  * Convenient constructor
  * @param   string                                              $instanceId  The ID of the instance.
  * @param   string                                              $name        The image name.
  * @param   BlockDeviceMappingList|BlockDeviceMappingData|array $blockDeviceMapping optional Block device mapping list
 public function __construct($instanceId, $name, $blockDeviceMapping = null)
     $this->instanceId = $instanceId;
     $this->name = $name;
Beispiel #2
  * Convenient constructor
  * @param   string                                              $name        The image name.
  * @param   BlockDeviceMappingList|BlockDeviceMappingData|array $blockDeviceMapping optional Block device mapping list
 public function __construct($name, $blockDeviceMapping = null)
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->architecture = 'i386';
Beispiel #3
  * Constructor
  * @param   string     $availabilityZone optional The Availability Zone of the instance.
  * @param   string     $groupName        optional The name of the placement group the instance is in (for cluster compute instances).
  * @param   string     $tenancy          optional The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running within a VPC).
 public function __construct($availabilityZone = null, $groupName = null, $tenancy = null)
     $this->availabilityZone = $availabilityZone;
     $this->groupName = $groupName;
     $this->tenancy = $tenancy;
  * Constructor
  * @param   string     $userId    optional The ID of an AWS account. Cannot be used when specifying a CIDR IP address range
  * @param   string     $groupId   optional The ID of the security group in the specified AWS account. Cannot be used when specifying a CIDR IP address range
  * @param   string     $groupName optional The name of the security group in the specified AWS account. Cannot be used when specifying a CIDR IP address range.
 public function __construct($userId = null, $groupId = null, $groupName = null)
     $this->userId = $userId;
     $this->groupId = $groupId;
     $this->groupName = $groupName;
  * Constructor
  * @param   string             $deviceName  optional
  *          The device name exposed to the instance (e.g., /dev/sdh).
  * @param   string             $virtualName optional
  *          The virtual device name.
  * @param   string             $noDevice    optional
  *          Include this empty element to suppress the specified device included
  *          in the block device mapping of the AMI.
  * @param   EbsBlockDeviceData $ebs         optional
  *          Parameters used to automatically set up Amazon EBS
  *          volumes when the instance is launched.
 public function __construct($deviceName = null, $virtualName = null, $noDevice = null, EbsBlockDeviceData $ebs = null)
     $this->deviceName = $deviceName;
     $this->virtualName = $virtualName;
     $this->noDevice = $noDevice;
     $this->ebs = $ebs;
  * Convenient constructor
  * @param   string|number                                 $ipProtocol optional The protocol
  * @param   int                                           $fromPort   optional From port
  * @param   int                                           $toPort     optional To port
  * @param   IpRangeList|IpRangeData|array                 $ipRanges   optional The list of IP Ranges
  * @param   UserIdGroupPairList|UserIdGroupPairData|array $groups     optional The list of the User ID groups
 public function __construct($ipProtocol = null, $fromPort = null, $toPort = null, $ipRanges = null, $groups = null)
     $this->ipProtocol = $ipProtocol;
     $this->fromPort = $fromPort;
     $this->toPort = $toPort;
Beispiel #7
  * Constructor
  * @param   int        $volumeSize          optional
  *          The size of the volume, in GiB
  *          Valid values: If the volume type is io1, the minimum size of the volume is 10 GiB.
  *          Default: If you're creating the volume from a snapshot and don't
  *          specify a volume size, the default is the snapshot size.
  *          Condition: If you're specifying a block device mapping, the volume
  *          size is required unless you're creating the volume from a snapshot.
  * @param   string     $snapshotId          optional
  *          The ID of the snapshot.
  * @param   string     $volumeType          optional
  *          The volume type. Valid values: standard | io1
  * @param   int        $iops                optional
  *          The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports.
  *          Valid values: Range is 100 to 2000.
  *          Condition: Required when the volume type is io1; not used with standard volumes.
  * @param   bool       $deleteOnTermination optional
  *          Whether the Amazon EBS volume is deleted on instance termination
 public function __construct($volumeSize = null, $snapshotId = null, $volumeType = null, $iops = null, $deleteOnTermination = null)
     $this->volumeSize = $volumeSize;
     $this->snapshotId = $snapshotId;
     $this->volumeType = $volumeType;
     $this->deleteOnTermination = $deleteOnTermination !== null ? (bool) $deleteOnTermination : null;
     if ($this->volumeType !== 'standard') {
         $this->iops = $iops;
  * Convenient constructor
  * @param   string|AvailabilityZoneData $availabilityZone The Availability Zone in which the volume was created.
  * @param   string                      $size             optional Size of the volume, in GiBs.
 public function __construct($availabilityZone, $size = null)
     if ($availabilityZone instanceof AvailabilityZoneData) {
         $zoneName = $availabilityZone->zoneName;
     } else {
         $zoneName = (string) $availabilityZone;
     $this->availabilityZone = $zoneName;
     $this->size = $size;
     $this->volumeType = self::VOLUME_TYPE_STANDARD;
Beispiel #9
  * Constructor
  * @param   string     $regionName       optional The name of the region.
  * @param   string     $regionEndpoint   optional The endpoint for the region.
 public function __construct($regionName = null, $regionEndpoint = null)
     $this->regionName = $regionName;
     $this->regionEndpoint = $regionEndpoint;
Beispiel #10
  * Convenient constuctor for the filter
  * @param \Scalr\Service\Aws\Ec2\DataType\StringType $name    Filter name
  * @param array|string                               $value   Filter value
 public function __construct($name = null, $value = null)
 public function __construct($subnetId)
     $this->subnetId = $subnetId;
Beispiel #12
  * Constructor
  * @param   string   $groupId optional The ID of the security group associated with the network interface.
 public function __construct($groupId = null)
     $this->groupId = $groupId;
  * Constructor
  * @param   string     $vpcId optional The ID of the VPC.
  * @param   string     $state optional The current state of the attachment
 public function __construct($vpcId = null, $state = null)
     $this->vpcId = $vpcId;
     $this->state = $state;
  * Constructor
  * @param   string     $instanceId optional The instance to associate with the IP address.
  * @param   string     $publicIp   optional The Elastic IP address to assign to the instance.
  *                                          Condition: Required for EC2 Elastic IP addresses.
 public function __construct($instanceId = null, $publicIp = null)
     $this->publicIp = $publicIp;
     $this->instanceId = $instanceId;
Beispiel #15
  * Constructor
  * @param   string     $routeTableId optional The route table's ID
  * @param   string     $vpcId        optional The ID of the VPC
 public function __construct($routeTableId = null, $vpcId = null)
     $this->routeTableId = $routeTableId;
     $this->vpcId = $vpcId;
Beispiel #16
  * Construct
  * @param   string     $gatewayId The ID of the virtual private gateway (VGW)
 public function __construct($gatewayId = null)
     $this->gatewayId = $gatewayId;
Beispiel #17
  * Constructor
  * @param   boolean    $enabled   Whether monitoring is enabled for the instance.
 public function __construct($enabled = null)
     $this->enabled = $enabled;
  * Constructor
  * @param   string     $imageId  The Id of the AMI.
  * @param   int        $minCount The minimum number of instances to launch.
  * @param   int        $maxCount The maximum number of instances to launch.
 public function __construct($imageId, $minCount, $maxCount)
     $this->imageId = (string) $imageId;
     $this->minCount = (int) $minCount;
     $this->maxCount = (int) $maxCount;
Beispiel #19
  * Convenient constructor
  * @param   int        $code optional The low byte representes the code of the state.
  * @param   string     $name optional The current state of the instance.
 public function __construct($code = null, $name = null)
     $this->code = $code;
     $this->name = $name;
Beispiel #20
  * Constructor
  * @param   string     $internetGatewayId optional The ID of the internet gateway
 public function __construct($internetGatewayId = null)
     $this->internetGatewayId = $internetGatewayId;
  * Constructor
  * @param   string       $arn  optional The Amazon resource name (ARN) of the IAM Instance Profile (IIP) to associate with the instance.
  * @param   string       $name optional The name of the IAM Instance Profile (IIP) to associate with the instance.
 public function __construct($arn = null, $name = null)
     $this->arn = $arn;
     $this->name = $name;
Beispiel #22
  * Convenient constructor
  * @param   string   $cidrIp optional CIDR IP
 public function __construct($cidrIp = null)
     $this->cidrIp = $cidrIp;
Beispiel #23
  * Constructor
  * @param   string     $key   optional The key of the tag
  * @param   string     $value optional The value of the tag
 public function __construct($key = null, $value = null)
     $this->key = $key;
     $this->value = $value;