getAvailableFormats() public method

Return a list of the available formats that the data structure can be formatted into
public getAvailableFormats ( Tdt\Core\Datasets\Data $data ) : array
$data Tdt\Core\Datasets\Data
return array
Beispiel #1
  * Retrieve a Data object identified by $uri
  * @param string $uri The identifier that identifies a resource
  * @return \Response
 public function get($uri)
     // Check permissions
     // Split for an (optional) extension
     list($uri, $extension) = $this->processURI($uri);
     // Check for caching
     // Based on: URI / Rest parameters / Query parameters / Paging headers
     $cache_string = $uri;
     list($limit, $offset) = Pager::calculateLimitAndOffset();
     $cache_string .= '/limit=' . $limit . 'offset=' . $offset;
     $cache_string .= http_build_query(\Input::except('limit', 'offset', 'page', 'page_size'));
     $cache_string = sha1($cache_string);
     if (Cache::has($cache_string)) {
         return ContentNegotiator::getResponse(Cache::get($cache_string), $extension);
     } else {
         // Get definition
         $definition = $this->definition->getByIdentifier($uri);
         if ($definition) {
             // Get source definition
             $source_definition = $this->definition->getDefinitionSource($definition['source_id'], $definition['source_type']);
             if ($source_definition) {
                 $source_type = $source_definition['type'];
                 // Create the right datacontroller
                 $controller_class = 'Tdt\\Core\\DataControllers\\' . $source_type . 'Controller';
                 $data_controller = \App::make($controller_class);
                 // Get REST parameters
                 $rest_parameters = str_replace($definition['collection_uri'] . '/' . $definition['resource_name'], '', $uri);
                 $rest_parameters = ltrim($rest_parameters, '/');
                 $rest_parameters = explode('/', $rest_parameters);
                 if (empty($rest_parameters[0]) && !is_numeric($rest_parameters[0])) {
                     $rest_parameters = array();
                 // Retrieve dataobject from datacontroller
                 $data = $data_controller->readData($source_definition, $rest_parameters);
                 $data->rest_parameters = $rest_parameters;
                 // REST filtering
                 if ($source_type != 'INSTALLED' && count($data->rest_parameters) > 0) {
                     $data->data = self::applyRestFilter($data->data, $data->rest_parameters);
                 // Add definition to the object
                 $data->definition = $definition;
                 // Add source definition to the object
                 $data->source_definition = $source_definition;
                 // Add the available, supported formats to the object
                 $format_helper = new FormatHelper();
                 $data->formats = $format_helper->getAvailableFormats($data);
                 // Store in cache
                 Cache::put($cache_string, $data, $source_definition['cache']);
                 // Return the formatted response with content negotiation
                 return ContentNegotiator::getResponse($data, $extension);
             } else {
                 \App::abort(404, "Source for the definition could not be found.");
         } else {
             // Coulnd't find a definition, but it might be a collection
             $resources = $this->definition->getByCollection($uri);
             if (count($resources) > 0) {
                 $data = new Data();
                 $data->data = new \stdClass();
                 $data->data->datasets = array();
                 $data->data->collections = array();
                 foreach ($resources as $res) {
                     // Check if it's a subcollection or a dataset
                     $collection_uri = rtrim($res['collection_uri'], '/');
                     if ($collection_uri == $uri) {
                         array_push($data->data->datasets, \URL::to($collection_uri . '/' . $res['resource_name']));
                     } else {
                         // Push the subcollection if it's not already in the array
                         if (!in_array(\URL::to($collection_uri), $data->data->collections)) {
                             array_push($data->data->collections, \URL::to($collection_uri));
                 // Fake a definition
                 $data->definition = new \Definition();
                 $uri_array = explode('/', $uri);
                 $last_chunk = array_pop($uri_array);
                 $data->definition->collection_uri = join('/', $uri_array);
                 $data->definition->resource_name = $last_chunk;
                 // Return the formatted response with content negotiation
                 return ContentNegotiator::getResponse($data, $extension);
             } else {
                 \App::abort(404, "The dataset or collection you were looking for could not be found (URI: {$uri}).");
  * Retrieve a Data object identified by $uri
  * @param string $uri The identifier that identifies a resource
  * @return \Response
 public function get($uri)
     // Check permissions
     // Split for an (optional) extension
     list($uri, $extension) = $this->processURI($uri);
     // Check for caching
     // Based on: URI / Rest parameters / Query parameters / Paging headers
     $cache_string = $uri;
     list($limit, $offset) = Pager::calculateLimitAndOffset();
     $cache_string .= '/limit=' . $limit . 'offset=' . $offset;
     $omit = ['limit', 'offset', 'page', 'page_size'];
     $query_string_params = \Input::get();
     foreach ($query_string_params as $key => $val) {
         if (in_array($key, $omit)) {
     $cache_string .= http_build_query($query_string_params);
     $cache_string = sha1($cache_string);
     if (Cache::has($cache_string)) {
         return ContentNegotiator::getResponse(Cache::get($cache_string), $extension);
     } else {
         // Get definition
         $definition = $this->definition->getByIdentifier($uri);
         if ($definition) {
             // Get source definition
             $source_definition = $this->definition->getDefinitionSource($definition['source_id'], $definition['source_type']);
             if ($source_definition) {
                 $source_type = $source_definition['type'];
                 // Create the right datacontroller
                 $controller_class = 'Tdt\\Core\\DataControllers\\' . $source_type . 'Controller';
                 $data_controller = \App::make($controller_class);
                 // Get REST parameters
                 $uri_segments = explode('/', $uri);
                 $rest_parameters = array_diff($uri_segments, array($definition['collection_uri'], $definition['resource_name']));
                 $rest_parameters = array_values($rest_parameters);
                 $throttle_response = $this->applyThrottle($definition);
                 if (!empty($throttle_response)) {
                     return $throttle_response;
                 // Retrieve dataobject from datacontroller
                 $data = $data_controller->readData($source_definition, $rest_parameters);
                 // If the source type is XML, just return the XML contents, don't transform
                 if (strtolower($source_type) == 'xml' && $extension == 'xml') {
                     return $this->createXMLResponse($data->data);
                 $data->rest_parameters = $rest_parameters;
                 // REST filtering
                 if ($source_type != 'INSTALLED' && count($data->rest_parameters) > 0) {
                     $data->data = self::applyRestFilter($data->data, $data->rest_parameters);
                 // Semantic paging with the hydra voc
                 if ($data->is_semantic && !empty($data->paging)) {
                     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('hydra', '');
                     $graph = $data->data;
                     $url = \URL::to($definition['collection_uri'] . '/' . $definition['resource_name']);
                     $request_url = \Request::url();
                     $graph->addResource($request_url, 'void:subset', $url);
                     foreach ($data->paging as $key => $val) {
                         $paged_url = $request_url . '?offset=' . $val[0] . '&limit=' . $val[1] . Pager::buildQuerystring();
                         switch ($key) {
                             case 'next':
                                 $graph->addResource($request_url, 'hydra:nextPage', $paged_url);
                             case 'previous':
                                 $graph->addResource($request_url, 'hydra:previousPage', $paged_url);
                             case 'last':
                                 $graph->addResource($request_url, 'hydra:lastPage', $paged_url);
                             case 'first':
                                 $graph->addResource($request_url, 'hydra:firstPage', $paged_url);
                     $graph->addResource($url, 'a', 'dcat:Dataset');
                     $title = null;
                     if (!empty($definition['title'])) {
                         $title = $definition['title'];
                     } else {
                         $title = $definition['collection_uri'] . '/' . $definition['resource_name'];
                     $graph->addLiteral($url, 'dc:title', $title);
                     $graph->addLiteral($url, 'dc:description', $source_definition['description']);
                     $graph->addResource($url, 'dcat:distribution', $url . '.json');
                     $data->data = $graph;
                 // Add definition to the object
                 $data->definition = $definition;
                 // Add source definition to the object
                 $data->source_definition = $source_definition;
                 // Add the available, supported formats to the object
                 $format_helper = new FormatHelper();
                 $data->formats = $format_helper->getAvailableFormats($data);
                 // Store in cache
                 Cache::put($cache_string, $data, $source_definition['cache']);
                 // Return the formatted response with content negotiation
                 return ContentNegotiator::getResponse($data, $extension);
             } else {
                 \App::abort(404, "Source for the definition could not be found.");
         } else {
             // Coulnd't find a definition, but it might be a collection
             $resources = $this->definition->getByCollection($uri);
             if (count($resources) > 0) {
                 $data = new Data();
                 $data->data = new \stdClass();
                 $data->data->datasets = array();
                 $data->data->collections = array();
                 foreach ($resources as $res) {
                     // Check if it's a subcollection or a dataset
                     $collection_uri = rtrim($res['collection_uri'], '/');
                     if ($collection_uri == $uri) {
                         array_push($data->data->datasets, \URL::to($collection_uri . '/' . $res['resource_name']));
                     } else {
                         // Push the subcollection if it's not already in the array
                         if (!in_array(\URL::to($collection_uri), $data->data->collections)) {
                             array_push($data->data->collections, \URL::to($collection_uri));
                 // Fake a definition
                 $data->definition = new \Definition();
                 $uri_array = explode('/', $uri);
                 $last_chunk = array_pop($uri_array);
                 $data->definition->collection_uri = join('/', $uri_array);
                 $data->definition->resource_name = $last_chunk;
                 // Return the formatted response with content negotiation
                 return ContentNegotiator::getResponse($data, $extension);
             } else {
                 \App::abort(404, "The dataset or collection you were looking for could not be found (URI: {$uri}).");
  * Format using requested formatter (via extension, Accept-header or default)
  * @param Tdt\Core\Datasets\Data $data      The data object on which the response will be based
  * @param string                 $extension The preferred format in which the data should be returned
  * @return \Response
 public static function getResponse($data, $extension = null)
     // Check Accept-header
     $accept_header = \Request::header('Accept');
     // Safety first
     $extension = strtoupper($extension);
     // Formatter class
     $formatter_class = 'Tdt\\Core\\Formatters\\' . $extension . 'Formatter';
     if (empty($extension)) {
         $negotiator = new FormatNegotiator();
         foreach (self::$mime_types_map as $format_name => $mime_types) {
             $negotiator->registerFormat($format_name, $mime_types, true);
         // Create a priority list of formats
         $priorities = array();
         $format_helper = new FormatHelper();
         if (empty($data->preferred_formats)) {
             // Still nothing? Use default formatter
             if (empty($extension) && !$data->is_semantic) {
                 // Default formatter for non semantic data
                 $data->preferred_formats = array('json');
             } elseif (empty($extension) && $data->is_semantic) {
                 // Default formatter for semantic data is turtle
                 $data->preferred_formats = array('ttl');
         if (!in_array('html', $priorities)) {
             array_push($priorities, 'html');
         $priorities = array_merge($data->preferred_formats, $priorities);
         // Add support for our other formatters as well, if they're not already in the priorities
         foreach ($format_helper->getAvailableFormats($data) as $format) {
             if (!in_array($format, $priorities)) {
                 array_push($priorities, $format);
         array_push($priorities, '*/*');
         $format = $negotiator->getBestFormat($accept_header, $priorities);
         $format_object = $negotiator->getBest($accept_header, $priorities);
         if (!$format || $format_object->getQuality() == 0) {
             $format_helper = new FormatHelper();
             $available_formats = implode(', ', array_values($format_helper->getAvailableFormats($data)));
             \App::abort(406, "The requested Content-Type is not supported, or the best quality we found was 0. The supported formats for this resource are: " . $available_formats);
         // Safety first
         $extension = strtoupper($format);
         // Formatter class
         $formatter_class = 'Tdt\\Core\\Formatters\\' . $extension . 'Formatter';
     } elseif (!class_exists($formatter_class)) {
         $format_helper = new FormatHelper();
         $available_formats = implode(', ', array_values($format_helper->getAvailableFormats($data)));
         \App::abort(406, "The requested Content-Type is not supported, or the best quality we found was 0. The supported formats for this resource are: " . $available_formats);
     // Create the response from the designated formatter
     $response = $formatter_class::createResponse($data);
     // Set the paging header
     if (!empty($data->paging)) {
         $response->header('Link', self::getLinkHeader($data->paging));
     // Set the URI template header
     if (!empty($data->optional_parameters) || !empty($data->rest_parameters)) {
         $link_template = self::fetchUrl($extension);
         if (substr($link_template, -1, 1) == '/') {
             $link_template = substr($link_template, 0, -1);
         // Add the required parameters
         foreach ($data->rest_parameters as $required_parameter) {
             $link_template .= '/{' . $required_parameter . '}';
         // Add the extension if given
         if (!empty($extension)) {
             $link_template .= '.' . strtolower($extension);
         // Add the optional parameters
         if (!empty($data->optional_parameters)) {
             $link_template .= '{?';
             foreach ($data->optional_parameters as $optional_parameter) {
                 $link_template .= $optional_parameter . ', ';
             $link_template = rtrim($link_template, ', ');
             $link_template .= '}';
         $response->header('Link-Template', $link_template);
     // Cache settings
     $cache_minutes = -1;
     if (\Config::get('cache.enabled', true)) {
         $cache_minutes = 1;
         // Cache per resource
         if (!empty($data->source_definition['cache'])) {
             $cache_minutes = $data->source_definition['cache'];
     // Cache headers
     $response->header('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=' . $cache_minutes * 60 . ', pre-check=' . $cache_minutes * 60 . '');
     $response->header('Pragma', 'public');
     $response->header('Expires', date(DATE_RFC822, strtotime("{$cache_minutes} minute")));
     $response->header('Vary', 'Accept, Accept-encoding');
     // Return formatted response
     return $response;
Beispiel #4
  * Resolve a graph pattern query (/all route)
  * @param string $format The format of the request
  * @return \Response
 public function solveQuery($format = null)
     if (!empty($format)) {
         $format = ltrim($format, '.');
     // Ignore the rest of the uri after /all and work with the request parameters as they were given
     $cache_string = sha1($this->getRawRequestURI(\Request::root()));
     // Check if the response to the query has been cached already
     if (Cache::has($cache_string)) {
         $data = Cache::get($cache_string);
     } else {
         // Get the graph pattern query string parameters from the request
         list($s, $p, $o) = $this->getTemplateParameters();
         // Pass them to our sparql query builder
         SparqlQueryBuilder::setParameters(array($s, $p, $o));
         $base_uri = null;
         // If no parameter has been filled in, the URI we have to match triples with is the root of our application
         if ($s == '?s' && $p == '?p' && $o == '?o') {
             $base_uri = \Request::root();
         // Fetch matching triples
         $result = $this->triples->getTriples($base_uri, \Request::get('limit', 100), \Request::get('offset', 0));
         // If the graph contains no triples, then the graph pattern couldn't resolve to anything, 404 it is
         if ($result->countTriples() == 0) {
             \App::abort(404, "The resource couldn't be found, nor dereferenced.");
         $definition = array('resource_name' => "all", 'collection_uri' => "");
         $source_definition = array('description' => 'Semantic data collected out the configured semantic data sources.', 'type' => 'Semantic');
         $data = new Data();
         $data->definition = $definition;
         $data->source_definition = $source_definition;
         $data->data = $result;
         $data->is_semantic = true;
         // Add the available, supported formats to the object
         $format_helper = new FormatHelper();
         $data->formats = $format_helper->getAvailableFormats($data);
         // Store in cache for a default of 5 minutes
         Cache::put($cache_string, $data, 5);
     // Add the hydra namespace, it's not present in the easy rdf namespaces by default
     \EasyRdf_Namespace::set('hydra', '');
     // Return the formatted response with content negotiation
     $response = ContentNegotiator::getResponse($data, $format);
     // Pass a Vary header so that browsers know they have to take the accept header
     // into consideration when they apply caching client side
     $response->header('Vary', 'Accept');
     // Allow CORS
     $response->header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
     return $response;