TUrlManager is the base class for managing URLs that can be recognized by PRADO applications. It provides the default implementation for parsing and constructing URLs. Derived classes may override {@link constructUrl} and {@link parseUrl} to provide customized URL schemes. By default, {@link THttpRequest} uses TUrlManager as its URL manager. If you want to use your customized URL manager, load your manager class as an application module and set {@link THttpRequest::setUrlManager THttpRequest.UrlManager} with the ID of your URL manager module.
Since: 3.0.6
Author: Qiang Xue (qiang.xue@gmail.com)
Inheritance: extends Prado\TModule
Beispiel #1
  * Constructs a URL that can be recognized by PRADO.
  * This method provides the actual implementation used by {@link THttpRequest::constructUrl}.
  * Override this method if you want to provide your own way of URL formatting.
  * If you do so, you may also need to override {@link parseUrl} so that the URL can be properly parsed.
  * The URL is constructed as the following format:
  * /entryscript.php?serviceID=serviceParameter&get1=value1&...
  * If {@link THttpRequest::setUrlFormat THttpRequest.UrlFormat} is 'Path',
  * the following format is used instead:
  * /entryscript.php/serviceID/serviceParameter/get1,value1/get2,value2...
  * If {@link THttpRequest::setUrlFormat THttpRequest.UrlFormat} is 'HiddenPath',
  * the following format is used instead:
  * /serviceID/serviceParameter/get1,value1/get2,value2...
  * @param string service ID
  * @param string service parameter
  * @param array GET parameters, null if not provided
  * @param boolean whether to encode the ampersand in URL
  * @param boolean whether to encode the GET parameters (their names and values)
  * @return string URL
  * @see parseUrl
  * @since 3.1.1
 public function constructUrl($serviceID, $serviceParam, $getItems, $encodeAmpersand, $encodeGetItems)
     if ($this->_customUrl) {
         if (!(is_array($getItems) || $getItems instanceof \Traversable)) {
             $getItems = array();
         $key = $serviceID . ':' . $serviceParam;
         $wildCardKey = ($pos = strrpos($serviceParam, '.')) !== false ? $serviceID . ':' . substr($serviceParam, 0, $pos) . '.*' : $serviceID . ':*';
         if (isset($this->_constructRules[$key])) {
             foreach ($this->_constructRules[$key] as $rule) {
                 if ($rule->supportCustomUrl($getItems)) {
                     return $rule->constructUrl($getItems, $encodeAmpersand, $encodeGetItems);
         } elseif (isset($this->_constructRules[$wildCardKey])) {
             foreach ($this->_constructRules[$wildCardKey] as $rule) {
                 if ($rule->supportCustomUrl($getItems)) {
                     $getItems['*'] = $pos ? substr($serviceParam, $pos + 1) : $serviceParam;
                     return $rule->constructUrl($getItems, $encodeAmpersand, $encodeGetItems);
     return parent::constructUrl($serviceID, $serviceParam, $getItems, $encodeAmpersand, $encodeGetItems);