Beispiel #1
  * Method to create an SQL query based on values in a Criteria.
  * This method creates only prepared statement SQL (using ? where values
  * will go).  The second parameter ($params) stores the values that need
  * to be set before the statement is executed.  The reason we do it this way
  * is to let the PDO layer handle all escaping & value formatting.
  * @param      Criteria $criteria Criteria for the SELECT query.
  * @param      array &$params Parameters that are to be replaced in prepared statement.
  * @return     string
  * @throws     \Propel\Runtime\Exception\RuntimeException	Trouble creating the query string.
 public static function createSelectSql(Criteria $criteria, &$params)
     $db = Propel::getServiceContainer()->getAdapter($criteria->getDbName());
     $dbMap = Propel::getServiceContainer()->getDatabaseMap($criteria->getDbName());
     $fromClause = array();
     $joinClause = array();
     $joinTables = array();
     $whereClause = array();
     $orderByClause = array();
     $orderBy = $criteria->getOrderByColumns();
     $groupBy = $criteria->getGroupByColumns();
     // get the first part of the SQL statement, the SELECT part
     $selectSql = $db->createSelectSqlPart($criteria, $fromClause);
     // Handle joins
     // joins with a null join type will be added to the FROM clause and the condition added to the WHERE clause.
     // joins of a specified type: the LEFT side will be added to the fromClause and the RIGHT to the joinClause
     foreach ($criteria->getJoins() as $join) {
         // add 'em to the queues..
         if (!$fromClause) {
             $fromClause[] = $join->getLeftTableWithAlias();
         $joinTables[] = $join->getRightTableWithAlias();
         $joinClause[] = $join->getClause($params);
     // add the criteria to WHERE clause
     // this will also add the table names to the FROM clause if they are not already
     // included via a LEFT JOIN
     foreach ($criteria->keys() as $key) {
         $criterion = $criteria->getCriterion($key);
         $table = null;
         foreach ($criterion->getAttachedCriterion() as $attachedCriterion) {
             $tableName = $attachedCriterion->getTable();
             $table = $criteria->getTableForAlias($tableName);
             if ($table !== null) {
                 $fromClause[] = $table . ' ' . $tableName;
             } else {
                 $fromClause[] = $tableName;
                 $table = $tableName;
             if (($criteria->isIgnoreCase() || $attachedCriterion->isIgnoreCase()) && $dbMap->getTable($table)->getColumn($attachedCriterion->getColumn())->isText()) {
         $sb = '';
         $criterion->appendPsTo($sb, $params);
         $whereClause[] = $sb;
     // Unique from clause elements
     $fromClause = array_unique($fromClause);
     $fromClause = array_diff($fromClause, array(''));
     // tables should not exist in both the from and join clauses
     if ($joinTables && $fromClause) {
         foreach ($fromClause as $fi => $ftable) {
             if (in_array($ftable, $joinTables)) {
     // Add the GROUP BY columns
     $groupByClause = $groupBy;
     $having = $criteria->getHaving();
     $havingString = null;
     if ($having !== null) {
         $sb = '';
         $having->appendPsTo($sb, $params);
         $havingString = $sb;
     if (!empty($orderBy)) {
         foreach ($orderBy as $orderByColumn) {
             // Add function expression as-is.
             if (strpos($orderByColumn, '(') !== false) {
                 $orderByClause[] = $orderByColumn;
             // Split orderByColumn (i.e. "table.column DESC")
             $dotPos = strrpos($orderByColumn, '.');
             if ($dotPos !== false) {
                 $tableName = substr($orderByColumn, 0, $dotPos);
                 $columnName = substr($orderByColumn, $dotPos + 1);
             } else {
                 $tableName = '';
                 $columnName = $orderByColumn;
             $spacePos = strpos($columnName, ' ');
             if ($spacePos !== false) {
                 $direction = substr($columnName, $spacePos);
                 $columnName = substr($columnName, 0, $spacePos);
             } else {
                 $direction = '';
             $tableAlias = $tableName;
             if ($aliasTableName = $criteria->getTableForAlias($tableName)) {
                 $tableName = $aliasTableName;
             $columnAlias = $columnName;
             if ($asColumnName = $criteria->getColumnForAs($columnName)) {
                 $columnName = $asColumnName;
             $column = $tableName ? $dbMap->getTable($tableName)->getColumn($columnName) : null;
             if ($criteria->isIgnoreCase() && $column && $column->isText()) {
                 $ignoreCaseColumn = $db->ignoreCaseInOrderBy("{$tableAlias}.{$columnAlias}");
                 $orderByClause[] = $ignoreCaseColumn . $direction;
                 $selectSql .= ', ' . $ignoreCaseColumn;
             } else {
                 $orderByClause[] = $orderByColumn;
     if (empty($fromClause) && $criteria->getPrimaryTableName()) {
         $fromClause[] = $criteria->getPrimaryTableName();
     // tables should not exist as alias of subQuery
     if ($criteria->hasSelectQueries()) {
         foreach ($fromClause as $key => $ftable) {
             if (strpos($ftable, ' ') !== false) {
                 list($realtable, $tableName) = explode(' ', $ftable);
             } else {
                 $tableName = $ftable;
             if ($criteria->hasSelectQuery($tableName)) {
     // from / join tables quoted if it is necessary
     if ($db->useQuoteIdentifier()) {
         $fromClause = array_map(array($db, 'quoteIdentifierTable'), $fromClause);
         $joinClause = $joinClause ? $joinClause : array_map(array($db, 'quoteIdentifierTable'), $joinClause);
     // add subQuery to From after adding quotes
     foreach ($criteria->getSelectQueries() as $subQueryAlias => $subQueryCriteria) {
         $fromClause[] = '(' . BasePeer::createSelectSql($subQueryCriteria, $params) . ') AS ' . $subQueryAlias;
     // build from-clause
     $from = '';
     if (!empty($joinClause) && count($fromClause) > 1) {
         $from .= implode(" CROSS JOIN ", $fromClause);
     } else {
         $from .= implode(", ", $fromClause);
     $from .= $joinClause ? ' ' . implode(' ', $joinClause) : '';
     // Build the SQL from the arrays we compiled
     $sql = $selectSql . " FROM " . $from . ($whereClause ? " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $whereClause) : "") . ($groupByClause ? " GROUP BY " . implode(",", $groupByClause) : "") . ($havingString ? " HAVING " . $havingString : "") . ($orderByClause ? " ORDER BY " . implode(",", $orderByClause) : "");
     // APPLY OFFSET & LIMIT to the query.
     if ($criteria->getLimit() || $criteria->getOffset()) {
         $db->applyLimit($sql, $criteria->getOffset(), $criteria->getLimit(), $criteria);
     return $sql;
Beispiel #2
  * Add the content of a Criteria to the current Criteria
  * In case of conflict, the current Criteria keeps its properties
  * @param     Criteria $criteria The criteria to read properties from
  * @param     string $operator The logical operator used to combine conditions
  *            Defaults to Criteria::LOGICAL_AND, also accapts Criteria::LOGICAL_OR
  *            This parameter is deprecated, use _or() instead
  * @return    Criteria The current criteria object
 public function mergeWith(Criteria $criteria, $operator = null)
     // merge limit
     $limit = $criteria->getLimit();
     if ($limit != 0 && $this->getLimit() == 0) {
         $this->limit = $limit;
     // merge offset
     $offset = $criteria->getOffset();
     if ($offset != 0 && $this->getOffset() == 0) {
         $this->offset = $offset;
     // merge select modifiers
     $selectModifiers = $criteria->getSelectModifiers();
     if ($selectModifiers && !$this->selectModifiers) {
         $this->selectModifiers = $selectModifiers;
     // merge select columns
     $this->selectColumns = array_merge($this->getSelectColumns(), $criteria->getSelectColumns());
     // merge as columns
     $commonAsColumns = array_intersect_key($this->getAsColumns(), $criteria->getAsColumns());
     if (!empty($commonAsColumns)) {
         throw new PropelException('The given criteria contains an AsColumn with an alias already existing in the current object');
     $this->asColumns = array_merge($this->getAsColumns(), $criteria->getAsColumns());
     // merge orderByColumns
     $orderByColumns = array_merge($this->getOrderByColumns(), $criteria->getOrderByColumns());
     $this->orderByColumns = array_unique($orderByColumns);
     // merge groupByColumns
     $groupByColumns = array_merge($this->getGroupByColumns(), $criteria->getGroupByColumns());
     $this->groupByColumns = array_unique($groupByColumns);
     // merge where conditions
     if ($operator == Criteria::LOGICAL_OR) {
     $isFirstCondition = true;
     foreach ($criteria->getMap() as $key => $criterion) {
         if ($isFirstCondition && $this->defaultCombineOperator == Criteria::LOGICAL_OR) {
             $this->addOr($criterion, null, null, false);
             $this->defaultCombineOperator == Criteria::LOGICAL_AND;
         } elseif ($this->containsKey($key)) {
         } else {
         $isFirstCondition = false;
     // merge having
     if ($having = $criteria->getHaving()) {
         if ($this->getHaving()) {
         } else {
     // merge alias
     $commonAliases = array_intersect_key($this->getAliases(), $criteria->getAliases());
     if (!empty($commonAliases)) {
         throw new PropelException('The given criteria contains an alias already existing in the current object');
     $this->aliases = array_merge($this->getAliases(), $criteria->getAliases());
     // merge join
     $this->joins = array_merge($this->getJoins(), $criteria->getJoins());
     return $this;
 public function testMergeWithOrderByColumns()
     $c1 = new Criteria();
     $c2 = new Criteria();
     $this->assertEquals(array(BookPeer::TITLE . ' ASC', BookPeer::ID . ' ASC'), $c1->getOrderByColumns(), 'mergeWith() does not remove an existing orderby columns');
     $c1 = new Criteria();
     $c2 = new Criteria();
     $this->assertEquals(array(BookPeer::TITLE . ' ASC', BookPeer::ID . ' ASC'), $c1->getOrderByColumns(), 'mergeWith() merges the select columns to an empty order by');
     $c1 = new Criteria();
     $c2 = new Criteria();
     $this->assertEquals(array(BookPeer::TITLE . ' ASC', BookPeer::ID . ' ASC'), $c1->getOrderByColumns(), 'mergeWith() merges the select columns after the existing orderby columns');
     $c1 = new Criteria();
     $c2 = new Criteria();
     $this->assertEquals(array(BookPeer::TITLE . ' ASC'), $c1->getOrderByColumns(), 'mergeWith() does not merge duplicated orderby columns');
     $c1 = new Criteria();
     $c2 = new Criteria();
     $this->assertEquals(array(BookPeer::TITLE . ' ASC', BookPeer::TITLE . ' DESC'), $c1->getOrderByColumns(), 'mergeWith() merges duplicated orderby columns with inverse direction');