public function onKernelTerminate(PostResponseEvent $event)
     /** @var Request $request */
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     if (!$this->isEnable || !$this->isLoggableRequest($request)) {
     try {
         /** @var Response $response */
         $response = $event->getResponse();
         $route = $request->get('_route');
         $content = $this->cleanSensitiveContent($route, $request->getContent());
         $token = $this->tokenStorage->getToken();
         $user = !is_null($token) ? $token->getUser() : null;
         $logRequest = new LogRequest();
         $logRequest->setRoute($route)->setPath($request->getPathInfo())->setMethod($request->getMethod())->setQuery(urldecode($request->getQueryString()))->setContent($content)->setStatus($response->getStatusCode())->setIp($request->getClientIp())->setUser(!is_string($user) ? $user : null);
         if ($this->logResponse($response)) {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->error(sprintf("LogRequest couldn't be persist : %s", $e->getMessage()));
 public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event)
     $this->logger->debug('Entity builder listener: catch kernel.request event');
     // If this is not a master request, skip handling
     if (!$event->isMasterRequest()) {
         $this->logger->debug('Entity builder listener: this is not master request, skip');
     // If content already prepared
     if ($event->hasResponse()) {
         $this->logger->debug('Entity builder listener: event already has response, skip');
     // Getting request
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     // Getting action
     $apiServerAction = $event->getRequest()->attributes->get('apiAction');
     /* @var $apiServerAction ApiServerAction */
     // Something wrong
     if (!$apiServerAction) {
         $this->logger->error('Request parser listener: request has no apiAction attribute, throwing access denied exception');
         throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();
     // Creating request data entity
     try {
         $apiEntity = $apiServerAction->getRequestedEntity($request->attributes->get('apiData'));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->notice(sprintf('Request parser listener: unable to convert apiData to entity ("%s"), apiEntity set tu null', $e->getMessage()));
         $apiEntity = null;
     // Setting request attributes
     $request->attributes->set('requestData', $apiEntity);
     // Cleaning request attributes
 public function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event)
     $this->logger->notice(sprintf('Exceptions catcher listener: catch kernel.exception event (exception: %s)', $event->getException()->getMessage()));
     // If this is not a master request, skip handling
     if (!$event->isMasterRequest()) {
         $this->logger->debug('Exceptions catcher listener: this is not master request, skip');
     // If content already prepared
     if ($event->hasResponse()) {
         $this->logger->debug('Exceptions catcher listener: event already has response, skip');
     // Getting action
     $apiServerAction = $event->getRequest()->attributes->get('apiAction');
     /* @var $apiServerAction ApiServerAction */
     // Something wrong
     if (!$apiServerAction) {
         $this->logger->error('Request parser listener: request has no apiAction attribute, sending empty response');
         $event->setResponse(new JsonResponse([]));
     // Getting api server interface
     $apiServerInterface = $apiServerAction->getApiServerInterface();
     // Creating api response
     $apiResponse = $apiServerInterface->getExceptionResponse($event->getException()->getMessage());
     // Setting response
     $event->setResponse(new JsonResponse($apiResponse->export()));
  * Get database prefix.
  * @throws EmptyDatabasePrefixException
  * @return string
 protected function _getPrefix()
     $prefix = $this->_systemconfig->getParameter('mysql.dbprefix');
     if (empty($prefix)) {
         $this->_logger->error('MySQL database prefix not configured.');
         throw new EmptyDatabasePrefixException();
     return $prefix;
Beispiel #5
  * @param Customer $customer
  * @param $password
  * @return bool
 public function subscribeCustomer(Customer $customer, $password)
     $em = $this->entityManager;
     $galittProvider = $this->galittProvider;
     $hashPassword = $galittProvider->hashPassword($password);
     try {
         $alreadyRegistered = $galittProvider->getCustomer($customer->getEmail());
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->error(sprintf('An error occured while trying to get a Galitt customer with email (%s) via the getCustomer webservice. Request failed with message : "%s"', $customer->getEmail(), $e->getMessage()));
         return false;
     $accentCards = array();
     if ($alreadyRegistered) {
         try {
             $passwordGalitt = $galittProvider->getPasswordCustomer($customer->getEmail());
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->logger->error(sprintf('An error occured while trying to get a password Galitt customer with email (%s) via the getPasswordCustomer webservice. Request failed with message : "%s"', $customer->getEmail(), $e->getMessage()));
             return false;
         if ($passwordGalitt != $hashPassword) {
             try {
                 if (!$galittProvider->updatePassword($customer->getEmail(), $hashPassword, $passwordGalitt)) {
                     return false;
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $this->logger->error(sprintf('An error occured while trying to update a password Galitt customer with parameters (Email : %s, Password : %s, PasswordGalitt : %s) via the updatePassword webservice. Request failed with message : "%s"', $customer->getEmail(), $hashPassword, $passwordGalitt, $e->getMessage()));
                 return false;
         if ($customer->getTempCardNumber()) {
             $this->addAccentCard($customer, $customer->getTempCardNumber());
         return true;
     } else {
         try {
             $galittProvider->setAccountFidelity($customer, $password, $customer->getTempCardNumber() ?: null);
             if ($customer->getTempCardNumber()) {
                 $this->addAccentCard($customer, $customer->getTempCardNumber());
             return true;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->logger->error(sprintf('An error occured while trying to create a customer (id : %s, email : %s) account on Galitt via the setAccountFidelity webservice. Request failed with message : "%s"', $customer->getId(), $customer->getEmail(), $e->getMessage()));
             return false;
Beispiel #6
  * @param PostResponseEvent $event
 public function onKernelTerminate(PostResponseEvent $event)
     foreach ($this->users as $user) {
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->logger->error(sprintf('An error occured while trying to update a customer (id : %s, email : %s) account on Galitt via the updateAccountFidelity webservice. Request failed with message : "%s"', $user->getId(), $user->getEmail(), $e->getMessage()));
  * Create BranchEmailConfiguration
  * @param Command\BranchEmailConfigurationCommand $branchEmailConfigurationCommand
  * @return int
  * @throws \RuntimeException if unable to load required branch
 public function createBranchEmailConfiguration(Command\BranchEmailConfigurationCommand $branchEmailConfigurationCommand)
     $branch = $this->branchRepository->get($branchEmailConfigurationCommand->branch);
     if (is_null($branch)) {
         $this->logger->error(sprintf('Failed to load email configuration for branch: %s', $branchEmailConfigurationCommand->branch));
         throw new \RuntimeException('Branch Email Configuration loading failed, branch not found.');
     $branchEmailConfiguration = $this->branchEmailConfigurationFactory->create($branch, $branchEmailConfigurationCommand->customerDomains, $branchEmailConfigurationCommand->supportAddress);
     return $branchEmailConfiguration->getId();
 public function onKernelView(GetResponseForControllerResultEvent $event)
     $this->logger->debug('Response builder listener: catch kernel.request event');
     // If this is not a master request, skip handling
     if (!$event->isMasterRequest()) {
         $this->logger->debug('Response builder listener: this is not master request, skip');
     // If content already prepared
     if ($event->hasResponse()) {
         $this->logger->debug('Response builder listener: event already has response, skip');
     // Getting controller result
     $result = $event->getControllerResult();
     // If result is Response instance
     if ($result instanceof Response) {
         $this->logger->debug('Response builder listener: controller result is already an instance of Response, skip');
     // Getting action
     $apiServerAction = $event->getRequest()->attributes->get('apiAction');
     /* @var $apiServerAction ApiServerAction */
     // Something wrong
     if (!$apiServerAction) {
         $this->logger->error('Response parser listener: request has no apiAction attribute, throwing access denied exception');
         throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();
     // Getting api server interface
     $apiServerInterface = $apiServerAction->getApiServerInterface();
     // Getting connection
     $apiServerConnection = $event->getRequest()->attributes->get('apiConnection');
     /* @var $apiServerConnection ApiServerConnection */
     // Something wrong
     if (!$apiServerConnection) {
         $this->logger->error('Response parser listener: request has no apiConnection attribute, throwing access denied exception');
         throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();
     // Creating api response
     try {
         $apiResponse = $apiServerInterface->getApiResponse($result);
         $newApiUserToken = $apiServerConnection->getNewApiUserToken();
         if ($newApiUserToken) {
             $this->logger->debug('Response builder listener: applying new api user token to response');
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->error(sprintf('Response parser listener: problem with building response ("%s"), sending exception response', $e->getMessage()));
         $apiResponse = $apiServerInterface->getExceptionResponse($e->getMessage());
     // Setting response
     $event->setResponse(new JsonResponse($apiResponse->export()));
     $this->logger->debug('Response builder listener: response built');
  * @param TokenInterface $token
  * @return WsseToken|TokenInterface
 public function authenticate(TokenInterface $token)
     $user = $this->userProvider->loadUserByUsername($token->getUsername());
     if ($user && $this->validateDigest($token->getAttribute('digest'), $token->getAttribute('nonce'), $token->getAttribute('created'), $this->getSecret($user), $this->getSalt($user), $user)) {
         $authenticatedToken = new WsseToken($user->getRoles());
         return $authenticatedToken;
     $this->logger->error(sprintf('Attempt of unauthorized access for user: %s', $token->getUsername()));
     throw new AuthenticationException(' Incorrect email or password.');
  * Returns current user from session
  * @ApiDoc(
  *  description="Get current user",
  *  uri="/users/current.{_format}",
  *  method="GET",
  *  resource=true,
  *  statusCodes={
  *      200="Returned when successful",
  *      401="Returned when the user is not found"
  *  }
  * )
  * @return \Diamante\UserBundle\Model\DiamanteUser
 public function getCurrentUser()
     $apiUser = $this->authorizationService->getLoggedUser();
     if (!$apiUser instanceof ApiUser) {
         throw new ForbiddenException('Your session seems to be dirty. Please, log out of Diamante Admin and try again');
     try {
         $diamanteUser = $this->loadDiamanteUser($apiUser);
         return $diamanteUser;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->error('No Diamante User is present for ApiUser provided');
         throw new AuthenticationException('Attempt of unauthorized access');
  * Execute the command. Get all the deposits needing to be harvested. Each
  * deposit will be passed to the commands processDeposit() function.
  * @param InputInterface  $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
 protected final function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $deposits = $this->getDeposits($input->getOption('retry'), $input->getArgument('deposit-id'));
     if ($input->hasOption('limit')) {
         $deposits = array_slice($deposits, 0, $input->getOption('limit'));
     $count = count($deposits);
     $this->logger->info("Processing {$count} deposits.");
     foreach ($deposits as $deposit) {
         try {
             $result = $this->processDeposit($deposit);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $deposit->addErrorLog(get_class($e) . $e->getMessage());
         if ($input->getOption('dry-run')) {
         if ($result) {
         } else {
  * Create one new working month, days etc for the production plan.
  * This function ensures that only one month is created, it prevents
  * two users from creating the same month:
  *   + throw in code and
  *   + unique dates in the database
  * @param \DateTime $scope
  * @param WorkingMonthRepository $workingMonthRepository
  * @return null|WorkingMonth
 public function createNewProductionPlan(\DateTime $scope, WorkingMonthRepository $workingMonthRepository)
     try {
         $item = $workingMonthRepository->findWorkingMonthByDate($scope);
         if (!is_null($item)) {
             throw new \Exception('working month already exists(' . $scope->format('m.d.Y') . ')');
         $year = $scope->format('Y');
         $month = $scope->format('m');
         $workingMonth = $this->dispoService->openWorkingMonth($year, $month);
         return $workingMonth;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->error('ProductionPlanAssembler->' . 'createNewProductionPlan: ' . $e->getMessage());
         return null;
Beispiel #13
 public function testCountErrorsWithoutDebugHandler()
     $handler = new TestHandler();
     $logger = new Logger(__METHOD__, array($handler));
     $this->assertTrue($logger->error('error message'));
     $this->assertSame(0, $logger->countErrors());
  * @param $controllerResult
  * @return ApiResponse
  * @throws ApiServerException
  * @throws \Leoza\EntitiesBundle\EntityManagerException
 public function getApiResponse($controllerResult)
     $apiResponse = new ApiResponse();
     if ($controllerResult instanceof ApiResponse) {
         // answer with ready response
         $apiResponse = $controllerResult;
     } elseif ($controllerResult === true) {
         // correct success answer without result entity
     } elseif ($controllerResult instanceof Entity) {
         // correct success answer with result entity
         $apiResponse->setStatus(true)->setData($this->entityManager->convertEntityTo($controllerResult, $this->targetName));
     } elseif ($controllerResult === false) {
         // correct fail answer without details
     } elseif (is_array($controllerResult)) {
         // correct fail answer with errors
     } elseif (is_string($controllerResult)) {
         // correct fail answer with exception
     } elseif (is_null($controllerResult)) {
         $this->logger->error(sprintf('Interface %s: controller returns null', $this->getName()));
         throw new AccessDeniedHttpException();
     } else {
         $this->logger->error(sprintf('Interface %s: controller returns something strange', $this->getName()));
         throw new ApiServerException();
     return $apiResponse;
 public function upload(Attachment $attachment)
     $file = $attachment->getFile();
     $hash = $attachment->getHash();
     try {
         if (!file_exists($file->getPathname()) || !is_readable($file->getPathname())) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('File does not exist');
         $f = fopen($file->getPathname(), 'rb');
         $result = $this->client->uploadFile($this->getDropboxName($file, $hash), \Dropbox\WriteMode::add(), $f);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->error(sprintf("Failed to upload '%s'. Reason: %s Code: %s", $file->getFilename(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()));
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Failed to upload %s.", $file->getFilename()));
     return $file->getFilename();
Beispiel #16
 public function onZigotooEvent(ZigotooEvent $event)
     foreach ($this->emails as $mail) {
         if ($mail->event() === $event->event()) {
             try {
                 $swiftMessage = Swift_Message::newInstance()->setSubject($mail->subject($event))->setFrom($mail->from($event))->setTo($mail->to($event))->setBody($this->templating->render($mail->template($event), $mail->context($event)), 'text/plain');
                 /** @var \Swift_Mime_Message $swiftMessage */
                 $this->logger->info('Mail envoyé', ['email' => get_class($mail), 'to' => $mail->to($event), 'from' => $mail->from($event), 'template' => $mail->template($event)]);
                 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $this->logger->error('Echec d\'envoi de mail', ['email' => get_class($mail), 'to' => $mail->to($event), 'from' => $mail->from($event), 'template' => $mail->template($event), 'exception' => $e]);
                 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
  * send file to S3 aws bucket
  * @param $Path file to upload
  * @param $aws_key aws target path
  * @return JsonResponse
  * @throws
  * @throws Exception
 public function process($Path, $aws_key)
     try {
         $this->multipartUploader($path, $aws_key);
     } catch (MultipartUploadException $e) {
         $this->logger->error('MultiPart Uploader error : ' . $e->getMessage());
         return new JsonResponse(['Error' => $e->getMessage(), 'status' => 500], 200);
     $webPath = $this->container->getParameter('api.imgix.source') . '/' . $aws_key;
     return new JsonResponse(['message' => "success", 'status' => 200, 'callback_url' => $webPath, 'resource_id' => $image->getId()], 200);
  * @param UploadedFile $file
  * @param string $clientName
  * @param string $context
  * @return \Avtonom\MediaStorageClientBundle\Entity\ProxyMediaInterface
  * @throws MediaStorageClientManagerException
  * @throws \Avtonom\MediaStorageClientBundle\Exception\MediaStorageClientProxyMediaManagerException
 public function sendFile(UploadedFile $file, $clientName, $context)
     try {
         $response = $this->apiService->sendFile($file, $clientName, $context);
     } catch (MediaStorageClientApiException $e) {
         throw new MediaStorageClientManagerException($e->getMessage());
     if ($response && $response->isOk()) {
         $content = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);
         if ($content && !json_last_error() && is_array($content) && array_key_exists('reference_full', $content)) {
             $proxyMedia = $this->proxyMediaManager->createFromResponse($response);
             return $proxyMedia;
         $this->logger->warning('Client not response new value: ' . $content);
         throw new MediaStorageClientManagerException('Client not response new value');
     $this->logger->warning('Client response code: ' . $response->getStatusCode() . ' ' . $response->getContent());
     throw new MediaStorageClientManagerException('Client response code: ' . $response->getStatusCode());
  * @param ValidationException $e
  * @param User $user
  * @param PageAnimal $pageAnimal
  * @return Response
  * @throws ValidationException
 private function createValidationErrorResponse(ValidationException $e, User $user, PageAnimal $pageAnimal)
     $this->logger->error($e->getMessage(), ['exception' => $e, 'user' => $user, 'pageAnimal' => $pageAnimal]);
     switch ($e->getCode()) {
         case ValidationException::EMPTY_NOM:
             return new Response('L\'animal doit avoir un nom', Response::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
         case ValidationException::EMPTY_DATE_NAISSANCE:
             return new Response('L\'animal doit avoir une date de naissance', Response::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
     throw $e;
     // @codeCoverageIgnore
  * @param HistoryException $e
  * @return Response
  * @throws HistoryException
 private function createErrorResponse(HistoryException $e, User $user, PageEleveur $pageEleveur)
     $this->logger->error($e->getMessage(), ['exception' => $e, 'user' => $user, 'pageEleveur' => $pageEleveur]);
     switch ($e->getCode()) {
         case HistoryException::NON_FAST_FORWARD:
             return new Response('Plusieurs éditions sont en cours, veuillez rafraichir la page.', Response::HTTP_CONFLICT);
         case HistoryException::DROIT_REFUSE:
             return new Response('Vous ne pouvez pas modifier cette page. Vérifiez que vous êtes bien connecté.', Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN);
         case HistoryException::BRANCHE_INCONNUE:
             return new Response('La page a été supprimée.', Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
     throw $e;
     // @codeCoverageIgnore
Beispiel #21
  * @Route("/", name="teaser_route")
  * @param Request $request
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse|Response
  * @throws \Exception
 public function teaserAction(Request $request)
     /** @var AnonymousToken $token */
     $token = $this->tokenStorage->getToken();
     /** @var User $user */
     $user = $token->getUser();
     if ($user == 'anon.') {
         return $this->templating->renderResponse('base.html.twig', [TwigNodeTemplateTreeSection::TEMPLATE_TREE_BRANCH => 'home/teaser']);
     $pageEleveur = $this->pageEleveurService->findByOwner($user);
     $form = $this->formFactory->createNamedBuilder('creation-page-eleveur')->add('nom', TextType::class, ['label' => 'Nom de l\'élevage'])->add('save', SubmitType::class, array('label' => 'Créer ma page éleveur'))->getForm();
     if (!$form->isSubmitted() && $pageEleveur) {
         // un eleveur ne peux pas créer une 2eme page eleveur
         return $this->templating->renderResponse('base.html.twig', [TwigNodeTemplateTreeSection::TEMPLATE_TREE_BRANCH => 'home/eleveur', 'pageEleveur' => $pageEleveur]);
     if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
         // traitement du formulaire de creation de page eleveur
         $nom = $form->getData()['nom'];
         try {
             $slug = $this->pageEleveurService->create($nom, $user)->getSlug();
             return new RedirectResponse($this->router->generate('getPageEleveur_route', ['pageEleveurSlug' => $slug]));
         } catch (HistoryException $e) {
             $this->logger->error($e->getMessage(), ['exception' => $e, 'user' => $user, 'nom' => $nom]);
             switch ($e->getCode()) {
                 case HistoryException::NOM_INVALIDE:
                     return new Response('Le nom "' . $nom . '" n\'est pas valide.', Response::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
                 case HistoryException::SLUG_DEJA_EXISTANT:
                     return new Response('Une page éleveur du même nom existe déjà.', Response::HTTP_CONFLICT);
                 case HistoryException::DEJA_OWNER:
                     return new Response('Vous avez déjà une page éleveur.', Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
     // home d'un user connecté mais qui n'a pas de page eleveur
     return $this->templating->renderResponse('base.html.twig', [TwigNodeTemplateTreeSection::TEMPLATE_TREE_BRANCH => 'home/creation-page-eleveur', 'creationPageEleveur' => $form->createView()]);
 public function apiUserAuthenticated(ApiUserInterface $user)
     $this->logger->notice(sprintf('Connection: trying to authenticate user as "%s" [id: %s]', $user->getName(), $user->getId()));
     if ($this->getApiUser()) {
         $this->logger->notice(sprintf('Connection: user is already authenticated as "%s" [id: %s]', $this->getApiUser()->getName(), $this->getApiUser()->getId()));
         throw new ApiServerException('User is already authenticated');
     if (!$user || !$user->getId()) {
         $this->logger->error('Connection: trying to authenticate with undefined user');
         throw new ApiServerException('Trying to authenticate with undefined user');
     $this->apiUser = $user;
     $this->logger->notice('Connection: user authenticated');
Beispiel #23
  * Grant permissions on database for MySQL User
  * @param MysqlDatabaseModel $database
  * @return bool
  * @throws DatabaseNotExistsException
 public function grantPermissionsOnDatabase(MysqlDatabaseModel $database)
     if (!$this->checkDatabaseExists($database)) {
         $this->_logger->error('MySQL Database not exists: ' . $database->getName());
         throw new DatabaseNotExistsException();
     foreach ($database->getUsers() as $user) {
         $q = sprintf('GRANT %s ON %s.* TO "%s"@"%s"', join(', ', $database->getPermission()), $database->getName(), $user->getUsername(), $user->getHost());
         $result = $this->_mysqli->query($q);
         if (!$result) {
             $this->_logger->error('Could not grant permissions on MySQL database: ' . $database->getName());
     $this->_logger->info('Granted permissions on MySQL database: ' . $database->getName());
     return true;
  * @param \Diamante\DeskBundle\Model\Attachment\File $file
  * @param                                            $hash
  * @param                                            $fileNamePrefix
  * @return \Imagine\Image\ManipulatorInterface
 public function createThumbnail(File $file, $hash, $fileNamePrefix)
     $image = $this->loader->getImagine()->open($file->getPathname());
     $thumbnail = $image->thumbnail(new Box(100, 100));
     $destinationFolder = sprintf('%s/thumbnails', $this->getDestination($fileNamePrefix));
     try {
         if (!file_exists($destinationFolder)) {
             chmod($destinationFolder, 0777);
         $destination = sprintf("%s/%s.%s", $destinationFolder, $hash, self::DEFAULT_THUMB_EXT);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->logger->error(sprintf('Attachment directory is not accessible! Reason: %s', $e->getMessage()));
         throw new \RuntimeException('Thumbnail could not be created. ' . $e->getMessage());
 /** -------------------------
  * Register one driving order (one way: outbound or return)
  * @param DrivingOrderRegisterDTO $registerDTO
  * @param Passenger $passenger
  * @param $direction
  * @param mixed $status
  * @param array $errors
  * @return DrivingOrder|null
  * @throws Exception
 protected function registerDtoToDrivingOrder(DrivingOrderRegisterDTO $registerDTO, Passenger $passenger, $direction, $status, &$errors)
     /** @var Address $fromAddress */
     $fromAddress = $this->addressAssembler->addressLookaheadDTOtoAddress($registerDTO->lookaheadaddressFrom);
     /** @var Address $toAddress */
     $toAddress = $this->addressAssembler->addressLookaheadDTOtoAddress($registerDTO->lookaheadaddressTo);
     if ($fromAddress->getId() === $toAddress->getId() or null === $fromAddress or null === $toAddress) {
         $errors[] = 'drivingorder.form.error.illegalRoute';
         return null;
     /** @var Zone $zone */
     $zone = $this->zonePlanManagement->getZoneWithHighestPriorityForCities(array($fromAddress->getCity(), $toAddress->getCity()));
     if (null == $zone) {
         $errors[] = '';
         return null;
     /** @var Route $route */
     $route = null;
     $pickupTime = null;
     try {
         if ($direction === self::OUTWARD_DIRECTION) {
             $pickupTime = $registerDTO->orderTime->outwardTime;
             $route = $this->routeManagement->getRouteFromAddresses($fromAddress, $toAddress);
         } elseif ($direction === self::RETURN_DIRECTION) {
             $pickupTime = $registerDTO->orderTime->returnTime;
             $route = $this->routeManagement->getRouteFromAddresses($toAddress, $fromAddress);
         } else {
             $errors[] = 'drivingorder.form.error.unknown';
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $errors[] = 'drivingorder.form.error.routingError';
         return null;
     if (null === $route or null === $pickupTime) {
         $errors[] = 'drivingorder.form.error.routingError';
         $this->logger->error('Driving order: routing error (' . "Direction => {$direction}, " . "From => " . $fromAddress->getStreet() . ' ' . $fromAddress->getCity() . ', ' . "To => " . $toAddress->getStreet() . ', ' . $toAddress->getCity() . ')');
         return null;
     } else {
         $drivingOrder = DrivingOrder::registerDrivingOrder($passenger, $registerDTO->anchorDate, $pickupTime, $registerDTO->compagnion, $registerDTO->memo, $status, false, $registerDTO->additionalTime);
         return $drivingOrder;
     return null;
  * @internal
 public function saveExchangeRates($force = false, array $currencyRates = array())
     $this->logger->info(sprintf('[|%s] Rates sync is started.', Utils::getClassBasename($this)));
     if (!empty($currencyRates)) {
         $this->currencyRates = $currencyRates;
     if (!empty($this->currencyRates)) {
         try {
             // Iterate the currencies
             foreach ($this->currencyRates as $currencyCode => $dates) {
                 $lastDateObj = new \DateTime(key($dates));
                 $lastRateValue = current($dates);
                 // Iterate the date and rate
                 foreach ($dates as $date => $value) {
                     $dateObj = new \DateTime($date);
                     // Persist rates for date differences between current and last date (weekend)
                     $interval = date_diff($lastDateObj, $dateObj);
                     $this->setMissingRatesAndPersist($lastDateObj, $interval->format('%d') - 1, $currencyCode, $lastRateValue, $force);
                     // Persist the current rate
                     $rate = $this->createOrUpdateRate($currencyCode, $value, $dateObj, $force);
                     if (null !== $rate) {
                     $lastDateObj = clone $dateObj;
                     $lastRateValue = $value;
                 // Insert difference of last MNB date and tomorrow using last MNB rate
                 $tomorrow = new \DateTime('tomorrow');
                 $difference = $tomorrow->diff($lastDateObj);
                 $this->setMissingRatesAndPersist($lastDateObj, $difference->format('%d'), $currencyCode, $value, $force);
             $this->logger->info(sprintf('[|%s] Rates synced successfully.', Utils::getClassBasename($this)));
         } catch (Exception $exc) {
             $this->logger->error(sprintf('[|%s] Rates synced FAILED! Error message: ' . $exc->getTraceAsString(), Utils::getClassBasename($this)));
         return true;
     } else {
         $this->logger->alert(sprintf('[|%s] The currency rates array is empty.', Utils::getClassBasename($this)));
         return false;
     $this->logger->info(sprintf('[|%s] Rates sync is ended.', Utils::getClassBasename($this)));
 private function authenticate()
     $this->logger->debug('SecurityManager: authentication and identifying');
     // Reset variables
     $this->user = null;
     $this->userCard = null;
     // If no token set... let's get card information from session
     if (!$this->apiClient->isUserTokenSet()) {
         $this->logger->debug('SecurityManager: no token set');
         return $this->loadUserCardFromSession();
     // Token set, ok
     $now = new \DateTime();
     $userDataExpiresAt = $this->getSession()->get('');
     // If no user data expire information
     if (!$userDataExpiresAt) {
         $this->logger->debug('SecurityManager: no expiration info in the session');
         return $this->authenticateUserWithUpdateOrLoadUserCardFromSession();
     // We have an expire info
     $userDataExpiresAt = new \DateTime($userDataExpiresAt);
     $isExpired = $userDataExpiresAt < $now;
     // If this info is expired
     if ($isExpired) {
         $this->logger->debug('SecurityManager: session info has expired');
         return $this->authenticateUserWithUpdateOrLoadUserCardFromSession();
     // Cool, info is actual
     $userData = $this->getSession()->get('');
     $user = $userData ? new $this->userClass($userData) : null;
     /* @var $user UserInterface */
     // If info is invalid...
     if (!$user || !$user->getId()) {
         $this->logger->error('SecurityManager: session info is invalid');
         return $this->authenticateUserWithUpdateOrLoadUserCardFromSession();
     // Yeah!
     $this->user = $user;
     $this->userCard = new $this->userCardClass($this->user);
     $this->logger->debug(sprintf('SecurityManager: user authenticated as %s [id: %d] using session info', $this->user->getName(), $this->user->getId()));
     return true;
  * Creates Comment for Ticket
  * @param $content
  * @param $authorId
  * @param $messageId
  * @param array|null $attachments
  * @return Ticket|null
 public function createCommentForTicket($content, $authorId, $messageId, array $attachments = null)
     if (empty($content)) {
         return null;
     $reference = $this->messageReferenceRepository->getReferenceByMessageId($messageId);
     if (is_null($reference)) {
         $this->logger->error(sprintf('Ticket not found for message: %s', $messageId));
         throw new \RuntimeException('Ticket loading failed, ticket not found.');
     $ticket = $reference->getTicket();
     $command = new CommentCommand();
     $command->ticket = $ticket->getId();
     $command->content = $content;
     $command->author = User::fromString($authorId);
     $command->ticketStatus = $ticket->getStatus();
     $command->attachmentsInput = $this->convertAttachments($attachments);
     return $ticket;
  * Creates Comment for Ticket
  * @param $content
  * @param $authorId
  * @param $messageId
  * @param array $attachments
  * @return Ticket|null
 public function createCommentForTicket($content, $authorId, $messageId, array $attachments = null)
     $reference = $this->messageReferenceRepository->getReferenceByMessageId($messageId);
     if (is_null($reference)) {
         $this->logger->error(sprintf('Ticket not found for message: %s', $messageId));
         throw new \RuntimeException('Ticket loading failed, ticket not found.');
     $ticket = $reference->getTicket();
     $author = User::fromString($authorId);
     if (empty($content)) {
         return null;
     $comment = $this->commentFactory->create($content, $ticket, $author);
     if ($attachments) {
         $this->createAttachments($attachments, $comment);
     return $ticket;
Beispiel #30
 public function testCountErrorsWithDebugProcessor()
     $handler = new TestHandler();
     $processor = new DebugProcessor();
     $logger = new Logger(__METHOD__, array($handler), array($processor));
     $this->assertTrue($logger->debug('test message'));
     $this->assertTrue($logger->info('test message'));
     $this->assertTrue($logger->notice('test message'));
     $this->assertTrue($logger->warning('test message'));
     $this->assertTrue($logger->error('test message'));
     $this->assertTrue($logger->critical('test message'));
     $this->assertTrue($logger->alert('test message'));
     $this->assertTrue($logger->emergency('test message'));
     $this->assertSame(4, $logger->countErrors());