Beispiel #1
  * @param $advice                   string[]|object[]|string
  * @param $advice_class_name        string
  * @param $advice_method_name       string
  * @param $advice_function_name     string
  * @param $advice_parameters_string string
  * @param $advice_has_return        boolean
  * @param $is_advice_static         boolean
  * @param $joinpoint_code           string
  * @param $i2                       string
  * @param $result                   string
  * @return string
 private function generateAdviceCode($advice, $advice_class_name, $advice_method_name, $advice_function_name, $advice_parameters_string, $advice_has_return, $is_advice_static, $joinpoint_code, $i2, $result)
     // $advice_code
     if (is_array($advice)) {
         $methods_flags = [Reflection_Class::T_DOC_EXTENDS, T_EXTENDS, T_USE];
         $method = $advice[0] == '$this' ? $this->class->getMethods($methods_flags)[$advice_method_name] : Reflection_Method::of($advice_class_name, $advice_method_name, $methods_flags);
         $ref = $method->returnsReference() ? '&' : '';
         // static method call
         if ($is_advice_static) {
             return $joinpoint_code . $i2 . ($advice_has_return ? $result . SP . '=' . $ref . SP : '') . (in_array($advice[0], ['self', 'static']) ? $advice[0] : BS . $advice_class_name) . '::' . $advice_method_name . '(' . $advice_parameters_string . ');';
         } elseif ($advice[0] == '$this') {
             return $joinpoint_code . $i2 . ($advice_has_return ? $result . SP . '=' . $ref . SP : '') . '$this->' . $advice_method_name . '(' . $advice_parameters_string . ');';
         } else {
             return $i2 . '/** @var $object_ ' . BS . $advice_class_name . ' */' . $i2 . '$object_ = \\SAF\\Framework\\Session::current()->plugins->get(' . "'{$advice_class_name}'" . ');' . $joinpoint_code . $i2 . ($advice_has_return ? 'if ($object_) ' . $result . SP . '=' . $ref . SP : '') . '$object_->' . $advice_method_name . '(' . $advice_parameters_string . ');';
     } else {
         $ref = (new ReflectionFunction($advice_function_name))->returnsReference() ? '&' : '';
         return $joinpoint_code . $i2 . ($advice_has_return ? $result . SP . '=' . $ref . SP : '') . $advice_function_name . '(' . $advice_parameters_string . ');';
Beispiel #2
  * Scan weaver for all parent AOP aspects on abstract methods
  * - for each methods implemented in the class or its traits
  * - for each parent abstract method of these methods
  * - for all the parent chain between the method and its parent
  * - if any advice : add it for the current class
  * @param $methods     array [$method][$index] = [$type, callback $advice]
  * @param $class       Reflection_Class
  * @param $only_method string Internal use only : the method name we are up-scanning
 private function scanForAbstract(&$methods, Reflection_Class $class, $only_method = null)
     if ($class->getParentName()) {
         $parent_class = $class->getParentClass();
         $parent_methods = $parent_class->getMethods([T_EXTENDS, T_IMPLEMENTS]);
         foreach ($class->getMethods($only_method ? [T_EXTENDS, T_IMPLEMENTS] : [T_USE]) as $method) {
             if (!$only_method || $only_method === $method->name) {
                 if (isset($parent_methods[$method->name]) && $parent_methods[$method->name]->isAbstract()) {
                     $this->scanForAbstract($methods, $parent_class, $method->name);
                     $joinpoints = $this->weaver->getJoinpoint([$parent_class->name, $method->name]);
                     foreach ($joinpoints as $pointcut) {
                         $methods[$method->name][] = $pointcut;