private function fixArray(Tokens $tokens, &$index)
     $bracesLevel = 0;
     for ($c = $tokens->count(); $index < $c; ++$index) {
         $token = $tokens[$index];
         if ('(' === $token->content) {
             if (0 === $bracesLevel) {
                 $tokens[$index]->content = '[';
         if ($token->isGivenKind(T_ARRAY) && '(' === $tokens->getNextNonWhitespace($index)->content) {
             $this->fixArray($tokens, $index);
         if (')' === $token->content) {
             if (0 === $bracesLevel) {
                 $tokens[$index]->content = ']';
 private function getNamespaceUseDeclarations(Tokens $tokens, array $useIndexes)
     $uses = array();
     foreach ($useIndexes as $index) {
         $declarationEndIndex = null;
         $tokens->getNextTokenOfKind($index, array(';'), $declarationEndIndex);
         $declarationContent = $tokens->generatePartialCode($index + 1, $declarationEndIndex - 1);
         // ignore multiple use statements like: `use BarB, BarC as C, BarD;`
         // that should be split into few separate statements
         if (false !== strpos($declarationContent, ',')) {
         $declarationParts = preg_split('/\\s+as\\s+/i', $declarationContent);
         if (1 === count($declarationParts)) {
             $fullName = $declarationContent;
             $declarationParts = explode('\\', $fullName);
             $shortName = end($declarationParts);
             $aliased = false;
         } else {
             $fullName = $declarationParts[0];
             $shortName = $declarationParts[1];
             $declarationParts = explode('\\', $fullName);
             $aliased = $shortName !== end($declarationParts);
         $shortName = trim($shortName);
         $uses[$shortName] = array('shortName' => $shortName, 'fullName' => trim($fullName), 'aliased' => $aliased, 'declarationStart' => $index, 'declarationEnd' => $declarationEndIndex);
     return $uses;
 private function fixArray(Tokens $tokens, &$index)
     $bracesLevel = 0;
     // Skip only when its an array, for short arrays we need the brace for correct
     // level counting
     if ($tokens[$index]->isGivenKind(T_ARRAY)) {
     $multiline = $tokens->isArrayMultiLine($index);
     for ($c = $tokens->count(); $index < $c; ++$index) {
         $token = $tokens[$index];
         if ('(' === $token->content || '[' === $token->content) {
         if ($token->isGivenKind(T_ARRAY) || $tokens->isShortArray($index)) {
             $this->fixArray($tokens, $index);
         if (')' === $token->content || ']' === $token->content) {
             $foundIndex = null;
             if (!$multiline && 0 === $bracesLevel && ',' === $tokens->getPrevNonWhitespace($index, array(), $foundIndex)->content) {
             if (0 === $bracesLevel) {
 private function ensureWhitespaceExistance(Tokens $tokens, $index, $after)
     $indexChange = $after ? 0 : 1;
     $token = $tokens[$index];
     if ($token->isWhitespace()) {
     $tokens->insertAt($index + $indexChange, new Token(array(T_WHITESPACE, ' ', $token->line)));
Beispiel #5
 private function clearIncludies(Tokens $tokens, array $includies)
     foreach (array_reverse($includies) as $includy) {
         if ($includy['end']) {
         $braces = $includy['braces'];
         if ($braces) {
             $nextToken = $tokens->getNextNonWhitespace($includy['braces']['close']);
             if (!$nextToken->isArray() && ';' === $nextToken->content) {
                 $tokens[$braces['open']] = new Token(array(T_WHITESPACE, ' '));
         $nextIndex = $includy['begin'] + 1;
         $nextToken = $tokens[$nextIndex];
         while ($nextToken->isEmpty()) {
             $nextToken = $tokens[++$nextIndex];
         if ($nextToken->isWhitespace()) {
             $nextToken->content = ' ';
         } elseif ($braces) {
             $tokens->insertAt($includy['begin'] + 1, new Token(array(T_WHITESPACE, ' ')));
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     for ($index = $tokens->count() - 1; $index >= 0; --$index) {
         $token = $tokens[$index];
         if (T_NEW !== $token->id) {
         $nextIndex = null;
         $nextToken = $tokens->getNextTokenOfKind($index, array(';', ',', '(', ')', '[', ']'), $nextIndex);
         // no correct end of code - break
         if (null === $nextToken) {
         // entrance into array index syntax - need to look for exit
         if (!$nextToken->isArray() && '[' === $nextToken->content) {
             $braceLevel = 1;
             while (0 < $braceLevel) {
                 $nextToken = $tokens->getNextTokenOfKind($nextIndex, array('[', ']'), $nextIndex);
                 $braceLevel += '[' === $nextToken->content ? 1 : -1;
             $nextToken = $tokens[++$nextIndex];
         // new statement with () - nothing to do
         if (!$nextToken->isArray() && '(' === $nextToken->content) {
         $meaningBeforeNextIndex = null;
         $tokens->getPrevNonWhitespace($nextIndex, array(), $meaningBeforeNextIndex);
         $tokens->insertAt($meaningBeforeNextIndex + 1, array(new Token('('), new Token(')')));
     return $tokens->generateCode();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         if (!$token->isGivenKind(T_WHITESPACE)) {
         $content = '';
         $count = 0;
         $parts = explode("\n", $token->content);
         for ($i = 0, $last = count($parts) - 1; $i <= $last; ++$i) {
             if ('' === $parts[$i]) {
                 // if part is empty then we between two \n
             } else {
                 $count = 0;
                 $content .= $parts[$i];
             if ($i !== $last && $count < 3) {
                 $content .= "\n";
         $token->content = $content;
     return $tokens->generateCode();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     $uses = array_reverse($tokens->getNamespaceUseIndexes());
     foreach ($uses as $index) {
         $endIndex = null;
         $tokens->getNextTokenOfKind($index, array(';'), $endIndex);
         $declarationContent = $tokens->generatePartialCode($index + 1, $endIndex - 1);
         $declarationParts = explode(',', $declarationContent);
         if (1 === count($declarationParts)) {
         $declarationContent = array();
         foreach ($declarationParts as $declarationPart) {
             $declarationContent[] = 'use ' . trim($declarationPart) . ';';
         $declarationContent = implode("\n" . $this->detectIndent($tokens, $index), $declarationContent);
         for ($i = $index; $i <= $endIndex; ++$i) {
         $declarationTokens = Tokens::fromCode('<?php ' . $declarationContent);
         $tokens->insertAt($index, $declarationTokens);
     return $tokens->generateCode();
Beispiel #9
  * Replace all `else if` (T_ELSE T_IF) with `elseif` (T_ELSEIF)
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     foreach ($tokens as $index => $token) {
         // if token is not T_ELSE - continue searching, this is not right token to fix
         if (!$token->isGivenKind(T_ELSE)) {
         $nextIndex = null;
         $nextToken = $tokens->getNextNonWhitespace($index, array(), $nextIndex);
         // if next meaning token is not T_IF - continue searching, this is not the case for fixing
         if (!$nextToken->isGivenKind(T_IF)) {
         // now we have T_ELSE following by T_IF so we could fix this
         // 1. clear whitespaces between T_ELSE and T_IF
         $tokens[$index + 1]->clear();
         // 2. change token from T_ELSE into T_ELSEIF
         $token->content = 'elseif';
         $token->id = T_ELSEIF;
         // 3. clear succeeding T_IF
     return $tokens->generateCode();
Beispiel #10
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     for ($index = 0, $limit = $tokens->count(); $index < $limit; ++$index) {
         $token = $tokens[$index];
         if (!$token->isGivenKind(T_RETURN)) {
         $prevNonWhitespaceToken = $tokens->getPrevNonWhitespace($index);
         if (!$prevNonWhitespaceToken->equalsAny(array(';', '}'))) {
         $prevToken = $tokens[$index - 1];
         if ($prevToken->isWhitespace()) {
             $parts = explode("\n", $prevToken->content);
             $countParts = count($parts);
             if (1 === $countParts) {
                 $prevToken->content = rtrim($prevToken->content, " \t") . "\n\n";
             } elseif (count($parts) <= 2) {
                 $prevToken->content = "\n" . $prevToken->content;
         } else {
             $tokens->insertAt($index, new Token(array(T_WHITESPACE, "\n\n")));
     return $tokens->generateCode();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     foreach ($tokens as $index => $token) {
         if ($token->isGivenKind(T_IS_NOT_EQUAL)) {
             $tokens[$index]->content = '!=';
     return $tokens->generateCode();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         if ($token->isKeyword()) {
             $token->content = strtolower($token->content);
     return $tokens->generateCode();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     foreach ($tokens as $index => $token) {
         if (!$token->isWhitespace()) {
         $tokens[$index]->content = preg_replace('/(?:(?<! ) {1,3})?\\t/', '    ', $token->content);
     return $tokens->generateCode();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     foreach ($tokens as $index => $token) {
         if (!$token->isGivenKind(T_DOC_COMMENT)) {
         $tokens[$index]->content = $this->fixDocBlock($token->content);
     return $tokens->generateCode();
Beispiel #15
 public function testReadFromCacheAfterClearing()
     $code = '<?php echo 1;';
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($code);
     $countBefore = $tokens->count();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $countBefore; ++$i) {
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($code);
     $this->assertSame($countBefore, $tokens->count());
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     $whitespaces = array('whitespaces' => " \t");
     foreach ($tokens as $index => $token) {
         if (!$token->isArray() && '.' === $token->content) {
             $tokens->removeLeadingWhitespace($index, $whitespaces);
             $tokens->removeTrailingWhitespace($index, $whitespaces);
     return $tokens->generateCode();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     foreach ($tokens as $index => $token) {
         if ($token->isNativeConstant()) {
             if ($tokens->getPrevNonWhitespace($index, array('whitespaces' => " \t\n"))->isArray() || $tokens->getNextNonWhitespace($index, array('whitespaces' => " \t\n"))->isArray()) {
             $token->content = strtolower($token->content);
     return $tokens->generateCode();
 private function getNewOrder(array $uses, Tokens $tokens)
     $uses = array_reverse($uses);
     $indexes = array();
     $originalIndexes = array();
     foreach ($uses as $index) {
         $tokens->getNextTokenOfKind($index, array(';'), $endIndex);
         $tokens->getTokenNotOfKindSibling($index + 1, 1, array(array(T_WHITESPACE)), $startIndex);
         $namespace = '';
         $index = $startIndex;
         while ($index <= $endIndex) {
             $token = $tokens[$index];
             /** @var Token $token */
             if (',' === $token->content || $index === $endIndex) {
                 $indexes[$startIndex] = array($namespace, $startIndex, $index - 1);
                 $originalIndexes[] = $startIndex;
                 $namespace = '';
                 $nextPartIndex = $endIndex;
                 $tokens->getTokenNotOfKindSibling($index, 1, array(array(','), array(T_WHITESPACE)), $nextPartIndex);
                 $startIndex = $nextPartIndex;
                 $index = $nextPartIndex;
             $namespace .= $token->content;
     uasort($indexes, 'self::sortingCallBack');
     $i = -1;
     $usesOrder = array();
     // Loop trough the index but use original index order
     foreach ($indexes as $v) {
         $usesOrder[$originalIndexes[++$i]] = $v;
     return $usesOrder;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     for ($index = $tokens->count() - 1; $index >= 0; --$index) {
         $token = $tokens[$index];
         if (!$token->isArray() && '.' === $token->content) {
             if (!$tokens[$index + 1]->isWhitespace()) {
                 $tokens->insertAt($index + 1, new Token(array(T_WHITESPACE, ' ')));
             if (!$tokens[$index - 1]->isWhitespace()) {
                 $tokens->insertAt($index, new Token(array(T_WHITESPACE, ' ')));
     return $tokens->generateCode();
Beispiel #20
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     // replace all <? with <?php to replace all short open tags even without short_open_tag option enabled
     $newContent = preg_replace('/<\\?(\\s|$)/', '<?php$1', $content);
     /* the following code is magic to revert previous replacements which should NOT be replaced, for example incorrectly replacing
      * > echo '<? ';
      * with
      * > echo '<?php ';
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($newContent);
     $tokensOldContent = '';
     $tokensOldContentLength = 0;
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         if ($token->isGivenKind(T_OPEN_TAG)) {
             $tokenContent = $token->content;
             if ('<?php' !== substr($content, $tokensOldContentLength, 5)) {
                 $tokenContent = '<? ';
             $tokensOldContent .= $tokenContent;
             $tokensOldContentLength += strlen($tokenContent);
             $tokenContent = '';
             $tokenContentLength = 0;
             $parts = explode('<?php ', $token->content);
             $iLast = count($parts) - 1;
             foreach ($parts as $i => $part) {
                 $tokenContent .= $part;
                 $tokenContentLength += strlen($part);
                 if ($i !== $iLast) {
                     if ('<?php' === substr($content, $tokensOldContentLength + $tokenContentLength, 5)) {
                         $tokenContent .= '<?php ';
                         $tokenContentLength += 6;
                     } else {
                         $tokenContent .= '<? ';
                         $tokenContentLength += 3;
             $token->content = $tokenContent;
         $tokensOldContent .= $token->content;
         $tokensOldContentLength += strlen($token->content);
     return $tokens->generateCode();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     for ($index = $tokens->count() - 1; $index >= 0; --$index) {
         $token = $tokens[$index];
         if (!$token->isGivenKind(T_FUNCTION)) {
         $startParenthesisIndex = null;
         $tokens->getNextTokenOfKind($index, array('('), $startParenthesisIndex);
         $endParenthesisIndex = $tokens->findBlockEnd(Tokens::BLOCK_TYPE_PARENTHESIS_BRACE, $startParenthesisIndex);
         $startBraceIndex = null;
         $startBraceToken = $tokens->getNextTokenOfKind($endParenthesisIndex, array(';', '{'), $startBraceIndex);
         if ($startBraceToken->equals('{')) {
             // fix single-line whitespace before {
             // eg: `function foo(){}` => `function foo() {}`
             // eg: `function foo()   {}` => `function foo() {}`
             if (!$tokens[$startBraceIndex - 1]->isWhitespace() || $tokens[$startBraceIndex - 1]->isWhitespace($this->singleLineWhitespaceOptions)) {
                 $tokens->ensureWhitespaceAtIndex($startBraceIndex - 1, 1, ' ');
         $afterParenthesisIndex = null;
         $afterParenthesisToken = $tokens->getNextNonWhitespace($endParenthesisIndex, array(), $afterParenthesisIndex);
         if ($afterParenthesisToken->isGivenKind(T_USE)) {
             $useStartParenthesisIndex = null;
             $tokens->getNextTokenOfKind($afterParenthesisIndex, array('('), $useStartParenthesisIndex);
             $useEndParenthesisIndex = $tokens->findBlockEnd(Tokens::BLOCK_TYPE_PARENTHESIS_BRACE, $useStartParenthesisIndex);
             // fix whitespace after T_USE
             $tokens->ensureWhitespaceAtIndex($afterParenthesisIndex + 1, 0, ' ');
             // remove single-line edge whitespaces inside use parentheses
             $this->fixParenthesisInnerEdge($tokens, $useStartParenthesisIndex, $useEndParenthesisIndex);
             // fix whitespace before T_USE
             $tokens->ensureWhitespaceAtIndex($afterParenthesisIndex - 1, 1, ' ');
         // remove single-line edge whitespaces inside parameters list parentheses
         $this->fixParenthesisInnerEdge($tokens, $startParenthesisIndex, $endParenthesisIndex);
         // remove whitespace before (
         // eg: `function foo () {}` => `function foo() {}`
         if ($tokens[$startParenthesisIndex - 1]->isWhitespace()) {
             $tokens[$startParenthesisIndex - 1]->clear();
         // fix whitespace after T_FUNCTION
         // eg: `function     foo() {}` => `function foo() {}`
         $tokens->ensureWhitespaceAtIndex($index + 1, 0, ' ');
     return $tokens->generateCode();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     $elements = $tokens->getClassyElements();
     foreach (array_reverse($elements, true) as $index => $element) {
         if ('method' === $element['type']) {
             $tokens->applyAttribs($index, $tokens->grabAttribsBeforeMethodToken($index));
             // force whitespace between function keyword and function name to be single space char
             $tokens[++$index]->content = ' ';
         } elseif ('property' === $element['type']) {
             $prevToken = $tokens->getPrevTokenOfKind($index, array(';', ','));
             $nextToken = $tokens->getNextTokenOfKind($index, array(';', ','));
             if ((!$prevToken || ',' !== $prevToken->content) && (!$nextToken || ',' !== $nextToken->content)) {
                 $tokens->applyAttribs($index, $tokens->grabAttribsBeforePropertyToken($index));
     return $tokens->generateCode();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     static $insideCastSpaceReplaceMap = array(' ' => '', "\t" => '', "\n" => '');
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     foreach ($tokens as $index => $token) {
         if ($token->isCast()) {
             $token->content = strtr($token->content, $insideCastSpaceReplaceMap);
             // force single whitespace after cast token:
             if ($tokens[$index + 1]->isWhitespace(array('whitespaces' => " \t"))) {
                 // - if next token is whitespaces that contains only spaces and tabs - override next token with single space
                 $tokens[$index + 1]->content = ' ';
             } elseif (!$tokens[$index + 1]->isWhitespace()) {
                 // - if next token is not whitespaces that contains spaces, tabs and new lines - append single space to current token
                 $tokens->insertAt($index + 1, new Token(' '));
     return $tokens->generateCode();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     // [Structure] there should not be space before or after T_OBJECT_OPERATOR
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     foreach ($tokens as $index => $token) {
         // skip if $token is not ->
         if (!$token->isGivenKind(T_OBJECT_OPERATOR)) {
         // clear whitespace before ->
         if ($tokens[$index - 1]->isWhitespace(array('whitespaces' => " \t")) && !$tokens[$index - 2]->isComment()) {
             $tokens[$index - 1]->clear();
         // clear whitespace after ->
         if ($tokens[$index + 1]->isWhitespace(array('whitespaces' => " \t")) && !$tokens[$index + 2]->isComment()) {
             $tokens[$index + 1]->clear();
     return $tokens->generateCode();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     for ($index = $tokens->count() - 1; $index >= 0; --$index) {
         $token = $tokens[$index];
         if (T_NAMESPACE === $token->id) {
             $semicolonIndex = null;
             $semicolonToken = $tokens->getNextTokenOfKind($index, array(';', '{'), $semicolonIndex);
             if (!$semicolonToken || ';' !== $semicolonToken->content || !isset($tokens[$semicolonIndex + 1])) {
             $nextToken = $tokens[$semicolonIndex + 1];
             if (!$nextToken->isWhitespace()) {
                 $tokens->insertAt($semicolonIndex + 1, new Token(array(T_WHITESPACE, "\n\n")));
             } else {
                 $nextToken->content = "\n\n" . ltrim($nextToken->content);
     return $tokens->generateCode();
 private function fixArray(Tokens $tokens, $index)
     $bracesLevel = 0;
     $startIndex = $index;
     if ($tokens[$index]->isGivenKind(T_ARRAY)) {
         $tokens->getNextTokenOfKind($index, array('(', '['), $startIndex);
     if (!$tokens->isArrayMultiLine($index)) {
     if ($tokens[$startIndex]->equals('(')) {
         $endIndex = $tokens->findBlockEnd(Tokens::BLOCK_TYPE_PARENTHESIS_BRACE, $startIndex);
     } else {
         $endIndex = $tokens->findBlockEnd(Tokens::BLOCK_TYPE_SQUARE_BRACE, $startIndex);
     $beforeEndIndex = null;
     $beforeEndToken = $tokens->getTokenNotOfKindSibling($endIndex, -1, array(array(T_WHITESPACE), array(T_COMMENT), array(T_DOC_COMMENT)), $beforeEndIndex);
     // if there is some item between braces then add `,` after it
     if ($startIndex !== $beforeEndIndex && !$beforeEndToken->equals(',')) {
         $tokens->insertAt($beforeEndIndex + 1, new Token(','));
Beispiel #27
 public function fixFile(\SplFileInfo $file, array $fixers, $dryRun, $diff)
     if ($this->stopwatch) {
     $new = $old = file_get_contents($file->getRealpath());
     $appliedFixers = array();
     // we do not need Tokens to still caching previously fixed file - so clear the cache
     foreach ($fixers as $fixer) {
         if (!$fixer->supports($file)) {
         $newest = $fixer->fix($file, $new);
         if ($newest !== $new) {
             $appliedFixers[] = $fixer->getName();
         $new = $newest;
     $fixInfo = null;
     if ($new !== $old) {
         if (!$dryRun) {
             file_put_contents($file->getRealpath(), $new);
         $fixInfo = array('appliedFixers' => $appliedFixers);
         if ($diff) {
             $fixInfo['diff'] = $this->stringDiff($old, $new);
     if ($this->stopwatch) {
     return $fixInfo;
Beispiel #28
 private function findStatementEnd(Tokens $tokens, $parenthesisEndIndex)
     $nextIndex = null;
     $nextToken = $tokens->getNextNonWhitespace($parenthesisEndIndex, array(), $nextIndex);
     if (!$nextToken) {
         return $parenthesisEndIndex;
     if ($nextToken->equals('{')) {
         return $tokens->findBlockEnd(Tokens::BLOCK_TYPE_CURLY_BRACE, $nextIndex);
     if ($nextToken->isGivenKind($this->getControlTokens())) {
         $parenthesisEndIndex = $this->findParenthesisEnd($tokens, $nextIndex);
         $endIndex = $this->findStatementEnd($tokens, $parenthesisEndIndex);
         if ($nextToken->isGivenKind(T_IF)) {
             $nextIndex = null;
             $nextToken = $tokens->getNextNonWhitespace($endIndex, array(), $nextIndex);
             if ($nextToken && $nextToken->isGivenKind($this->getControlContinuationTokens())) {
                 $parenthesisEndIndex = $this->findParenthesisEnd($tokens, $nextIndex);
                 return $this->findStatementEnd($tokens, $parenthesisEndIndex);
         return $endIndex;
     $index = $parenthesisEndIndex;
     while (true) {
         $token = $tokens[++$index];
         if (';' === $token->content) {
     return $index;
Beispiel #29
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function fix(\SplFileInfo $file, $content)
     $tokens = Tokens::fromCode($content);
     return $tokens->generateCode();