Beispiel #1
  * Callback function for preg_replace_callback use.
  * @param  array $matches PREG matches
  * @return string
 protected function pregCallback($matches)
     switch (UTF8::strtolower($matches[1])) {
         case 'b':
         case 'strong':
             return $this->toupper($matches[3]);
         case 'th':
             return $this->toupper($matches[3] . "\n");
         case 'h':
             return $this->toupper("\n\n" . $matches[3] . "\n\n");
         case 'i':
         case 'em':
             $subject = $matches[3];
             if ($this->options['do_underscores'] === true) {
                 $subject = '_' . $subject . '_';
             return $subject;
         case 'a':
             // override the link method
             $linkOverride = null;
             if (preg_match('/_html2text_link_(\\w+)/', $matches[4], $linkOverrideMatch)) {
                 $linkOverride = $linkOverrideMatch[1];
             // remove spaces in URL (#1487805)
             $url = str_replace(' ', '', $matches[3]);
             return $this->buildLinkList($url, $matches[5], $linkOverride);
             return '';
Beispiel #2
  * Parses host part of url.
  * @param string $host Host part of url
  * @return Host Object representation of host portion of url
 public function parseHost($host)
     $host = UTF8::strtolower($host);
     return new Host($this->getSubdomain($host), $this->getRegistrableDomain($host), $this->getPublicSuffix($host), $host);
Beispiel #3
  * Converts the first character of the string to lower case.
  * @return Stringy Object with the first character of $str being lower case
 public function lowerCaseFirst()
     $first = UTF8::substr($this->str, 0, 1, $this->encoding);
     $rest = UTF8::substr($this->str, 1, $this->length() - 1, $this->encoding);
     $str = UTF8::strtolower($first, $this->encoding) . $rest;
     return static::create($str, $this->encoding);
Beispiel #4
  * Check if an (case-insensitive) string is in the current array.
  * @param string $value
  * @return bool
 public function containsCaseInsensitive($value)
     return in_array(UTF8::strtolower($value), array_map(array(new UTF8(), 'strtolower'), $this->array), true);