public function testDestroy()
     //Create new first
     $media = Media::find('1');
     $result = Media::find('1');
     $this->assertTrue($result == null);
 public function testStoreMediasSuccess()
     // Add membership
     $membership = new Membership();
     $membership->name = "Gold";
     $membership->rank = 5;
     // Add media
     $media = new Media();
     $media->name = 'This is the title';
     $media->path = 'path/to/somewhere';
     $media->sku = 'UNIQUESKU001';
     $media->short_description = 'This is the body';
     $media->category_id = 1;
     $media->active = true;
     $result = $media->save();
     $input = array('name' => 'This is title', 'short_description' => 'This is body', 'cn_name' => 'CN name', 'cn_short_description' => 'CN short body', 'category_id' => 1, 'sku' => 'UNIQUESKU001', 'price_1' => 99.98999999999999, 'media_checkbox' => array('1_1'));
     $this->call('POST', '/admin/modules/store', $input);
     $pricelist = Pricelist::where('module_id', 1)->where('membership_id', 1)->first();
     $this->assertTrue($pricelist != null);
     $this->assertTrue($pricelist->module_id == 1);
     $this->assertTrue($pricelist->membership_id == 1);
     $this->assertTrue($pricelist->price == 99.98999999999999);
     $modMediaMembership = ModuleMediaMembership::where('module_id', 1)->where('membership_id', 1)->where('media_id', 1)->first();
     $this->assertTrue($modMediaMembership != null);