Beispiel #1
  * Drops all tables in test_data and test_audit.
 protected static function dropAllTables()
     $sql = "\nselect TABLE_SCHEMA as table_schema\n,      TABLE_NAME   as table_name\nfrom   information_schema.TABLES\nwhere TABLE_SCHEMA in (%s,%s)";
     $sql = sprintf($sql, StaticDataLayer::quoteString(self::$dataSchema), StaticDataLayer::quoteString(self::$auditSchema));
     $tables = StaticDataLayer::executeRows($sql);
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         $sql = "drop table `%s`.`%s`";
         $sql = sprintf($sql, $table['table_schema'], $table['table_name']);
Beispiel #2
     * Selects all triggers in a schema
     * @param string $schemaName The name of the table schema.
     * @return \array[]
    public static function getTriggers($schemaName)
        $sql = sprintf('
select EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE as table_name
,      TRIGGER_NAME       as trigger_name
from   information_schema.TRIGGERS
where  TRIGGER_SCHEMA     = %s
,        TRIGGER_NAME', self::$dl->quoteString($schemaName));
        return self::executeRows($sql);
Beispiel #3
     * Selects metadata of all columns of table.
     * @param string $schemaName The name of the table schema.
     * @param string $tableName  The name of the table.
     * @return \array[]
    public static function getTableColumns($schemaName, $tableName)
        $sql = sprintf('
select COLUMN_NAME        as column_name
,      COLUMN_TYPE        as column_type
,      IS_NULLABLE        as is_nullable
,      CHARACTER_SET_NAME as character_set_name
,      COLLATION_NAME     as collation_name
,      EXTRA              as extra
from   information_schema.COLUMNS
where  TABLE_SCHEMA = %s
and    TABLE_NAME   = %s
order by ORDINAL_POSITION', self::$dl->quoteString($schemaName), self::$dl->quoteString($tableName));
        return self::$dl->executeRows($sql);
Beispiel #4
  * Selects info about primary keys of a table in selected schema.
  * @param string $schemaName The name of the schema.
  * @param string $tableName  The name of a table.
  * @return array[]
 public static function getForeignKeys($schemaName, $tableName)
     // Getting a constraint name for foreign key.
     $sql = sprintf("\n    SELECT CONSTRAINT_NAME AS 'constraint_name'\n    FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS\n    WHERE information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'FOREIGN KEY'\n    AND information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS.TABLE_SCHEMA = %s\n    AND information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS.TABLE_NAME = %s", self::$dl->quoteString($schemaName), self::$dl->quoteString($tableName));
     $constraint_names = self::executeRows($sql);
     $field_names = [];
     // Getting names of columns and tables of foreign keys.
     foreach ($constraint_names as $constraint_name) {
         $sql = sprintf("\n      SELECT COLUMN_NAME AS 'column_name',\n      TABLE_NAME AS 'table_name',\n      REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME AS 'ref_table_name',\n      REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME AS 'ref_column_name'\n      FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE\n      WHERE CONSTRAINT_NAME = %s", self::$dl->quoteString($constraint_name['constraint_name']));
         $table_items = self::executeRows($sql);
         $table_items[0]['constraint_name'] = $constraint_name['constraint_name'];
         $field_names[] = $table_items;
     return $field_names;
  * Sets the SQL mode.
  * @param string $sqlMode The SQL mode.
 public static function setSqlMode($sqlMode)
     $sql = sprintf('set sql_mode = %s', self::$dl->quoteString($sqlMode));
     * Test delete trigger is working correctly.
    public function test02c()
        StaticDataLayer::query("SET time_zone = 'Europe/Amsterdam'");
        // Delete a row from AUT_COMPANY.
        $sql = sprintf('
delete from `AUT_COMPANY`
where `cmp_abbr` = %s', StaticDataLayer::quoteString('SYS'));
        // Get audit rows.
        $sql = sprintf("\nselect * \nfrom   `test_audit`.`AUT_COMPANY`\nwhere  audit_statement = 'DELETE'");
        $rows = StaticDataLayer::executeRows($sql);
        // We expect 1 row.
        $this->assertEquals(1, count($rows));
        $row = $rows[0];
        // Tests on fields.
        $time = new \DateTime();
        $this->assertLessThanOrEqual(date_format($time->add(new \DateInterval('PT1M')), 'Y-m-d H:i:s'), $row['audit_timestamp']);
        $time = new \DateTime();
        $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(date_format($time->sub(new \DateInterval('PT1M')), 'Y-m-d H:i:s'), $row['audit_timestamp']);
        $this->assertEquals('OLD', $row['audit_type']);
        $this->assertEquals(3, $row['audit_rownum']);
        $this->assertSame('12345', $row['audit_ses_id']);
        $this->assertSame('7011', $row['audit_usr_id']);
        $this->assertEquals('1', $row['cmp_id']);
        $this->assertEquals('SYS', $row['cmp_abbr']);
        $this->assertEquals('CMP_ID_SYS', $row['cmp_label']);
  * Adds the "values" part of an insert SQL statement to SQL code for a trigger.
  * @param string $rowState The row state (i.e. OLD or NEW).
 private function createInsertStatementValues($rowState)
     $values = '';
     // First the values for the audit columns.
     foreach ($this->auditColumns->getColumns() as $column) {
         $column = $column->getProperties();
         if ($values) {
             $values .= ',';
         switch (true) {
             case isset($column['value_type']):
                 switch ($column['value_type']) {
                     case 'ACTION':
                         $values .= StaticDataLayer::quoteString($this->triggerAction);
                     case 'STATE':
                         $values .= StaticDataLayer::quoteString($rowState);
                         throw new FallenException('value_type', $column['value_type']);
             case isset($column['expression']):
                 $values .= $column['expression'];
                 throw new RuntimeException('None of value_type and expression are set.');
     // Second the values for the audit columns.
     foreach ($this->tableColumns->getColumns() as $column) {
         if ($values) {
             $values .= ',';
         $values .= sprintf('%s.`%s`', $rowState, $column->getProperty('column_name'));
     $this->code->append(sprintf('values(%s);', $values));
  * Tests for quoteString.
  * @expectedException RuntimeException
 public function testQuoteString4()
     StaticDataLayer::quoteString(new StaticDataLayer());