Beispiel #1
  * Escape a column value, in order to insert it into a SQL query
  * @param $value            mixed
  * @param $double_backquote boolean
  * @return string
 public static function escape($value, $double_backquote = false)
     // no is_numeric(), as sql numeric search make numeric conversion of string fields
     // ie WHERE NAME = 500 instead of '500' will give you '500' and '500L', which is not correct
     if (is_integer($value) || is_float($value)) {
         $string_value = strval($value);
     } elseif (is_bool($value)) {
         $string_value = $value ? '1' : '0';
     } elseif ($value === null) {
         $string_value = 'NULL';
     } elseif (is_array($value)) {
         $do = false;
         $string_value = '';
         foreach ($value as $object_value) {
             if ($object_value !== null) {
                 if ($do) {
                     $string_value .= ',';
                 $string_value .= str_replace(DQ, DQ . DQ, $object_value);
                 $do = true;
         $string_value = substr($string_value, 2);
     } elseif ($value instanceof Date_Time) {
         $string_value = DQ . ($value->toISO() ?: '0000-00-00 00:00:00') . DQ;
     } else {
         $string_value = DQ . Dao::current()->escapeString($value) . DQ;
     return $double_backquote ? str_replace(BS, BS . BS, $string_value) : $string_value;
  * Builds a Table object using a Php class definition
  * This takes care of excluded properties, so buildLinkTable() should be called
  * before buildClassTable().
  * @param $class      Reflection_Class
  * @param $more_field Column
  * @return Table
 private function buildClassTable(Reflection_Class $class, $more_field)
     $table_name = Dao::current()->storeNameOf($class->name);
     $table = new Table($table_name);
     if (!in_array('id', $this->excluded_properties)) {
     if ($more_field) {
     if ($class->isAbstract()) {
         $table->addColumn(new Column('class', 'varchar(255)'));
     } else {
         foreach ($class->accessProperties() as $property) {
             if (!in_array($property->name, $this->excluded_properties)) {
                 $type = $property->getType();
                 if (($type->isMultipleString() || !$type->isMultiple()) && !$property->isStatic()) {
                     if ($property->getAnnotation('link')->value == Link_Annotation::OBJECT && $property->getAnnotation('store')->value != 'string') {
                         $class_name = $property->getType()->asString();
                         $this->dependencies_context[$class_name] = $class_name;
                         $table->addForeignKey(Foreign_Key::buildProperty($table_name, $property));
     return $table;
Beispiel #3
  * Default run method for default 'write-typed' controller
  * Save data from the posted form into the first parameter object using standard method.
  * Create a new instance of this object if no identifier was given.
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return string
  * @throws Exception
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $object = $parameters->getMainObject($class_name);
     try {
         $builder = new Post_Files();
         $form = $builder->appendToForm($form, $files);
         $builder = new Object_Builder_Array();
         $builder->null_if_empty_sub_objects = true;
         $builder->build($form, $object);
         $write_objects = [];
         foreach ($builder->getBuiltObjects() as $write_object) {
             if ($write_object == $object || Dao::getObjectIdentifier($write_object)) {
                 $write_objects[] = $write_object;
         $write_error = false;
         foreach ($write_objects as $write_object) {
             if (!Dao::write($write_object)) {
                 $write_error = true;
         $write_error ? Dao::rollback() : Dao::commit();
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
         throw $exception;
     $parameters = $this->getViewParameters($parameters, $class_name, $write_error);
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, $class_name, Feature::F_WRITE);
Beispiel #4
  * Returns the Codes that match a string
  * - first get all codes matching the string as Code::$code
  * - If none found, get all codes matching the string as Code::$name
  * @param $value
  * @return static[]
 public static function fromString($value)
     $values = Dao::search(['code' => $value], static::class);
     if (!$values) {
         $values = Dao::search(['name' => $value], static::class);
     return $values;
Beispiel #5
 public function testWriteAnnotations()
     $tests = new Tests();
     $tests->data = 'test';
     Dao::write($tests, [Dao::only(['data'])]);
     $this->assume(__METHOD__, $tests->data, 'test+locbefore(data)+disbefore(data)+locafter(data)+disafter(data)');
Beispiel #6
  * @param Parameters $parameters
  * @return array
 protected function getViewParameters(Parameters $parameters)
     $article = $parameters->getMainObject(Article::class);
     $articles = Dao::readAll(Article::class);
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     $parameters = array_merge($parameters, ['articles' => $articles, 'uri' => $this->imageUri() . 'images/', 'general_buttons' => $this->getGeneralButtons($article, $parameters)]);
     return $parameters;
Beispiel #7
  * Stop logging : write end date-time and duration
 public function stop()
     if (!$this->antiloop) {
Beispiel #8
  * @return string
 function table()
     if (!isset($this->table)) {
         $master_table = Dao::storeNameOf($this->property->class);
         $foreign_table = Dao::storeNameOf($this->property->getType()->getElementTypeAsString());
         $this->table = $master_table < $foreign_table ? $master_table . '_' . $foreign_table : $foreign_table . '_' . $master_table;
     return $this->table;
  * @param $object object
  * @return string[] combo filters
 protected function getFilters($object)
     $filters = ['id' => Func::notEqual(Dao::getObjectIdentifier($object))];
     foreach ((new Reflection_Class(get_class($object)))->getProperties([T_EXTENDS, T_USE]) as $property) {
         if ($property->getAnnotation('replace_filter')->value) {
             $filters[$property->name] = Dao::getObjectIdentifier($object, $property->name);
     return $filters;
Beispiel #10
  * Search the first result of several search objects list
  * Try each search object. When one is found, then return the first result object
  * @param $objects object[]|array[]|array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return object
 public static function searchOne($objects, $class_name = null)
     foreach ($objects as $object) {
         $object = Dao::searchOne($object, $class_name);
         if (isset($object)) {
             return $object;
     return null;
Beispiel #11
  * @param $configuration array
 public function __construct($configuration)
     if (isset($configuration[self::LINKS_LIST])) {
         self::$list = $configuration[self::LINKS_LIST];
     $class_name = $configuration[Configuration::CLASS_NAME];
     Dao::current(new $class_name($configuration));
Beispiel #12
  * Build SQL tables list, based on calculated joins for where array properties paths
  * @return string
 public function build()
     $tables = BQ . Dao::current()->storeNameOf($this->class_name) . BQ . SP . 't0';
     foreach ($this->joins->getJoins() as $join) {
         if ($join) {
             $tables .= $join->toSql();
     return $tables;
Beispiel #13
  * @param $class_name string
  * @param $sources    Reflection_Source[]
  * @param $added      Reflection_Source[]
 private function moreSourcesAdd($class_name, &$sources, &$added)
     /** @var $dependency Dependency */
     $dependency = Dao::searchOne(['class_name' => $class_name, 'dependency_name' => $class_name], Dependency::class);
     if (!isset($sources[$dependency->file_name])) {
         $source = new Reflection_Source($dependency->file_name);
         $sources[$dependency->file_name] = $source;
         $added[$dependency->file_name] = $source;
Beispiel #14
  * Run the default json controller
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form array
  * @param $files array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return string
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     // read all objects corresponding to class name
     if (!$parameters) {
         return json_encode(Dao::readAll(Names::setToClass($class_name, false), [Dao::sort()]));
     // read object
     $first_parameter = reset($parameters);
     if (is_object($first_parameter)) {
         return json_encode($first_parameter);
     // search objects for autocomplete combo pull-down list
     if (isset($parameters['term'])) {
         $element_class_name = Names::setToClass($class_name, false);
         $search = null;
         if (!empty($parameters['term'])) {
             $search = (new Search_Array_Builder())->buildMultiple(new Reflection_Class($element_class_name), $parameters['term'], '', '%');
         if (isset($parameters['filters']) && $parameters['filters']) {
             if (!(is_object($search) && $search->isAnd())) {
                 $search = Dao\Func::andOp($search ? [$search] : []);
             foreach ($parameters['filters'] as $filter_name => $filter_value) {
                 $search->arguments[$filter_name] = $filter_value[0] == '!' ? Dao\Func::notEqual(substr($filter_value, 1)) : $filter_value;
             if (count($search->arguments) == 1) {
                 $search = [key($search->arguments) => current($search->arguments)];
         $objects = [];
         // first object only
         if (isset($parameters['first']) && $parameters['first']) {
             $objects = Dao::search($search, $element_class_name, [Dao::sort(), Dao::limit(1)]);
             $source_object = $objects ? reset($objects) : Builder::create($element_class_name);
             return json_encode(new Autocomplete_Entry(Dao::getObjectIdentifier($source_object), strval($source_object)));
         } else {
             $search_options = [Dao::sort()];
             if (isset($parameters['limit'])) {
                 $search_options[] = Dao::limit($parameters['limit']);
             foreach (Dao::search($search, $element_class_name, $search_options) as $source_object) {
                 $objects[] = new Autocomplete_Entry(Dao::getObjectIdentifier($source_object), strval($source_object));
             return json_encode($objects);
     } elseif (isset($parameters['id'])) {
         $element_class_name = Names::setToClass($class_name);
         $source_object = Dao::read($parameters['id'], $element_class_name);
         return json_encode(new Autocomplete_Entry(Dao::getObjectIdentifier($source_object), strval($source_object)));
     return '';
Beispiel #15
  * @before SAF\Framework\Dao\Data_Link::write($this)
 public function setNumber()
     if (isA($this, Has_Counter::class)) {
         /** @var $counter Counter */
         $counter = Dao::searchOne(['class_name' => get_class($this)], Counter::class);
         if (!isset($counter)) {
             $counter = Builder::create(Counter::class, [get_class($this)]);
Beispiel #16
  * Get current environment name possible values
  * @return mixed[]
 public function values()
     $type = $this->property->getType();
     if ($type->isClass()) {
         return Dao::readAll($this->property->getType()->asString(), [Dao::sort()]);
     } elseif ($values = $this->property->getListAnnotation('values')->values()) {
         return array_combine($values, $values);
     } else {
         trigger_error("Unable to get {$this->property->name} environment values from type " . $type->asString(), E_USER_ERROR);
         return null;
Beispiel #17
  * Load a counter linked to the class of an object from default data link and increment it
  * @param $object     object The object to use to format the counter
  * @param $identifier string The identifier of the counter ; default is get_class($object)
  * @return string The new counter value
 public static function increment($object, $identifier = null)
     if (empty($identifier)) {
         $identifier = Builder::current()->sourceClassName(get_class($object));
     $counter = Dao::searchOne(['identifier' => $identifier], get_called_class()) ?: new Counter($identifier);
     $next_value = $counter->next($object);
     return $next_value;
Beispiel #18
  * @param $object Framework\Logger
 public function onLoggerStop(Framework\Logger $object)
     if ($this->log_flag) {
         foreach (Dao::search(['log' => Func::isNull()], Compiler_Log::class) as $logger) {
             /** @var $logger Compiler_Log */
             $logger->log = $object->log_entry;
             Dao::write($logger, [Dao::only(['log'])]);
         $this->log_flag = false;
Beispiel #19
  * Gets sql elements for a mapping between two objects
  * @example
  * list($table, $field1, $field2, $id1, $id2) = Sql_Map_Builder::sqlElementsOf( (...) );
  * @param $object         object the source object
  * @param $property       Reflection_Property the property of the source object used for the mapping
  * @param $foreign_object object the mapped object
  * @return array
 public static function sqlElementsOf($object, $property, $foreign_object)
     // build table and fields
     $sql_link = new Link_Table($property);
     $table = $sql_link->table();
     $field1 = $sql_link->masterColumn();
     $field2 = $sql_link->foreignColumn();
     // build values
     $id1 = Dao::getObjectIdentifier($object, 'id');
     $id2 = Dao::getObjectIdentifier($foreign_object, 'id');
     // return elements
     return [$table, $field1, $field2, $id1, $id2];
Beispiel #20
  * Set identifier unique
 public function uniqueIdentifier()
     if (isset($this->identifier)) {
         /** @var $search Identifier */
         $search = Search_Object::create(Identifier::class);
         $search->name = $this->identifier->name;
         if ($find = Dao::searchOne($search)) {
             Dao::replace($this->identifier, $find, false);
         } else {
Beispiel #21
  * Builds a Foreign_Key for a column name that links to a given class name
  * @param $table_name  string the table name
  * @param $column_name string the column name linking to the foreign key (with or without 'id_')
  * @param $class_name  string the foreign class name
  * @param $constraint  string CASCADE, NO ACTION, RESTRICT, SET NULL
  * @return Foreign_Key
 public static function buildLink($table_name, $column_name, $class_name, $constraint = 'CASCADE')
     if (substr($column_name, 0, 3) !== 'id_') {
         $column_name = 'id_' . $column_name;
     $foreign_key = new Foreign_Key();
     $foreign_key->Constraint = substr($table_name . DOT . $column_name, 0, 64);
     $foreign_key->Fields = $column_name;
     $foreign_key->On_delete = $constraint;
     $foreign_key->On_update = $constraint;
     $foreign_key->Reference_fields = 'id';
     $foreign_key->Reference_table = Dao::storeNameOf($class_name);
     return $foreign_key;
Beispiel #22
  * Remove an object from an objects array
  * @param $element object|object[]
 public function remove($element)
     if (is_array($element)) {
         foreach ($element as $elem) {
             $key = Dao::getObjectIdentifier($elem);
             if (isset($this->objects[$key]) || array_key_exists($key, $this->objects)) {
     } else {
         $key = Dao::getObjectIdentifier($element);
         if (isset($this->objects[$key]) || array_key_exists($key, $this->objects)) {
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $replaced = $parameters->getMainObject();
     $objects = $parameters->getObjects();
     if ($id_replace_with = $parameters->getRawParameter('id_replace_with')) {
         $objects['replace_with'] = $replacement = Dao::read($id_replace_with, $class_name);
         if ((new Delete_And_Replace())->deleteAndReplace($replaced, $replacement)) {
             $objects['done'] = true;
         } else {
             $objects['error'] = true;
     return View::run($objects, $form, $files, $class_name, 'deleteAndReplace');
Beispiel #24
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     $deleted = 0;
     foreach ($parameters as $object) {
         if (is_object($object)) {
             if (!Dao::delete($object)) {
                 $deleted = 0;
     $parameters['deleted'] = $deleted ? true : false;
     return View::run($parameters, $form, $files, $class_name, Feature::F_DELETE);
Beispiel #25
  * Returns the Dao function as SQL
  * @param $builder       Builder\Where the sql query builder
  * @param $property_path string the property path
  * @param $prefix        string
  * @return string
 public function toSql(Builder\Where $builder, $property_path, $prefix = '')
     $joins = $builder->getJoins();
     // sub-query
     $class_name = $joins->getStartingClassName();
     $properties = $this->properties + [$property_path => Func::max()];
     $sub_builder = new Builder\Select($class_name, $properties, null, $builder->getSqlLink(), [Dao::groupBy($this->properties)]);
     // join
     $join = new Subquery($sub_builder);
     // where
     $where = '';
     foreach (array_merge($this->properties, [$property_path]) as $property) {
         $where .= ' AND ' . $join->foreign_alias . DOT . BQ . rLastParse($property, DOT, 1, true) . BQ . ' = ' . $builder->buildColumn($property, $prefix);
     $join->where = substr($where, 5);
     return null;
Beispiel #26
  * To use this :
  * - Create your own writeSubClassNames() method
  * - Your method has no parameters
  * - Your method returns nothing
  * - Call return writeSub('sub_class_names', 'super_class_name') using your two properties names
  * @param $sub   string sub property name ie 'sub_class_names'
  * @param $super string super property name ie 'super_class_name'
 private function writeSub($sub, $super)
     $written = [];
     // update $super_property into new $sub_properties
     foreach ($this->{$sub} as $sub) {
         if (!Dao::is($this, $sub->{$super})) {
             $sub->{$super} = $this;
             Dao::write($sub, [Dao::only($super)]);
         $written[Dao::getObjectIdentifier($sub)] = true;
     // empty $super_property from removed $sub_properties
     $subs = Dao::search([$super => $this], Link_Class::linkedClassNameOf($this));
     foreach ($subs as $sub) {
         if (!isset($written[Dao::getObjectIdentifier($sub)])) {
             $sub->{$super} = null;
             Dao::write($sub, [Dao::only($super)]);
  * When a class is compiled, all classes that extends it must be compiled too
  * @param &$sources Reflection_Source[]
  * @return Reflection_Source[] added sources list
 public function moreSourcesToCompile(&$sources)
     $added = [];
     // we will search all extends dependencies
     /** @var $dependency Dependency */
     $dependency_search = Search_Object::create(Dependency::class);
     $dependency_search->type = Dependency::T_EXTENDS;
     foreach ($sources as $source) {
         foreach ($source->getClasses() as $class) {
             if (!Builder::isBuilt($class->name)) {
                 // add all classes that extend source classes
                 $dependency_search->dependency_name = $class->name;
                 foreach (Dao::search($dependency_search) as $dependency) {
                     if (!isset($sources[$dependency->file_name]) && !Builder::isBuilt($dependency->class_name)) {
                         $added[$dependency->file_name] = new Reflection_Source($dependency->file_name);
     return $added;
Beispiel #28
  * @param $class_name        string The base class name
  * @param $interfaces_traits string[] The interfaces and traits names list
  * @param $get_source        boolean if true, get built [$name, $source] instead of $name
  * @return string|string[] the full name of the built class
 public static function build($class_name, $interfaces_traits = [], $get_source = false)
     $key = join(DOT, $interfaces_traits);
     if (isset(self::$builds[$class_name][$key])) {
         return self::$builds[$class_name][$key];
     } else {
         $interfaces = [];
         $traits = [];
         foreach ($interfaces_traits as $interface_trait) {
             $class = Reflection_Class::of($interface_trait);
             if ($class->isInterface()) {
                 $interfaces[$interface_trait] = $interface_trait;
             } elseif ($class->isTrait()) {
                 foreach ($class->getListAnnotation('implements')->values() as $implements) {
                     $interfaces[$implements] = $implements;
                 $level = 0;
                 foreach ($class->getListAnnotation('extends')->values() as $extends) {
                     if (Dao::search(['class_name' => $extends, 'declaration' => Dependency::T_TRAIT_DECLARATION], Dependency::class)) {
                         foreach ($traits as $trait_level => $trait_names) {
                             if (isset($trait_names[$extends])) {
                                 $level = max($level, $trait_level + 1);
                 $traits[$level][$interface_trait] = $interface_trait;
             } else {
                 trigger_error('Unknown interface/trait ' . DQ . $interface_trait . DQ . ' while building ' . $class_name, E_USER_ERROR);
         $built_class = self::buildClass($class_name, $interfaces, $traits, $get_source);
         if (!$get_source) {
             self::$builds[$class_name][$key] = $built_class;
         return $built_class;
Beispiel #29
  * @param $sources Reflection_Source[]
  * @return Reflection_Source[] added sources list
 public function moreSourcesToCompile(&$sources)
     $added = [];
     // search into dependencies : used classes
     /** @var $search Dependency */
     $search = Search_Object::create(Dependency::class);
     $search->type = Dependency::T_USE;
     foreach ($sources as $source) {
         foreach ($source->getClasses() as $class) {
             if ($class->type === T_TRAIT) {
                 $search->dependency_name = $class->name;
                 foreach (Dao::search($search, Dependency::class) as $dependency) {
                     while ($dependency && Builder::isBuilt($dependency->class_name)) {
                         $search_built_parent = Search_Object::create(Dependency::class);
                         $search_built_parent->class_name = $dependency->class_name;
                         $search_built_parent->type = Dependency::T_EXTENDS;
                         $dependency = Dao::searchOne($search_built_parent);
                         if (!$dependency) {
                             trigger_error('Not parent class for built class ' . $search_built_parent->class_name, E_USER_ERROR);
                         $search_built_parent->class_name = $dependency->dependency_name;
                         $search_built_parent->type = Dependency::T_DECLARATION;
                         $dependency = Dao::searchOne($search_built_parent);
                         if (!$dependency) {
                             trigger_error('Not declaration dependency for class ' . $search_built_parent->class_name, E_USER_ERROR);
                     /** @var $dependency Dependency */
                     if (!isset($sources[$dependency->file_name])) {
                         $source = new Reflection_Source($dependency->file_name);
                         $sources[$dependency->file_name] = $source;
                         $added[$dependency->file_name] = $source;
     // search into dependencies : registered methods
     foreach ($sources as $source) {
         $search->file_name = $source->file_name;
         $search->dependency_name = Registerable::class;
         $search->type = Dependency::T_IMPLEMENTS;
         if (Dao::searchOne($search, Dependency::class)) {
             $search->type = Dependency::T_CLASS;
             foreach (Dao::search($search, Dependency::class) as $dependency) {
                 $source = Reflection_Source::of($dependency->dependency_name);
                 if (!isset($sources[$source->file_name])) {
                     $sources[$source->file_name] = $source;
                     $added[$source->file_name] = $source;
     // classes that are already into $sources
     $already = [];
     foreach ($sources as $source) {
         foreach ($source->getClasses() as $class) {
             $already[$class->name] = true;
     // search into advices and add sources that have sources to compile as advice
     foreach ($this->weaver->getJoinpoints() as $class_name => $joinpoint) {
         if (!isset($already[$class_name])) {
             foreach ($joinpoint as $advices) {
                 foreach ($advices as $advice) {
                     if (is_array($advice = $advice[1])) {
                         $advice_class = $advice[0];
                         if (is_object($advice_class)) {
                             $advice_class = get_class($advice_class);
                         if (isset($already[$advice_class])) {
                             $source = Reflection_Source::of($class_name);
                             if ($source->file_name && !$source->isInternal() && !is_file($source->file_name)) {
                             	$applicant_source = Reflection_Source::of($advice_class);
                             	if (
                             		!$source->searchFile($class_name, array_keys($applicant_source->getRequires()))
                             	) {
                             			'Reflection_Source file not found for class ' . $class_name, E_USER_ERROR
                             if ($source->getClass($class_name)) {
                                 $sources[$source->file_name] = $source;
                                 $added[$source->file_name] = $source;
                                 $already[$class_name] = true;
                             } else {
                                 trigger_error('No class ' . $class_name . ' into file ' . $source->file_name, E_USER_ERROR);
     return $added;
Beispiel #30
  * Extends the list of sources to compile
  * When you modify a file, all these classes may have their matching mysql structure changed :
  * - the class itself
  * - all classes that extend the class or use the trait
  * @param &$sources Reflection_Source[]
  * @return Reflection_Source[] added sources list
 public function moreSourcesToCompile(&$sources)
     $added = [];
     // Builder is disabled during the listing as we want to get the original linked class name when
     // reading class annotation @link
     Builder::current()->enabled = false;
     /** @var $search Dependency */
     $search = Search_Object::create(Dependency::class);
     $search->file_name = Func::notLike('cache/%');
     $search->type = Func::orOp([Dependency::T_EXTENDS, Dependency::T_USE]);
     foreach ($sources as $source) {
         foreach ($source->getClasses() as $class) {
             while ($linked_class = $class->getAnnotation('link')->value) {
                 $source = Reflection_Class::of($linked_class)->source;
                 if (!isset($sources[$source->file_name])) {
                     $sources[$source->file_name] = $source;
                     $added[$source->file_name] = $source;
                 $class = $source->getClass($linked_class);
             $search->dependency_name = $class->name;
             foreach (Dao::search($search, Dependency::class) as $dependency) {
                 /** @var $dependency Dependency */
                 if (!isset($sources[$dependency->file_name])) {
                     $source = new Reflection_Source($dependency->file_name);
                     $sources[$dependency->file_name] = $source;
                     $added[$dependency->file_name] = $source;
     Builder::current()->enabled = true;
     return $added;