TBaseDataList is the base class for data listing controls, including
{@link TDataList} and {@link TDataGrid}.
The key field in the data source is specified by {@link setKeyField KeyField},
while {@link getKeyValues KeyValues} stores the key values of each record in
a data listing control. You may use the list item index to obtain the corresponding
database key value.
TBaseDataList also implements a few properties used for presentation based
on tabular layout. The {@link setCaption Caption}, whose alignment is
specified via {@link setCaptionAlign CaptionAlign}, is rendered as the table caption.
The table cellpadding and cellspacing are specified by
{@link setCellPadding CellPadding} and {@link setCellSpacing CellSpacing}
properties, respectively. The {@link setGridLines GridLines} specifies how
the table should display its borders, and the horizontal alignment of the table
content can be specified via {@link setHorizontalAlign HorizontalAlign}.