  * @param Exception|Throwable $exception
 private function reportAndThrow($exception)
     if (headers_sent() === false && DebugR::isEnabled()) {
         if ($exception->getFile()) {
             $file = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(dirname(\Sledgehammer\VENDOR_DIR), '/') . '/', '', $exception->getFile());
             $location = "\nin " . $file . ' on line ' . $exception->getLine();
         } else {
             $location = '';
         DebugR::warning(get_class($exception) . "\n" . $exception->getMessage() . $location);
     throw $exception;
Beispiel #2
  * Send a response based on the request.
 public function handleRequest()
     // Build document
     $document = $this->generateDocument();
     if (!defined('Sledgehammer\\GENERATED')) {
         define('Sledgehammer\\GENERATED', microtime(true));
     // Send headers
     $headers = $document->getHeaders();
     // Send the sledgehammer-statusbar as DebugR header.
     if (DebugR::isEnabled()) {
         DebugR::send('sledgehammer-statusbar', ob_get_clean(), true);
     // Send the contents
Beispiel #3
  * Inspect the worpress database and.
 public static function initialize()
     static $initialized = false;
     if ($initialized) {
     $initialized = true;
     if (function_exists('the_post') === false) {
         throw new Exception('Wordpress is not yet initialized');
     // Lazy database connection
     Connection::$instances['wordpress'] = function () {
         if (defined('DB_USER') === false) {
             throw new Exception('No database configured');
         $connection = new Connection('mysql://' . DB_USER . ':' . DB_PASSWORD . '@' . DB_HOST . '/' . DB_NAME);
         if (empty(Logger::$instances['Database[wordpress]'])) {
             $index = array_search($connection->logger, Logger::$instances);
             Logger::$instances['Database[wordpress]'] = $connection->logger;
         return $connection;
     if (empty(Connection::$instances['default'])) {
         Connection::$instances['default'] = 'wordpress';
     // Sledgehammer ORM configuration
     Repository::configureDefault(function ($repo) {
         $repo->registerBackend(new WordpressRepositoryBackend());
     if (defined('Sledgehammer\\WEBPATH') === false) {
         $url = new Url(WP_HOME);
         $path = $url->path === '/' ? '/' : $url->path . '/';
         define('Sledgehammer\\WEBPATH', $path);
         define('Sledgehammer\\WEBROOT', $path);
     define('WEBPATH', \Sledgehammer\WEBPATH);
     if (WP_DEBUG || !empty($_GET[\Sledgehammer\DEBUG_VAR])) {
         add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', function () {
             wp_enqueue_style('sh-debug', '/../core/css/debug.css');
         add_action('admin_footer', [self::class, 'statusbar']);
         add_action('wp_footer', [self::class, 'statusbar']);
         add_action('send_headers', function () {
             if (DebugR::isEnabled()) {
                 echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] . ' ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
                 DebugR::send('sledgehammer-statusbar', ob_get_clean(), true);
         }, PHP_INT_MAX);
         add_filter('template_include', function ($template) {
             if (empty(ErrorHandler::$instances['default'])) {
             if (defined('Sledgehammer\\GENERATED') === false) {
                 define('Sledgehammer\\GENERATED', microtime(true));
             return $template;
         }, PHP_INT_MAX);
Beispiel #4
  * De fout afhandelen volgens de afhandel opties (email, log, html).
  * @param int    $type        E_USER_NOTICE, E_USER_ERROR, enz
  * @param string $message     De foutmelding
  * @param mixed  $information Extra informatie voor de fout. bv array('Tip' => 'Controleer ...')
 private function process($type, $message, $information = null)
     if ($this->isProcessing) {
         echo '<span style="color:red">[ErrorHandler failure]';
         if ($this->html && is_string($message)) {
             // show error?
             if ($message === '__UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION__' && $this->isThrowable($type)) {
                 echo ' ', htmlentities($type->getMessage() . ' in ' . $type->getFile() . ' on line ' . $type->getLine());
             } else {
                 echo ' ', htmlentities($message);
         echo ' </span>';
         error_log('ErrorHandler failure: ' . $message);
     $this->isProcessing = true;
     if ($this->debugR) {
         $this->debugR = headers_sent() === false;
         // Update debugr setting.
     if ($this->log || $this->cli || $this->debugR) {
         if (self::isThrowable($type)) {
             $error_message = get_class($type) . ': ' . $type->getMessage();
         } else {
             $error_message = $this->error_types[$type] . ': ' . $message;
         $location = $this->resolveLocation();
         if ($location) {
             $error_message .= ' in ' . $location['file'] . ' on line ' . $location['line'];
         if ($this->log) {
         if ($this->debugR) {
             if (class_exists('Sledgehammer\\Core\\Debug\\DebugR', false) === false) {
                 require_once __DIR__ . '/DebugR.php';
             if (class_exists('Sledgehammer\\Core\\Json', false) === false) {
                 require_once __DIR__ . '/../Json.php';
             if (self::isThrowable($type) || in_array($type, array(E_USER_ERROR, E_ERROR, 'EXCEPTION'))) {
             } else {
     // Limiet contoleren
     if ($this->email) {
         // Een foutrapport via email versturen?
         $limit = $this->importEmailLimit();
         if ($limit < 1) {
             // Is de limiet bereikt?
             $this->email = false;
             // Niet emailen
     $buffer = $this->email || $this->debugR;
     if ($buffer) {
         // store the html of the error-report in a buffer
     } elseif (!$this->html) {
         // No html version required?
         $this->isProcessing = false;
         // Processing is complete
     self::render($type, $message, $information);
     if ($buffer) {
         $html = ob_get_clean();
         if ($this->debugR) {
         if ($this->email) {
             // email versturen?
             // Headers voor de email met HTML indeling
             $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
             $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=' . Framework::$charset . "\n";
             $headers .= 'From: ' . $this->fromEmail() . "\n";
             if (self::isThrowable($type)) {
                 $subject = get_class($type) . ': ' . $type->getMessage();
                 if ($message === '__UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION__') {
                     $subject = ' Uncaught ' . $subject;
             } else {
                 $subject = $this->error_types[$type] . ': ' . $message;
             if (function_exists('mail') && !mail($this->email, $subject, '<html><body style="background-color: #fcf8e3">' . $html . "</body></html>\n", $headers)) {
                 error_log('The ' . self::class . ' was unable to email the report.');
         if ($this->html) {
             if ($this->headers && headers_sent() === false) {
                 if (function_exists('http_response_code')) {
                     // PHP 5.4
                     if (http_response_code() === 200) {
                 header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . Framework::$charset);
             echo $html;
             // buffer weergeven
             if (ob_get_level() === 0) {
     if ($this->cli) {
         echo '[', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), '] ', $error_message, "\n";
     $this->isProcessing = false;
Beispiel #5
    define('Sledgehammer\\TMP_DIR', $__TMP_DIR);
// Case insensitive "natural order" sorting method for natcasesort() in Collection->orderBy()
define('Sledgehammer\\SORT_NATURAL_CI', -2);
// Regex for supported operators for the compare() function
define('Sledgehammer\\COMPARE_OPERATORS', '==|!=|<|<=|>|>=|IN|NOT IN|LIKE|NOT LIKE');
 * 2. Declare public functions.
require_once __DIR__ . '/functions.php';
// Namespaced functions
require_once __DIR__ . '/helpers.php';
// Global functions (but not guaranteed)
 * 3. Configure and register the AutoLoader
require_once __DIR__ . '/Object.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/Debug/Autoloader.php';
 * 4. Set DebugR statusbar header.
if (headers_sent() === false) {
    DebugR::send('sledgehammer-statusbar', 'no statusbar data.', true);
 * Timestamp (in microseconds) for when the Sledgehammer Framework was initialized.
define('Sledgehammer\\INITIALIZED', microtime(true));
Beispiel #6
  * Reports the error/exception to the ErrorHandler and returns the error as Json object.
  * The javascript client should detect and report the error to the user:
  *   if (result.success !== true) { alert(result.error); }.
  * @param string|Exception $error The error message or Exception
  * @param int              $http  The HTTP status code (defaults to 400 Bad Request)
  * @return Json
 public static function error($error, $http = 400)
     if (headers_sent() === false && DebugR::isEnabled()) {
         ErrorHandler::instance()->html = false;
     if ($error instanceof Exception) {
         $error = $error->getMessage();
     } else {
     return new self(array('success' => false, 'error' => $error), array('http' => array('Status' => $http . ' ' . Framework::$statusCodes[$http], 'Content-Type' => ErrorHandler::instance()->html ? 'text/html;  charset=utf-8' : 'application/json')));