function edit() { if (!empty($_POST['name'])) { $inserts['name'] = $_POST['name']; $inserts['intro'] = $_POST['intro']; $msg['code'] = 0; if (empty($_POST['id'])) { $res = table("project")->put($inserts); $msg['message'] = $res ? "添加成功,ID: " . $res : "添加失败"; } else { $res = table("project")->set(intval($_POST['id']), $inserts); $msg['message'] = $res ? "修改成功" : "修改失败"; } $this->assign('msg', $msg); } if (empty($_GET)) { $form['name'] = \Swoole\Form::input('name'); $form['intro'] = \Swoole\Form::input('intro'); $this->assign('form', $form); } else { $id = (int) $_GET['id']; $res = table("project")->get($id)->get(); $form['name'] = \Swoole\Form::input('name', $res['name']); $form['intro'] = \Swoole\Form::input('intro', $res['intro']); $form['id'] = \Swoole\Form::hidden('id', $res['id']); } $this->assign('form', $form); $this->display(); }
function getForms() { $forms['gold'] = Swoole\Form::select('gold', range(0, 200, 5), 0, true); $gets['order'] = ''; $category = Model('AskCategory')->getMap($gets, 'name'); $forms['category'] = Swoole\Form::select('category', $category); return $forms; }
function data() { //\Swoole\Error::dbd(); $interface_id = intval($_GET['interface_id']); $module_id = intval($_GET['module_id']); if (!empty($interface_id) and !empty($module_id)) { $log_table = 'logs'; $gets['interface_id'] = $interface_id; $gets['module_id'] = $module_id; if (empty($_GET['date_key'])) { $_GET['date_key'] = date('Y-m-d'); $log_table = 'logs_' . date('Y-m-d'); } else { $log_table = 'logs_' . $_GET['date_key']; } $start_hour = !empty($_GET['hour_start']) ? $_GET['hour_start'] : '00'; $end_hour = !empty($_GET['hour_end']) ? $_GET['hour_end'] : 23; $start_time = $_GET['date_key'] . ' ' . $start_hour . ':00:' . '00'; $end_time = $_GET['date_key'] . ' ' . $end_hour . ':00:' . '00'; //echo $start_time.'---'.$end_time."<br>"; $gets['where'][] = 'time > ' . strtotime($start_time); $gets['where'][] = 'time < ' . strtotime($end_time); if (!empty($_GET['special_id'])) { $gets['special_id'] = $_GET['special_id']; } if (!empty($_GET['client_ip'])) { $gets['client_ip'] = $_GET['client_ip']; } if (!empty($_GET['level'])) { $gets['level'] = $_GET['level']; } $gets['page'] = !empty($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $gets['pagesize'] = 50; $gets['order'] = 'id asc'; $logs = table($log_table)->gets($gets, $pager); $this->assign('pager', array('total' => $pager->total, 'render' => $pager->render())); if (!empty($logs)) { foreach ($logs as $k => $l) { if (!empty($l['txt'])) { $logs[$k]['txt'] = htmlentities($l['txt']); } } $return['status'] = 200; $return['msg'] = '获取日志成功'; $return['content'] = $logs; } else { $return['status'] = 400; $return['msg'] = '没有匹配的日志'; } $client_ids = $this->redis->sMembers($module_id . "_" . $interface_id); foreach ($client_ids as $k => $v) { $_client_ids[$v] = $v; } } $form['client'] = \Swoole\Form::select('client_ip', $_client_ids, $_GET['client_ip'], '', array('class' => 'select2')); $this->assign('form', $form); $this->assign('logs', $return); }
function modify() { if (empty($_GET['id'])) { return "error: requirer miki_page id"; } $id = (int) $_GET['id']; $_cont = model('WikiContent'); $_tree = model('WikiTree'); $cont = $_cont->get($id); $node = $_tree->get($id); $form['comment'] = Swoole\Form::radio('close_comment', array('0' => '开启', '1' => '关闭'), $cont['close_comment'], false, null, 'radio-inline'); $form['order_by_time'] = Swoole\Form::radio('order_by_time', array('0' => '手工排序', '1' => '按添加时间自动排序'), $node['order_by_time'], false, null, 'radio-inline'); $this->assign("form", $form); if (!empty($_POST)) { $cont->title = trim($_POST['title']); if (!empty($_POST['content']) and $_POST['content'][0] == '`') { $_POST['content'] = ' ' . $_POST['content']; } $cont->content = $_POST['content']; $cont->close_comment = $_POST['close_comment']; $cont->uptime = time(); $node->text = $cont->title; $node->link = trim($_POST['link']); $node->order_by_time = $_POST['order_by_time']; $node->save(); $cont->save(); $this->assign("info", "修改成功"); } $this->isUseEditor(); $this->assign("node", $node->get()); $this->assign("page", $cont->get()); $this->display("wiki/create.php"); }
/** * * @param string $error 出错时设置 * * @return true or false */ function checkForm($input, $method, &$error) { if ($this->_form_secret) { $k = 'form_' . get_class($this) . '_' . $method; if (!isset($_SESSION)) { session(); } if ($_COOKIE[$k] != $_SESSION[$k]) { $error = '错误的请求'; return false; } } $this->_form_(); return Form::checkInput($input, $this->_form, $error); }
function profile() { if ($_POST) { if (empty($_POST['nickname'])) { return Swoole\JS::js_back('昵称不能为空!'); } if (!empty($_FILES['avatar']['name'])) { global $php; $php->upload->thumb_width = 90; $php->upload->thumb_height = 120; $php->upload->thumb_qulitity = 90; $php->upload->base_dir = "/static/uploads/avatar"; $upfile = $php->upload->save('avatar'); if ($upfile === false) { return Swoole\JS::js_back('上传失败!'); } $set['avatar'] = $_SESSION['user']['avatar'] = $upfile['thumb']; } $set['nickname'] = trim($_POST['nickname']); $set['intro'] = trim($_POST['intro']); $set['company'] = $_POST['company']; $set['blog'] = $_POST['blog']; $set['mobile'] = $_POST['mobile']; $set['sex'] = (int) $_POST['sex']; $set['education'] = (int) $_POST['education']; $set['skill'] = implode(',', $_POST['skill']); $set['php_level'] = (int) $_POST['php_level']; $u = model('UserInfo'); $u->set($this->uid, $set); $_SESSION['user']['realname'] = $set['realname']; $_SESSION['user']['mobile'] = $set['mobile']; return Swoole\JS::js_back('修改成功!'); } else { require WEBPATH . '/dict/forms.php'; $_u = model('UserInfo'); $u = $_u->get($this->uid)->get(); $_skill = model('UserSkill')->getMap(array()); $_forms['sex'] = Swoole\Form::radio('sex', $forms['sex'], $u['sex']); $_forms['education'] = Swoole\Form::select('education', $forms['education'], $u['education']); $_forms['skill'] = Swoole\Form::checkbox('skill', $_skill, $u['skill']); $_forms['level'] = Swoole\Form::radio('php_level', $forms['level'], $u['php_level']); $this->swoole->tpl->assign('user', $u); $this->swoole->tpl->assign('forms', $_forms); $this->swoole->tpl->display(); //$this->view->showTrace(); } }
function write() { $_m = model('UserLogs'); $_l = model('UserLogCat'); if ($_POST) { //如果没得到id,说明提交的是添加操作 if (empty($_POST['title'])) { return Swoole\JS::js_back('标题不能为空!'); } Swoole\Filter::safe($_POST['content']); $_POST['content'] = Swoole\Filter::remove_xss($_POST['content']); Swoole\Filter::addslash($_POST['content']); $blog['title'] = $_POST['title']; $blog['content'] = $_POST['content']; $blog['c_id'] = (int) $_POST['c_id']; if (isset($_POST['act']) and $_POST['act'] == 'draft') { $blog['dir'] = 1; } else { $blog['dir'] = 0; } if (!empty($_POST['id'])) { //如果得到id,说明提交的是修改的操作 $id = (int) $_POST['id']; $det = $_m->get($id)->get(); if ($det['uid'] != $this->uid) { exit('access deny!not your blog!'); } $_m->set($id, $blog); if (isset($_POST['autosave'])) { return 1; } else { return Swoole\JS::js_back('修改成功', -2); } } else { $blog['uid'] = $this->uid; $bid = $_m->put($blog); $_l->set($blog['c_id'], array('num' => '`num`+1')); if (isset($_POST['autosave'])) { return $bid; } else { return Swoole\JS::js_back('添加成功'); } } } else { require_once WEBPATH . '/swoole_plugin/fckeditor/Swoole.plugin.php'; $cat = $_l->getMap(array('uid' => $this->uid), 'name'); if (empty($cat)) { $cat = array(); } if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; $det = $_m->get($id)->get(); Swoole\Filter::deslash($det['content']); $form = Swoole\Form::select('c_id', $cat, $det['c_id']); $this->swoole->tpl->assign('det', $det); $editor = editor("content", $det['content'], 480, false, false, array('empty' => '请选择日志分类')); } else { $form = Swoole\Form::select('c_id', $cat, '', false, array('empty' => '请选择日志分类')); $editor = editor("content", '', 480, false); } $this->swoole->tpl->assign('form', $form); $this->swoole->tpl->assign('editor', $editor); $this->swoole->tpl->display(); } }
function guestbook() { if ($_POST) { if (empty($_POST['realname'])) { Swoole\JS::js_back('姓名不能为空!'); exit; } if (empty($_POST['mobile'])) { Swoole\JS::js_back('电话不能为空!'); exit; } unset($_POST['x'], $_POST['y']); $_POST['product'] = implode(',', $_POST['product']); $_POST['source'] = implode(',', $_POST['source']); $php->model->Guestbook->put($_POST); Swoole\JS::js_goto('注册成功!', 'guestbook.php'); } if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $gb = $php->model->Guestbook->get($_GET['id'])->get(); $php->tpl->assign('gb', $gb); $php->tpl->display('guestbook_detail.html'); } else { require 'dict/forms.php'; $pager = null; $gets['page'] = empty($_GET['page']) ? 1 : $_GET['page']; $gets['pagesize'] = 12; $gets['select'] = "id,username,title,addtime"; $gets['where'][] = "reply!=''"; $list = $php->model->Guestbook->gets($gets, $pager); $_forms['title'] = Swoole\Form::radio('title', $forms['title'], null, true, array('empty' => '请选择称谓')); $_forms['age'] = Swoole\Form::select('age', $forms['age'], null, true, array('empty' => '请选择年龄阶段')); $_forms['ctime'] = Swoole\Form::select('ctime', $forms['ctime'], null, true, array('empty' => '请选择方便沟通的时间')); $_forms['product'] = Swoole\Form::checkbox('product', $forms['product'], null, true); $_forms['source'] = Swoole\Form::checkbox('source', $forms['source'], null, true); $pager = array('total' => $pager->total, 'render' => $pager->render()); $php->tpl->assign('pager', $pager); $php->tpl->assign('forms', $_forms); $php->tpl->assign("list", $list); $php->tpl->display('guestbook.html'); } }
function add_module() { //\Swoole\Error::dbd(); if (empty($_GET['id']) and empty($_POST)) { $gets['select'] = 'id,username,realname'; $tmp = table('user')->gets($gets); $user = array(); foreach ($tmp as $t) { $name = !empty($t['realname']) ? $t['realname'] : ''; $user[$t['id']] = "{$name} [{$t['username']}]"; } $form['name'] = \Swoole\Form::input('name'); $form['intro'] = \Swoole\Form::text('intro'); $form['owner_uid'] = \Swoole\Form::select('owner_uid', $user, '', null, array('class' => 'select2 select2-offscreen', 'style' => "width:100%")); $form['backup_uids'] = \Swoole\Form::muti_select('backup_uids[]', $user, array(), null, array('class' => 'select2 select2-offscreen', 'multiple' => "1", 'style' => "width:100%"), false); $tmp = table('project')->gets(array("order" => "id desc")); $project = array(); foreach ($tmp as $t) { $project[$t['id']] = $t['name']; } $form['project_id'] = \Swoole\Form::select('project_id', $project, '', null, array('class' => 'select2 select2-offscreen', 'style' => "width:100%")); $this->assign('form', $form); $this->display(); } elseif (!empty($_GET['id']) and empty($_POST)) { $id = (int) $_GET['id']; $module = table("module")->get($id)->get(); $gets['select'] = '*'; $tmp = table('user')->gets($gets); $user = array(); foreach ($tmp as $t) { $name = !empty($t['realname']) ? $t['realname'] : ''; $user[$t['id']] = "{$name} [{$t['username']}]"; } $form['id'] = \Swoole\Form::hidden('id', $module['id']); $form['name'] = \Swoole\Form::input('name', $module['name']); $form['intro'] = \Swoole\Form::text('intro', $module['intro']); $form['owner_uid'] = \Swoole\Form::select('owner_uid', $user, $module['owner_uid'], null, array('class' => 'select2 select2-offscreen', 'style' => "width:100%")); $form['backup_uids'] = \Swoole\Form::muti_select('backup_uids[]', $user, explode(',', $module['backup_uids']), null, array('class' => 'select2 select2-offscreen', 'multiple' => "1", 'style' => "width:100%"), false); $tmp = table('project')->gets(array("order" => "id desc")); $project = array(); foreach ($tmp as $t) { $project[$t['id']] = $t['name']; } $form['project_id'] = \Swoole\Form::select('project_id', $project, $module['project_id'], null, array('class' => 'select2 select2-offscreen', 'style' => "width:100%")); $this->assign('form', $form); $this->display(); } elseif (!empty($_POST) and empty($_POST['id'])) { $in['name'] = trim($_POST['name']); $in['owner_uid'] = trim($_POST['owner_uid']); if (empty($in['owner_uid'])) { $in['owner_uid'] = $this->uid; } $in['project_id'] = trim($_POST['project_id']); $backup_uids = ''; if (!empty($_POST['backup_uids'])) { $backup_uids = implode(',', $_POST['backup_uids']); } $in['backup_uids'] = $backup_uids; // $in['backup_name'] = trim($_POST['backup_name']); $in['intro'] = trim($_POST['intro']); $c = table('module')->count(array('name' => $in['name'])); if ($c > 0) { \Swoole\JS::js_goto("操作失败,已存在同名模块", "/setting/add_module/"); } else { $id = table('module')->put($in); if ($id) { \Swoole\JS::js_goto("操作成功", "/setting/add_module/"); \Swoole::$php->log->put("{$_SESSION['userinfo']['username']} add module success {$id} : " . print_r($in, 1)); } else { \Swoole\JS::js_goto("操作失败", "/setting/add_module/"); \Swoole::$php->log->put("{$_SESSION['userinfo']['username']} add module failed: " . print_r($in, 1)); } } } else { $id = (int) $_POST['id']; $in['name'] = trim($_POST['name']); $in['owner_uid'] = trim($_POST['owner_uid']); $in['project_id'] = trim($_POST['project_id']); $backup_uids = ''; if (!empty($_POST['backup_uids'])) { $backup_uids = implode(',', $_POST['backup_uids']); } $in['backup_uids'] = $backup_uids; $in['intro'] = trim($_POST['intro']); $where['name'] = $in['name']; $where['where'][] = "id !={$id}"; $c = table('module')->count($where); if ($c > 0) { \Swoole\JS::js_goto("操作失败,已存在同名模块", "/setting/module_list/"); } else { $res = table('module')->set($id, $in); if ($res) { \Swoole\JS::js_goto("操作成功", "/setting/module_list/"); \Swoole::$php->log->put("{$_SESSION['userinfo']['username']} modify module success {$id} : " . print_r($in, 1)); } else { \Swoole\JS::js_goto("操作失败", "/setting/module_list/"); \Swoole::$php->log->put("{$_SESSION['userinfo']['username']} modify module failed: " . print_r($in, 1)); } } } }
function category_list() { $gets = array(); $id = trim(get_post('id')); if ($id !== '') { $id = (int) $id; $gets['where'][] = "id={$id}"; $_GET['id'] = $id; } else { $id = null; } $name = trim(get_post('name')); if ($name !== '') { $name = trim($name); $gets['where'][] = "name like '%{$name}%'"; $_GET['name'] = $name; } else { $name = null; } $project_id = trim(get_post('project_id')); if ($project_id !== '') { $project_id = (int) $project_id; $gets['where'][] = "project_id = {$project_id}"; $_GET['project_id'] = $project_id; } else { $project_id = null; } $projects = table('project')->gets(array('select' => 'id, name', 'order' => 'id desc')); $projects = array_rebuild($projects, 'id', 'name'); // 搜索表单 $form['id'] = \Swoole\Form::input('id', htmlspecialchars($id), array('id' => 'id', 'placeholder' => 'ID')); $form['name'] = \Swoole\Form::input('name', htmlspecialchars($name), array('id' => 'name', 'placeholder' => '分类名称')); $form['project_id'] = \Swoole\Form::select('project_id', $projects, htmlspecialchars($project_id), null, array('class' => 'select2', 'style' => 'width:100%')); $gets['order'] = 'id desc'; $gets['page'] = !empty($_GET['page']) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : 1; $gets['pagesize'] = 20; $gets['where'][] = 'status = 1'; $data = table('tiny_url_category')->gets($gets, $pager); foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $data[$k]['project_name'] = !empty($projects[$v['project_id']]) ? $projects[$v['project_id']] : null; } $this->assign('form', $form); $this->assign('data', $data); $this->assign('pager', array('render' => $pager->render())); $this->display(); }
function data($module_id) { //\Swoole\Error::dbd(); $log_table = 'logs2_'; $gets['module'] = $module_id; if (empty($_GET['date_key'])) { $_GET['date_key'] = date('Ymd'); $log_table = $log_table . date('Ymd'); } else { $log_table = $log_table . $_GET['date_key']; } if (!empty($_GET['type'])) { $gets['type'] = $_GET['type']; } if (!empty($_GET['subtype'])) { $gets['subtype'] = $_GET['subtype']; } if (!empty($_GET['client'])) { $gets['ip'] = $_GET['client']; } if (!empty($_GET['level'])) { $gets['level'] = $_GET['level'] - 1; } if (!empty($_GET['uid'])) { if (is_numeric($_GET['uid'])) { $gets['uid'] = $_GET['uid']; } else { $gets['ukey'] = $_GET['uid']; } } if (isset($_GET['hour_start'])) { $gets['where'][] = 'hour >= ' . $_GET['hour_start']; } if (isset($_GET['hour_end'])) { $gets['where'][] = 'hour <= ' . $_GET['hour_end']; } //排序 if (!empty($_GET['order'])) { $gets['order'] = str_replace('_', ' ', $_GET['order']); } else { $gets['order'] = 'id desc'; } //页数 if (!empty($_GET['pagesize'])) { $gets['pagesize'] = intval($_GET['pagesize']); } else { $gets['pagesize'] = 50; } $gets['page'] = !empty($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $logs = table($log_table)->gets($gets, $pager); $this->assign('pager', array('total' => $pager->total, 'pagesize' => $gets['pagesize'], 'render' => $pager->render())); $clients = $this->redis->sMembers('logs2:client:' . $module_id); $types = $this->redis->sMembers('logs2:type:' . $module_id); $subtypes = $this->redis->sMembers('logs2:subtype:' . $module_id); $_clients = $_types = $_subtypes = array(); foreach ($clients as $k => $v) { $_clients[$v] = $v; } foreach ($types as $k => $v) { $_types[$v] = $v; } foreach ($subtypes as $k => $v) { $_subtypes[$v] = $v; } $client = empty($_GET['client']) ? 0 : $_GET['client']; $type = empty($_GET['type']) ? '' : $_GET['type']; $subtype = empty($_GET['subtype']) ? '' : $_GET['subtype']; $form['clients'] = \Swoole\Form::select('client', $_clients, $client, '', array('class' => 'select2')); $form['types'] = \Swoole\Form::select('type', $_types, $type, '', array('class' => 'select2')); $form['subtypes'] = \Swoole\Form::select('subtype', $_subtypes, $subtype, '', array('class' => 'select2')); $this->assign('form', $form); $this->assign('logs', $logs); }
function add() { //不是超级用户不能查看修改用户 if ($this->userinfo['usertype'] != 0) { return "access deny"; } //\Swoole::$php->db->debug = true; if (empty($_GET) and empty($_POST)) { $tmp = table('project')->gets(array("order" => "id desc")); $project = array(); foreach ($tmp as $t) { $project[$t['id']] = $t['name']; } $form['project_id'] = \Swoole\Form::muti_select('project_id[]', $project, array(), null, array('class' => 'select2 select2-offscreen', 'multiple' => "1", 'style' => "width:100%"), false); $form['uid'] = \Swoole\Form::input('uid'); $form['mobile'] = \Swoole\Form::input('mobile'); $form['realname'] = \Swoole\Form::input('realname'); $form['username'] = \Swoole\Form::input('username'); $form['usertype'] = \Swoole\Form::select('usertype', $this->config['usertype'], null, null, array('class' => 'select2')); $this->assign('form', $form); $this->display(); } elseif (!empty($_GET['id']) and empty($_POST)) { $id = (int) $_GET['id']; $user = table('user')->get($id)->get(); $tmp = table('project')->gets(array("order" => "id desc")); $project = array(); foreach ($tmp as $t) { $project[$t['id']] = $t['name']; } $form['project_id'] = \Swoole\Form::muti_select('project_id[]', $project, explode(',', $user['project_id']), null, array('class' => 'select2 select2-offscreen', 'multiple' => "1", 'style' => "width:100%"), false); $form['uid'] = \Swoole\Form::input('uid', $user['uid']); $form['mobile'] = \Swoole\Form::input('mobile', $user['mobile']); $form['realname'] = \Swoole\Form::input('realname', $user['realname']); $form['username'] = \Swoole\Form::input('username', $user['username']); $form['usertype'] = \Swoole\Form::select('usertype', $this->config['usertype'], null, null, array('class' => 'select2')); $form['id'] = \Swoole\Form::hidden('id', $user['id']); $this->assign('form', $form); $this->display(); } elseif (!empty($_POST['id'])) { $id = (int) $_POST['id']; $inserts['realname'] = $_POST['realname']; $inserts['username'] = $_POST['username']; $inserts['uid'] = (int) $_POST['uid']; $inserts['project_id'] = implode(',', $_POST['project_id']); $inserts['mobile'] = $_POST['mobile']; $res = table("user")->set($id, $inserts); if ($res) { \Swoole\JS::js_goto("修改成功", '/user/ulist/'); } else { \Swoole\JS::js_goto("修改失败", '/user/ulist/'); } } else { $inserts['realname'] = $_POST['realname']; $inserts['username'] = trim($_POST['username']); $inserts['uid'] = isset($_POST['uid']) ? (int) $_POST['uid'] : 0; $inserts['project_id'] = isset($_POST['project_id']) ? implode(',', $_POST['project_id']) : ''; $inserts['mobile'] = $_POST['mobile']; //默认密码 $inserts['password'] = Swoole\Auth::mkpasswd($inserts['username'], '123456'); $res = table("user")->put($inserts); if ($res) { \Swoole\JS::js_goto("添加成功", '/user/ulist//'); } else { \Swoole\JS::js_goto("添加失败", '/user/ulist/'); } } }