public function run() { if (fnmatch('*cli*', php_sapi_name())) { $dir = Config::get('dir.schedules', APPLICATION_PATH . DS . 'schedules'); if (is_dir($dir)) { Timer::start(); Cli::show("Start of execution", 'COMMENT'); $files = glob($dir . DS . '*.php'); foreach ($files as $file) { require_once $file; $object = str_replace('.php', '', Arrays::last(explode(DS, $file))); $class = 'Thin\\' . ucfirst(Inflector::camelize($object . '_schedule')); $instance = lib('app')->make($class); $methods = get_class_methods($instance); Cli::show("Start schedule '{$object}'", 'COMMENT'); foreach ($methods as $method) { $when = $this->getWhen($instance, $method); $isDue = $this->isDue($object, $method, $when); if (true === $isDue) { Cli::show("Execution of {$object}->{$method}", 'INFO'); $instance->{$method}(); } else { Cli::show("No need to execute {$object}->{$method}", 'QUESTION'); } } } Cli::show("Time of execution [" . Timer::get() . " s.]", 'SUCCESS'); Cli::show("end of execution", 'COMMENT'); } } }
public static function boot() { Cli::show("Start of execution", 'COMMENT'); $cron = Cron::instance(); $cron->flush(); Cli::show("End of execution", 'COMMENT'); }
public static function boot() { Cli::show("Start of execution", 'COMMENT'); View::cleanCache(); Database::cleanCache(); Utils::cleanCache(true); Cli::show("End of execution", 'COMMENT'); }
public function run($name, $when, $event, $args = []) { Timer::start(); Cli::show("Start of execution", 'SUCCESS'); $db = rdb('cron', 'task'); $dbCron = $db->firstOrCreate(['name' => $name]); $nextDb = $dbCron->next; $cron = CronExpression::factory($when); $next = $cron->getNextRunDate()->format('Y-m-d-H-i-s'); list($y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s) = explode('-', $next, 6); $timestamp = mktime($h, $i, $s, $m, $d, $y); if ($nextDb) { if ($nextDb < $timestamp) { Cli::show("Execution {$name}", 'COMMENT'); call_user_func_array($event, $args); $dbCron->setNext($timestamp)->save(); } } else { $dbCron->setNext($timestamp)->save(); } Cli::show('Elapsed time: ' . Timer::get() . ' s.', 'INFO'); Cli::show("End of execution", 'SUCCESS'); }
public static function cleanCache($dir = null) { $dir = is_null($dir) ? Conf::get('', STORAGE_PATH . DS . 'raw') : $dir; $dirs = glob($dir . DS . '*', GLOB_NOSORT); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { if (fnmatch('*/sessme.*', $dir) || fnmatch('*/me.*', $dir) || fnmatch('*/temporary.*', $dir)) { $age = filemtime($dir); $diff = time() - $age; \Thin\Cli::show("{$diff}", 'INFO'); if ($diff > 3600 || fnmatch('*/temporary.*', $dir)) { File::rmdir($dir); \Thin\Cli::show("delete {$dir}", 'COMMENT'); } } } } $dir = Conf::get('dir.raw.models', APPLICATION_PATH . DS . 'models' . DS . 'Raw') . DS . 'models/temporary'; File::rmdir($dir); }
public static function cleanCache($dir = null) { $dir = is_null($dir) ? STORAGE_PATH . DS . 'store' : $dir; $dirs = glob($dir . DS . '*', GLOB_NOSORT); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { if (is_dir($dir)) { if (fnmatch('*/sessme.*', $dir) || fnmatch('*/me.*', $dir) || fnmatch('*/temporary.*', $dir)) { $age = filemtime($dir); $diff = time() - $age; Cli::show("{$diff}", 'INFO'); if ($diff > 3600 || fnmatch('*/temporary.*', $dir)) { File::rmdir($dir); Cli::show("delete {$dir}", 'COMMENT'); } } } } }