  * Executes the application.
  * Available options:
  *  * interactive:               Sets the input interactive flag
  *  * decorated:                 Sets the output decorated flag
  *  * verbosity:                 Sets the output verbosity flag
  *  * capture_stderr_separately: Make output of stdOut and stdErr separately available
  * @param array $input   An array of arguments and options
  * @param array $options An array of options
  * @return int The command exit code
 public function run(array $input, $options = array())
     $this->input = new ArrayInput($input);
     if (isset($options['interactive'])) {
     $this->captureStreamsIndependently = array_key_exists('capture_stderr_separately', $options) && $options['capture_stderr_separately'];
     if (!$this->captureStreamsIndependently) {
         $this->output = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://memory', 'w', false));
         if (isset($options['decorated'])) {
         if (isset($options['verbosity'])) {
     } else {
         $this->output = new ConsoleOutput(isset($options['verbosity']) ? $options['verbosity'] : ConsoleOutput::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, isset($options['decorated']) ? $options['decorated'] : null);
         $errorOutput = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://memory', 'w', false));
         $reflectedOutput = new \ReflectionObject($this->output);
         $strErrProperty = $reflectedOutput->getProperty('stderr');
         $strErrProperty->setValue($this->output, $errorOutput);
         $reflectedParent = $reflectedOutput->getParentClass();
         $streamProperty = $reflectedParent->getProperty('stream');
         $streamProperty->setValue($this->output, fopen('php://memory', 'w', false));
     return $this->statusCode = $this->application->run($this->input, $this->output);
Beispiel #2
 protected function setUp()
     $config = new Config($this->getConfigArray());
     $this->input = new ArrayInput([]);
     $this->output = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://memory', 'a', false));
     $this->manager = new Manager($config, $this->input, $this->output);
Beispiel #3
 protected function configureIO(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--colors'))) {
     } elseif (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--no-colors'))) {
     parent::configureIO($input, $output);
Beispiel #4
  * Runs the current application.
  * @param InputInterface  $input  An Input instance
  * @param OutputInterface $output An Output instance
  * @return integer 0 if everything went fine, or an error code
 public function doRun(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $name = $this->getCommandName($input);
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--shell', '-s'))) {
         $shell = new Shell($this);
         return 0;
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--ansi'))) {
     } elseif (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--no-ansi'))) {
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--help', '-h'))) {
         if (!$name) {
             $name = 'help';
             $input = new ArrayInput(array('command' => 'help'));
         } else {
             $this->wantHelps = true;
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--no-interaction', '-n'))) {
     if (function_exists('posix_isatty') && $this->getHelperSet()->has('dialog')) {
         $inputStream = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog')->getInputStream();
         if (!posix_isatty($inputStream)) {
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--quiet', '-q'))) {
     } elseif (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--verbose', '-v'))) {
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--version', '-V'))) {
         return 0;
     if (!$name) {
         $name = 'list';
         $input = new ArrayInput(array('command' => 'list'));
     // the command name MUST be the first element of the input
     $command = $this->find($name);
     $this->runningCommand = $command;
     $statusCode = $command->run($input, $output);
     $this->runningCommand = null;
     # write Footer
     return is_numeric($statusCode) ? $statusCode : 0;
 private function decorateOutput()
     if ($this->output === null) {
  * {@inheritDoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $style = new OutputFormatterStyle('red');
     $output->getFormatter()->setStyle('stacktrace', $style);
     $this->executeGenerateBootstrap($input, $output);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $connection = $this->attributeResource->getConnection();
     $attributeTables = $this->getAttributeTables();
     $progress = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProgressBar($output, count($attributeTables));
     $progress->setFormat('<comment>%message%</comment> %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%% %elapsed%');
     try {
         // Find and remove unused attributes
         foreach ($attributeTables as $attributeTable) {
             $progress->setMessage($attributeTable . ' ');
             $affectedIds = $this->getAffectedAttributeIds($connection, $attributeTable);
             if (count($affectedIds) > 0) {
                 $connection->delete($attributeTable, ['value_id in (?)' => $affectedIds]);
         $output->writeln("<info>Unused product attributes successfully cleaned up:</info>");
         $output->writeln("<comment>  " . implode("\n  ", $attributeTables) . "</comment>");
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $table = new Table($output);
     $table->setHeaders(['endpoint', 'method', 'controller', 'context', 'default_context']);
     $endpointOption = $input->getOption('endpoint');
     $allRoutes = $this->getRoutes();
     /** @var Route[][] $sortedRoutes */
     $sortedRoutes = [];
     foreach ($allRoutes as $endpoint => $routes) {
         foreach ($routes as $route) {
             $sortedRoutes[$endpoint][$route->getMethod()] = $route;
     foreach ($sortedRoutes as $endpoint => $routes) {
         if (count($endpointOption) !== 0 && !in_array($endpoint, $endpointOption, true)) {
         foreach ($routes as $route) {
             $table->addRow([$endpoint, $route->getMethod(), $route->getController(), implode(',', $route->getContext()), $route->includeDefaultContext() ? 'true' : 'false']);
 protected function setupOutput()
     $outputResource = $this->getLogsResource();
     $this->output = new StreamOutput($outputResource);
Beispiel #10
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $username = $input->getOption('username');
     $password = $input->getOption('password');
     $plugin = $input->getOption('plugin');
     $lastUpdate = $input->getOption('lastupdate');
     $resource = 'piwik-' . ($plugin ? 'plugin-' . strtolower($plugin) : 'base');
     $transifexApi = new API($username, $password);
     // remove all existing translation files in download path
     $files = glob($this->getDownloadPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.json');
     array_map('unlink', $files);
     if (!$transifexApi->resourceExists($resource)) {
         $output->writeln("Skipping resource {$resource} as it doesn't exist on Transifex");
     $output->writeln("Fetching translations from Transifex for resource {$resource}");
     $availableLanguages = LanguagesManagerApi::getInstance()->getAvailableLanguageNames();
     $languageCodes = array();
     foreach ($availableLanguages as $languageInfo) {
         $languageCodes[] = $languageInfo['code'];
     $languageCodes = array_filter($languageCodes, function ($code) {
         return !in_array($code, array('en', 'dev'));
     try {
         $languages = $transifexApi->getAvailableLanguageCodes();
         if (!empty($plugin)) {
             $languages = array_filter($languages, function ($language) {
                 return LanguagesManagerApi::getInstance()->isLanguageAvailable(str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($language)));
     } catch (AuthenticationFailedException $e) {
         $languages = $languageCodes;
     /** @var ProgressBar $progress */
     $progress = new ProgressBar($output, count($languages));
     $statistics = $transifexApi->getStatistics($resource);
     foreach ($languages as $language) {
         try {
             // if we have modification date given from statistics api compare it with given last update time to ignore not update resources
             if (LanguagesManagerApi::getInstance()->isLanguageAvailable(str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($language))) && isset($statistics->{$language})) {
                 $lastupdated = strtotime($statistics->{$language}->last_update);
                 if ($lastUpdate > $lastupdated) {
             $translations = $transifexApi->getTranslations($resource, $language, true);
             file_put_contents($this->getDownloadPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('_', '-', strtolower($language)) . '.json', $translations);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $output->writeln("Error fetching language file {$language}: " . $e->getMessage());
Beispiel #11
 protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     // Because colors are coolest ...
     // TODO: Violation of law of demeter.
     // Since this is considered "framework layer" and has little churn...
     // Probably okay.
     $this->app = $this->getApplication()->getContainer();
Beispiel #12
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $connection = $this->getDatabaseConnection($input);
     // If not explicitly set, disable ANSI which will break generated php.
     if ($input->hasParameterOption(['--ansi']) !== TRUE) {
     $schema_tables = $input->getOption('schema-only');
     $schema_tables = explode(',', $schema_tables);
     $output->writeln($this->generateScript($connection, $schema_tables), OutputInterface::OUTPUT_RAW);
 protected function runJob(CronJob $job, OutputInterface $output, EntityManager $em, $date = null)
     $date = $date == null ? new \DateTime() : $date;
     $output->writeln("<comment>Running " . $job->getCommand() . ": </comment>");
     try {
         $commandToRun = $this->getApplication()->get($job->getCommand());
     } catch (InvalidArgumentException $ex) {
         $output->writeln(" skipped (command no longer exists)");
         $this->recordJobResult($em, $job, 0, "Command no longer exists", CronJobResult::SKIPPED);
         // No need to reschedule non-existant commands
     $emptyInput = new ArgvInput();
     $jobOutput = new MemoryWriter();
     $jobStart = microtime(true);
     try {
         $returnCode = $commandToRun->execute($emptyInput, $jobOutput);
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $returnCode = CronJobResult::FAILED;
         $jobOutput->writeln("Job execution failed with exception " . get_class($ex) . ":");
     $jobEnd = microtime(true);
     // Clamp the result to accepted values
     if ($returnCode < CronJobResult::RESULT_MIN || $returnCode > CronJobResult::RESULT_MAX) {
         $returnCode = CronJobResult::FAILED;
     // Output the result
     $statusStr = "unknown";
     if ($returnCode == CronJobResult::SKIPPED) {
         $statusStr = "skipped";
     } elseif ($returnCode == CronJobResult::SUCCEEDED) {
         $statusStr = "succeeded";
     } elseif ($returnCode == CronJobResult::FAILED) {
         $statusStr = "failed";
     $durationStr = sprintf("%0.2f", $jobEnd - $jobStart);
     $output->writeln("{$statusStr} in {$durationStr} seconds");
     // Record the result
     $this->recordJobResult($em, $job, $jobEnd - $jobStart, $jobOutput->getOutput(), $returnCode);
     // And update the job with it's next scheduled time
     $newTime = clone $date;
     $output->writeln('New Time          : ' . $newTime->format(DATE_ATOM));
     $newTime = $newTime->add(new \DateInterval($job->getInterval()));
     $output->writeln('New interval Time : ' . $newTime->format(DATE_ATOM));
  * @see Command
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     try {
         $cannedMessage = new CannedMessage();
         $this->getDocumentManager()->flush(array('safe' => true));
         $output->write("Pronto", true);
     } catch (MongoCursorException $e) {
         $output->write($e->getMessage(), true);
  * {@inheritDoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $filesystem = $input->getArgument('filesystem');
     $glob = $input->getArgument('glob');
     $container = $this->getContainer();
     $serviceId = sprintf('gaufrette.%s_filesystem', $filesystem);
     if (!$container->has($serviceId)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('There is no \'%s\' filesystem defined.', $filesystem));
     $filesystem = $container->get($serviceId);
     $keys = $filesystem->keys();
     if (!empty($glob)) {
         $glob = new Glob($glob);
         $keys = $glob->filter($keys);
     $count = count($keys);
     $output->writeln(sprintf('Bellow %s the <info>%s key%s</info> that where found:', $count > 1 ? 'are' : 'is', $count, $count > 1 ? 's' : ''));
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         $output->writeln(' - <info>' . $key . '</info>');
Beispiel #16
  * Configures the input and output instances based on the user arguments and options.
  * @param InputInterface  $input  An InputInterface instance
  * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance
 protected function configureIO(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--ansi'), true)) {
     } elseif (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--no-ansi'), true)) {
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--no-interaction', '-n'), true)) {
     } elseif (function_exists('posix_isatty')) {
         $inputStream = null;
         if ($input instanceof StreamableInputInterface) {
             $inputStream = $input->getStream();
         // This check ensures that calling QuestionHelper::setInputStream() works
         // To be removed in 4.0 (in the same time as QuestionHelper::setInputStream)
         if (!$inputStream && $this->getHelperSet()->has('question')) {
             $inputStream = $this->getHelperSet()->get('question')->getInputStream(false);
         if (!@posix_isatty($inputStream) && false === getenv('SHELL_INTERACTIVE')) {
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--quiet', '-q'), true)) {
     } else {
         if ($input->hasParameterOption('-vvv', true) || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=3', true) || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose', false, true) === 3) {
         } elseif ($input->hasParameterOption('-vv', true) || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=2', true) || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose', false, true) === 2) {
         } elseif ($input->hasParameterOption('-v', true) || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=1', true) || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose', true) || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose', false, true)) {
  * Processes data from container and console input.
  * @param InputInterface  $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
 public function process(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $translator = $this->container->get('behat.translator');
     $manager = $this->container->get('behat.formatter.manager');
     $formats = array_map('trim', explode(',', $input->getOption('format') ?: $this->container->getParameter('behat.formatter.name')));
     // load formatters translations
     foreach (require $this->container->getParameter('behat.paths.i18n') as $lang => $messages) {
         $translator->addResource('array', $messages, $lang, 'behat');
     // add user-defined formatter classes to manager
     foreach ($this->container->getParameter('behat.formatter.classes') as $name => $class) {
         $manager->addDispatcher(new FormatterDispatcher($name, $class));
     // init specified for run formatters
     foreach ($formats as $format) {
     // set formatter options from behat.yml
     foreach ($parameters = $this->container->getParameter('behat.formatter.parameters') as $name => $value) {
         if ('output_path' === $name) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter($name, $value);
     $manager->setFormattersParameter('base_path', $this->container->getParameter('behat.paths.base'));
     $manager->setFormattersParameter('support_path', $this->container->getParameter('behat.paths.bootstrap'));
     $manager->setFormattersParameter('decorated', $output->isDecorated());
     if ($input->getOption('verbose')) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('verbose', true);
     if ($input->getOption('lang')) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('language', $input->getOption('lang'));
     if (null !== ($ansi = $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'ansi'))) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('decorated', $ansi);
     if (null !== ($time = $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'time'))) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('time', $time);
     if (null !== ($snippets = $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'snippets'))) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('snippets', $snippets);
     if (null !== ($snippetsPaths = $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'snippets-paths'))) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('snippets_paths', $snippetsPaths);
     if (null !== ($paths = $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'paths'))) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('paths', $paths);
     if (null !== ($expand = $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'expand'))) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('expand', $expand);
     if (null !== ($multiline = $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'multiline'))) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('multiline_arguments', $multiline);
     if ($input->getOption('out')) {
         $outputs = $input->getOption('out');
     } elseif (isset($parameters['output_path'])) {
         $outputs = $parameters['output_path'];
     } else {
     if (false === strpos($outputs, ',')) {
         $out = $this->container->getParameter('behat.paths.base') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $outputs;
         // get realpath
         if (!file_exists($out)) {
             $out = realpath($out);
         } else {
             $out = realpath($out);
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('output_path', $out);
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('decorated', (bool) $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'ansi'));
     } else {
         foreach (array_map('trim', explode(',', $outputs)) as $i => $out) {
             if (!$out || 'null' === $out || 'false' === $out) {
             $out = $this->container->getParameter('behat.paths.base') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $out;
             // get realpath
             if (!file_exists($out)) {
                 $out = realpath($out);
             } else {
                 $out = realpath($out);
             $formatters = $manager->getFormatters();
             if (isset($formatters[$i])) {
                 $formatters[$i]->setParameter('output_path', $out);
                 $formatters[$i]->setParameter('decorated', (bool) $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'ansi'));
Beispiel #18
  * @param bool $color
 public function setColor($color)
Beispiel #19
  * Executes Run
  * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input
  * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output
  * @throws \RuntimeException
 public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->options = $input->getOptions();
     $this->output = $output;
     $config = Configuration::config($this->options['config']);
     if (!$this->options['colors']) {
         $this->options['colors'] = $config['settings']['colors'];
     if (!$this->options['silent']) {
         $this->output->writeln(Codecept::versionString() . "\nPowered by " . \PHPUnit_Runner_Version::getVersionString());
     if ($this->options['no-colors']) {
     if ($this->options['colors']) {
     if ($this->options['debug']) {
     if ($this->options['no-colors']) {
         $this->options['colors'] = false;
     $userOptions = array_intersect_key($this->options, array_flip($this->passedOptionKeys($input)));
     $userOptions = array_merge($userOptions, $this->booleanOptions($input, ['xml', 'html', 'json', 'tap', 'coverage', 'coverage-xml', 'coverage-html']));
     $userOptions['verbosity'] = $this->output->getVerbosity();
     if ($this->options['group']) {
         $userOptions['groups'] = $this->options['group'];
     if ($this->options['skip-group']) {
         $userOptions['excludeGroups'] = $this->options['skip-group'];
     if ($this->options['report']) {
         $userOptions['silent'] = true;
     if ($this->options['coverage-xml'] or $this->options['coverage-html'] or $this->options['coverage-text']) {
         $this->options['coverage'] = true;
     $suite = $input->getArgument('suite');
     $test = $input->getArgument('test');
     if (!Configuration::isEmpty() && !$test && strpos($suite, $config['paths']['tests']) === 0) {
         list($matches, $suite, $test) = $this->matchTestFromFilename($suite, $config['paths']['tests']);
     if ($this->options['group']) {
         $this->output->writeln(sprintf("[Groups] <info>%s</info> ", implode(', ', $this->options['group'])));
     if ($input->getArgument('test')) {
         $this->options['steps'] = true;
     if ($test) {
         $filter = $this->matchFilteredTestName($test);
         $userOptions['filter'] = $filter;
     $this->codecept = new Codecept($userOptions);
     if ($suite and $test) {
         $this->codecept->run($suite, $test);
     if (!$test) {
         $suites = $suite ? explode(',', $suite) : Configuration::suites();
         $this->executed = $this->runSuites($suites, $this->options['skip']);
         if (!empty($config['include'])) {
             $current_dir = Configuration::projectDir();
             $suites += $config['include'];
             $this->runIncludedSuites($config['include'], $current_dir);
         if ($this->executed === 0) {
             throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Suite '%s' could not be found", implode(', ', $suites)));
     if (!$input->getOption('no-exit')) {
         if (!$this->codecept->getResult()->wasSuccessful()) {
Beispiel #20
  * Prints available step definitions.
  * @param   Behat\Behat\Definition\Dumper                   $dumper     definitions dumper
  * @param   string                                          $lang       locale name
  * @param   Symfony\Component\Console\Input\OutputInterface $output     output console
 protected function demonstrateAvailableSteps(DefinitionDumper $dumper, $lang, OutputInterface $output)
     $output->write($dumper->dump($lang), false, OutputInterface::OUTPUT_RAW);
Beispiel #21
  * Runs the current application.
  * @param InputInterface  $input  An Input instance
  * @param OutputInterface $output An Output instance
  * @return integer 0 if everything went fine, or an error code
 public function doRun(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $name = $this->getCommandName($input);
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--ansi'))) {
     } elseif (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--no-ansi'))) {
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--help', '-h'))) {
         if (!$name) {
             $name = 'help';
             $input = new ArrayInput(array('command' => 'help'));
         } else {
             $this->wantHelps = true;
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--no-interaction', '-n'))) {
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--quiet', '-q'))) {
     } elseif (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--verbose', '-v'))) {
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--version', '-V'))) {
         return 0;
     if (!$name) {
         $name = 'list';
         $input = new ArrayInput(array('command' => 'list'));
     // the command name MUST be the first element of the input
     $command = $this->find($name);
     $this->runningCommand = $command;
     $statusCode = $command->run($input, $output);
     $this->runningCommand = null;
     return is_numeric($statusCode) ? $statusCode : 0;
  * Configures formatters based on container, input and output configurations.
  * @param FormatterManager $manager
  * @param InputInterface   $input
  * @param OutputInterface  $output
 protected function configureFormatters(FormatterManager $manager, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $parameters = $this->container->getParameter('behat.formatter.parameters');
     foreach ($parameters as $name => $value) {
         if ('output_path' === $name) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter($name, $value);
     $manager->setFormattersParameter('base_path', $this->container->getParameter('behat.paths.base'));
     $manager->setFormattersParameter('features_path', $this->container->getParameter('behat.paths.features'));
     $manager->setFormattersParameter('support_path', $this->container->getParameter('behat.paths.bootstrap'));
     $manager->setFormattersParameter('decorated', $output->isDecorated());
     if ($input->getOption('verbose')) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('verbose', true);
     if ($input->getOption('lang')) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('language', $input->getOption('lang'));
     if (null !== ($ansi = $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'ansi'))) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('decorated', $ansi);
     if (null !== ($time = $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'time'))) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('time', $time);
     if (null !== ($snippets = $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'snippets'))) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('snippets', $snippets);
     if (null !== ($snippetsPaths = $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'snippets-paths'))) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('snippets_paths', $snippetsPaths);
     if (null !== ($paths = $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'paths'))) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('paths', $paths);
     if (null !== ($expand = $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'expand'))) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('expand', $expand);
     if (null !== ($multiline = $this->getSwitchValue($input, 'multiline'))) {
         $manager->setFormattersParameter('multiline_arguments', $multiline);
Beispiel #23
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $start = microtime(true);
     /** @var DialogHelper $dialog */
     $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');
     $languages = API::getInstance()->getAvailableLanguageNames();
     $languageCodes = array();
     foreach ($languages as $languageInfo) {
         $languageCodes[] = $languageInfo['code'];
     $plugin = $input->getOption('plugin');
     if (!$input->isInteractive()) {
         $output->writeln("(!) Non interactive mode: New languages will be skipped");
     $pluginList = array($plugin);
     if (empty($plugin)) {
         $pluginList = self::getPluginsInCore();
         array_unshift($pluginList, '');
     } else {
         $input->setOption('force', true);
         // force plugin only updates
     foreach ($pluginList as $plugin) {
         // fetch base or specific plugin
         $this->fetchTranslations($input, $output, $plugin);
         $files = _glob(FetchTranslations::getDownloadPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*.json');
         if (count($files) == 0) {
             $output->writeln("No translation updates available! Skipped.");
         $output->writeln("Starting to import new language files");
         /** @var ProgressBar $progress */
         $progress = new ProgressBar($output, count($files));
         foreach ($files as $filename) {
             $code = basename($filename, '.json');
             if (!in_array($code, $languageCodes)) {
                 if (!empty($plugin)) {
                     # never create a new language for plugin only
                 $createNewFile = false;
                 if ($input->isInteractive()) {
                     $createNewFile = $dialog->askConfirmation($output, "\nLanguage {$code} does not exist. Should it be added? ", false);
                 if (!$createNewFile) {
                     # do not create a new file for the language
                 @touch(PIWIK_DOCUMENT_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'lang' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $code . '.json');
                 // unset language manager instance, so valid names are refetched
             $command = $this->getApplication()->find('translations:set');
             $arguments = array('command' => 'translations:set', '--code' => $code, '--file' => $filename, '--plugin' => $plugin);
             $inputObject = new ArrayInput($arguments);
             $command->run($inputObject, new NullOutput());
     $output->writeln("Finished in " . round(microtime(true) - $start, 3) . "s");
Beispiel #24
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     // If not explicitly set, disable ANSI which will break generated php.
     if ($input->hasParameterOption(['--ansi']) !== TRUE) {
Beispiel #25
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function setDecorated($decorated)
Beispiel #26
  * Sets the decorated flag.
  * @param  bool  $decorated  Whether to decorate the messages
 public function setDecorated($decorated)
  * Configures the input and output instances based on the user arguments and options.
  * @param InputInterface  $input  An InputInterface instance
  * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance
 protected function configureIO(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--ansi'))) {
     } elseif (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--no-ansi'))) {
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--no-interaction', '-n'))) {
     } elseif (function_exists('posix_isatty') && $this->getHelperSet()->has('dialog')) {
         $inputStream = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog')->getInputStream();
         if (!@posix_isatty($inputStream)) {
     if (true === $input->hasParameterOption(array('--quiet', '-q'))) {
     } else {
         if ($input->hasParameterOption('-vvv') || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=3') || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose') === 3) {
         } elseif ($input->hasParameterOption('-vv') || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=2') || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose') === 2) {
         } elseif ($input->hasParameterOption('-v') || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose=1') || $input->hasParameterOption('--verbose') || $input->getParameterOption('--verbose')) {
Beispiel #28
    public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $options = $input->getOptions();
        if (!$options['silent']) {
            $output->writeln(Codecept::versionString() . "\nPowered by " . \PHPUnit_Runner_Version::getVersionString());
        if ($options['no-colors']) {
        if ($options['colors']) {

        $options = array_merge($options, $this->booleanOptions($input, ['xml','html','coverage','coverage-xml','coverage-html']));
        if ($options['debug']) {
        $options['verbosity'] = $output->getVerbosity();


        $config = Configuration::config($options['config']);

        $suite = $input->getArgument('suite');
        $test  = $input->getArgument('test');

        if (! Configuration::isEmpty() && ! $test && strpos($suite, $config['paths']['tests']) === 0) {
            list($matches, $suite, $test) = $this->matchTestFromFilename($suite, $config['paths']['tests']);

        if ($options['group']) {
            $output->writeln(sprintf("[Groups] <info>%s</info> ", implode(', ', $options['group'])));
        if ($input->getArgument('test')) {
            $options['steps'] = true;

        if ($test) {
            $filter            = $this->matchFilteredTestName($test);
            $options['filter'] = $filter;

        $this->codecept = new Codecept((array)$options);

        if ($suite and $test) {
            $this->codecept->run($suite, $test);

        if (! $test) {
            $suites      = $suite ? explode(',', $suite) : Configuration::suites();
            $current_dir = Configuration::projectDir();
            $executed    = $this->runSuites($suites, $options['skip']);
            foreach ($config['include'] as $included_config_file) {
                Configuration::config($full_path = $current_dir . $included_config_file);
                $namespace = $this->currentNamespace();
                       "\n<fg=white;bg=magenta>\n[$namespace]: tests from $full_path\n</fg=white;bg=magenta>"
                $suites = $suite ? explode(',', $suite) : Configuration::suites();
                $executed += $this->runSuites($suites, $options['skip']);
            if (! $executed) {
                throw new \RuntimeException(
                    sprintf("Suite '%s' could not be found", implode(', ', $suites))


        if (! $input->getOption('no-exit')) {
            if (! $this->codecept->getResult()->wasSuccessful()) {