     * Returns localization properties, inner html and placeholder contents.
     * @return SupraJsonResponse
    public function getAction()
        $localization = $this->getPageLocalization();
        $pageRequest = $this->createPageRequest();
        $pageController = $this->getPageController();
        $templateException = $response = $internalHtml = null;
        try {
            $response = $pageController->execute($pageRequest);
        } catch (\Twig_Error_Loader $e) {
            $templateException = $e;
        } catch (LayoutNotFound $e) {
            $templateException = $e;
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw $e;
        $localizationData = $this->getLocalizationData($localization);
        if ($templateException) {
            $internalHtml = '<h1>Page template or layout not found.</h1>
				<p>Please make sure the template is assigned and the template is published in this locale and it has layout assigned.</p>';
        } elseif ($response instanceof Response) {
            $internalHtml = $response->getContent();
        $localizationData['internal_html'] = $internalHtml;
        $placeHolders = $pageRequest->getPlaceHolderSet()->getFinalPlaceHolders();
        $blocks = $pageRequest->getBlockSet();
        $placeHoldersData =& $localizationData['contents'];
        foreach ($placeHolders as $placeHolder) {
            $blocksData = array();
            foreach ($blocks->getPlaceHolderBlockSet($placeHolder) as $block) {
                /* @var $block Block */
                $blocksData[] = $this->getBlockData($block);
            $placeHolderData = array('id' => $placeHolder->getName(), 'title' => $placeHolder->getTitle(), 'locked' => $placeHolder->isLocked(), 'closed' => !$localization->isPlaceHolderEditable($placeHolder), 'contents' => $blocksData, 'type' => 'list');
            $placeHoldersData[] = $placeHolderData;
        $jsonResponse = new SupraJsonResponse($localizationData);
        // @FIXME: dummy. when needed, move to prefilter.
        $jsonResponse->setPermissions(array(array('edit_page' => true, 'supervise_page' => true)));
        return $jsonResponse;