commit() public method

Commit transaction
public commit ( )
  * @test
 public function it_translates_aggregate_back_and_forth()
     $user = User::nameNew('John Doe');
     //Simulate a normal program flow by fetching the AR before modifying it
     $user = $this->repository->getAggregateRoot($user->id());
     $user->changeName('Max Mustermann');
     $loadedUser = $this->repository->getAggregateRoot($user->id());
     $this->assertEquals('Max Mustermann', $loadedUser->name());
     return $loadedUser;
Beispiel #2
  * Save a Chapter event to the chapter history.
  * @param Message $domainMessage
  * @throws \Prooph\Done\Shared\Exception\StoryName
  * @throws \Exception
 public function logChapterEvent(Message $domainMessage)
     $storyName = Metadata::getStoryNameFromMessage($domainMessage);
     if (!isset($this->storyTellers[$storyName->toString()])) {
         throw Exception\StoryName::isNotLinkedWithStoryTeller($storyName);
     $storyTeller = $this->storyTellers[$storyName->toString()];
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
  * Check if exception an exception was thrown. If so rollback event store transaction
  * otherwise commit it.
  * @param ActionEvent $actionEvent
 public function onFinalize(ActionEvent $actionEvent)
     if ($this->eventStore->isInTransaction()) {
         if ($actionEvent->getParam(CommandBus::EVENT_PARAM_EXCEPTION)) {
         } else {
     $this->currentCommand = null;
  * @test
 public function it_publishes_take_snapshot_commands_by_event_name()
     $user = User::create('Alex', '*****@*****.**');
     $user = $this->repository->getAggregateRoot($user->getId()->toString());
     $eventWithoutMetadata1 = UsernameChanged::with(['new_name' => 'John Doe'], 5);
     $this->eventStore->appendTo(new StreamName('event_stream'), new \ArrayIterator([$eventWithoutMetadata1]));
     $this->assertCount(1, $this->result);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('aggregate_type', $this->result[0]);
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('aggregate_id', $this->result[0]);
     $this->assertEquals(User::class, $this->result[0]['aggregate_type']);
Beispiel #5
  * @return EventStore
 protected function getOtherMachineEventStore()
     if (is_null($this->otherMachineEventStore)) {
         $inMemoryAdapter = new InMemoryAdapter();
         $config = new Configuration();
         $this->otherMachineEventStore = new EventStore($config);
         $this->otherMachineEventStore->getActionEventDispatcher()->attachListener("", function (PostCommitEvent $postCommitEvent) {
             $this->otherMachineLastPostCommitEvent = $postCommitEvent;
             foreach ($postCommitEvent->getRecordedEvents() as $event) {
                 $this->otherMachineEventNameLog[] = $event->messageName();
         $this->otherMachineEventStore->create(new Stream(new StreamName('prooph_processing_stream'), []));
     return $this->otherMachineEventStore;
Beispiel #6
  * @test
  * @expectedException Prooph\EventStore\Exception\StreamNotFoundException
 public function it_throws_stream_not_found_exception_if_adapter_loads_nothing()
     $stream = $this->getTestStream();
     $adapter = $this->prophesize(Adapter::class);
     $eventStore = new EventStore($adapter->reveal(), new ProophActionEventEmitter());
Beispiel #7
    use Prooph\Common\Event\ActionEvent;
    use Prooph\Common\Event\ProophActionEventEmitter;
    use Prooph\EventStore\Adapter\InMemoryAdapter;
    use Prooph\EventStore\EventStore;
    $eventStore = new EventStore(new InMemoryAdapter(), new ProophActionEventEmitter());
    //Now we set up our user repository and inject the EventStore
    //Normally this should be done in an IoC-Container and the receiver of the repository should require My\Model\UserRepository
    $userRepository = new UserRepositoryImpl($eventStore);
    //Ok lets start a new transaction and create a user
    $user = User::nameNew('John Doe');
    //Before we commit the transaction let's attach a listener to check that the UserWasCreated event is published after commit
    $eventStore->getActionEventEmitter()->attachListener('', function (ActionEvent $event) {
        foreach ($event->getParam('recordedEvents', new \ArrayIterator()) as $streamEvent) {
            echo sprintf("Event with name %s was recorded. It occurred on %s UTC /// ", $streamEvent->messageName(), $streamEvent->createdAt()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
    $userId = $user->userId();
    //Ok, great. Now let's see how we can grab the user from the repository and change the name
    //First we need to start a new transaction
    //The repository automatically tracks changes of the user...
    $loadedUser = $userRepository->get($userId);
    $loadedUser->changeName('Max Mustermann');
    //... so we only need to commit the transaction and the UserWasRenamed event should be recorded
    //(check output of the previously attached listener)
 private function commitTransaction()
     $this->inTransaction = false;
  * @param array $data
  * @return array
 public function run(array $data)
     switch ($data['adapter']) {
         case 'mysql':
             $connection = DriverManager::getConnection($data['options']);
             $connection->executeQuery('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_stream');
             $adapter = new DoctrineEventStoreAdapter($connection, new FQCNMessageFactory(), new NoOpMessageConverter(), new JsonPayloadSerializer());
         case 'postgres':
             $connection = DriverManager::getConnection($data['options']);
             $connection->executeQuery('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_stream');
             $adapter = new DoctrineEventStoreAdapter($connection, new FQCNMessageFactory(), new NoOpMessageConverter(), new JsonPayloadSerializer());
         case 'mongodb':
             $connection = new \MongoClient($data['options']['server']);
             $adapter = new MongoDbEventStoreAdapter(new FQCNMessageFactory(), new NoOpMessageConverter(), $connection, $data['options']['db_name']);
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('invalid adapter given');
     $eventStore = new EventStore($adapter, new ProophActionEventEmitter());
     $result = [];
     foreach ($data['batchSizes'] as $batchSize) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $this->repeats; $i++) {
             $events = [];
             $start = microtime(true);
             for ($b = 1; $b <= $batchSize * 2; $b++) {
                 $v1 = $b;
                 $v2 = $b;
                 $events[] = UserCreated::with(['name' => 'Max Mustermann ' . $i . '-' . $b, 'email' => 'contact' . $i . '-' . $b . ''], $v1);
                 $events[] = UsernameChanged::with(['name' => 'John Doe ' . $i . '-' . $b], $v2);
             $eventStore->create(new Stream(new StreamName('user_stream'), new \ArrayIterator($events)));
             $end = microtime(true);
             if ($connection instanceof Connection) {
                 $connection->executeQuery('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user_stream');
             } else {
             $diff = $end - $start;
             $result[$data['adapter'] . ' with batch size ' . $batchSize] = $diff;
     return $result;