Beispiel #1
  * Get the record to view/edit. It is cached as long as the instance
  * exists, unless we force a reload.
  * @param bool $force Whether or not to force the fetching of the record
  * @return array The record for viewing/editting
 public function getRecord($force = false)
     // if we are not forcing a fetch and we already have a cached record, return it
     if ($force === false && $this->m_record !== null) {
         return $this->m_record;
     $record = $this->getRejectInfo();
     // Check reject info first
     if ($record == null) {
         // If reject info not set -  do select
         $atkstoretype = '';
         $sessionmanager = SessionManager::getInstance();
         if ($sessionmanager) {
             $atkstoretype = $sessionmanager->stackVar('atkstore');
         switch ($atkstoretype) {
             case 'session':
                 $record = $this->getRecordFromSession();
                 $record = $this->getRecordFromDb();
     // cache the record
     $this->m_record = $record;
     return $record;
Beispiel #2
  * Get an instance of the columnconfig class.
  * @param Node $node
  * @param string $id
  * @param bool $forceNew force new instance?
  * @return ColumnConfig An instance of the columnconfig class
 public static function getConfig($node, $id = null, $forceNew = false)
     static $s_instances = [];
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     if ($id == null) {
         $id = $node->atkNodeUri();
     if (!isset($s_instances[$id]) || $forceNew) {
         $cc = new self();
         $s_instances[$id] = $cc;
         $colcfg = $sm != null ? $sm->pageVar('atkcolcfg_' . $id) : null;
         if (!is_array($colcfg) || $forceNew) {
             // create new
             Tools::atkdebug('New colconfig initialising');
         } else {
             // inherit old config from session.
             Tools::atkdebug('Resuming colconfig from session');
             $cc->m_colcfg =& $colcfg;
         // See if there are any url params which influence this colcfg.
     if ($sm != null) {
         $sm->pageVar('atkcolcfg_' . $id, $s_instances[$id]->m_colcfg);
     return $s_instances[$id];
Beispiel #3
  * Surrounds the grid by a form if needed.
  * @param string $result grid HTML
  * @return string grid HTML
 protected function renderForm($result)
     if (!$this->getGrid()->isUpdate() && !$this->getGrid()->isEmbedded()) {
         $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
         $result = '<form id="' . $this->getGrid()->getFormName() . '" name="' . $this->getGrid()->getFormName() . '" method="post" action="' . Config::getGlobal('dispatcher') . '">' . $sm->formState() . $result . '</form>';
     return $result;
Beispiel #4
  * Get the start of the form.
  * @return string HTML The forms' start
 public function getFormStart($record = null)
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     $formstart = '<form name="entryform" id="entryform" action="' . Config::getGlobal('dispatcher') . '" method="get" onsubmit="return globalSubmit(this,false)">';
     $formstart .= $sm->formState(SessionManager::SESSION_NESTED);
     $formstart .= '<input type="hidden" name="atkselector" value="' . $this->getNode()->primaryKey($record) . '">';
     $formstart .= '<input type="hidden" class="atksubmitaction" />';
     return $formstart;
Beispiel #5
 * Implements the {stacktrace} plugin for use in templates.
 * The {stacktrace} tag does not output anything. Instead, it loads
 * a stacktrace into the template variables {$stacktrace}, which is
 * an array of elements, each with a 'title' and 'url' field.
 * <b>Example:</b>
 * <code>
 *   {stacktrace}
 *   {foreach from=$stacktrace item=item}
 *     <a href="{$item.url}">{$item.title}</a>
 *   {/foreach}
 * </code>
 * @author Ivo Jansch <*****@*****.**>
function smarty_function_stacktrace($params, $smarty)
    $sessionManager = SessionManager::getInstance();
    if (is_object($sessionManager)) {
        $smarty->assign('stacktrace', $sessionManager->stackTrace());
        return '';
    return '';
 * Implements the {atkmessages} plugin for use in templates.
 * The {atkmessages} tag does not output anything. Instead, it loads
 * the messages into the template variable {$atkmessages}, which is
 * an array of elements, each with a single message.
 * <b>Example:</b>
 * <code>
 *   {atkmessages}
 *   {foreach from=$atkmessages item=message}
 *     {$message.message}<br>
 *   {/foreach}
 * </code>
 * @author Patrick van der Velden <*****@*****.**>
function smarty_function_atkmessages($params, $smarty)
    $sessionManager = SessionManager::getInstance();
    if (is_object($sessionManager)) {
        $msgs = MessageQueue::getMessages();
        $smarty->assign('atkmessages', $msgs);
        if (empty($msgs)) {
            Tools::atkdebug('No messages in MessageQueue');
        return '';
    return '';
Beispiel #7
  * Pops tree's on the session.
 public function sessionTree()
     global $ATK_VARS;
     $postTree = $ATK_VARS['atktree'];
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     $sessionTree = $sm->getValue('atktree');
     if ($postTree != '' && $sessionTree != $postTree) {
         $sm->globalVar('atktree', $postTree);
         $realTree = $postTree;
     } else {
         $realTree = $sessionTree;
         // use the last known tree
     $ATK_VARS['atktree'] = $realTree;
     // postvars now should contain the last Knowtree
Beispiel #8
  * The method returns a complete html page containing the feedback info.
  * @param string $action The action for which feedback is provided
  * @param int $actionstatus The status of the action for which feedback is
  *                             provided
  * @param string $message An optional message to display in addition to the
  *                             default feedback information message.
  * @return string The feedback page as an html String.
 public function feedbackPage($action, $actionstatus, $message = '')
     $node = $this->m_node;
     $ui = $this->getUi();
     $params['content'] = '<br>' . Tools::atktext('feedback_' . $action . '_' . Tools::atkActionStatus($actionstatus), $node->m_module, $node->m_type);
     if ($message) {
         $params['content'] .= ' <br>' . $message;
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     if ($sm->atkLevel() > 0) {
         $params['formstart'] = '<form method="get">' . $sm->formState(SessionManager::SESSION_BACK);
         $params['buttons'][] = '<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn_cancel" value="&lt;&lt; ' . Tools::atktext('back') . '">';
         $params['formend'] = '</form>';
     $output = $ui->renderAction($action, $params);
     return $ui->renderBox(array('title' => $node->actionTitle($action), 'content' => $output));
Beispiel #9
  * The action method.
 public function action_editcopy()
     $record = $this->getCopyRecord();
     // allowed to editcopy record?
     if (!$this->allowed($record)) {
     $db = $this->m_node->getDb();
     if (!$this->m_node->copyDb($record)) {
         $location = $this->m_node->feedbackUrl('editcopy', self::ACTION_FAILED, $record, $db->getErrorMsg());
     } else {
         $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
         $location = $sm->sessionUrl(Tools::dispatch_url($this->m_node->atkNodeUri(), 'edit', array('atkselector' => $this->m_node->primaryKey($record))), SessionManager::SESSION_REPLACE);
Beispiel #10
  * Given an confirmed delete, determine where the record
  * needs to be deleted (session or dabase), delete it
  * and redirect to the feedback url.
 protected function _doDelete()
     $atkstoretype = '';
     $sessionmanager = SessionManager::getInstance();
     if ($sessionmanager) {
         $atkstoretype = $sessionmanager->stackVar('atkstore');
     switch ($atkstoretype) {
         case 'session':
             $result = $this->_doDeleteSession();
             $result = $this->_doDeleteDb();
     if ($result === true) {
         $location = $this->m_node->feedbackUrl('delete', self::ACTION_SUCCESS);
     } else {
         $location = $this->m_node->feedbackUrl('delete', self::ACTION_FAILED, null, $result);
Beispiel #11
  * Get the start of the form.
  * @return string HTML The forms' start
 public function getFormStart()
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     $formstart = '<form id="entryform" name="entryform" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="' . Config::getGlobal('dispatcher') . '"' . ' method="post" onsubmit="return globalSubmit(this,false)" class="form-horizontal" role="form" autocomplete="off">' . $sm->formState($this->getUpdateSessionStatus());
     $formstart .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->getNode()->getEditFieldPrefix() . 'atkaction" value="' . $this->getUpdateAction() . '" />';
     $formstart .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->getNode()->getEditFieldPrefix() . 'atkprevaction" value="' . $this->getNode()->m_action . '" />';
     $formstart .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->getNode()->getEditFieldPrefix() . 'atkcsrftoken" value="' . $this->getCSRFToken() . '" />';
     $formstart .= '<input type="hidden" class="atksubmitaction" />';
     return $formstart;
Beispiel #12
 public function run()
     $sessionManager = SessionManager::getInstance();
     if (Config::getGlobal('session_autorefresh') && array_key_exists(Config::getGlobal('session_autorefresh_key'), $_GET)) {
     $securityManager = SecurityManager::getInstance();
     if ($securityManager->authenticate()) {
         $indexPageClass = Config::getGlobal('indexPage');
         /** @var IndexPage $indexPage */
         $indexPage = new $indexPageClass($this);
Beispiel #13
  * Handle the error.
  * @param string $errorMessage
  * @param string $debugMessage
 public function handle($errorMessage, $debugMessage)
     $sessionManager = SessionManager::getInstance();
     $sessionData =& SessionManager::getSession();
     $txt_app_title = Tools::atktext('app_title');
     if ($this->params['mailto'] != '') {
         // only if enabled..
         $atk = Atk::getInstance();
         $subject = '[' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "] {$txt_app_title} error";
         $defaultfrom = sprintf('%s <%s@%s>', $txt_app_title, Config::getGlobal('identifier', 'atk'), $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
         $from = Config::getGlobal('mail_sender', $defaultfrom);
         $body = "Hello,\n\nAn error seems to have occurred in the atk application named '{$txt_app_title}'.\n";
         $body .= "\nThe errormessage was:\n\n" . implode("\n", is_array($errorMessage) ? $errorMessage : array()) . "\n";
         $body .= "\nA detailed report follows:\n";
         $body .= "\nPHP Version: " . phpversion() . "\n\n";
         $body .= "\nDEBUGMESSAGES\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
         $lines = [];
         for ($i = 0, $_ = count($debugMessage); $i < $_; ++$i) {
             $lines[] = $this->_wordwrap(Tools::atk_html_entity_decode(preg_replace('(\\[<a.*</a>\\])', '', $debugMessage[$i])));
         $body .= implode("\n", $lines);
         if (is_array($_GET)) {
             $body .= "\n\n_GET\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
             foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
                 $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 20 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         if (function_exists('getallheaders')) {
             $request = getallheaders();
             if (count($request) > 0) {
                 $body .= "\n\nREQUEST INFORMATION\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
                 foreach ($request as $key => $value) {
                     $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 30 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         if (is_array($_POST)) {
             $body .= "\n\n_POST\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
             foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
                 $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 20 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         if (is_array($_COOKIE)) {
             $body .= "\n\n_COOKIE\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
             foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $value) {
                 $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 20 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         $body .= "\n\nATK CONFIGURATION\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
         foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value) {
             if (substr($key, 0, 7) == 'config_') {
                 $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 30 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         $body .= "\n\nMODULE CONFIGURATION\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
         foreach ($atk->g_modules as $modname => $modpath) {
             $modexists = file_exists($modpath) ? ' (path exists)' : ' (PATH DOES NOT EXIST!)';
             $body .= $this->_wordwrap($modname . ':' . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 20 - strlen($modname))) . var_export($modpath, 1) . $modexists) . "\n";
         $body .= "\n\nCurrent User:\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
         $user = SecurityManager::atkGetUser();
         if (is_array($user) && count($user)) {
             foreach ($user as $key => $value) {
                 $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 30 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         } else {
             $body .= "Not known\n";
         if (is_object($sessionManager)) {
             $body .= "\n\nATK SESSION\n" . str_repeat('-', 70);
             $body .= "\nNamespace: " . $sessionManager->getNameSpace() . "\n";
             if (isset($sessionData[$sessionManager->getNameSpace()]['stack'])) {
                 $stack = $sessionData[$sessionManager->getNameSpace()]['stack'];
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($stack); ++$i) {
                     $body .= "\nStack level {$i}:\n";
                     $item = isset($stack[$i]) ? $stack[$i] : null;
                     if (is_array($item)) {
                         foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
                             $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 30 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
             if (isset($sessionData[$sessionManager->getNameSpace()]['globals'])) {
                 $ns_globals = $sessionData[$sessionManager->getNameSpace()]['globals'];
                 if (count($ns_globals) > 0) {
                     $body .= "\nNamespace globals:\n";
                     foreach ($ns_globals as $key => $value) {
                         $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 30 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
             if (isset($sessionData['globals'])) {
                 $globals = $sessionData['globals'];
                 if (count($globals) > 0) {
                     $body .= "\nGlobals:\n";
                     foreach ($globals as $key => $value) {
                         $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 30 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         $body .= "\n\nSERVER INFORMATION\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
         foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) {
             $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 20 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         //TODO: replace with some mailer object
         mail($this->params['mailto'], $subject, $body, "From: {$from}");
Beispiel #14
  * If the auto-select flag is set and only one record exists we immediately
  * return with the selected record.
  * @param DataGrid $grid data grid
  * @return bool auto-select active?
 protected function autoSelectRecord($grid)
     $node = $this->getNode();
     if (!$node->hasFlag(Node::NF_AUTOSELECT)) {
         return false;
     if ($grid->getCount() != 1) {
         return false;
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     if ($sm->atkLevel() > 0 && $grid->getPostvar('atkprevlevel', 0) > $sm->atkLevel()) {
         $backUrl = $sm->sessionUrl(Config::getGlobal('dispatcher') . '?atklevel=' . $sm->newLevel(SessionManager::SESSION_BACK));
     } else {
         $records = $grid->getRecords();
         // There's only one record and the autoselect flag is set, so we
         // automatically go to the target.
         $parser = new StringParser(rawurldecode(Tools::atkurldecode($grid->getPostvar('atktarget'))));
         // For backwardscompatibility reasons, we also support the '[pk]' var.
         $records[0]['pk'] = $node->primaryKey($records[0]);
         $target = $parser->parse($records[0], true);
         $node->redirect($sm->sessionUrl($target, SessionManager::SESSION_NESTED));
     return true;
Beispiel #15
  * Determine the url for the feedbackpage.
  * Output is dependent on the feedback configuration. If feedback is not
  * enabled for the action, this method returns an empty string, so the
  * result of this method can be passed directly to the redirect() method
  * after completing the action.
  * The $record parameter is ignored by the default implementation, but
  * derived classes may override this method to perform record-specific
  * feedback.
  * @param string $action The action that was performed
  * @param int $status The status of the action.
  * @param array $record The record on which the action was performed.
  * @param string $message An optional message to pass to the feedbackpage,
  *                          for example to explain the reason why an action
  *                          failed.
  * @param int $levelskip Number of levels to skip
  * @return string The feedback url.
 public function feedbackUrl($action, $status, $record = [], $message = '', $levelskip = null)
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     $vars = [];
     $atkNodeUri = '';
     $sessionStatus = SessionManager::SESSION_BACK;
     if (isset($this->m_feedback[$action]) && Tools::hasFlag($this->m_feedback[$action], $status) || $status == ActionHandler::ACTION_FAILED) {
         $vars = array('atkaction' => 'feedback', 'atkfbaction' => $action, 'atkactionstatus' => $status, 'atkfbmessage' => $message);
         $atkNodeUri = $this->atkNodeUri();
         $sessionStatus = SessionManager::SESSION_REPLACE;
         // The level skip given is based on where we should end up after the
         // feedback action is shown to the user. This means that the feedback
         // action should be shown one level higher in the stack, hence the -1.
         // Default the feedback action is shown on the current level, so in that
         // case we have a simple SessionManager::SESSION_REPLACE with a level skip of null.
         $levelskip = $levelskip == null ? null : $levelskip - 1;
     $dispatch_url = Tools::dispatch_url($atkNodeUri, Tools::atkArrayNvl($vars, 'atkaction', ''), $vars);
     return $sm->sessionUrl($dispatch_url, $sessionStatus, $levelskip);
Beispiel #16
  * Get/generate CSRF token for the current session stack.
  * @return string CSRF token
 public function getCSRFToken()
     // retrieve earlier generated token from the session stack
     $token = SessionManager::getInstance()->globalStackVar('ATK_CSRF_TOKEN');
     if ($token != null) {
         return $token;
     // generate and store token in sesion stack
     $token = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
     SessionManager::getInstance()->globalStackVar('ATK_CSRF_TOKEN', $token);
     return $token;
Beispiel #17
  * Get debugger data.
  * @param bool $clean
  * @param int $stackId
  * @return array Array with data
 public function &getDebuggerData($clean = false, $stackId = null)
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     if ($stackId == null) {
         $stackId = $sm->atkStackID();
     if (is_object($sm)) {
         $session =& $sm->getSession();
         if ($clean) {
             $session['debugger'] = [];
         $var =& $session['debugger'][$stackId];
         return $var;
     $data = [];
     return $data;
Beispiel #18
  * Get records for a recordlist without actually rendering the recordlist.
  * @param array $recordset the list of records
  * @param array $actions the default actions array
  * @param array $suppressList fields we don't display
  * @return string The rendered recordlist
 private function getRecordlistData($recordset, $actions, $suppressList = array())
     $grid = $this->getGrid();
     $page = $this->getPage();
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     $edit = $grid->isEditing();
     $page->register_script(Config::getGlobal('assets_url') . 'javascript/recordlist.js');
     $listName = $grid->getName();
     $defaulthighlight = Config::getGlobal('highlight');
     $selectcolor = Config::getGlobal('select');
     /* retrieve list array */
     $list = $this->listArray($recordset, '', $actions, $suppressList);
     /* Check if some flags are still valid or not... */
     $hasMRA = $grid->hasFlag(DataGrid::MULTI_RECORD_ACTIONS);
     if ($hasMRA && (count($list['mra']) == 0 || count($list['rows']) == 0)) {
         $hasMRA = false;
     $hasSearch = $grid->hasFlag(DataGrid::SEARCH) && !$grid->isEditing();
     if ($hasSearch && count($list['search']) == 0) {
         $hasSearch = false;
     if ($grid->hasFlag(DataGrid::MULTI_RECORD_PRIORITY_ACTIONS) && (count($grid->getNode()->m_priority_actions) == 0 || count($list['rows']) == 0)) {
     } else {
         if ($grid->hasFlag(DataGrid::MULTI_RECORD_PRIORITY_ACTIONS)) {
             if ($grid->getNode()->m_priority_max == 0) {
                 $grid->getNode()->m_priority_max = $grid->getNode()->m_priority_min + count($list['rows']) - 1;
     $hasActionCol = $this->_hasActionColumn($list, $hasSearch);
     $orientation = Config::getGlobal('recordlist_orientation');
     /*         * *********** */
     /* HEADER ROW */
     /*         * *********** */
     $headercols = [];
     if ($hasActionCol && count($list['rows']) == 0) {
         if ($orientation == 'left' || $orientation == 'both') {
             // empty cell above search button, if zero rows
             // if $orientation is empty, no search button is shown, so no empty cell is needed
             $headercols[] = array('content' => '&nbsp;');
     if (!$edit && ($hasMRA || $grid->hasFlag(DataGrid::MULTI_RECORD_PRIORITY_ACTIONS))) {
         $headercols[] = array('content' => '');
         // Empty leader on top of mra action list.
     if (($orientation == 'left' || $orientation == 'both') && ($hasActionCol && count($list['rows']) > 0)) {
         $headercols[] = array('content' => '');
     foreach (array_values($list['heading']) as $head) {
         if (!$grid->hasFlag(DataGrid::SORT) || empty($head['order'])) {
             $headercols[] = array('content' => $head['title']);
         } else {
             $call = $grid->getUpdateCall(array('atkorderby' => $head['order'], 'atkstartat' => 0));
             $headercols[] = array('content' => $this->_getHeadingAnchorHtml($call, $head['title']));
     if (($orientation == 'right' || $orientation == 'both') && ($hasActionCol && count($list['rows']) > 0)) {
         $headercols[] = array('content' => '');
     if ($hasActionCol && count($list['rows']) == 0) {
         if ($orientation == 'right' || $orientation == 'both') {
             // empty cell above search button, if zero rows
             // if $orientation is empty, no search button is shown, so no empty cell is needed
             $headercols[] = array('content' => '&nbsp;');
     /*         * *********** */
     /* SORT   ROW */
     /*         * *********** */
     $sortcols = [];
     $sortstart = '';
     $sortend = '';
     if ($grid->hasFlag(DataGrid::EXTENDED_SORT)) {
         $call = htmlentities($grid->getUpdateCall(array('atkstartat' => 0), [], 'ATK.DataGrid.extractExtendedSortOverrides'));
         $button = '<input type="button" value="' . Tools::atktext('sort') . '" onclick="' . $call . '">';
         if (!$edit && ($hasMRA || $grid->hasFlag(DataGrid::MULTI_RECORD_PRIORITY_ACTIONS))) {
             $sortcols[] = array('content' => '');
             // Empty leader on top of mra action list.
         if ($orientation == 'left' || $orientation == 'both') {
             $sortcols[] = array('content' => $button);
         foreach (array_keys($list['heading']) as $key) {
             if (isset($list['sort'][$key])) {
                 $sortcols[] = array('content' => $list['sort'][$key]);
         if ($orientation == 'right' || $orientation == 'both') {
             $sortcols[] = array('content' => $button);
     /*         * *********** */
     /* SEARCH ROW */
     /*         * *********** */
     $searchcols = [];
     $searchstart = '';
     $searchend = '';
     if ($hasSearch) {
         $call = htmlentities($grid->getUpdateCall(array('atkstartat' => 0), [], 'ATK.DataGrid.extractSearchOverrides'));
         $buttonType = $grid->isEmbedded() ? 'button' : 'submit';
         $button = '<input type="' . $buttonType . '" class="btn btn-default btn_search" value="' . Tools::atktext('search') . '" onclick="' . $call . ' return false;">';
         if ($grid->hasFlag(DataGrid::EXTENDED_SEARCH)) {
             $button .= ' ' . Tools::href(Config::getGlobal('dispatcher') . '?atknodeuri=' . $grid->getActionNode()->atkNodeUri() . '&atkaction=' . $grid->getActionNode()->getExtendedSearchAction(), '(' . Tools::atktext('search_extended') . ')', SessionManager::SESSION_NESTED);
         $button = '<div class="search-buttons">' . $button . '</div>';
         // $searchstart = '<a name="searchform"></a>';
         $searchstart = '';
         if (!$edit && ($hasMRA || $grid->hasFlag(DataGrid::MULTI_RECORD_PRIORITY_ACTIONS))) {
             $searchcols[] = array('content' => '');
         if ($orientation == 'left' || $orientation == 'both') {
             $searchcols[] = array('content' => $button);
         foreach (array_keys($list['heading']) as $key) {
             if (isset($list['search'][$key])) {
                 $searchcols[] = array('content' => $list['search'][$key]);
             } else {
                 $searchcols[] = array('content' => '');
         if ($orientation == 'right' || $orientation == 'both') {
             $searchcols[] = array('content' => $button);
     /*         * **************************************** */
     /*         * **************************************** */
     $liststart = '';
     $listend = '';
     if (!$edit && ($hasMRA || $grid->hasFlag(DataGrid::MULTI_RECORD_PRIORITY_ACTIONS))) {
         $page->register_script(Config::getGlobal('assets_url') . 'javascript/formselect.js');
         if ($hasMRA) {
             $liststart .= '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">var ' . $listName . ' = new Object();</script>';
     /*         * ***** */
     /* ROWS */
     /*         * ***** */
     $records = [];
     $keys = array_keys($actions);
     $actionurl = count($actions) > 0 ? $actions[$keys[0]] : '';
     $actionloader = "rl_a['" . $listName . "'] = {};";
     $actionloader .= "\nrl_a['" . $listName . "']['base'] = '" . $sm->sessionVars($grid->getActionSessionStatus(), 1, $actionurl) . "';";
     $actionloader .= "\nrl_a['" . $listName . "']['embed'] = " . ($grid->isEmbedded() ? 'true' : 'false') . ';';
     for ($i = 0, $_i = count($list['rows']); $i < $_i; ++$i) {
         $record = [];
         /* Special rowColor method makes it possible to change the row color based on the record data.
          * the method can return a simple value (which will be used for the normal row color), or can be
          * an array, in which case the first element will be the normal row color, and the second the mouseover
          * row color, example: function rowColor(&$record, $num) { return array('red', 'blue'); }
         $method = 'rowColor';
         $bgn = '';
         $bgh = $defaulthighlight;
         if (method_exists($grid->getNode(), $method)) {
             $bgn = $grid->getNode()->{$method}($recordset[$i], $i);
             if (is_array($bgn)) {
                 list($bgn, $bgh) = $bgn;
         $record['class'] = $grid->getNode()->rowClass($recordset[$i], $i);
         foreach ($grid->getNode()->getRowClassCallback() as $callback) {
             $record['class'] .= ' ' . call_user_func_array($callback, array($recordset[$i], $i));
         /* alternate colors of rows */
         $record['background'] = $bgn;
         $record['highlight'] = $bgh;
         $record['rownum'] = $i;
         $record['id'] = $listName . '_' . $i;
         $record['type'] = $list['rows'][$i]['type'];
         /* multi-record-priority-actions -> priority selection */
         if (!$edit && $grid->hasFlag(DataGrid::MULTI_RECORD_PRIORITY_ACTIONS)) {
             $select = '<select name="' . $listName . '_atkselector[]" class="form-control select-standard">' . '<option value="' . htmlentities($list['rows'][$i]['selector']) . '"></option>';
             for ($j = $grid->getNode()->m_priority_min; $j <= $grid->getNode()->m_priority_max; ++$j) {
                 $select .= '<option value="' . $j . '">' . $j . '</option>';
             $select .= '</select>';
             $record['cols'][] = array('content' => $select, 'type' => 'mrpa');
         } elseif (!$edit && $hasMRA) {
             if (count($list['rows'][$i]['mra']) > 0) {
                 switch ($grid->getMRASelectionMode()) {
                     case Node::MRA_SINGLE_SELECT:
                         $inputHTML = '<input type="radio" name="' . $listName . '_atkselector[]" value="' . $list['rows'][$i]['selector'] . '" class="atkradiobutton" onclick="if (this.disabled) this.checked = false">';
                     case Node::MRA_NO_SELECT:
                         $inputHTML = '<input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" checked="checked">' . '<input type="hidden" name="' . $listName . '_atkselector[]" value="' . $list['rows'][$i]['selector'] . '">';
                     case Node::MRA_MULTI_SELECT:
                         $inputHTML = '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $listName . '_atkselector[' . $i . ']" value="' . $list['rows'][$i]['selector'] . '" class="atkcheckbox" onclick="if (this.disabled) this.checked = false">';
                 $record['cols'][] = array('content' => $inputHTML . '
           <script language="javascript"  type="text/javascript">' . $listName . '["' . htmlentities($list['rows'][$i]['selector']) . '"] =
               new Array("' . implode($list['rows'][$i]['mra'], '","') . '");
           </script>', 'type' => 'mra');
             } else {
                 $record['cols'][] = array('content' => '');
         } else {
             if ($edit && $list['rows'][$i]['edit']) {
                 $liststart .= '<input type="hidden" name="atkdatagriddata_AE_' . $i . '_AE_atkprimkey" value="' . htmlentities($list['rows'][$i]['selector']) . '">';
         $str_actions = '<span class="actions">';
         $actionloader .= "\nrl_a['" . $listName . "'][" . $i . '] = {};';
         $icons = Config::getGlobal('recordlist_icons');
         foreach ($list['rows'][$i]['actions'] as $name => $url) {
             if (substr($url, 0, 11) == 'javascript:') {
                 $call = substr($url, 11);
                 $actionloader .= "\nrl_a['{$listName}'][{$i}]['{$name}'] = function() { {$call}; };";
             } else {
                 $actionloader .= "\nrl_a['{$listName}'][{$i}]['{$name}'] = '{$url}';";
             $module = $grid->getNode()->m_module;
             $nodetype = $grid->getNode()->m_type;
             $actionKeys = array('action_' . $module . '_' . $nodetype . '_' . $name, 'action_' . $nodetype . '_' . $name, 'action_' . $name, $name);
             $link = htmlentities($this->text($actionKeys));
             if ($icons == true) {
                 $normalizedName = strtolower(str_replace('-', '_', $name));
                 $icon = Config::get($module, 'icon_' . $nodetype . '_' . $normalizedName, false);
                 if (!$icon) {
                     $icon = Config::getGlobal('icon_' . $nodetype . '_' . $normalizedName, false);
                 if (!$icon) {
                     $icon = Config::getGlobal('icon_' . $normalizedName, false);
                 if ($icon) {
                     $link = '<i class="' . $icon . '" title="' . $link . '"></i>';
             $confirmtext = 'false';
             if (Config::getGlobal('recordlist_javascript_delete') && $name == 'delete') {
                 $confirmtext = "'" . $grid->getNode()->confirmActionText($name) . "'";
             $str_actions .= $this->_renderRecordActionLink($url, $link, $listName, $i, $name, $confirmtext);
         $str_actions .= '</span>';
         /* actions (left) */
         if ($orientation == 'left' || $orientation == 'both') {
             if (!empty($list['rows'][$i]['actions'])) {
                 $record['cols'][] = array('content' => $str_actions, 'type' => 'actions');
             } else {
                 if ($hasActionCol) {
                     $record['cols'][] = array('content' => '');
         /* columns */
         foreach ($list['rows'][$i]['data'] as $html) {
             $record['cols'][] = array('content' => $html, 'type' => 'data');
         /* actions (right) */
         if ($orientation == 'right' || $orientation == 'both') {
             if (!empty($list['rows'][$i]['actions'])) {
                 $record['cols'][] = array('content' => $str_actions, 'type' => 'actions');
             } else {
                 if ($hasActionCol) {
                     $record['cols'][] = array('content' => '');
         $records[] = $record;
     $this->m_actionloader = $actionloader;
     /* TOTAL ROW */
     $totalcols = [];
     if (count($list['total']) > 0) {
         if (!$edit && ($hasMRA || $grid->hasFlag(DataGrid::MULTI_RECORD_PRIORITY_ACTIONS))) {
             $totalcols[] = array('content' => '');
         if (($orientation == 'left' || $orientation == 'both') && ($hasActionCol && count($list['rows']) > 0)) {
             $totalcols[] = array('content' => '');
         foreach (array_keys($list['heading']) as $key) {
             $totalcols[] = array('content' => isset($list['total'][$key]) ? $list['total'][$key] : '');
         if (($orientation == 'right' || $orientation == 'both') && ($hasActionCol && count($list['rows']) > 0)) {
             $totalcols[] = array('content' => '');
     /*         * ********************************************** */
     /*         * ********************************************** */
     $mra = '';
     if (!$edit && $grid->hasFlag(DataGrid::MULTI_RECORD_PRIORITY_ACTIONS)) {
         $target = $sm->sessionUrl(Config::getGlobal('dispatcher') . '?atknodeuri=' . $grid->getActionNode()->atkNodeUri(), SessionManager::SESSION_NESTED);
         /* multiple actions -> dropdown */
         if (count($grid->getNode()->m_priority_actions) > 1) {
             $mra = '<select name="' . $listName . '_atkaction" class="form-control select-standard">' . '<option value="">' . Tools::atktext('with_selected') . ':</option>';
             foreach ($grid->getNode()->m_priority_actions as $name) {
                 $mra .= '<option value="' . $name . '">' . Tools::atktext($name) . '</option>';
             $mra .= '</select>&nbsp;' . $this->getCustomMraHtml() . '<input type="button" class="btn" value="' . Tools::atktext('submit') . '" onclick="atkSubmitMRPA(\'' . $listName . '\', this.form, \'' . $target . '\')">';
         } else {
             $mra = $this->getCustomMraHtml() . '<input type="hidden" name="' . $listName . '_atkaction" value="' . $grid->getNode()->m_priority_actions[0] . '">' . '<input type="button" class="btn" value="' . Tools::atktext($grid->getNode()->m_priority_actions[0]) . '" onclick="atkSubmitMRPA(\'' . $listName . '\', this.form, \'' . $target . '\')">';
     } elseif (!$edit && $hasMRA) {
         $postvars = $grid->getNode()->m_postvars;
         $target = $sm->sessionUrl(Config::getGlobal('dispatcher') . '?atknodeuri=' . $grid->getNode()->atkNodeUri() . '&atktarget=' . (!empty($postvars['atktarget']) ? $postvars['atktarget'] : '') . '&atktargetvar=' . (!empty($postvars['atktargetvar']) ? $postvars['atktargetvar'] : '') . '&atktargetvartpl=' . (!empty($postvars['atktargetvartpl']) ? $postvars['atktargetvartpl'] : ''), SessionManager::SESSION_NESTED);
         $mra = count($list['rows']) > 1 && $grid->getMRASelectionMode() == Node::MRA_MULTI_SELECT ? '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="updateSelection(\'' . $listName . '\', $(this).up(\'form\'), \'all\')">' . Tools::atktext('select_all') . '</a> | ' . '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="updateSelection(\'' . $listName . '\', $(this).up(\'form\'), \'none\')">' . Tools::atktext('deselect_all') . '</a> | ' . '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="updateSelection(\'' . $listName . '\', $(this).up(\'form\'), \'invert\')">' . Tools::atktext('select_invert') . '</a> ' : '';
         $module = $grid->getNode()->m_module;
         $nodetype = $grid->getNode()->m_type;
         /* multiple actions -> dropdown */
         if (count($list['mra']) > 1) {
             $default = $this->getGrid()->getMRADefaultAction();
             $mra .= '<select name="' . $listName . '_atkaction" onchange="javascript:updateSelectable(\'' . $listName . '\', this.form)" class="form-control select-standard">' . '<option value="">' . Tools::atktext('with_selected') . '</option>';
             foreach ($list['mra'] as $name) {
                 if ($grid->getNode()->allowed($name)) {
                     $actionKeys = array('action_' . $module . '_' . $nodetype . '_' . $name, 'action_' . $nodetype . '_' . $name, 'action_' . $name, $name);
                     $mra .= '<option value="' . $name . '"';
                     if ($default == $name) {
                         $mra .= 'selected="selected"';
                     $mra .= '>' . Tools::atktext($actionKeys, $grid->getNode()->m_module, $grid->getNode()->m_type) . '</option>';
             $embedded = $this->getGrid()->isEmbedded() ? 'true' : 'false';
             $mra .= '</select>&nbsp;' . $this->getCustomMraHtml() . '<input type="button" class="btn" value="' . Tools::atktext('submit') . '" onclick="atkSubmitMRA(\'' . $listName . '\', this.form, \'' . $target . '\', ' . $embedded . ', false)">';
         } else {
             if ($grid->getNode()->allowed($list['mra'][0])) {
                 $name = $list['mra'][0];
                 $actionKeys = array('action_' . $module . '_' . $nodetype . '_' . $name, 'action_' . $nodetype . '_' . $name, 'action_' . $name, $name);
                 $embedded = $this->getGrid()->isEmbedded() ? 'true' : 'false';
                 $mra .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $listName . '_atkaction" value="' . $name . '">' . $this->getCustomMraHtml() . '<input type="button" class="btn" value="' . Tools::atktext($actionKeys, $grid->getNode()->m_module, $grid->getNode()->m_type) . '" onclick="atkSubmitMRA(\'' . $listName . '\', this.form, \'' . $target . '\', ' . $embedded . ', false)">';
     } else {
         if ($edit) {
             $mra = '<input type="button" class="btn" value="' . Tools::atktext('save') . '" onclick="' . htmlentities($this->getGrid()->getSaveCall()) . '">';
     $recordListData = array('rows' => $records, 'header' => $headercols, 'search' => $searchcols, 'sort' => $sortcols, 'total' => $totalcols, 'searchstart' => $searchstart, 'searchend' => $searchend, 'sortstart' => $sortstart, 'sortend' => $sortend, 'liststart' => $liststart, 'listend' => $listend, 'listid' => $listName, 'mra' => $mra, 'editing' => $this->getGrid()->isEditing());
     // print_r($recordListData);
     return $recordListData;
Beispiel #19
 public function validate(&$record, $mode)
     $sessionmanager = SessionManager::getInstance();
     $storetype = null;
     if ($sessionmanager) {
         $storetype = $sessionmanager->stackVar('atkstore');
     if ($storetype !== 'session' && !$this->_isSelectableRecord($record, $mode)) {
         Tools::triggerError($record, $this->fieldName(), 'error_integrity_violation');
Beispiel #20
  * This method returns an html page containing a recordlist to select
  * records from. The recordlist can be searched, sorted etc. like an
  * admin screen.
  * @return string The html select page.
 public function multiSelectPage()
     // add the postvars to the form
     global $g_stickyurl;
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     $g_stickyurl[] = 'atktarget';
     $g_stickyurl[] = 'atktargetvar';
     $g_stickyurl[] = 'atktargetvartpl';
     $GLOBALS['atktarget'] = $this->getNode()->m_postvars['atktarget'];
     $GLOBALS['atktargetvar'] = $this->getNode()->m_postvars['atktargetvar'];
     $GLOBALS['atktargetvartpl'] = $this->getNode()->m_postvars['atktargetvartpl'];
     $params['header'] = Tools::atktext('title_multiselect', $this->getNode()->m_module, $this->getNode()->m_type);
     $actions['actions'] = [];
     $actions['mra'][] = 'multiselect';
     $grid = DataGrid::create($this->getNode(), 'multiselect');
      * At first the changes below looked like the solution for the error
      * on the contact multiselect page. Except this is not the case, because
      * the MRA actions will not be shown, which is a must.
     if (is_array($actions['actions'])) {
     } else {
     $params['list'] = $grid->render();
     if ($sm->atkLevel() > 0) {
         $backlinkurl = $sm->sessionUrl(Config::getGlobal('dispatcher') . '?atklevel=' . $sm->newLevel(SessionManager::SESSION_BACK));
         $params['footer'] = '<br><div style="text-align: center"><input type="button" class="btn btn-default" onclick="window.location=\'' . $backlinkurl . '\';" value="' . Tools::atktext('cancel') . '"></div>';
     $output = $this->getUi()->renderList('multiselect', $params);
     return $this->getUi()->renderBox(array('title' => $this->getNode()->actionTitle('multiselect'), 'content' => $output));
Beispiel #21
  * This method returns an html page that can be used as a search form.
  * @param array $record A record containing default values that will be
  *                      entered in the searchform.
  * @return string The html search page.
 public function searchPage($record = null)
     $node = $this->m_node;
     $page = $this->getPage();
     $page->register_script(Config::getGlobal('assets_url') . 'javascript/tools.js');
     $ui = $this->getUi();
     if (is_object($ui)) {
         $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
         $params = [];
         $params['formstart'] = '<form name="entryform" action="' . Config::getGlobal('dispatcher') . '" method="post">';
         $params['formstart'] .= $sm->formState(SessionManager::SESSION_REPLACE);
         $params['formstart'] .= '<input type="hidden" name="atkaction" value="search">';
         $params['formstart'] .= '<input type="hidden" name="atknodeuri" value="' . $node->atkNodeUri() . '">';
         $params['formstart'] .= '<input type="hidden" name="atkstartat" value="0">';
         // start at first page after new search
         $params['content'] = $this->invoke('searchForm', $record);
         $params['buttons'] = $node->getFormButtons('search');
         $params['formend'] = '</form>';
         $output = $ui->renderAction('search', $params);
         $total = $ui->renderBox(array('title' => $node->actionTitle('search'), 'content' => $output));
         return $total;
     } else {
         Tools::atkerror('ui object failure');
     return '';
Beispiel #22
  * Returns a JavaScript call to save the current grid's contents when in edit mode.
  * @return string JavaScript call (might need escaping when used in HTML code)
 public function getSaveCall()
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     $url = $sm->sessionUrl(Tools::dispatch_url($this->getNode()->atkNodeUri(), 'multiupdate', array('output' => 'json')), SessionManager::SESSION_PARTIAL);
     return '' . Json::encode($this->getName()) . ', ' . Json::encode($url) . ');';
Beispiel #23
  * Retrieve all known information about the currently logged-in user.
  * @param $key string
  * @return array Array with userinfo, or "" if no user is logged in.
 public static function atkGetUser($key = '')
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     $session = SessionManager::getSession();
     $user = '';
     $session_auth = is_object($sm) ? $sm->getValue('authentication', 'globals') : [];
     if (Config::getGlobal('authentication_session') && Tools::atkArrayNvl($session, 'login', 0) == 1 && $session_auth['authenticated'] == 1 && !empty($session_auth['user'])) {
         $user = $session_auth['user'];
         if (!isset($user['access_level']) || empty($user['access_level'])) {
             $user['access_level'] = 0;
     if ($key) {
         return $user[$key];
     return $user;
Beispiel #24
  * Makes a session-aware href url.
  * When using hrefs in the editform, you can set saveform to true. This will save your
  * form variables in the session and restore them whenever you come back.
  * @param string $url the url to make session aware
  * @param string $name the name to display (will not be escaped!)
  * @param int $sessionstatus the session flags
  *                              (SessionManager::SESSION_DEFAULT (default)|SessionManager::SESSION_NEW|SessionManager::SESSION_REPLACE|
  *                              SessionManager::SESSION_NESTED|SessionManager::SESSION_BACK)
  * @param bool $saveform wether or not to save the form
  * @param string $extraprops extra props you can add in the link such as
  *                              'onChange="doSomething()"'
  * @static
  * @return string the HTML link for the session aware URI
 public static function href($url, $name = '', $sessionstatus = SessionManager::SESSION_DEFAULT, $saveform = false, $extraprops = '')
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     if ($saveform) {
         $str = 'atkSubmit("' . self::atkurlencode($sm->sessionUrl($url, $sessionstatus)) . '", true);';
         return '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="' . htmlentities($str) . '" ' . $extraprops . '>' . $name . '</a>';
     } else {
         $str = $sm->sessionUrl($url, $sessionstatus);
         return '<a href="' . htmlentities($str) . '" ' . $extraprops . '>' . $name . '</a>';
Beispiel #25
  * If a search action has been defined and a search only returns one result
  * the user will be automatically redirected to the search action.
  * @param DataGrid $grid data grid
  * @return bool redirect active?
 protected function redirectToSearchAction($grid)
     $node = $this->getNode();
     $search = $grid->getPostvar('atksearch');
     // check if we are searching and a search action has been defined
     if (!is_array($search) || count($search) == 0 || !is_array($node->m_search_action) || count($node->m_search_action) == 0) {
         return false;
     // check if there is only a single record in the result
     if ($grid->getCount() != 1) {
         return false;
     $records = $grid->getRecords();
     foreach ($node->m_search_action as $action) {
         if (!$node->allowed($action, $records[0])) {
         // reset search so we can back to the normal admin screen if we want
         $grid->setPostvar('atksearch', array());
         $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
         $url = $sm->sessionUrl(Tools::dispatch_url($node->atkNodeUri(), $action, array('atkselector' => $node->primaryKey($records[0]))), SessionManager::SESSION_NESTED);
         if ($grid->isUpdate()) {
             $script = 'document.location.href = ' . Json::encode($url) . ';';
         } else {
         return true;
     return false;
Beispiel #26
  * Stops building the action box and returns the page builder.
  * @return PageBuilder
 public function endActionBox()
     if ($this->m_sessionStatus !== null) {
         $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
         $this->m_params['formend'] = $sm->formState($this->m_sessionStatus) . $this->m_params['formend'];
     $this->m_pageBuilder->actionBox($this->m_params, $this->m_title, $this->m_template);
     return $this->m_pageBuilder;
Beispiel #27
  * Get the sessionmanager to use.
  * @return mixed Sessionmanager or false if we don't have a session
 protected static function getSessionManager()
     $sessionmanager = SessionManager::getInstance();
     if (!$sessionmanager) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return $sessionmanager;
Beispiel #28
  * the real import function
  * import the uploaded csv file for real.
 public function doExport()
     $enclosure = $this->m_postvars['enclosure'];
     $delimiter = $this->m_postvars['delimiter'];
     $source = $this->m_postvars;
     $list_includes = [];
     foreach ($source as $name => $value) {
         $pos = strpos($name, 'export_');
         if (is_integer($pos) and $pos == 0) {
             $list_includes[] = substr($name, strlen('export_'));
     $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
     $sessionData =& SessionManager::getSession();
     $session_back = $sessionData['default']['stack'][$sm->atkStackID()][$sm->atkLevel() - 1];
     $atkorderby = $session_back['atkorderby'];
     $node = $this->m_node;
     $node_bk = $node;
     $num_atts = count($node_bk->m_attribList);
     $atts =& $node_bk->m_attribList;
     foreach ($atts as $name => $object) {
         $att = $node_bk->getAttribute($name);
         if (in_array($name, $list_includes) && $att->hasFlag(Attribute::AF_HIDE_LIST)) {
         } elseif (!in_array($name, $list_includes)) {
     $rl = new CustomRecordList();
     $flags = ($node_bk->hasFlag(Node::NF_MRA) ? RecordList::RL_MRA : 0) | ($node_bk->hasFlag(Node::NF_MRPA) ? RecordList::RL_MRPA : 0);
     $node_bk->m_postvars = $session_back;
     if (isset($session_back['atkdg']['admin']['atksearch'])) {
         $node_bk->m_postvars['atksearch'] = $session_back['atkdg']['admin']['atksearch'];
     if (isset($session_back['atkdg']['admin']['atksearchmode'])) {
         $node_bk->m_postvars['atksearchmode'] = $session_back['atkdg']['admin']['atksearchmode'];
     $atkfilter = Tools::atkArrayNvl($source, 'atkfilter', '');
     $condition = $session_back['atkselector'] . ($session_back['atkselector'] != '' && $atkfilter != '' ? ' AND ' : '') . $atkfilter;
     $recordset = $node_bk->select($condition)->orderBy($atkorderby)->includes($list_includes)->mode('export')->getAllRows();
     if (method_exists($this->m_node, 'assignExportData')) {
         $this->m_node->assignExportData($list_includes, $recordset);
     $recordset_new = [];
     foreach ($recordset as $row) {
         foreach ($row as $name => $value) {
             if (in_array($name, $list_includes)) {
                 $value = str_replace("\r\n", '\\n', $value);
                 $value = str_replace("\n", '\\n', $value);
                 $value = str_replace("\t", '\\t', $value);
                 $row[$name] = $value;
         $recordset_new[] = $row;
     $filename = 'export_' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $this->getUi()->nodeTitle($node)));
     $rl->render($node_bk, $recordset_new, '', $enclosure, $enclosure, "\r\n", 1, '', '', array('filename' => $filename), 'csv', $source['generatetitlerow'], true, $delimiter);
     return true;
  * Returns a link for removing the currently selected criteria. If
  * nothing (valid) is selected nothing is returned.
  * @param string $current currently loaded criteria
  * @return string forget url
 public function getForgetCriteria($current)
     if (empty($current) || $this->loadCriteria($current) == null) {
     } else {
         $sm = SessionManager::getInstance();
         return $sm->sessionUrl(Tools::dispatch_url($this->m_node->atkNodeUri(), $this->m_action, array('forget_criteria' => $current)), SessionManager::SESSION_REPLACE);
Beispiel #30
  * Here we prepare our record for updating or return false,
  * indicating that we need to insert the record instead of updating it.
  * @param array &$record The record to prepare
  * @return bool If the record wasn't prepared we return false, otherwise true
 public function prepareUpdateRecord(&$record)
     $sessionManager = SessionManager::getInstance();
     // The keys to update the record on
     $updatekey1 = $this->m_postvars['updatekey1'];
     $updatekey1val = $this->getValueFromRecord($record, $updatekey1);
     $allFields = $sessionManager->pageVar('allFields');
     foreach ($allFields as $allField) {
         $allFieldsValues[$allField] = $this->m_postvars[$allField];
     $this->m_importNode->m_postvars['atksearchmode'] = 'exact';
     //      if (!in_array($allFieldValue)) $this->m_importNode->m_fuzzyFilters[] = $allFieldValue;
     $dbrec = $this->m_importNode->searchDb(array($updatekey1 => $updatekey1val));
     if (count($dbrec) == 1) {
         $record[$this->m_importNode->primaryKeyField()] = $dbrec[0][$this->m_importNode->primaryKeyField()];
         $record['atkprimkey'] = $dbrec[0]['atkprimkey'];
         return true;
     return false;