  * Validates a value against a constraint.
  * @param Constraint $constraint
  * @param            $value
  * @param            $group
  * @param            $propertyPath
  * @param null       $currentClass
  * @param null       $currentProperty
  * @deprecated Deprecated since version 2.2, to be removed in 2.3.
 public function walkConstraint(Constraint $constraint, $value, $group, $propertyPath, $currentClass = null, $currentProperty = null)
     trigger_error('walkConstraint() is deprecated since version 2.2 and will be removed in 2.3.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
     $metadata = null;
     // BC code to make getCurrentClass() and getCurrentProperty() work when
     // called from within this method
     if (null !== $currentClass) {
         $metadata = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($currentClass);
         if (null !== $currentProperty && $metadata instanceof PropertyMetadataContainerInterface) {
             $metadata = current($metadata->getPropertyMetadata($currentProperty));
     $context = new ExecutionContext($this->visitor, $this->translator, $this->translationDomain, $metadata, $value, $group, $propertyPath);
     $context->validateValue($value, $constraint);
Beispiel #2
  * validate
  * @param type             $data
  * @param ExecutionContext $context
 public function validate($data, ExecutionContext $context)
     if ($data['mode'] !== 'add_favorite') {
         $context->validateValue($data['product_class_id'], array(new Assert\NotBlank()), '[product_class_id]');
         if ($this->Product->getClassName1()) {
             $context->validateValue($data['classcategory_id1'], array(new Assert\NotBlank(), new Assert\NotEqualTo(array('value' => '__unselected', 'message' => 'form.type.select.notselect'))), '[classcategory_id1]');
         if ($this->Product->getClassName2()) {
             $context->validateValue($data['classcategory_id2'], array(new Assert\NotBlank(), new Assert\NotEqualTo(array('value' => '__unselected', 'message' => 'form.type.select.notselect'))), '[classcategory_id2]');
 public function testGetPropertyPathWithNestedCollectionsAndAllMixed()
     $constraints = new Collection(array('shelves' => new All(array('constraints' => array(new Collection(array('name' => new ConstraintA(), 'books' => new All(array('constraints' => array(new ConstraintA())))))))), 'name' => new ConstraintA()));
     $data = array('shelves' => array(array('name' => 'Research', 'books' => array('foo', 'bar')), array('name' => 'VALID', 'books' => array('foozy', 'VALID', 'bazzy'))), 'name' => 'Library');
     $expectedViolationPaths = array('[shelves][0][name]', '[shelves][0][books][0]', '[shelves][0][books][1]', '[shelves][1][books][0]', '[shelves][1][books][2]', '[name]');
     $visitor = new ValidationVisitor('Root', $this->metadataFactory, new ConstraintValidatorFactory(), $this->translator);
     $context = new ExecutionContext($visitor, $this->translator, self::TRANS_DOMAIN);
     $context->validateValue($data, $constraints);
     foreach ($context->getViolations() as $violation) {
         $violationPaths[] = $violation->getPropertyPath();
     $this->assertEquals($expectedViolationPaths, $violationPaths);
Beispiel #4
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function visit(MetadataInterface $metadata, $value, $group, $propertyPath)
        $context = new ExecutionContext(

        $context->validateValue($value, $metadata->findConstraints($group));
Beispiel #5
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function validateValue($value, $constraints, $groups = null)
     $context = new ExecutionContext($this->createVisitor($value), $this->translator, $this->translationDomain);
     $constraints = is_array($constraints) ? $constraints : array($constraints);
     foreach ($constraints as $constraint) {
         if ($constraint instanceof Valid) {
             // Why can't the Valid constraint be executed directly?
             // It cannot be executed like regular other constraints, because regular
             // constraints are only executed *if they belong to the validated group*.
             // The Valid constraint, on the other hand, is always executed and propagates
             // the group to the cascaded object. The propagated group depends on
             //  * Whether a group sequence is currently being executed. Then the default
             //    group is propagated.
             //  * Otherwise the validated group is propagated.
             throw new ValidatorException(sprintf('The constraint %s cannot be validated. Use the method validate() instead.', get_class($constraint)));
         $context->validateValue($value, $constraint, $groups);
     return $context->getViolations();
 public function testGetPropertyPathWithNestedCollectionsMixed()
     $constraints = new Collection(array('foo' => new Collection(array('foo' => new ConstraintA(), 'bar' => new ConstraintA())), 'name' => new ConstraintA()));
     $visitor = new ValidationVisitor('Root', $this->metadataFactory, new ConstraintValidatorFactory(), $this->translator);
     $context = new ExecutionContext($visitor, $this->translator, self::TRANS_DOMAIN);
     $context->validateValue(array('foo' => array('foo' => 'VALID')), $constraints);
     $violations = $context->getViolations();
     $this->assertEquals('[name]', $violations[1]->getPropertyPath());
  * validate
  * @param type             $data
  * @param ExecutionContext $context
 public function validate($data, ExecutionContext $context)
     if ($data['mode'] === 'add_favorite') {
         if (!$this->security->isGranted('ROLE_USER')) {
             $context->addViolationAt('', 'ログインしてください.');
     } else {
         $context->validateValue($data['product_class_id'], array(new Assert\NotBlank()), '[product_class_id]');
         if ($this->Product->getClassName1()) {
             $context->validateValue($data['classcategory_id1'], array(new Assert\NotBlank(), new Assert\NotEqualTo(array('value' => '__unselected', 'message' => 'This value should be blank.'))), '[classcategory_id1]');
         if ($this->Product->getClassName2()) {
             $context->validateValue($data['classcategory_id2'], array(new Assert\NotBlank(), new Assert\NotEqualTo(array('value' => '__unselected', 'message' => 'This value should be blank.'))), '[classcategory_id2]');
Beispiel #8
  * Validates a value against a constraint.
  * @param Constraint $constraint
  * @param            $value
  * @param            $group
  * @param            $propertyPath
  * @param null       $currentClass
  * @param null       $currentProperty
  * @deprecated Deprecated since version 2.2, to be removed in 2.3.
 public function walkConstraint(Constraint $constraint, $value, $group, $propertyPath, $currentClass = null, $currentProperty = null)
     $metadata = null;
     // BC code to make getCurrentClass() and getCurrentProperty() work when
     // called from within this method
     if (null !== $currentClass) {
         $metadata = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($currentClass);
         if (null !== $currentProperty && $metadata instanceof PropertyMetadataContainerInterface) {
             $metadata = current($metadata->getPropertyMetadata($currentProperty));
     $context = new ExecutionContext($this->visitor, $metadata, $value, $group, $propertyPath);
     $context->validateValue($value, $constraint);