  * Fetches properties for a path.
  * This method received a PropFind object, which contains all the
  * information about the properties that need to be fetched.
  * Ususually you would just want to call 'get404Properties' on this object,
  * as this will give you the _exact_ list of properties that need to be
  * fetched, and haven't yet.
  * @param string $path
  * @param PropFind $propFind
  * @return void
 public function propFind($path, PropFind $propFind)
     $propertyNames = $propFind->get404Properties();
     if (!$propertyNames) {
     // error_log("propFind: path($path), " . print_r($propertyNames, true));
     $cachedNodes = \CB\Cache::get('DAVNodes');
     // error_log("propFind: " . print_r($cachedNodes, true));
     $path = trim($path, '/');
     $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
     // Node with $path is not in cached nodes, return
     if (!array_key_exists($path, $cachedNodes)) {
     $node = $cachedNodes[$path];
     // while($row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
     //     $propFind->set($row['name'], $row['value']);
     // }
     foreach ($propertyNames as $prop) {
         if ($prop == '{DAV:}creationdate') {
             $dttm = new \DateTime($node['cdate']);
             // $dttm->getTimestamp()
             $propFind->set($prop, \Sabre\HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate($dttm));
         } elseif ($prop == '{urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office}modifiedby' or $prop == '{DAV:}getmodifiedby') {
             // This has to be revised, because the User.login differs from User.DisplayName
             // moreover, during an edit, Word will check for File Properties and we
             // tell Word that the file is modified by another user
             // $propFind->set($prop, \CB\User::getDisplayName($node['uid']));
Beispiel #2
  * serialize
  * @param DAV\Server $server
  * @param \DOMElement $prop
  * @return void
 public function serialize(DAV\Server $server, \DOMElement $prop)
     $doc = $prop->ownerDocument;
     $prop->nodeValue = HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate($this->time);
    function testSerialize()
        $dt = new \DateTime('2010-03-14 16:35', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
        $lastMod = new GetLastModified($dt);
        $doc = new \DOMDocument();
        $root = $doc->createElement('d:getlastmodified');
        $root->setAttribute('xmlns:d', 'DAV:');
        $server = new DAV\Server();
        $lastMod->serialize($server, $root);
        $xml = $doc->saveXML();
        '<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <d:getlastmodified xmlns:d="DAV:" xmlns:b="urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882/" b:dt="dateTime.rfc1123">' .
        HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate($dt) .
        ', $xml);
        $this->assertEquals('<?xml version="1.0"?>
<d:getlastmodified xmlns:d="DAV:">' . HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate($dt) . '</d:getlastmodified>
', $xml);
        $ok = false;
        try {
            GetLastModified::unserialize(DAV\XMLUtil::loadDOMDocument($xml)->firstChild, array());
        } catch (DAV\Exception $e) {
            $ok = true;
        if (!$ok) {
            $this->markTestFailed('Unserialize should not be supported');
 function testHEAD()
     $request = new HTTP\Request('HEAD', '/test.txt');
     $this->server->httpRequest = $request;
     $this->assertEquals(['X-Sabre-Version' => [DAV\Version::VERSION], 'Content-Type' => ['application/octet-stream'], 'Content-Length' => [13], 'Last-Modified' => [HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate(new \DateTime('@' . filemtime($this->tempDir . '/test.txt')))], 'ETag' => ['"' . md5_file($this->tempDir . '/test.txt') . '"']], $this->response->getHeaders());
     $this->assertEquals(200, $this->response->status);
     $this->assertEquals('', $this->response->body);
Beispiel #5
 function setUp()
     $this->server->createFile('files/test.txt', 'Test contents');
     $this->lastModified = HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate(new DateTime('@' . $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath('files/test.txt')->getLastModified()));
     $stream = popen('echo "Test contents"', 'r');
     $streamingFile = new Mock\StreamingFile('no-seeking.txt', $stream);
Beispiel #6
 function testHEAD()
     $serverVars = array('REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'HEAD');
     $request = new HTTP\Request($serverVars);
     $this->server->httpRequest = $request;
     $this->assertEquals(array('Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'Content-Length' => 13, 'Last-Modified' => HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate(new \DateTime('@' . filemtime($this->tempDir . '/test.txt'))), 'ETag' => '"' . md5_file($this->tempDir . '/test.txt') . '"'), $this->response->headers);
     $this->assertEquals('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', $this->response->status);
     $this->assertEquals('', $this->response->body);
 function testBaseUri()
     $serverVars = ['REQUEST_URI' => '/blabla/test.txt', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET'];
     $filename = $this->tempDir . '/test.txt';
     $request = HTTP\Sapi::createFromServerArray($serverVars);
     $this->assertEquals('/blabla/', $this->server->getBaseUri());
     $this->server->httpRequest = $request;
     $this->assertEquals(['X-Sabre-Version' => [Version::VERSION], 'Content-Type' => ['application/octet-stream'], 'Content-Length' => [13], 'Last-Modified' => [HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate(new \DateTime('@' . filemtime($filename)))], 'ETag' => ['"' . sha1(fileinode($filename) . filesize($filename) . filemtime($filename)) . '"']], $this->response->getHeaders());
     $this->assertEquals(200, $this->response->status);
     $this->assertEquals('Test contents', stream_get_contents($this->response->body));
Beispiel #8
     * This method checks the main HTTP preconditions.
     * Currently these are:
     *   * If-Match
     *   * If-None-Match
     *   * If-Modified-Since
     *   * If-Unmodified-Since
     * The method will return true if all preconditions are met
     * The method will return false, or throw an exception if preconditions
     * failed. If false is returned the operation should be aborted, and
     * the appropriate HTTP response headers are already set.
     * Normally this method will throw 412 Precondition Failed for failures
     * related to If-None-Match, If-Match and If-Unmodified Since. It will
     * set the status to 304 Not Modified for If-Modified_since.
     * @param RequestInterface $request
     * @param ResponseInterface $response
     * @return bool
    function checkPreconditions(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) {

        $path = $request->getPath();
        $node = null;
        $lastMod = null;
        $etag = null;

        if ($ifMatch = $request->getHeader('If-Match')) {

            // If-Match contains an entity tag. Only if the entity-tag
            // matches we are allowed to make the request succeed.
            // If the entity-tag is '*' we are only allowed to make the
            // request succeed if a resource exists at that url.
            try {
                $node = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($path);
            } catch (Exception\NotFound $e) {
                throw new Exception\PreconditionFailed('An If-Match header was specified and the resource did not exist', 'If-Match');

            // Only need to check entity tags if they are not *
            if ($ifMatch !== '*') {

                // There can be multiple ETags
                $ifMatch = explode(',', $ifMatch);
                $haveMatch = false;
                foreach ($ifMatch as $ifMatchItem) {

                    // Stripping any extra spaces
                    $ifMatchItem = trim($ifMatchItem, ' ');

                    $etag = $node instanceof IFile ? $node->getETag() : null;
                    if ($etag === $ifMatchItem) {
                        $haveMatch = true;
                    } else {
                        // Evolution has a bug where it sometimes prepends the "
                        // with a \. This is our workaround.
                        if (str_replace('\\"', '"', $ifMatchItem) === $etag) {
                            $haveMatch = true;

                if (!$haveMatch) {
                    if ($etag) $response->setHeader('ETag', $etag);
                     throw new Exception\PreconditionFailed('An If-Match header was specified, but none of the specified the ETags matched.', 'If-Match');

        if ($ifNoneMatch = $request->getHeader('If-None-Match')) {

            // The If-None-Match header contains an ETag.
            // Only if the ETag does not match the current ETag, the request will succeed
            // The header can also contain *, in which case the request
            // will only succeed if the entity does not exist at all.
            $nodeExists = true;
            if (!$node) {
                try {
                    $node = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($path);
                } catch (Exception\NotFound $e) {
                    $nodeExists = false;
            if ($nodeExists) {
                $haveMatch = false;
                if ($ifNoneMatch === '*') $haveMatch = true;
                else {

                    // There might be multiple ETags
                    $ifNoneMatch = explode(',', $ifNoneMatch);
                    $etag = $node instanceof IFile ? $node->getETag() : null;

                    foreach ($ifNoneMatch as $ifNoneMatchItem) {

                        // Stripping any extra spaces
                        $ifNoneMatchItem = trim($ifNoneMatchItem, ' ');

                        if ($etag === $ifNoneMatchItem) $haveMatch = true;



                if ($haveMatch) {
                    if ($etag) $response->setHeader('ETag', $etag);
                    if ($request->getMethod() === 'GET') {
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        throw new Exception\PreconditionFailed('An If-None-Match header was specified, but the ETag matched (or * was specified).', 'If-None-Match');


        if (!$ifNoneMatch && ($ifModifiedSince = $request->getHeader('If-Modified-Since'))) {

            // The If-Modified-Since header contains a date. We
            // will only return the entity if it has been changed since
            // that date. If it hasn't been changed, we return a 304
            // header
            // Note that this header only has to be checked if there was no If-None-Match header
            // as per the HTTP spec.
            $date = HTTP\Util::parseHTTPDate($ifModifiedSince);

            if ($date) {
                if (is_null($node)) {
                    $node = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($path);
                $lastMod = $node->getLastModified();
                if ($lastMod) {
                    $lastMod = new \DateTime('@' . $lastMod);
                    if ($lastMod <= $date) {
                        $response->setHeader('Last-Modified', HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate($lastMod));
                        return false;

        if ($ifUnmodifiedSince = $request->getHeader('If-Unmodified-Since')) {

            // The If-Unmodified-Since will allow allow the request if the
            // entity has not changed since the specified date.
            $date = HTTP\Util::parseHTTPDate($ifUnmodifiedSince);

            // We must only check the date if it's valid
            if ($date) {
                if (is_null($node)) {
                    $node = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($path);
                $lastMod = $node->getLastModified();
                if ($lastMod) {
                    $lastMod = new \DateTime('@' . $lastMod);
                    if ($lastMod > $date) {
                        throw new Exception\PreconditionFailed('An If-Unmodified-Since header was specified, but the entity has been changed since the specified date.', 'If-Unmodified-Since');


        // Now the hardest, the If: header. The If: header can contain multiple
        // urls, ETags and so-called 'state tokens'.
        // Examples of state tokens include lock-tokens (as defined in rfc4918)
        // and sync-tokens (as defined in rfc6578).
        // The only proper way to deal with these, is to emit events, that a
        // Sync and Lock plugin can pick up.
        $ifConditions = $this->getIfConditions($request);

        foreach ($ifConditions as $kk => $ifCondition) {
            foreach ($ifCondition['tokens'] as $ii => $token) {
                $ifConditions[$kk]['tokens'][$ii]['validToken'] = false;

        // Plugins are responsible for validating all the tokens.
        // If a plugin deemed a token 'valid', it will set 'validToken' to
        // true.
        $this->emit('validateTokens', [ $request, &$ifConditions ]);

        // Now we're going to analyze the result.

        // Every ifCondition needs to validate to true, so we exit as soon as
        // we have an invalid condition.
        foreach ($ifConditions as $ifCondition) {

            $uri = $ifCondition['uri'];
            $tokens = $ifCondition['tokens'];

            // We only need 1 valid token for the condition to succeed.
            foreach ($tokens as $token) {

                $tokenValid = $token['validToken'] || !$token['token'];

                $etagValid = false;
                if (!$token['etag']) {
                    $etagValid = true;
                // Checking the ETag, only if the token was already deamed
                // valid and there is one.
                if ($token['etag'] && $tokenValid) {

                    // The token was valid, and there was an ETag. We must
                    // grab the current ETag and check it.
                    $node = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($uri);
                    $etagValid = $node instanceof IFile && $node->getETag() == $token['etag'];


                if (($tokenValid && $etagValid) ^ $token['negate']) {
                    // Both were valid, so we can go to the next condition.
                    continue 2;


            // If we ended here, it means there was no valid ETag + token
            // combination found for the current condition. This means we fail!
            throw new Exception\PreconditionFailed('Failed to find a valid token/etag combination for ' . $uri, 'If');


        return true;

  * @depends testRange
 function testIfRangeModificationDateModified()
     $node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath('test.txt');
     $serverVars = array('REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'HTTP_RANGE' => 'bytes=2-5', 'HTTP_IF_RANGE' => '-2 years');
     $request = HTTP\Sapi::createFromServerArray($serverVars);
     $this->server->httpRequest = $request;
     $this->assertEquals(array('X-Sabre-Version' => [Version::VERSION], 'Content-Type' => ['application/octet-stream'], 'Content-Length' => [13], 'Last-Modified' => [HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate(new \DateTime('@' . filemtime($this->tempDir . '/test.txt')))], 'ETag' => ['"' . md5(file_get_contents(SABRE_TEMPDIR . '/test.txt')) . '"']), $this->response->getHeaders());
     $this->assertEquals(200, $this->response->status);
     $this->assertEquals('Test contents', stream_get_contents($this->response->body));
 function testBaseUri()
     $serverVars = array('REQUEST_URI' => '/blabla/test.txt', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET');
     $request = new HTTP\Request($serverVars);
     $this->assertEquals('/blabla/', $this->server->getBaseUri());
     $this->server->httpRequest = $request;
     $this->assertEquals(array('Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'Content-Length' => 13, 'Last-Modified' => HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate(new \DateTime('@' . filemtime($this->tempDir . '/test.txt')))), $this->response->headers);
     $this->assertEquals('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', $this->response->status);
     $this->assertEquals('Test contents', stream_get_contents($this->response->body));
Beispiel #11
  * This method checks the main HTTP preconditions.
  * Currently these are:
  *   * If-Match
  *   * If-None-Match
  *   * If-Modified-Since
  *   * If-Unmodified-Since
  * The method will return true if all preconditions are met
  * The method will return false, or throw an exception if preconditions
  * failed. If false is returned the operation should be aborted, and
  * the appropriate HTTP response headers are already set.
  * Normally this method will throw 412 Precondition Failed for failures
  * related to If-None-Match, If-Match and If-Unmodified Since. It will
  * set the status to 304 Not Modified for If-Modified_since.
  * If the $handleAsGET argument is set to true, it will also return 304
  * Not Modified for failure of the If-None-Match precondition. This is the
  * desired behaviour for HTTP GET and HTTP HEAD requests.
  * @param bool $handleAsGET
  * @return bool
 public function checkPreconditions($handleAsGET = false)
     $uri = $this->getRequestUri();
     $node = null;
     $lastMod = null;
     $etag = null;
     if ($ifMatch = $this->httpRequest->getHeader('If-Match')) {
         // If-Match contains an entity tag. Only if the entity-tag
         // matches we are allowed to make the request succeed.
         // If the entity-tag is '*' we are only allowed to make the
         // request succeed if a resource exists at that url.
         try {
             $node = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($uri);
         } catch (Exception\NotFound $e) {
             throw new Exception\PreconditionFailed('An If-Match header was specified and the resource did not exist', 'If-Match');
         // Only need to check entity tags if they are not *
         if ($ifMatch !== '*') {
             // There can be multiple etags
             $ifMatch = explode(',', $ifMatch);
             $haveMatch = false;
             foreach ($ifMatch as $ifMatchItem) {
                 // Stripping any extra spaces
                 $ifMatchItem = trim($ifMatchItem, ' ');
                 $etag = $node->getETag();
                 if ($etag === $ifMatchItem) {
                     $haveMatch = true;
                 } else {
                     // Evolution has a bug where it sometimes prepends the "
                     // with a \. This is our workaround.
                     if (str_replace('\\"', '"', $ifMatchItem) === $etag) {
                         $haveMatch = true;
             if (!$haveMatch) {
                 throw new Exception\PreconditionFailed('An If-Match header was specified, but none of the specified the ETags matched.', 'If-Match');
     if ($ifNoneMatch = $this->httpRequest->getHeader('If-None-Match')) {
         // The If-None-Match header contains an etag.
         // Only if the ETag does not match the current ETag, the request will succeed
         // The header can also contain *, in which case the request
         // will only succeed if the entity does not exist at all.
         $nodeExists = true;
         if (!$node) {
             try {
                 $node = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($uri);
             } catch (Exception\NotFound $e) {
                 $nodeExists = false;
         if ($nodeExists) {
             $haveMatch = false;
             if ($ifNoneMatch === '*') {
                 $haveMatch = true;
             } else {
                 // There might be multiple etags
                 $ifNoneMatch = explode(',', $ifNoneMatch);
                 $etag = $node->getETag();
                 foreach ($ifNoneMatch as $ifNoneMatchItem) {
                     // Stripping any extra spaces
                     $ifNoneMatchItem = trim($ifNoneMatchItem, ' ');
                     if ($etag === $ifNoneMatchItem) {
                         $haveMatch = true;
             if ($haveMatch) {
                 if ($handleAsGET) {
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception\PreconditionFailed('An If-None-Match header was specified, but the ETag matched (or * was specified).', 'If-None-Match');
     if (!$ifNoneMatch && ($ifModifiedSince = $this->httpRequest->getHeader('If-Modified-Since'))) {
         // The If-Modified-Since header contains a date. We
         // will only return the entity if it has been changed since
         // that date. If it hasn't been changed, we return a 304
         // header
         // Note that this header only has to be checked if there was no If-None-Match header
         // as per the HTTP spec.
         $date = HTTP\Util::parseHTTPDate($ifModifiedSince);
         if ($date) {
             if (is_null($node)) {
                 $node = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($uri);
             $lastMod = $node->getLastModified();
             if ($lastMod) {
                 $lastMod = new \DateTime('@' . $lastMod);
                 if ($lastMod <= $date) {
                     $this->httpResponse->setHeader('Last-Modified', HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate($lastMod));
                     return false;
     if ($ifUnmodifiedSince = $this->httpRequest->getHeader('If-Unmodified-Since')) {
         // The If-Unmodified-Since will allow allow the request if the
         // entity has not changed since the specified date.
         $date = HTTP\Util::parseHTTPDate($ifUnmodifiedSince);
         // We must only check the date if it's valid
         if ($date) {
             if (is_null($node)) {
                 $node = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($uri);
             $lastMod = $node->getLastModified();
             if ($lastMod) {
                 $lastMod = new \DateTime('@' . $lastMod);
                 if ($lastMod > $date) {
                     throw new Exception\PreconditionFailed('An If-Unmodified-Since header was specified, but the entity has been changed since the specified date.', 'If-Unmodified-Since');
     return true;
Beispiel #12
  * @depends testRange
  * @covers \Sabre\DAV\Server::httpGet
 function testIfRangeModificationDateModified()
     $node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath('test.txt');
     $serverVars = array('REQUEST_URI' => '/test.txt', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'HTTP_RANGE' => 'bytes=2-5', 'HTTP_IF_RANGE' => '-2 years');
     $request = new HTTP\Request($serverVars);
     $this->server->httpRequest = $request;
     $this->assertEquals(array('Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'Content-Length' => 13, 'Last-Modified' => HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate(new \DateTime('@' . filemtime($this->tempDir . '/test.txt'))), 'ETag' => '"' . md5(file_get_contents(SABRE_TEMPDIR . '/test.txt')) . '"'), $this->response->headers);
     $this->assertEquals('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', $this->response->status);
     $this->assertEquals('Test contents', stream_get_contents($this->response->body));
Beispiel #13
  * The serialize method is called during xml writing.
  * It should use the $writer argument to encode this object into XML.
  * Important note: it is not needed to create the parent element. The
  * parent element is already created, and we only have to worry about
  * attributes, child elements and text (if any).
  * Important note 2: If you are writing any new elements, you are also
  * responsible for closing them.
  * @param Writer $writer
  * @return void
 function xmlSerialize(Writer $writer)
Beispiel #14
 function testBaseUri()
     $serverVars = array('REQUEST_URI' => '/blabla/test.txt', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET');
     $request = HTTP\Sapi::createFromServerArray($serverVars);
     $this->assertEquals('/blabla/', $this->server->getBaseUri());
     $this->server->httpRequest = $request;
     $this->assertEquals(array('X-Sabre-Version' => Version::VERSION, 'Content-Type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'Content-Length' => 13, 'Last-Modified' => HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate(new \DateTime('@' . filemtime($this->tempDir . '/test.txt')))), $this->response->getHeaders());
     $this->assertEquals(200, $this->response->status);
     $this->assertEquals('Test contents', stream_get_contents($this->response->body));
Beispiel #15
  * @depends testRange
 function testIfRangeModificationDateModified()
     $node = $this->server->tree->getNodeForPath('test.txt');
     $request = new HTTP\Request('GET', '/test.txt', ['Range' => 'bytes=2-5', 'If-Range' => '-2 years']);
     $filename = SABRE_TEMPDIR . '/test.txt';
     $this->server->httpRequest = $request;
     $this->assertEquals(['X-Sabre-Version' => [Version::VERSION], 'Content-Type' => ['application/octet-stream'], 'Content-Length' => [13], 'Last-Modified' => [HTTP\Util::toHTTPDate(new \DateTime('@' . filemtime($this->tempDir . '/test.txt')))], 'ETag' => ['"' . sha1(fileinode($filename) . filesize($filename) . filemtime($filename)) . '"']], $this->response->getHeaders());
     $this->assertEquals(200, $this->response->status);
     $this->assertEquals('Test contents', stream_get_contents($this->response->body));