Beispiel #1
  * Generates and outputs a captcha image
  * @param string $uCookieName name of the cookie which will be stored on the client side
  * @return string generated captcha code
 public static function generate($uCookieName = 'captcha')
     $tFontFile = Io::translatePath(Config::get('captcha/fontFile', '{core}resources/fonts/KabobExtrabold.ttf'));
     $tFontSize = (int) Config::get('captcha/fontSize', 45);
     $tLength = (int) Config::get('captcha/length', 8);
     // pick a random word
     $tCode = String::generatePassword($tLength);
     // create a random gray shade
     $tColorScale = rand(40, 120);
     // allocate the image and colors
     $tImageCanvas = imagecreatetruecolor(300, 80);
     $tColorBackground = imagecolorallocate($tImageCanvas, 255, 255, 255);
     $tColorBackgroundChars = imagecolorallocatealpha($tImageCanvas, $tColorScale, $tColorScale, $tColorScale, 80);
     $tColorTextShadow = imagecolorallocatealpha($tImageCanvas, 255, 255, 255, 20);
     $tColorText = imagecolorallocatealpha($tImageCanvas, $tColorScale + 25, $tColorScale + 10, $tColorScale + 10, 30);
     // clear the background
     imagefilledrectangle($tImageCanvas, 0, 0, 300, 80, $tColorBackground);
     // create the background letters
     $tBackgroundChars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
     for ($i = 0; $i < rand(60, 120); $i++) {
         // randomize the place and angle
         $x = rand(-50, 300);
         $y = rand(-50, 80);
         $tAngle = rand(-90, 90);
         imagettftext($tImageCanvas, $tFontSize, $tAngle, $x, $y, $tColorBackgroundChars, $tFontFile, $tBackgroundChars[rand(0, strlen($tBackgroundChars) - 1)]);
     // randomize the start of the code
     $x = 50 + rand(-40, 30 - (strlen($tCode) - 6) * 24);
     $y = 56 + rand(-8, 8);
     // write the code letter-by-letter
     for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($tCode); $i++) {
         // angle is random
         $tAngle = rand(-10, 10);
         // create the shadow for the letter
         for ($ax = -1; $ax < 0; $ax++) {
             for ($ay = -1; $ay < 0; $ay++) {
                 imagettftext($tImageCanvas, $tFontSize, $tAngle, $x + $ax, $y + $ay, $tColorTextShadow, $tFontFile, $tCode[$i]);
         // create the letter
         imagettftext($tImageCanvas, $tFontSize, $tAngle, $x, $y, $tColorText, $tFontFile, $tCode[$i]);
         // calculate the place of the next letter
         $y += rand(-2, 2);
         $tTemp = imagettfbbox($tFontSize, 0, $tFontFile, $tCode[$i]);
         $x += $tTemp[2] + rand(-4, 0);
     // fancy border
     imagerectangle($tImageCanvas, 0, 0, 299, 79, $tColorText);
     imagerectangle($tImageCanvas, 1, 1, 298, 78, $tColorBackground);
     // store the code in session
     Session::set($uCookieName, $tCode);
     // try to avoid caching
     header('Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT', true);
     header('Pragma: public', true);
     header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate', true);
     header('Cache-Control: pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0');
     header('Content-Type: image/png', true);
     header('Content-Disposition: inline;filename=' . $uCookieName . '.png', true);
     // clean up
     // return the code
     return $tCode;
Beispiel #2
  * @ignore
 public static function remove($uAction, $uSlug)
     Session::set('notification', array('info', 'ok-sign', 'Category removed.'));
Beispiel #3
  * Allows authenticated users to log into the system
  * @param string $uUsername username
  * @param string $uPassword password
  * @return bool whether the user logged in or not
 public static function login($uUsername, $uPassword)
     if (self::$hash === 'md5') {
         $tPassword = md5($uPassword);
     } else {
         $tPassword = $uPassword;
     if (self::$type === 'config') {
         foreach (Config::get('auth/userList', array()) as $tUser) {
             if ($uUsername !== $tUser['username'] || $tPassword !== $tUser['password']) {
             Session::set(self::$sessionKey, array('username' => $tUser['username'], 'roles' => isset(self::$user['roles']) ? $tUser['roles'] : self::$defaultRoles, 'extra' => $tUser));
             return true;
     } elseif (self::$type === 'database') {
         $tDatasource = Config::get('auth/database/datasource');
         $tQuery = Config::get('auth/database/query');
         $tPasswordField = Config::get('auth/database/passwordField');
         $tDbConn = Datasources::get($tDatasource);
         $tResult = $tDbConn->query($tQuery, array('username' => $uUsername))->row();
         if ($tResult !== false && isset($tResult[$tPasswordField]) && $tResult[$tPasswordField] === $tPassword) {
             Session::set(self::$sessionKey, array('username' => $uUsername, 'roles' => isset(self::$user['roles']) ? $tResult['roles'] : self::$defaultRoles, 'extra' => $tResult));
             return true;
     // Session::remove(self::$sessionKey);
     return false;
Beispiel #4
  * @ignore
 public function login()
     if (Request::$method !== 'post') {
     // validations
     Validation::addRule('username')->isRequired()->errorMessage('Username shouldn\'t be blank.');
     // Validation::addRule('username')->isEmail()->errorMessage('Please consider your e-mail address once again.');
     Validation::addRule('password')->isRequired()->errorMessage('Password shouldn\'t be blank.');
     Validation::addRule('password')->lengthMinimum(4)->errorMessage('Password should be longer than 4 characters at least.');
     if (!Validation::validate($_POST)) {
         Session::set('notification', array('error', 'remove-sign', Validation::getErrorMessages(true)));
     $username = Request::post('username');
     $password = Request::post('password');
     // user not found
     if (!Auth::login($username, $password)) {
         Session::set('notification', array('error', 'remove-sign', 'User not found'));
Beispiel #5
  * @ignore
 public static function get($uQuery, $uUseCache = false, $uExtra = null)
     if (self::$userId === self::NO_USER_ID) {
         return false;
     if ($uExtra === null) {
         $uExtra = array();
     if ($uUseCache && isset(self::$facebookData['cache'][$uQuery])) {
         $tObject = self::$facebookData['cache'][$uQuery];
     } else {
         try {
             $tObject = self::$api->api($uQuery, $uExtra);
             self::$facebookData['cache'][$uQuery] = $tObject;
             Session::set('facebookData', self::$facebookData);
         } catch (\FacebookApiException $tException) {
             return false;
     return new FacebookQueryObject($tObject);