The {@link NullValue setNullValue()} attribute can be set to any valid
value (based on property type). The {@link NullValue setNullValue()} attribute
is used to specify an outgoing null value replacement. What this means is
that when a null value is detected in the result, the corresponding value of
the {@link NullValue getNullValue()} will be used instead.
The {@link Select setSelect()} property is used to describe a relationship
between objects and to automatically load complex (i.e. user defined)
property types. The value of the {@link Select setSelect()} property must be
the name of another mapped statement. The value of the database
{@link Column setColumn()} that is defined in the same property element as
this statement attribute will be passed to the related mapped statement as
the parameter. The {@link LazyLoad setLayLoad()} attribute can be specified
with the {@link Select setSelect()} .