public function checkTaxRuleId($value, ExecutionContextInterface $context)
     if (0 !== intval($value)) {
         if (null === TaxRuleQuery::create()->findPk($value)) {
             $context->addViolation($this->trans("The Tax Rule id '%id' doesn't exist", ["%id" => $value]));
Beispiel #2
if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') {
    throw new \Exception('this script can only be launched with cli sapi');
require __DIR__ . '/../core/bootstrap.php';
$thelia = new Thelia\Core\Thelia("dev", true);
$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
$con = \Propel\Runtime\Propel::getConnection(Thelia\Model\Map\ProductTableMap::DATABASE_NAME);
$currency = \Thelia\Model\CurrencyQuery::create()->filterByCode('EUR')->findOne();
try {
    $stmt = $con->prepare("SET foreign_key_checks = 0");
    $stmt = $con->prepare("SET foreign_key_checks = 1");
    /* 10% tax */
    $tax10p = new \Thelia\Model\Tax();
    $tax10p->setType('PricePercentTaxType')->setRequirements(array('percent' => 10))->save();
    /* 8% tax */
    $tax8p = new \Thelia\Model\Tax();
    $tax8p->setType('PricePercentTaxType')->setRequirements(array('percent' => 8))->save();
    /* fix 5 tax */
    $tax5 = new \Thelia\Model\Tax();
    $tax5->setType('FixAmountTaxType')->setRequirements(array('amount' => 5))->save();
    /* 1% tax */
    $tax1p = new \Thelia\Model\Tax();
    $tax1p->setType('PricePercentTaxType')->setRequirements(array('percent' => 1))->save();
  * @param Cart $cart
  * @param $areaId
  * @return |null
 protected function getSlicePostage(Cart $cart, Country $country)
     $config = self::getConfig();
     $currency = $cart->getCurrency();
     $areaId = $country->getAreaId();
     $query = CustomDeliverySliceQuery::create()->filterByAreaId($areaId);
     if ($config['method'] != CustomDelivery::METHOD_PRICE) {
         $query->filterByWeightMax($cart->getWeight(), Criteria::GREATER_THAN);
     if ($config['method'] != CustomDelivery::METHOD_WEIGHT) {
         $total = $cart->getTotalAmount();
         // convert amount to the default currency
         if (0 == $currency->getByDefault()) {
             $total = $total / $currency->getRate();
         $query->filterByPriceMax($total, Criteria::GREATER_THAN);
     $slice = $query->findOne();
     $postage = null;
     if (null !== $slice) {
         $postage = new OrderPostage();
         if (0 == $currency->getByDefault()) {
             $price = $slice->getPrice() * $currency->getRate();
         } else {
             $price = $slice->getPrice();
         $price = round($price, 2);
         // taxed amount
         if (0 !== $config['tax']) {
             $taxRuleI18N = I18n::forceI18nRetrieving($this->getRequest()->getSession()->getLang()->getLocale(), 'TaxRule', $config['tax']);
             $taxRule = TaxRuleQuery::create()->findPk($config['tax']);
             if (null !== $taxRule) {
                 $taxCalculator = new Calculator();
                 $taxCalculator->loadTaxRuleWithoutProduct($taxRule, $country);
                 $postage->setAmount(round($taxCalculator->getTaxedPrice($price), 2));
                 $postage->setAmountTax($postage->getAmount() - $price);
     return $postage;