Beispiel #1
 private function setSlimRules($rules)
     foreach ($rules as $controllers) {
         if (isset($controllers['groups'])) {
             $this->slim->group($controllers['pattern'], function () use($controllers) {
                 foreach ($controllers['groups'] as $controller) {
                     $this->map($controller['methods'], $controller['pattern'], $controller['action'])->setName($controller['name']);
         } else {
             $this->slim->map($controllers['methods'], $controllers['pattern'], $controllers['action'])->setName($controllers['name']);
 protected function setRouteForPostTypes($postType, $defaultController)
     $controllerPageMapping = $this->app->getContainer()->get(ControllerPageMappingField::class);
      * @FIXME: In future versions, need to change
      * adding routes to the map of get|post. All WP PAGES and POSTS must
      * coresponds to only GET method. Because it is has content only for reading.
      * All other logic like writing or another logic should be implemented in WIDGETS
      * or in controllers via declarring new routes and handlers for them.
     foreach ($this->wpService->get_posts(['numberposts' => -1, 'post_type' => $postType]) as $post) {
         $controller = $controllerPageMapping->getValue($post->ID);
         $this->app->map(['get', 'post'], parse_url(get_permalink($post), PHP_URL_PATH), $this->app->getContainer()->get(empty($controller) ? $defaultController : $controller))->setArgument('requestedEntity', $post);
Beispiel #3
  * Add the controller's routes and relative methods.
  * Request and response are PSR-7 compliant
  * @param App $application the Slim application to be configured
  * @return null
 public static function createRoutes(App $application)
     // Note: in the SlimFramework's routing function closures, $this equals to the App's Container.
     $base = static::$baseUri;
     // Routes that need the user to be admin
     if (Utils::isAdmin()) {
         // Product creation (view)
         $application->map(['GET', 'POST'], "{$base}/create[/]", function (Request $request, Response $response) {
             return (new self($this))->handleCreate($request, $response);
         // Products list (view)
         $application->get("{$base}/list[/]", function (Request $request, Response $response) {
             return (new self($this))->handleReadList($request, $response);
         // Product edit (view)
         $application->map(['GET', 'POST'], "{$base}/{product}/edit[/]", function (Request $request, Response $response, $args) {
             return (new self($this))->handleEdit($request, $response, intval($args['product']));
     // Routes that can be seen by anyone
     // ...
Beispiel #4
 public function map(array $methods, $pattern, $target)
     if (is_string($target)) {
         parent::map($methods, $pattern, function () use($target) {
             return self::modules()->dispatcher()->dispatch($target, func_get_args());
     } else {
         if (is_callable($target)) {
             parent::map($methods, $pattern, $target);
         } else {
             throw new InvalidTargetException();
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function &extend($path, array $method_to_action = [], $name = '', $controller_name = null)
     if (empty($path)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Route path is required');
     $path = trim($path, '/');
     if (empty($name)) {
         $name = str_replace(['{', '}', '/', '-'], ['', '', '_', '_'], $path);
     if (empty($method_to_action)) {
         $method_to_action = ['GET' => $name];
     if (empty($controller_name)) {
         $controller = $this->settings['controller'];
     } else {
         $controller = strpos($controller_name, '\\') === false ? $this->controller_namespace . '\\' . $controller_name : $controller_name;
     $route = $this->app->map(array_keys($method_to_action), "{$this->settings['path']}/{$path}", $controller)->setName("{$this->settings['name']}_{$name}");
     foreach ($method_to_action as $method => $action) {
         $route->setArgument("{$method}_action", $action);
     return $route;
 private function getSlimInstance()
     if (!$this->slim) {
         $testCase = new WebTestCase();
         $this->slim = $testCase->getSlimInstance();
         $methods = $this->getValidRequestMethods();
         $callback = function ($req, $res) {
             return $res->write('This is a test!');
         foreach ($methods as $method) {
             $this->slim->map([$method], $this->getValidUri(), $callback);
     return $this->slim;
Beispiel #7
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function mapModel($model_class, array $settings = null, callable $extend_collection = null, callable $extend_single = null)
     if (empty($model_class)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Model class is required');
     if (empty($settings)) {
         $settings = [];
     if (empty($settings['model_name'])) {
         $model_name = $this->getModelNameFromClass($model_class);
     } else {
         $model_name = $settings['model_name'];
     $controller = empty($settings['controller']) ? $this->controller_namespace . '\\' . Inflector::classify($model_name) . 'Controller' : $settings['controller'];
     $id = empty($settings['id']) ? Inflector::singularize($model_name) . '_id' : $settings['id'];
     $id_format = empty($settings['id_format']) ? '[0-9]+' : $settings['id_format'];
     if (empty($settings['collection_path'])) {
         $collection_path = '/' . str_replace('_', '-', $model_name);
     } else {
         $collection_path = '/' . ltrim($settings['collection_path'], '/');
     if (empty($settings['single_path'])) {
         $single_path = $collection_path . '/{' . $id . ':' . $id_format . '}';
     } else {
         $single_path = '/' . ltrim($settings['single_path'], '/');
     $collection_settings = ['name' => $model_name, 'path' => $collection_path, 'controller' => $controller];
     $single_settings = ['name' => Inflector::singularize($collection_settings['name']), 'path' => $single_path, 'controller' => $controller];
     $this->app->map(['GET', 'POST'], $collection_settings['path'], $collection_settings['controller'])->setName($collection_settings['name'])->setArgument('GET_action', 'index')->setArgument('POST_action', 'add');
     $this->app->map(['GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE'], $single_settings['path'], $single_settings['controller'])->setName($single_settings['name'])->setArgument('GET_action', 'view')->setArgument('PUT_action', 'edit')->setArgument('DELETE_action', 'delete');
     if ($extend_collection) {
         call_user_func($extend_collection, new RouteExtender($this->app, $this->controller_namespace, $collection_settings));
     if ($extend_single) {
         call_user_func($extend_single, new RouteExtender($this->app, $this->controller_namespace, $single_settings));
 public function testMapRoute()
     $path = '/foo';
     $callable = function ($req, $res) {
         // Do something
     $app = new App();
     $route = $app->map(['GET', 'POST'], $path, $callable);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Slim\\Route', $route);
     $this->assertAttributeContains('GET', 'methods', $route);
     $this->assertAttributeContains('POST', 'methods', $route);
  * Load a route into the application.
  * @param App $slim
  * @param string $name
  * @param array $details
  * @return Route
 private function loadRoute(App $slim, $name, array $details)
     $methods = $this->methods($details);
     $pattern = $this->nullable('route', $details);
     $stack = $details['stack'];
     $controller = array_pop($stack);
     $route = $slim->map($methods, $pattern, $controller);
     while ($middleware = array_pop($stack)) {
     return $route;
 public function addRoute(Route $route, \Closure $controllerClosure)
     $this->slimApp->map([$route->httpVerb()], $route->pathExpression(), $controllerClosure)->setName($route->name());
Beispiel #11
  * Register routes onto the app
  * @param App $app
 public static function define(App $app)
     $app->map(['GET'], '/', HelloController::class . ':view');