public static function templateEdit() { extract(\Supernova\View::$values); $name = \Supernova\Core::$elements['controller']; $title = inject(__("Edit %name%: %item%"), array("name" => $name, "item" => ${$name})); $form = \Supernova\Form::create(array("model" => $name, "values" => ${$name})); $link = \Supernova\Helper::link(array("href" => \Supernova\Route::generateUrl(array("prefix" => \Supernova\Core::$elements['prefix'], "controller" => $name, "action" => "index")), "text" => __("<< Back"))); return "\n <h3>{$title}</h3>\n {$form}\n {$link}\n "; }
echo __("OOPS, Something went wrong"); ?> </h3> <p><?php echo __("The page you are trying to access seems to no longer exists."); ?> </p> <p><?php echo __("Check you address bar, meaby you got a mistaken address"); ?> </p> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <br/><br/> <?php if (!empty($encodedError)) { echo "<p>" . __("If the problem persist, please send this text to the administrator email:") . \Supernova\Helper::link(["href" => "mailto:" . CONTACT_EMAIL, "text" => CONTACT_EMAIL, "class" => ["adminemail"]]) . "</p>"; echo "<pre class='encodedError'>"; echo $encodedError; echo "</pre>"; } ?> </div><!-- #content--> </div><!-- #container--> </section><!-- #middle--> </div><!-- #wrapper --> <footer id="footer"> </footer><!-- #footer --> </body> </html>
public static function table($args) { $objects = $args['values']; if (!$objects) { return "<table class='table table-striped' ><tr><td>" . __("No results") . "</td></tr></table>"; } else { if (!is_object(current($objects))) { trigger_error(__("Objects not found in value called for Helper::table. Array or string found"), E_USER_WARNING); } $modelName = explode("\\", get_class(current($objects))); $modelName = end($modelName); $model = "\\App\\Model\\" . $modelName; $modelForm = $model . "Form"; $form = new $modelForm(); // get header $fields = current($objects)->toArray(); $labels = array_keys($fields); $labelTH = ""; foreach ($labels as $label) { $labelTH .= "<th>"; $labelTH .= isset($form->settings[$label]["widget"]["label"]) ? $form->settings[$label]["widget"]["label"] : $label; $labelTH .= "</th>"; } $labelTH .= "<th>Acciones</th>"; $eachData = ""; foreach ($objects as $object) { $results = $object->toArray(); $eachData .= "<tr>"; foreach ($results as $fields => $values) { $eachData .= "<td>"; if (isset($args['use']) && isset($args['use'][$fields])) { if (is_array($args['use'][$fields])) { $eachData .= $args['use'][$fields][$values]; } if (is_string($args['use'][$fields])) { $fn = explode("::", $args['use'][$fields]); if (method_exists($fn[0], $fn[1])) { if ($fn[1] != "getList") { $eachData .= $fn[0]::$fn[1]($values); } else { $list = $fn[0]::$fn[1](); $eachData .= isset($list[$values]) ? $list[$values] : ""; } } } } else { $eachData .= $values; } $eachData .= "</td>"; } $actions = isset($args['actions']) ? $args['actions'] : array('edit' => __('Edit'), 'delete' => __('Delete')); if ($actions) { $eachData .= "<td>"; $eachLink = ""; foreach ($actions as $action => $label) { $eachLink .= \Supernova\Helper::link(array("href" => \Supernova\Route::generateUrl(array("prefix" => \Supernova\Inflector::camelToUnder(\Supernova\Core::$elements['prefix']), "controller" => \Supernova\Inflector::camelToUnder(\Supernova\Core::$elements['controller']), "action" => $action, "id" => $results['id'])), "text" => $label)); } $eachData .= $eachLink; $eachData .= "</td>"; } $eachData .= "</tr>"; } } $output = <<<EOL <table class="table table-striped" > <thead> <tr> {$labelTH} </tr> </thead> <tbody> {$eachData} </tbody> <tfoot> </tfoot> </table> EOL; return $output; }