addTags() public static method

Adds tags to a bean. If $tagList is a comma separated list of tags all tags will be associated with the bean. You may also pass an array instead of a string.
public static addTags ( OODBBean $bean, array $tagList ) : void
$bean OODBBean bean to tag
$tagList array list of tags to add to bean
return void
Beispiel #1
  * Some basic tests.
  * @return void
 public function testTags()
     list($c, $d, $e, $f) = R::dispense('coffee', 4);
     R::tag($c, 'strong,black');
     R::tag($d, 'black');
     R::tag($e, 'strong,sweet');
     R::tag($f, 'black,strong');
     asrt(count(R::taggedAll('coffee', 'strong,sweet')), 1);
     asrt(count(R::taggedAll('coffee', 'strong')), 3);
     asrt(count(R::taggedAll('coffee', '')), 0);
     asrt(count(R::taggedAll('coffee', 'sweet')), 1);
     asrt(count(R::taggedAll('coffee', 'sweet,strong')), 1);
     asrt(count(R::taggedAll('coffee', 'black,strong')), 2);
     asrt(count(R::taggedAll('coffee', array('black', 'strong'))), 2);
     asrt(count(R::taggedAll('coffee', 'salty')), 0);
     $blog = R::dispense('blog');
     $blog->title = 'testing';
     $blog->blog = 'tesing';
     $blogpost = R::load("blog", 1);
     $post = R::dispense("post");
     $post->message = "hello";
     R::tag($post, "lousy,smart");
     asrt(implode(',', R::tag($post)), "lousy,smart");
     R::tag($post, "clever,smart");
     $tagz = implode(',', R::tag($post));
     asrt($tagz == "smart,clever" || $tagz == "clever,smart", TRUE);
     R::tag($blog, array("smart", "interesting"));
     asrt(implode(',', R::tag($blog)), "smart,interesting");
     try {
         R::tag($blog, array("smart", "interesting", "lousy!"));
     } catch (RedException $e) {
     asrt(implode(',', R::tag($blog)), "smart,interesting,lousy!");
     R::untag($blog, array("smart", "interesting"));
     asrt(implode(",", R::tag($blog)), "lousy!");
     asrt(R::hasTag($blog, array("lousy!")), TRUE);
     asrt(R::hasTag($blog, array("lousy!", "smart")), TRUE);
     asrt(R::hasTag($blog, array("lousy!", "smart"), TRUE), FALSE);
     R::tag($blog, FALSE);
     asrt(count(R::tag($blog)), 0);
     R::tag($blog, array("funny", "comic"));
     asrt(count(R::tag($blog)), 2);
     R::addTags($blog, array("halloween"));
     asrt(count(R::tag($blog)), 3);
     asrt(R::hasTag($blog, array("funny", "commic", "halloween"), TRUE), FALSE);
     R::unTag($blog, "funny");
     R::addTags($blog, "horror");
     asrt(count(R::tag($blog)), 3);
     asrt(R::hasTag($blog, array("horror", "commic", "halloween"), TRUE), FALSE);
     //no double tags
     R::addTags($blog, "horror");
     asrt(R::hasTag($blog, array("horror", "commic", "halloween"), TRUE), FALSE);
     asrt(R::hasTag($blog, "horror,commic,halloween", TRUE), FALSE);
     asrt(count(R::tag($blog)), 3);
     testpack("fetch tagged items");
Beispiel #2
  * Test FUSE and model formatting.
  * @todo move tagging tests to tag tester.
  * @return void
 public function testFUSE()
     $toolbox = R::getToolBox();
     $adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
     $blog = R::dispense('blog');
     $blog->title = 'testing';
     $blog->blog = 'tesing';
     $blogpost = R::load("blog", 1);
     $post = R::dispense("post");
     $post->message = "hello";
     $blog->sharedPost[] = $post;
     $a = R::getAll("select * from blog ");
     R::tag($post, "lousy,smart");
     asrt(implode(',', R::tag($post)), "lousy,smart");
     R::tag($post, "clever,smart");
     $tagz = implode(',', R::tag($post));
     asrt($tagz == "smart,clever" || $tagz == "clever,smart", TRUE);
     R::tag($blog, array("smart", "interesting"));
     asrt(implode(',', R::tag($blog)), "smart,interesting");
     try {
         R::tag($blog, array("smart", "interesting", "lousy!"));
     } catch (RedException $e) {
     asrt(implode(',', R::tag($blog)), "smart,interesting,lousy!");
     asrt(implode(",", R::tag($blog)), "smart,interesting,lousy!");
     R::untag($blog, array("smart", "interesting"));
     asrt(implode(",", R::tag($blog)), "lousy!");
     asrt(R::hasTag($blog, array("lousy!")), TRUE);
     asrt(R::hasTag($blog, array("lousy!", "smart")), TRUE);
     asrt(R::hasTag($blog, array("lousy!", "smart"), TRUE), FALSE);
     R::tag($blog, FALSE);
     asrt(count(R::tag($blog)), 0);
     R::tag($blog, array("funny", "comic"));
     asrt(count(R::tag($blog)), 2);
     R::addTags($blog, array("halloween"));
     asrt(count(R::tag($blog)), 3);
     asrt(R::hasTag($blog, array("funny", "commic", "halloween"), TRUE), FALSE);
     R::unTag($blog, array("funny"));
     R::addTags($blog, "horror");
     asrt(count(R::tag($blog)), 3);
     asrt(R::hasTag($blog, array("horror", "commic", "halloween"), TRUE), FALSE);
     // No double tags
     R::addTags($blog, "horror");
     asrt(R::hasTag($blog, array("horror", "commic", "halloween"), TRUE), FALSE);
     asrt(count(R::tag($blog)), 3);