  * @return bool
 public static function preProcess()
     if (!parent::preProcess()) {
         return false;
     static::$currentUser = Security::get()->currentUser();
     return true;
Beispiel #2
  * @return array
 protected static function authenticate()
     $principal = SecurityPrincipal::get();
     if ($principal->authenticate(static::request()->username, static::request()->password)) {
         Session::set('security.current_user', static::request()->username);
         Session::set('security.authenticated', true);
         $uri = Session::get('security.called_before_login');
         Session::set('security.called_before_login', null);
         return ['success' => true, 'controllerAction' => $uri];
     } else {
         return ['success' => false, 'controllerAction' => 'Security::login', 'params' => ['failure']];
Beispiel #3
 public static function postEdit($redirect = true)
     $signupForm = new forms\Signup();
     # Otherwise controller would need to be extended (single actions cant be protected)
     if (!security\Security::get()->isAuthenticated()) {
         return security\controllers\Security::forbidden();
     } elseif (!$signupForm->isValid()) {
         return static::render(['errors' => $signupForm->getErrors()]);
     } else {
         $mediator = RegistrationMediator::get();
         $credentials = ['id' => security\Security::get()->currentUser()->id, 'password' => static::request()->password, 'passwordRetyped' => static::request()->passwordRetyped, 'fullname' => static::request()->fullname, 'email' => static::request()->email, 'phone' => static::request()->phone, 'mobile' => static::request()->mobile];
         # This is mediator dependent and cant therefore be abstracted into a form
         $areCredentialsValid = $mediator->isValidPassword($credentials['password'], $credentials['passwordRetyped']);
         if ($areCredentialsValid) {
             # Now we can sha1 the password
             $credentials['password'] = sha1($credentials['password']);
             # Save it
             # and redirect or save, dependent on input var
             return $redirect ? static::redirect('Registration::success') : $mediator->getSignedUpUser();
Beispiel #4
  * @param string $group
  * @return bool
 public function isInGroup($group)
     return Security::get()->isUserInGroup($this->username, $group);