getToken() public method

public getToken ( )
  * Iterate over two-factor providers and ask for two-factor authentcation.
  * Each provider can return a response. The first response will be returned.
  * @param  \Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\TwoFactor\AuthenticationContext $context
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response|null
 public function requestAuthenticationCode(AuthenticationContext $context)
     $token = $context->getToken();
     // Iterate over two-factor providers and ask for completion
     foreach ($this->providers as $providerName => $provider) {
         if ($this->flagManager->isNotAuthenticated($providerName, $token)) {
             $response = $provider->requestAuthenticationCode($context);
             // Set authentication completed
             if ($context->isAuthenticated()) {
                 $this->flagManager->setComplete($providerName, $token);
             // Return response
             if ($response instanceof Response) {
                 return $response;
     return null;
  * @test
 public function getToken_objectInitialized_returnToken()
     $returnValue = $this->authContext->getToken();
     $this->assertEquals($this->token, $returnValue);