public function addFunction($name, $callback)
     $this->compilerContext->addFunction($name, $callback);
Beispiel #2
  * @return string
  * @throws CompilerException
 public function compile()
     $namespace = null;
     $className = trim($this->context->getFullyQualifiedClassName(), "\\");
     $pos = strrpos($className, "\\");
     if ($pos !== false) {
         $namespace = substr($className, 0, $pos);
         $className = substr($className, $pos + 1);
     // prelude
     $ret = "";
     $ret .= "<?php\n";
     if ($namespace) {
         $ret .= "namespace {$namespace};\n";
         $ret .= "\n";
     foreach ($this->context->getUses() as $alias => $fqn) {
         $ret .= "use {$fqn} as {$alias};\n";
     $ret .= "\n";
     $ret .= "class {$className} implements \\Skrz\\Templating\\Engine\\TemplateInterface {\n";
     $ret .= "\n";
     $ret .= "public function __invoke(array \$____) {\n";
     $ret .= "\t\$this->render(\$____);\n";
     $ret .= "}\n";
     $ret .= "\n";
     $ret .= "public function fetch(array \$____) {\n";
     $ret .= "\tob_start();\n";
     $ret .= "\t\$this->render(\$____);\n";
     $ret .= "\treturn ob_get_clean();\n";
     $ret .= "}\n";
     $ret .= "\n";
     $ret .= "public function fetchFunction(\$functionName, array \$____) {\n";
     $ret .= "\tob_start();\n";
     $ret .= "\t\$this->{'render' . \$functionName}(\$____);\n";
     $ret .= "\treturn ob_get_clean();\n";
     $ret .= "}\n";
     $ret .= "\n";
     $ret .= "public function renderFunction(\$functionName, array \$____) {\n";
     $ret .= "\t\$this->{'render' . \$functionName}(\$____);\n";
     $ret .= "}\n";
     $ret .= "\n";
     // find function declarations
     $functionDeclarationFinder = new FunctionDeclarationsWalker();
     // function declarations have to be registered first and compiled into render functions,
     // otherwise recursive calls would not be possible
     $ret .= "private \$functions = array(";
     foreach ($functionDeclarationFinder->getDeclarations() as $declaration) {
         $ret .= var_export($declaration->getName(), true) . "=>true,";
         $this->context->addFunction($declaration->getName(), function (Compiler $compiler, FunctionNode $node) use($declaration) {
             $statement = "";
             $args = "array(";
             foreach ($node->getArguments() as $name => $expression) {
                 $statementAndExpression = $compiler->walkExpression($expression);
                 $statement .= $statementAndExpression->getStatement();
                 $args .= var_export($name, true) . '=>' . $statementAndExpression->getExpression() . ",";
             $args .= ")";
             return new FunctionCompilerResult($statement . "\$this->" . $this->getRenderName($declaration->getName()) . "(" . $args . " + \$____);");
     $ret .= ");\n\n";
     $ret .= "public function hasFunction(\$functionName) {\n";
     $ret .= "\treturn isset(\$this->functions[\$functionName]);\n";
     $ret .= "}\n\n";
     foreach ($functionDeclarationFinder->getDeclarations() as $declaration) {
         $ret .= $this->compileRender($declaration->getName(), $declaration->getBody(), $declaration->getDefaultArguments());
     // compile main render
     $ret .= $this->compileRender("", array($this->context->getTemplate()));
     // end
     $ret .= "\n";
     $ret .= "}\n";
     return $ret;