installMergeDriver() public static method

Merge driver consists of three things: 1. .gitattributes definition that tells which files to process with which driver 2. Section in git/config that maps the logical merge driver name to a concrete script on a disk 3. The actual script files(s) - PHP or Bash impl in our case It's a bit tricky because: - .gitattributes is committed in the repo. The paths must therefore be relative. - git/config is not committed in the repo so it must be created dynamically on actions like activating VersionPress or restoring / cloning a site. Furthermore, the paths must be absolute because Git's cwd can be different. - We need cross-platform scripts so we detect the OS and install the correct driver. The driver impl can be forced using the $driver parameter.
public static installMergeDriver ( string $rootDir, string $pluginDir, string $vpdbDir, string $driver = self::DRIVER_AUTO )
$rootDir string Where to install the driver
$pluginDir string Path to VersionPress (plugin) - used to look up templates and merge drivers
$vpdbDir string Location of the VPDB dir (where the INI files are)
$driver string DRIVER_BASH | DRIVER_PHP | DRIVER_AUTO (default; will use PHP driver for Windows, Bash otherwise)
  * Finishes clone operation
  * @subcommand finish-restore-site
  * @when before_wp_load
 public function finishRestore($args, $assoc_args)
     define('SHORTINIT', true);
     $wpConfigPath = \WP_CLI\Utils\locate_wp_config();
     require_once $wpConfigPath;
     require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/formatting.php';
     require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/link-template.php';
     require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/shortcodes.php';
     require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/taxonomy.php';
     require_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/versionpress/bootstrap.php';
     $versionPressContainer = DIContainer::getConfiguredInstance();
     /** @var ActionsDefinitionRepository $actionsDefinitionRepository */
     $actionsDefinitionRepository = $versionPressContainer->resolve(VersionPressServices::ACTIONS_DEFINITION_REPOSITORY);
     // Truncate tables
     /** @var Database $database */
     $database = $versionPressContainer->resolve(VersionPressServices::DATABASE);
     /** @var DbSchemaInfo $dbSchema */
     $dbSchema = $versionPressContainer->resolve(VersionPressServices::DB_SCHEMA);
     $tables = array_map(function ($entityName) use($dbSchema) {
         return $dbSchema->getPrefixedTableName($entityName);
     }, array_merge($dbSchema->getAllEntityNames(), array_map(function ($referenceDetails) {
         return $referenceDetails['junction-table'];
     }, $dbSchema->getAllMnReferences())));
     $tables = array_filter($tables, function ($table) use($database) {
         return $table !== $database->options;
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         $truncateCmd = "TRUNCATE TABLE `{$table}`";
         // Intentional @ - not existing table is ok for us but TRUNCATE ends with error
     // Create VersionPress tables
     /** @var \VersionPress\Initialization\Initializer $initializer */
     $initializer = $versionPressContainer->resolve(VersionPressServices::INITIALIZER);
     WP_CLI::success("VersionPress tables created");
     // Install Custom merge driver
     MergeDriverInstaller::installMergeDriver(VP_PROJECT_ROOT, VERSIONPRESS_PLUGIN_DIR, VP_VPDB_DIR);
     WP_CLI::success("Git merge driver added");
     // Run synchronization
     /** @var SynchronizationProcess $syncProcess */
     $syncProcess = $versionPressContainer->resolve(VersionPressServices::SYNCHRONIZATION_PROCESS);
     WP_CLI::success("Database synchronized");
     VPCommandUtils::runWpCliCommand('vp-internal', 'flush-regenerable-values', ['require' => __FILE__]);
  * @param string $driver See MergeDriverInstaller::installMergeDriver()'s $driver parameter
 private function installMergeDriver($driver)
     MergeDriverInstaller::installMergeDriver(self::$repositoryDir, __DIR__ . '/../..', self::$repositoryDir, $driver);
 private function createGitRepository()
     if (!$this->repository->isVersioned()) {
     MergeDriverInstaller::installMergeDriver(VP_PROJECT_ROOT, VERSIONPRESS_PLUGIN_DIR, VP_VPDB_DIR);