  * Generate a class trailer for stored routine wrapper.
 private function writeClassTrailer()
Beispiel #2
  * Generate php doc block in the data layer for stored routine.
  * @param array $routine Metadata of the stored routine.
 private function generatePhpDoc($routine)
     $this->codeStore->append('/**', false);
     // Generate phpdoc with short description of routine wrapper.
     if ($routine['phpdoc']['sort_description']) {
         $this->codeStore->append(' * ' . $routine['phpdoc']['sort_description'], false);
     // Generate phpdoc with long description of routine wrapper.
     if ($routine['phpdoc']['long_description']) {
         $this->codeStore->append(' * ' . $routine['phpdoc']['long_description'], false);
     // Generate phpDoc with parameters and descriptions of parameters.
     if (!empty($routine['phpdoc']['parameters'])) {
         $this->codeStore->append(' *', false);
         // Compute the max lengths of parameter names and the PHP types of the parameters.
         $max_name_length = 0;
         $max_type_length = 0;
         foreach ($routine['phpdoc']['parameters'] as $parameter) {
             $mangledName = $this->nameMangler->getParameterName($parameter['parameter_name']);
             $max_name_length = max($max_name_length, strlen($mangledName));
             $max_type_length = max($max_type_length, strlen($parameter['php_type']));
         // Add 1 character for $.
         // Generate phpDoc for the parameters of the wrapper method.
         foreach ($routine['phpdoc']['parameters'] as $parameter) {
             $mangledName = $this->nameMangler->getParameterName($parameter['parameter_name']);
             $format = sprintf(' * %%-%ds %%-%ds %%-%ds %%s', strlen('@param'), $max_type_length, $max_name_length);
             $lines = explode("\n", $parameter['description']);
             if (!empty($lines)) {
                 $line = array_shift($lines);
                 $this->codeStore->append(sprintf($format, '@param', $parameter['php_type'], '$' . $mangledName, $line), false);
                 foreach ($lines as $line) {
                     $this->codeStore->append(sprintf($format, ' ', ' ', ' ', $line), false);
             } else {
                 $this->codeStore->append(sprintf($format, '@param', $parameter['php_type'], '$' . $mangledName, ''), false);
             $this->codeStore->append(sprintf($format, ' ', ' ', ' ', $parameter['data_type_descriptor']), false);
     } elseif ($routine['designation'] === 'bulk_insert') {
         // Generate parameter for bulk_insert routine type.
         $this->codeStore->append(' *', false);
         $this->codeStore->append(' * @param array $rows', false);
     // Generate return parameter doc.
     $return = $this->getDocBlockReturnType();
     if ($return) {
         $this->codeStore->append(' *', false);
         $this->codeStore->append(' * @return ' . $return, false);
     // Generate exceptions doc.
     $exceptions = $this->getDocBlockExceptions();
     if (!empty($exceptions)) {
         $exceptions = array_unique($exceptions);
         foreach ($exceptions as $exception) {
             $this->codeStore->append(' * @throws ' . $exception, false);
     $this->codeStore->append(' */', false);