDir) || !is_dir($this->cookie->sourceDir)) {
         return $this->forwardTo('Upgrade', 'GetSourceDir');
     // Next figure out which version(s) are involved:
     if (!isset($this->cookie->oldVersion) || !isset($this->cookie->newVersion)) {
         return $this->forwardTo('Upgrade', 'EstablishVersions');
     // Now make sure we have a configuration file ready:
     if (!isset($this->cookie->configOkay) || !$this->cookie->configOkay) {
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute('upgrade-fixconfig');
     // Now make sure the database is up to date:
     if (!isset($this->cookie->databaseOkay) || !$this->cookie->databaseOkay) {
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute('upgrade-fixdatabase');
     // Check for missing metadata in the resource table; note that we do a
     // redirect rather than a forward here so that a submit button clicked
     // in the database action doesn't cause the metadata action to also submit!
     if (!isset($this->cookie->metadataOkay) || !$this->cookie->metadataOkay) {
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute('upgrade-fixmetadata');
     // We're finally done -- display any warnings that we collected during
     // the process.
     $allWarnings = array_merge(isset($this->cookie->warnings) ? $this->cookie->warnings : [], (array) $this->session->warnings);
     foreach ($allWarnings as $warning) {
         $this->flashMessenger()->addMessage($warning, 'info');
     return $this->createViewModel(['configDir' => dirname(ConfigLocator::getLocalConfigPath('config.ini', null, true)), 'importDir' => LOCAL_OVERRIDE_DIR . '/import', 'oldVersion' => $this->cookie->oldVersion]);
Beispiel #7
  * Disable auto-configuration.
  * @return mixed
 public function doneAction()
     $config = ConfigLocator::getLocalConfigPath('config.ini', null, true);
     $writer = new ConfigWriter($config);
     $writer->set('System', 'autoConfigure', 0);
     if (!$writer->save()) {
         return $this->forwardTo('Install', 'fixbasicconfig');
     return $this->createViewModel(['configDir' => dirname($config)]);
Beispiel #8
  * Construct the OpenUrl helper.
  * @param ServiceManager $sm Service manager.
  * @return OpenUrl
 public static function getOpenUrl(ServiceManager $sm)
     $config = $sm->getServiceLocator()->get('VuFind\\Config')->get('config');
     $file = \VuFind\Config\Locator::getLocalConfigPath('OpenUrlRules.json');
     if ($file === null) {
         $file = \VuFind\Config\Locator::getLocalConfigPath('OpenUrlRules.json', 'config/finna');
         if ($file === null) {
             $file = \VuFind\Config\Locator::getConfigPath('OpenUrlRules.json');
     $openUrlRules = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);
     return new OpenUrl($sm->get('context'), $openUrlRules, isset($config->OpenURL) ? $config->OpenURL : null);
  * Test @parent_yaml directive.
  * @return void
 public function testParentYaml()
     if (self::$writeFailed) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Could not write test configurations.');
     $reader = new SearchSpecsReader();
     $core = Locator::getLocalConfigPath('middle.yaml', null, true);
     $local = Locator::getLocalConfigPath('bottom.yaml', null, true);
     $this->assertEquals(['top' => 'foo', 'middle' => 'bar', 'bottom' => 'baz'], $this->callMethod($reader, 'getFromPaths', [$core, $local]));
Beispiel #10
  * Convert hash algorithms
  * Expected parameters: oldmethod:oldkey (or none) newmethod:newkey
  * @return \Zend\Console\Response
 public function switchdbhashAction()
     // Validate command line arguments:
     $argv = $this->consoleOpts->getRemainingArgs();
     if (count($argv) < 1) {
         Console::writeLine('Expected parameters: newmethod [newkey]');
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // Pull existing encryption settings from the configuration:
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     if (!isset($config->Authentication->encrypt_ils_password) || !isset($config->Authentication->ils_encryption_key) || !$config->Authentication->encrypt_ils_password) {
         $oldhash = 'none';
         $oldkey = null;
     } else {
         $oldhash = isset($config->Authentication->ils_encryption_algo) ? $config->Authentication->ils_encryption_algo : 'blowfish';
         $oldkey = $config->Authentication->ils_encryption_key;
     // Pull new encryption settings from arguments:
     $newhash = $argv[0];
     $newkey = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : $oldkey;
     // No key specified AND no key on file = fatal error:
     if ($newkey === null) {
         Console::writeLine('Please specify a key as the second parameter.');
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // If no changes were requested, abort early:
     if ($oldkey == $newkey && $oldhash == $newhash) {
         Console::writeLine('No changes requested -- no action needed.');
         return $this->getSuccessResponse();
     // Initialize Mcrypt first, so we can catch any illegal algorithms before
     // making any changes:
     try {
         if ($oldhash != 'none') {
             $oldCrypt = new Mcrypt(['algorithm' => $oldhash]);
         $newCrypt = new Mcrypt(['algorithm' => $newhash]);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // Next update the config file, so if we are unable to write the file,
     // we don't go ahead and make unwanted changes to the database:
     $configPath = ConfigLocator::getLocalConfigPath('config.ini', null, true);
     Console::writeLine("\tUpdating {$configPath}...");
     $writer = new ConfigWriter($configPath);
     $writer->set('Authentication', 'encrypt_ils_password', true);
     $writer->set('Authentication', 'ils_encryption_algo', $newhash);
     $writer->set('Authentication', 'ils_encryption_key', $newkey);
     if (!$writer->save()) {
         Console::writeLine("\tWrite failed!");
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // Now do the database rewrite:
     $userTable = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('VuFind\\DbTablePluginManager')->get('User');
     $users = $userTable->select(function ($select) {
     Console::writeLine("\tConverting hashes for " . count($users) . ' user(s).');
     foreach ($users as $row) {
         $pass = null;
         if ($oldhash != 'none' && isset($row['cat_pass_enc'])) {
             $oldcipher = new BlockCipher($oldCrypt);
             $pass = $oldcipher->decrypt($row['cat_pass_enc']);
         } else {
             $pass = $row['cat_password'];
         $newcipher = new BlockCipher($newCrypt);
         $row['cat_password'] = null;
         $row['cat_pass_enc'] = $newcipher->encrypt($pass);
     // If we got this far, all went well!
     return $this->getSuccessResponse();