Beispiel #1
 public function getRightProgramCount($user_id, $eid, $start_timeC, $end_timeC)
     $questionArr = QuestionBaseModel::instance()->getQuestionIds4ExamByType($eid, ProblemService::PROGRAM_PROBLEM_TYPE);
     $questionIds = array();
     foreach ($questionArr as $_q) {
         $questionIds[] = $_q['question_id'];
     if (empty($questionIds)) {
         return 0;
     $questionIdStr = implode('\',\'', $questionIds);
     $questionIdStr = '\'' . $questionIdStr . '\'';
     $count = 0;
     // oj的pass_rate对于正确的时候不准, 添加这个作为容错处理
     $rightProgramQuery = "select distinct(problem_id) as problem_id from solution where problem_id in ({$questionIdStr}) and " . "user_id='{$user_id}' and result=4 and in_date>'{$start_timeC}' and in_date<'{$end_timeC}'";
     $rightIdAns = M()->query($rightProgramQuery);
     $rightIds = array();
     foreach ($rightIdAns as $p) {
         $rightIds[] = $p['problem_id'];
         $count = $count + 1;
     $otherIds = array_diff($questionIds, $rightIds);
     if (empty($otherIds)) {
         return $count;
     $otherIdStr = implode('\',\'', $otherIds);
     $questionIdStr = '\'' . $otherIdStr . '\'';
     $query = "select max(pass_rate) as rate from solution where problem_id in ({$questionIdStr}) and " . "user_id='{$user_id}' and in_date>'{$start_timeC}' and in_date<'{$end_timeC}' group by problem_id";
     $data = M()->query($query);
     foreach ($data as $d) {
         if ($d['rate'] >= 0.98) {
             $count = $count + 1;
         } else {
             $count = $count + $d['rate'];
     return $count;
Beispiel #2
 public function programRank()
     $where = array('exam_id' => $this->eid, 'type' => 4, 'answer_id' => 1);
     $field = array('user_id', 'question_id', 'answer');
     $programRank = M('ex_stuanswer')->field($field)->where($where)->select();
     $userRank = array();
     $users = array();
     $unames = array();
     $programCount = array();
     $query = "select user_id, count(distinct question_id) as cnt" . " from ex_stuanswer where exam_id = " . $this->eid . " and type = 4 and answer_id = 1 and answer = 4 group by user_id order by cnt desc";
     $acCount = M()->query($query);
     foreach ($acCount as $ac) {
         $programCount[$ac['user_id']] = $ac['cnt'];
         $users[] = $ac['user_id'];
     foreach ($programRank as $p) {
         $userRank[$p['user_id']][$p['question_id']] = $p['answer'];
         if (!in_array($p['user_id'], $users)) {
             $users[] = $p['user_id'];
     $userIds_chunk = array_chunk($users, 50);
     foreach ($userIds_chunk as $_userIds) {
         $where = array('user_id' => array('in', $_userIds));
         $field = array('user_id', 'nick');
         $_unames = M('users')->field($field)->where($where)->select();
         foreach ($_unames as $_uname) {
             $unames[$_uname['user_id']] = $_uname['nick'];
     $query = array('exam_id' => $this->eid, 'type' => ProblemService::PROGRAM_PROBLEM_TYPE, 'order' => 'exp_qid');
     $programs = QuestionBaseModel::instance()->queryData($query, array('question_id'));
     $this->zadd('unames', $unames);
     $this->zadd('userIds', $users);
     $this->zadd('programIds', $programs);
     $this->zadd('userRank', $userRank);
     $this->zadd('programCount', $programCount);
 public function addProgramProblem()
     if (IS_POST && I('post.eid')) {
         if (!check_post_key()) {
         } else {
             if (!$this->isCreator()) {
                 $this->echoError('You have no privilege of this exam');
             } else {
                 $eid = I('post.eid', 0, 'intval');
                 $flag = ProblemService::instance()->addProgram2Exam($eid);
                 if ($flag === true) {
                     $this->success('程序题添加成功', U('Teacher/Problem/addProgramProblem', array('eid' => $eid, 'type' => 4)), 2);
                 } else {
                     $this->echoError('Invaild Path');
     } else {
         $ansrow = QuestionBaseModel::instance()->getQuestionIds4ExamByType($this->eid, ProblemService::PROGRAM_PROBLEM_TYPE);
         $answernumC = count($ansrow);
         $key = set_post_key();
         $widgets = array('mykey' => $key, 'ansrow' => $ansrow, 'answernumC' => $answernumC);
 protected function initExamQuestionCount()
     $this->chooseCount = QuestionBaseModel::instance()->getQuestionCntByType($this->examId, ChooseBaseModel::CHOOSE_PROBLEM_TYPE);
     $this->judgeCount = QuestionBaseModel::instance()->getQuestionCntByType($this->examId, JudgeBaseModel::JUDGE_PROBLEM_TYPE);
     $this->fillCount = QuestionBaseModel::instance()->getQuestionCntByType($this->examId, FillBaseModel::FILL_PROBLEM_TYPE);
     $this->programCount = QuestionBaseModel::instance()->getQuestionCntByType($this->examId, ProblemService::PROGRAM_PROBLEM_TYPE);
Beispiel #5
 public function copyOneExam()
     $eid = I('get.eid', 0, 'intval');
     $row = ExamBaseModel::instance()->getExamInfoById($eid);
     if (empty($row)) {
         $this->echoError("No Such Exam!");
     if (!$this->isOwner4ExamByUserId($row['creator'])) {
         $this->echoError('You have no privilege!');
     } else {
         // copy exam's base info
         $row['creator'] = $this->userInfo['user_id'];
         $examId = ExamBaseModel::instance()->insertData($row);
         if (empty($examId)) {
         // copy exam's problem
         $field = array('exam_id', 'question_id', 'type');
         $res = QuestionBaseModel::instance()->getQuestionByExamId($eid, $field);
         foreach ($res as &$r) {
             $r['exam_id'] = $examId;
         $this->success('考试复制成功!', U('/Teacher'), 1);