Beispiel #1
 public function loginAction(Request $request, Application $app)
     $username = $app->escape($request->get('username'));
     $password = $app->escape($request->get('password'));
     $rememberMe = $app->escape($request->get('rememberMe'));
     if (!$username || !$password) {
         $app->abort(Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'Missing parameters');
     $user = $app['repository.user']->findByUsername($username);
     if (!$user) {
         $app->abort(Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND, 'User not found');
     if (password_verify($password, $user->getPassword())) {
         $user->setLastSeen(new \DateTime('now'));
         //$access_query = 'SELECT user_level FROM users_access WHERE user_id = ' . $account['id'];
         //$access       = $app['db']->fetchAssoc($access_query);
         $permissions = [];
         //foreach ($access as $accessLevel) {
         //    array_push($permissions, $app['api.accessLevels'][$accessLevel]);
         $exp = $rememberMe ? time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 : time() + 60 * 60 * 24;
         // expire in 30 days or 24h
         $user = ['id' => $user->getId(), 'username' => $user->getUsername(), 'permissions' => $permissions, 'rememberMe' => $rememberMe];
         $token = $app['jwt']->createToken($request, $exp, $user);
     } else {
         $user->setFailedLogins($user->getFailedLogins() + 1);
         $app->abort(Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN, 'Wrong password');
     return json_encode(['token' => $token], JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
Beispiel #2
 public function view(Application $app, $folder = '', $scriptName = '', $runType = 'test')
     if (!file_exists("Api/Library/Shared/Script/{$folder}/{$scriptName}.php")) {
         $app->abort(404, $this->website->base);
         // this terminates PHP
     } else {
         $userId = (string) $app['session']->get('user_id');
         if (!RightsHelper::hasSiteRight($userId, Domain::PROJECTS + Operation::DELETE)) {
             $app->abort(403, 'You have insufficient privileges to run scripts');
             // this terminates PHP
         } else {
             try {
                 $className = "Api\\Library\\Shared\\Script\\{$folder}\\{$scriptName}";
                 $script = new $className();
                 $this->data['scriptname'] = $className . '->run()';
                 $this->data['insert'] = '';
                 $this->data['output'] = '';
                 if (strtolower($folder) == 'control' and strtolower($scriptName) == 'panel') {
                     $this->data['insert'] .= $script->run($userId, $runType);
                 } else {
                     if ($runType != 'run') {
                         $this->data['output'] .= "--------------- THIS IS A TEST RUN - The database should not be modified ----------------\n\n";
                     $this->data['output'] .= $script->run($userId, $runType);
                 return $this->renderPage($app, 'textoutput');
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $app->abort(500, "Looks like there was a problem with the script {$className}");
                 // this terminates PHP
 public function getDevFile(Request $request, Application $app, $lang, $fileName)
     global $rfExampleConfig;
     if (!isset($rfExampleConfig['devStaticPaths'][$lang])) {
         $app->abort(404, "Cannot find language files");
     $filePath = $rfExampleConfig['devStaticPaths'][$lang] . $fileName;
     if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
         $app->abort(404, "Cannot find file");
     $arr = explode(".", $fileName);
     $extension = array_pop($arr);
     $mime = "text/plain";
     if ($extension === "css") {
         $mime = "text/css";
     } else {
         if ($extension === "js") {
             $mime = "application/javascript";
         } else {
             if ($extension === "html") {
                 $mime = "text/html";
     return $app->sendFile($filePath, 200, array('Content-Type' => $mime));
 protected function build($siteid, $slug, Request $request, Application $app)
     $this->parameters = array('group' => null, 'venue' => null, 'country' => null);
     $sr = new SiteRepository();
     $this->parameters['site'] = $sr->loadById($siteid);
     if (!$this->parameters['site']) {
     $er = new EventRepository();
     $this->parameters['event'] = $er->loadBySlug($this->parameters['site'], $slug);
     $this->parameters['eventisduplicateof'] = $this->parameters['event']->getIsDuplicateOfId() ? $er->loadById($this->parameters['event']->getIsDuplicateOfId()) : null;
     if (!$this->parameters['event']) {
     if ($this->parameters['event']->getGroupId()) {
         $gr = new GroupRepository();
         $this->parameters['group'] = $gr->loadById($this->parameters['event']->getGroupId());
     if ($this->parameters['event']->getCountryID()) {
         $cr = new CountryRepository();
         $this->parameters['country'] = $cr->loadById($this->parameters['event']->getCountryID());
     if ($this->parameters['event']->getVenueID()) {
         $cr = new VenueRepository();
         $this->parameters['venue'] = $cr->loadById($this->parameters['event']->getVenueID());
 protected function build($siteid, $slug, Request $request, Application $app)
     $this->parameters = array('user' => null, 'eventCreated' => null, 'eventDupe' => null);
     $sr = new SiteRepository();
     $this->parameters['site'] = $sr->loadById($siteid);
     if (!$this->parameters['site']) {
     $repo = new NewEventDraftRepository();
     $this->parameters['draft'] = $repo->loadBySlugForSite($slug, $this->parameters['site']);
     if (!$this->parameters['draft']) {
     if ($this->parameters['draft']->getUserAccountId()) {
         $ur = new UserAccountRepository();
         $this->parameters['user'] = $ur->loadByID($this->parameters['draft']->getUserAccountId());
     if ($this->parameters['draft']->getEventId()) {
         $er = new EventRepository();
         $this->parameters['eventCreated'] = $er->loadByID($this->parameters['draft']->getEventId());
     if ($this->parameters['draft']->getWasExistingEventId()) {
         $er = new EventRepository();
         $this->parameters['eventDupe'] = $er->loadByID($this->parameters['draft']->getWasExistingEventId());
Beispiel #6
 function listing(Silex\Application $app, $contenttypeslug)
     $contenttype = $app['storage']->getContentType($contenttypeslug);
     // First, get some content
     $page = !empty($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
     $amount = !empty($contenttype['listing_records']) ? $contenttype['listing_records'] : $app['config']['general']['listing_records'];
     $content = $app['storage']->getContent($contenttype['slug'], array('limit' => $amount, 'order' => 'datepublish desc', 'page' => $page));
     if (!$content) {
         $app->abort(404, "Content for '{$contenttypeslug}' not found.");
     // Then, select which template to use, based on our 'cascading templates rules'
     if (!empty($contenttype['listing_template'])) {
         $template = $contenttype['listing_template'];
     } else {
         $filename = $app['paths']['themepath'] . "/" . $contenttype['slug'] . ".twig";
         if (file_exists($filename) && is_readable($filename)) {
             $template = $contenttype['slug'] . ".twig";
         } else {
             $template = $app['config']['general']['listing_template'];
     // Fallback: If file is not OK, show an error page
     $filename = $app['paths']['themepath'] . "/" . $template;
     if (!file_exists($filename) || !is_readable($filename)) {
         $app->abort(404, "No template for '{$contenttypeslug}' defined. Tried to use '{$template}'.");
     // $app['editlink'] = path('editcontent', array('contenttypeslug' => $contenttypeslug, 'id' => $content->id));
     $body = $app['twig']->render($template, array('records' => $content, $contenttype['slug'] => $content));
     return new Response($body, 200, array('Cache-Control' => 's-maxage=3600, public'));
Beispiel #7
  * Get record detailed view
  * @param Application $app
  * @param Request     $request
  * @return JsonResponse
 public function getRecord(Application $app, Request $request)
     if (!$request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
     $searchEngine = $options = null;
     $train = '';
     if ('' === ($env = strtoupper($request->get('env', '')))) {
         $app->abort(400, '`env` parameter is missing');
     // Use $request->get as HTTP method can be POST or GET
     if ('RESULT' == ($env = strtoupper($request->get('env', '')))) {
         try {
             $options = SearchEngineOptions::hydrate($app, $request->get('options_serial'));
             $searchEngine = $app['phraseanet.SE'];
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $app->abort(400, 'Search-engine options are not valid or missing');
     $pos = (int) $request->get('pos', 0);
     $query = $request->get('query', '');
     $reloadTrain = !!$request->get('roll', false);
     $record = new \record_preview($app, $env, $pos < 0 ? 0 : $pos, $request->get('cont', ''), $searchEngine, $query, $options);
     if ($record->is_from_reg()) {
         $train = $app['twig']->render('prod/preview/reg_train.html.twig', ['record' => $record]);
     if ($record->is_from_basket() && $reloadTrain) {
         $train = $app['twig']->render('prod/preview/basket_train.html.twig', ['record' => $record]);
     if ($record->is_from_feed()) {
         $train = $app['twig']->render('prod/preview/feed_train.html.twig', ['record' => $record]);
     return $app->json(["desc" => $app['twig']->render('prod/preview/caption.html.twig', ['record' => $record, 'highlight' => $query, 'searchEngine' => $searchEngine, 'searchOptions' => $options]), "html_preview" => $app['twig']->render('common/preview.html.twig', ['record' => $record]), "others" => $app['twig']->render('prod/preview/appears_in.html.twig', ['parents' => $record->get_grouping_parents(), 'baskets' => $record->get_container_baskets($app['EM'], $app['authentication']->getUser())]), "current" => $train, "history" => $app['twig']->render('prod/preview/short_history.html.twig', ['record' => $record]), "popularity" => $app['twig']->render('prod/preview/popularity.html.twig', ['record' => $record]), "tools" => $app['twig']->render('prod/preview/tools.html.twig', ['record' => $record]), "pos" => $record->get_number(), "title" => str_replace(['[[em]]', '[[/em]]'], ['<em>', '</em>'], $record->get_title($query, $searchEngine))]);
  * Bootstraps the application.
  * This method is called after all services are registered
  * and should be used for "dynamic" configuration (whenever
  * a service must be requested).
 public function boot(Application $app)
     $this->app = $app;
     $app->get($app["documentation.url"] . '/', function () use($app) {
         $subRequest = Request::create($app["documentation.url"], 'GET');
         return $app->handle($subRequest, HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST);
     $app->get($app["documentation.url"], function () use($app) {
         $home = $app["documentation.dir"] . '/' . $app["documentation.home"] . '.' . $app["documentation.extension"];
         if (is_file($home)) {
             if (is_readable($home)) {
                 $content = file_get_contents($home);
                 return $app["DocumentationRenderer"]->render($content);
             } else {
                 $app->abort("403", "Forbidden");
         } else {
             $app->abort("404", "Documentation Page not Found ");
     $app->get($app["documentation.url"] . "/{pagename}", function (Request $request) use($app) {
         $page = $app["documentation.dir"] . '/' . $request->get('pagename') . '.' . $app["documentation.extension"];
         if (is_file($page)) {
             if (is_readable($page)) {
                 $content = file_get_contents($page);
                 return $app["DocumentationRenderer"]->render($content);
             } else {
                 $app->abort("403", "Forbidden");
         } else {
             $app->abort("404", "Documentation Page not Found ");
     })->assert('pagename', '[a-zA-Z0-9-/]*')->value("pagename", "index");
Beispiel #9
  * Get entity class
  * @param string $modelName
  * @return string
 public function getClass($modelName)
     // Returns a string with the first character of str capitalized
     $modelName = ucfirst($modelName);
     $class = "\\{$this->app['config']['parameters']['db.models.namespace']}\\{$modelName}";
     if (!class_exists($class)) {
         $this->app->abort(404, "Not declared class \"{$class}\"");
     return $class;
Beispiel #10
  * Invalidate our database check by removing the timestamp file from cache.
  * @return void
 public function invalidate()
     $fileName = $this->getValidityTimestampFilename();
     // delete the cached dbcheck-ts
     if (is_writable($fileName)) {
     } elseif (file_exists($fileName)) {
         $message = sprintf("The file '%s' exists, but couldn't be removed. Please remove this file manually, and try again.", $fileName);
         $this->app->abort(Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, $message);
Beispiel #11
  * Действие для страницы категории
  * @param string $url URL категории
  * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException
  * @return string
 public function categoryAction($url)
     $category = $this->catalogModel->getCategory($url);
     if (!$category) {
         $this->app->abort(404, "Категория c URL '{$url}' не найдена");
     $products = $this->catalogModel->getProductsByCategoryId($category['id']);
     foreach ($products as &$product) {
         $product['price'] = $this->catalogModel->convertPrice($product['price']);
     return $this->view->render('catalog/category.phtml', array('category' => $category, 'products' => $products));
Beispiel #12
  * Get service for ZF
  * @param mixed $service
  * @return mixed
 public function get($service)
     $method = 'get';
     $service = strtolower($service);
     $arService = explode('_', $service);
     foreach ($arService as $item) {
         $method .= ucfirst($item);
     if (method_exists($this, $method)) {
         return $this->{$method}();
     } else {
         $this->app->abort(404, "Service {$service} not Found");
 protected function build($siteid, $fieldid, Request $request, Application $app)
     $this->parameters = array();
     $sr = new SiteRepository();
     $this->parameters['site'] = $sr->loadById($siteid);
     if (!$this->parameters['site']) {
     $repo = new EventCustomFieldDefinitionRepository();
     $this->parameters['field'] = $repo->loadBySiteIDAndID($this->parameters['site']->getId(), $fieldid);
     if (!$this->parameters['field']) {
Beispiel #14
 public function connect(Application $app)
     $app['controller.rss-feeds'] = $this;
     $controllers = $app['controllers_factory'];
     $controllers->get('/feed/{id}/{format}/', function (Application $app, $id, $format) {
         $feed = $app['EM']->getRepository('Phraseanet:Feed')->find($id);
         if (null === $feed) {
             $app->abort(404, 'Feed not found');
         if (!$feed->isPublic()) {
             $app->abort(403, 'Forbidden');
         $request = $app['request'];
         $page = (int) $request->query->get('page');
         $page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page;
         return $app['feed.formatter-strategy']($format)->createResponse($app, $feed, $page);
     })->bind('feed_public')->assert('id', '\\d+')->assert('format', '(rss|atom)');
     $controllers->get('/userfeed/{token}/{id}/{format}/', function (Application $app, $token, $id, $format) {
         $token = $app["EM"]->find('Phraseanet:FeedToken', $id);
         $request = $app['request'];
         $page = (int) $request->query->get('page');
         $page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page;
         return $app['feed.formatter-strategy']($format)->createResponse($app, $token->getFeed(), $page, $token->getUser());
     })->bind('feed_user')->assert('id', '\\d+')->assert('format', '(rss|atom)');
     $controllers->get('/userfeed/aggregated/{token}/{format}/', function (Application $app, $token, $format) {
         $token = $app['EM']->getRepository('Phraseanet:AggregateToken')->findOneBy(["value" => $token]);
         $user = $token->getUser();
         $feeds = $app['EM']->getRepository('Phraseanet:Feed')->getAllForUser($app['acl']->get($user));
         $aggregate = new Aggregate($app['EM'], $feeds, $token);
         $request = $app['request'];
         $page = (int) $request->query->get('page');
         $page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page;
         return $app['feed.formatter-strategy']($format)->createResponse($app, $aggregate, $page, $user);
     })->bind('feed_user_aggregated')->assert('format', '(rss|atom)');
     $controllers->get('/aggregated/{format}/', function (Application $app, $format) {
         $feed = Aggregate::getPublic($app);
         $request = $app['request'];
         $page = (int) $request->query->get('page');
         $page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page;
         return $app['feed.formatter-strategy']($format)->createResponse($app, $feed, $page);
     })->bind('feed_public_aggregated')->assert('format', '(rss|atom)');
     $controllers->get('/cooliris/', function (Application $app) {
         $feed = Aggregate::getPublic($app);
         $request = $app['request'];
         $page = (int) $request->query->get('page');
         $page = $page < 1 ? 1 : $page;
         return $app['feed.formatter-strategy']('cooliris')->createResponse($app, $feed, $page, null, 'Phraseanet', $app);
     return $controllers;
 protected function build($siteid, $id, Request $request, Application $app)
     $this->parameters = array();
     $sr = new SiteRepository();
     $this->parameters['site'] = $sr->loadById($siteid);
     if (!$this->parameters['site']) {
     $sr = new UserGroupRepository();
     $this->parameters['usergroup'] = $sr->loadByIdInSite($id, $this->parameters['site']);
     if (!$this->parameters['usergroup']) {
 protected function build($siteid, $slug, Request $request, Application $app)
     $this->parameters = array('group' => null);
     $sr = new SiteRepository();
     $this->parameters['site'] = $sr->loadById($siteid);
     if (!$this->parameters['site']) {
     $clr = new CuratedListRepository();
     $this->parameters['curatedlist'] = $clr->loadBySlug($this->parameters['site'], $slug);
     if (!$this->parameters['curatedlist']) {
 protected function build($siteid, $slug, Request $request, Application $app)
     $this->parameters = array('group' => null);
     $sr = new SiteRepository();
     $this->parameters['site'] = $sr->loadById($siteid);
     if (!$this->parameters['site']) {
     $vr = new VenueRepository();
     $this->parameters['venue'] = $vr->loadBySlug($this->parameters['site'], $slug);
     if (!$this->parameters['venue']) {
     $this->parameters['venueisduplicateof'] = $this->parameters['venue']->getIsDuplicateOfId() ? $vr->loadById($this->parameters['venue']->getIsDuplicateOfId()) : null;
 public function index(Application $app, $firstChar, $page)
     //Page number 0 or below
     if ($page <= 0) {
         $redirectUrl = "/a-z/{$firstChar}/1";
         return $app->redirect($redirectUrl);
     $data = $app['programme_api']->fetchPageData($firstChar, $page);
     $successfulRequest = $data[0];
     if ($successfulRequest) {
         $pageData = $data[1];
         $totalProgrammes = $pageData->atoz_programmes->count;
         if ($totalProgrammes == 0) {
             return $app['twig']->render('no-results.twig', array());
         $perPage = $pageData->atoz_programmes->per_page;
         $numberOfPages = ceil($totalProgrammes / $perPage);
         if ($page > $numberOfPages) {
             //Page number is past last page
             $redirectUrl = "/a-z/{$firstChar}/{$numberOfPages}";
             return $app->redirect($redirectUrl);
         } else {
             $programmes = $pageData->atoz_programmes->elements;
             return $app['twig']->render('az.twig', array('firstChar' => $firstChar, 'numOfPages' => $numberOfPages, 'pageNo' => $page, 'programmes' => $programmes, 'imageSize' => '240x135'));
     } else {
         $error = $data[1];
         $app->abort(500, 'jooooo');
 public function register(Application $app)
     $app['public-vendor.css'] = 'text/css';
     $app['public-vendor.js'] = 'application/javascript';
     $app['public-vendor.html'] = 'text/html';
     $app['public-vendor.eot'] = 'application/';
     $app['public-vendor.svg'] = 'image/svg+xml';
     $app['public-vendor.ttf'] = 'application/x-font-ttf';
     $app['public-vendor.woff'] = 'application/font-woff';
     $app['public-vendor.jpg'] = 'image/jpeg';
     $app['public-vendor.png'] = 'image/png';
     $app['public-vendor.jpeg'] = 'image/jpeg';
     $app['public-vendor.gif'] = 'image/gif';
     $app['public-vendor.ico'] = 'image/x-icon';
     $app['public-vendor'] = $app->share(function () use($app) {
         return new Container();
     $app['public-vendor.response'] = $app->protect(function ($file) use($app) {
         $name = 'public-vendor.' . strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
         if (!file_exists($file) || !isset($app[$name])) {
             $app->abort(404, "Not found");
         return $app->sendFile($file, 200, array('Content-type' => $app[$name]));
  * @param \Silex\Application $app
  * This function can return listing of node.
 public function show(Application $app)
     header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
     $client = $app['elasticsearch'];
     $search = $_GET['recherche'];
     $params['index'] = 'elasticsearch_index_csoecsic_content';
     $params['type'] = 'content';
     $ret = $client->indices()->getMapping(array('index' => 'elasticsearch_index_csoecsic_content'));
     $params['body']['query']['match']['_all'] = $search;
     $result = $client->search($params);
     // If no result from node Elasticsearch.
     if ($result && $result['hits']['total'] === 0) {
         $app->abort(404, sprintf('Node %s does not exist.', $search));
     // If result from node Elasticsearch.
     if ($result['hits']['total'] > 0) {
         $nodes = $result['hits']['hits'];
     } else {
         print 'no result for this search';
     $output['title_doc'] = 'Le contenu le plus pertinent :' . $nodes[0]['_source']['title'] . '';
     $output['score'] = 'Le meilleurs résultat de la recherche est :' . $nodes[0]['_score'] . '';
     //return '<p>Le contenu le plus pertinent :' . $nodes[0]['_source']['title'] . '</p>' . '<p>Avec comme score :' . $nodes[0]['_score'] . '</p>';
     /*return $app->render('template/result.php', array('node' => reset($output)));*/
     return $app['twig']->render('index.html.twig', ['result' => $output]);
  * @param Application $app
  * @return Response
 public function indexAction(Application $app)
     if (!$app['security']->isGranted('ROLE_ADMIN')) {
     return new Response($app['twig']->render('contents/members-area/statistics/index.html.twig'));
Beispiel #22
  * Download a set of documents
  * @param Application $app
  * @param Request     $request
  * @param String      $token
  * @return Response
 public function downloadDocuments(Application $app, Request $request, $token)
     $datas = $app['tokens']->helloToken($token);
     if (false === ($list = @unserialize((string) $datas['datas']))) {
         $app->abort(500, 'Invalid datas');
     $exportName = $list['export_name'];
     if ($list['count'] === 1) {
         $file = end($list['files']);
         $subdef = end($file['subdefs']);
         $exportName = sprintf('%s%s.%s', $file['export_name'], $subdef['ajout'], $subdef['exportExt']);
         $exportFile = \p4string::addEndSlash($subdef['path']) . $subdef['file'];
         $mime = $subdef['mime'];
         $list['complete'] = true;
     } else {
         $exportFile = $app['root.path'] . '/tmp/download/' . $datas['value'] . '.zip';
         $mime = 'application/zip';
     if (!$app['filesystem']->exists($exportFile)) {
         $app->abort(404, 'Download file not found');
     $app['dispatcher']->addListener(KernelEvents::TERMINATE, function (PostResponseEvent $event) use($list, $app) {
         \set_export::log_download($app, $list, $event->getRequest()->request->get('type'), null !== $event->getRequest()->request->get('anonymous') ? true : false, isset($list['email']) ? $list['email'] : '');
     return $app['phraseanet.file-serve']->deliverFile($exportFile, $exportName, DeliverDataInterface::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT, $mime);
 public function detail(Request $request, Application $app, $hash)
     if (!isset($hash)) {
         throw new Exception("Parâmetros inválidos", 1);
     $share = $app['orm.em']->getRepository('Orcamentos\\Model\\Share')->findOneBy(array('hash' => $hash));
     if (!$share) {
         $app->abort(404, "Compartilhamento não existente");
     $shareId = $share->getId();
     $view = new ViewModel();
     $quote = $share->getQuote();
     $resourceCollection = $quote->getResourceQuoteCollection();
     $shareCollection = $quote->getShareCollection();
     $shareNotesCollection = array();
     foreach ($shareCollection as $sc) {
         $notes = $sc->getShareNotesCollection();
         foreach ($notes as $note) {
             $shareNotesCollection[] = $note;
     usort($shareNotesCollection, $app['sortCreated']);
     $city = $quote->getProject()->getCompany()->getCity();
     $createdSignature = $this->createdSignature($quote->getCreated(), $city);
     return $app['twig']->render('share/detail.twig', array('quote' => $quote, 'resourceCollection' => $resourceCollection, 'createdSignature' => $createdSignature, 'shareNotesCollection' => $shareNotesCollection, 'shareId' => $shareId));
 protected function build($id, Request $request, Application $app)
     $this->parameters['extension'] = $app['extensions']->getExtensionById($id);
     if (!$this->parameters['extension']) {
Beispiel #25
  * Download a set of documents
  * @param Application $app
  * @param Request     $request
  * @param Token       $token
  * @return Response
 public function downloadDocuments(Application $app, Request $request, Token $token)
     if (false === ($list = @unserialize($token->getData()))) {
         $app->abort(500, 'Invalid datas');
     if (!is_array($list)) {
         $app->abort(500, 'Invalid datas');
     foreach (['export_name', 'files'] as $key) {
         if (!isset($list[$key])) {
             $app->abort(500, 'Invalid datas');
     $exportName = $list['export_name'];
     if ($list['count'] === 1) {
         $file = end($list['files']);
         $subdef = end($file['subdefs']);
         $exportName = sprintf('%s%s.%s', $file['export_name'], $subdef['ajout'], $subdef['exportExt']);
         $exportFile = \p4string::addEndSlash($subdef['path']) . $subdef['file'];
         $mime = $subdef['mime'];
         $list['complete'] = true;
     } else {
         $exportFile = $app[''] . '/' . $token->getValue() . '.zip';
         $mime = 'application/zip';
     if (!$app['filesystem']->exists($exportFile)) {
         $app->abort(404, 'Download file not found');
     $app['dispatcher']->addListener(KernelEvents::RESPONSE, function (FilterResponseEvent $event) use($list, $app) {
         \set_export::log_download($app, $list, $event->getRequest()->get('type'), !!$event->getRequest()->get('anonymous', false), isset($list['email']) ? $list['email'] : '');
     return $app['phraseanet.file-serve']->deliverFile($exportFile, $exportName, DeliverDataInterface::DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT, $mime);
Beispiel #26
 public function connect(Application $app)
     $route = $app['controllers_factory'];
     $route->get('{repo}/tree/{commitishPath}/', $treeController = function ($repo, $commitishPath = '') use($app) {
         $repository = $app['git']->getRepositoryFromName($app['git.repos'], $repo);
         if (!$commitishPath) {
             $commitishPath = $repository->getHead();
         list($branch, $tree) = $app['util.routing']->parseCommitishPathParam($commitishPath, $repo);
         list($branch, $tree) = $app['util.repository']->extractRef($repository, $branch, $tree);
         $files = $repository->getTree($tree ? "{$branch}:\"{$tree}\"/" : $branch);
         $breadcrumbs = $app['util.view']->getBreadcrumbs($tree);
         $parent = null;
         if (($slash = strrpos($tree, '/')) !== false) {
             $parent = substr($tree, 0, $slash);
         } elseif (!empty($tree)) {
             $parent = '';
         return $app['twig']->render('tree.twig', array('files' => $files->output(), 'repo' => $repo, 'branch' => $branch, 'path' => $tree ? $tree . '/' : $tree, 'parent' => $parent, 'breadcrumbs' => $breadcrumbs, 'branches' => $repository->getBranches(), 'tags' => $repository->getTags(), 'readme' => $app['util.repository']->getReadme($repository, $branch, $tree ? "{$tree}" : "")));
     })->assert('repo', $app['util.routing']->getRepositoryRegex())->assert('commitishPath', $app['util.routing']->getCommitishPathRegex())->convert('commitishPath', 'escaper.argument:escape')->bind('tree');
     $route->post('{repo}/tree/{branch}/search', function (Request $request, $repo, $branch = '', $tree = '') use($app) {
         $repository = $app['git']->getRepositoryFromName($app['git.repos'], $repo);
         if (!$branch) {
             $branch = $repository->getHead();
         $query = $request->get('query');
         $breadcrumbs = array(array('dir' => 'Search results for: ' . $query, 'path' => ''));
         $results = $repository->searchTree($query, $branch);
         return $app['twig']->render('search.twig', array('results' => $results, 'repo' => $repo, 'branch' => $branch, 'path' => $tree, 'breadcrumbs' => $breadcrumbs, 'branches' => $repository->getBranches(), 'tags' => $repository->getTags(), 'query' => $query));
     })->assert('repo', $app['util.routing']->getRepositoryRegex())->assert('branch', $app['util.routing']->getBranchRegex())->convert('branch', 'escaper.argument:escape')->bind('search');
     $route->get('{repo}/{format}ball/{branch}', function ($repo, $format, $branch) use($app) {
         $repository = $app['git']->getRepositoryFromName($app['git.repos'], $repo);
         $tree = $repository->getBranchTree($branch);
         if (false === $tree) {
             return $app->abort(404, 'Invalid commit or tree reference: ' . $branch);
         $file = $app['cache.archives'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $repo . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr($tree, 0, 2) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . substr($tree, 2) . '.' . $format;
         if (!file_exists($file)) {
             $repository->createArchive($tree, $file, $format);
          * Generating name for downloading, lowercasing and removing all non
          * ascii and special characters
         $filename = strtolower($branch);
         $filename = preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9]#', '_', $filename);
         $filename = preg_replace('#_+#', '_', $filename);
         $filename = $filename . '.' . $format;
         $response = new BinaryFileResponse($file);
         $response->setContentDisposition('attachment', $filename);
         return $response;
     })->assert('format', '(zip|tar)')->assert('repo', $app['util.routing']->getRepositoryRegex())->assert('branch', $app['util.routing']->getBranchRegex())->convert('branch', 'escaper.argument:escape')->bind('archive');
     $route->get('{repo}/{branch}/', function ($repo, $branch) use($app, $treeController) {
         return $treeController($repo, $branch);
     })->assert('repo', $app['util.routing']->getRepositoryRegex())->assert('branch', $app['util.routing']->getBranchRegex())->convert('branch', 'escaper.argument:escape')->bind('branch');
     $route->get('{repo}/', function ($repo) use($app, $treeController) {
         return $treeController($repo);
     })->assert('repo', $app['util.routing']->getRepositoryRegex())->bind('repository');
     return $route;
Beispiel #27
 public function checkIfTokenIsPresentAndLikeAVirgin(Request $request)
     // Authorization shouldn't being able to be retrieve here, but rewrite magic happen in vhost configuration
     $authorizationHeader = $request->headers->get('Authorization');
     if ($authorizationHeader == null) {
         $this->app->abort(Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, 'No authorization header sent');
     // $authorizationHeader should be in that form: Bearer THE_TOKEN
     $token = explode(' ', $authorizationHeader)[1];
     try {
         $this->decodedToke = JWT::decode($token, $this->secretKey, array('HS256'));
     } catch (UnexpectedValueException $ex) {
         $this->app->abort(Response::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, 'Invalid token');
     return $decoded_token;
 public function editGoodsClassAjaxAction(Request $request, Application $app)
     $goodsClassId = $request->query->get('goodsClassId');
     $goodsClass = new GoodsClass();
     $resultFindById = $app['repository.goodsClass']->findById($goodsClass);
     if (!$resultFindById) {
         $app->abort(404, '没有找到此资源大类');
     $form = $app['form.factory']->create(new SaveGoodsClassType(), $resultFindById);
     if ($request->isMethod('POST')) {
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             $resultSave = $app['repository.goodsClass']->save($resultFindById);
             if ($resultSave) {
                 $msg = '修改成功。';
                 $url = '/admin/goodsClassList';
                 CommonFunc::alertHref($msg, $url);
             } else {
                 $msg = '修改失败,请重试。';
     $data = array('form' => $form->createview(), 'title' => '资源大类修改');
     return $app['twig']->render('admin/saveGoodsClass.html.twig', $data);
 public function generateAction(Application $app, Request $req, $arguments)
     $expectedWidth = $arguments['width'];
     $expectedHeight = $arguments['height'];
     $largestSide = max($expectedWidth, $expectedHeight);
     $base = ImageWorkshop::initFromPath($arguments['file']);
     $base->cropMaximumInPixel(0, 0, "MM");
     $base->resizeInPixel($largestSide, $largestSide);
     $base->cropInPixel($expectedWidth, $expectedHeight, 0, 0, 'MM');
     $fileName = basename($arguments['file']);
     if (!$arguments['on_the_fly']) {
         $folder = $arguments['web_root'] . $arguments['mount'] . '/' . $arguments['width'] . 'x' . $arguments['height'];
         $base->save($folder, $fileName, true);
         $arguments['logger'](Logger::DEBUG, "File saved in '{$folder}/{$fileName}'");
     $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($arguments['file'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
     if ($ext == 'jpg') {
         $ext = 'jpeg';
     $mimeType = 'image/' . $ext;
     $func = 'image' . $ext;
     if (!function_exists($func)) {
         $arguments['logger'](Logger::CRITICAL, "How this possible?");
     //I don't know any way to pass an image resource to symfony Response object.
     $result = ob_get_clean();
     return new Response($result, 200, array('Content-Type' => $mimeType, 'Content-Disposition' => 'filename="' . $fileName . '"'));
Beispiel #30
  * Save the model to the database.
  * @param  boolean $validate Set to true or false depending on if you want the validators to run or not
  * @return array
 public function saveModel($validate = true)
     if (!$this->save($validate)) {
         $strErr = implode("<br>\n", $this->errors->full_messages());
         $this->app->abort(405, "Failed to save record \"{$strErr}\"");