Beispiel #1
  * Bootstrap the module
  * @param  Application $application
  * @return void
 public static function bootstrap(Application $application)
     $path = BASE_PATH . APP_URI;
     if ($path == '') {
         $path = '/';
     $cookie = Cookie::getInstance(['path' => $path]);
     if (isset($cookie->phire)) {
         $phire = (array) $cookie->phire;
         if (!isset($phire['fields_media_library'])) {
             $phire['fields_media_library'] = $application->module('phire-fields')->config()['media_library'];
         $cookie->set('phire', $phire);
     $modules = $application->modules();
     $roles = \Phire\Table\Roles::findAll();
     foreach ($roles->rows() as $role) {
         if (isset($modules['phire-fields']) && isset($modules['phire-fields']->config()['models']) && isset($modules['phire-fields']->config()['models']['Phire\\Model\\User']) && isset($modules['phire-fields']->config()['models']['Phire\\Model\\Role'])) {
             $models = $modules['phire-fields']->config()['models'];
             $models['Phire\\Model\\User'][] = ['type_field' => 'role_id', 'type_value' => $role->id, 'type_name' => $role->name];
             $models['Phire\\Model\\Role'][] = ['type_field' => 'id', 'type_value' => $role->id, 'type_name' => $role->name];
             $application->module('phire-fields')->mergeConfig(['models' => $models]);
     foreach ($modules as $module => $config) {
         if ($module != 'phire-fields' && isset($config['models'])) {
             $application->module('phire-fields')->mergeConfig(['models' => $config['models']]);
Beispiel #2
  * Bootstrap the module
  * @param  Application $application
  * @return void
 public static function bootstrap(Application $application)
     $resources = $application->config()['resources'];
     $params = $application->services()->getParams('nav.phire');
     $config = $application->module('phire-media');
     $models = isset($config['models']) ? $config['models'] : null;
     $libraries = Table\MediaLibraries::findAll(['order' => 'order ASC']);
     foreach ($libraries->rows() as $library) {
         if (null !== $models) {
             if (!isset($models['Phire\\Media\\Model\\Media'])) {
                 $models['Phire\\Media\\Model\\Media'] = [];
             $models['Phire\\Media\\Model\\Media'][] = ['type_field' => 'library_id', 'type_value' => $library->id, 'type_name' => $library->name];
         $resources['media-library-' . $library->id . '|media-library-' . str_replace(' ', '-', strtolower($library->name))] = ['index', 'add', 'edit', 'remove'];
         if (!isset($params['tree']['media']['children'])) {
             $params['tree']['media']['children'] = [];
         $params['tree']['media']['children']['media-library-' . $library->id] = ['name' => $library->name, 'href' => '/media/' . $library->id, 'acl' => ['resource' => 'media-library-' . $library->id, 'permission' => 'index']];
     $application->mergeConfig(['resources' => $resources]);
     $application->services()->setParams('nav.phire', $params);
     if (null !== $models) {
         $application->module('phire-media')->mergeConfig(['models' => $models]);
Beispiel #3
  * Bootstrap the module
  * @param  Application $application
  * @return void
 public static function bootstrap(Application $application)
     $config = $application->module('phire-forms');
     $models = isset($config['models']) ? $config['models'] : null;
     $forms = Table\Forms::findAll();
     foreach ($forms->rows() as $form) {
         if (null !== $models) {
             if (!isset($models['Phire\\Forms\\Model\\Form'])) {
                 $models['Phire\\Forms\\Model\\Form'] = [];
             $models['Phire\\Forms\\Model\\Form'][] = ['type_field' => 'id', 'type_value' => $form->id, 'type_name' => $form->name];
     if (null !== $models) {
         $application->module('phire-forms')->mergeConfig(['models' => $models]);
Beispiel #4
  * Add CAPTCHA image to form with a CAPTCHA field
  * @param  AbstractController $controller
  * @param  Application        $application
  * @return void
 public static function addCaptcha(AbstractController $controller, Application $application)
     if ($controller->hasView() && null !== $controller->view()->form && $controller->view()->form !== false && $controller->view()->form instanceof \Pop\Form\Form && null !== $controller->view()->form->getElement('captcha')) {
         $captcha = new \Phire\Captcha\Model\Captcha($application->module('phire-captcha')['config']);
         $controller->view()->form->getElement('captcha')->setToken($captcha->token, 'Enter Code');
Beispiel #5
  * Parse calendar
  * @param  AbstractController $controller
  * @param  Application        $application
  * @return void
 public static function parse(AbstractController $controller, Application $application)
     if (!$_POST && $controller->hasView() && $controller instanceof \Phire\Content\Controller\IndexController) {
         $body = $controller->response()->getBody();
         // Parse any calendar placeholders
         $calendars = [];
         $calendarIds = [];
         preg_match_all('/\\[\\{calendar.*\\}\\]/', $body, $calendars);
         if (isset($calendars[0]) && isset($calendars[0][0])) {
             foreach ($calendars[0] as $calendar) {
                 $id = substr($calendar, strpos($calendar, '[{calendar_') + 11);
                 if (strpos($id, '_') !== false) {
                     $id = substr($id, 0, strpos($id, '_'));
                     $replace = '[{calendar_' . $id . '_time}]';
                     $time = true;
                 } else {
                     $id = substr($id, 0, strpos($id, '}]'));
                     $replace = '[{calendar_' . $id . '}]';
                     $time = false;
                 $calendarIds[] = ['id' => $id, 'replace' => $replace, 'time' => $time];
         if (count($calendarIds) > 0) {
             $sess = $application->services()->get('session');
             $roleId = isset($sess->user) ? $sess->user->role_id : null;
             foreach ($calendarIds as $cal) {
                 $calendar = new Model\Calendar(['user_role_id' => $roleId, 'weekdays' => $application->module('phire-calendar')['weekdays'], 'range' => $application->module('phire-calendar')['range'], 'range_format' => $application->module('phire-calendar')['range_format'], 'day_format' => $application->module('phire-calendar')['day_format'], 'force_list' => $application->module('phire-calendar')['force_list'], 'force_list_mobile' => $application->module('phire-calendar')['force_list_mobile'], 'show_all' => $application->module('phire-calendar')['show_all'], 'date' => $controller->request()->getQuery('date')]);
                 $rendered = $calendar->getById($cal['id'], $cal['time']);
                 $body = str_replace($cal['replace'], $rendered, $body);
Beispiel #6
  * Bootstrap the module
  * @param  Application $application
  * @return void
 public static function bootstrap(Application $application)
     if ($application->isRegistered('phire-content')) {
         $theme = Table\Themes::findBy(['active' => 1]);
         if (isset($theme->id)) {
             $dir = new Dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/themes/' . $theme->folder, ['filesOnly' => true]);
             $parentDir = null;
             if (null !== $theme->parent_id) {
                 $parentTheme = Table\Themes::findById($theme->parent_id);
                 if (isset($parentTheme->id)) {
                     $parentDir = new Dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/themes/' . $parentTheme->folder, ['filesOnly' => true]);
             $forms = $application->config()['forms'];
             if (null !== $parentDir) {
                 $dirFiles = $dir->getFiles();
                 foreach ($dirFiles as $file) {
                     if (strpos($file, '.ph') !== false && !in_array($file, $application->module('phire-themes')['invisible'])) {
                         $forms['Phire\\Content\\Form\\Content'][0]['content_template']['value'][$file] = $file;
                 foreach ($parentDir->getFiles() as $file) {
                     if (!in_array($file, $dirFiles) && strpos($file, '.ph') !== false && !in_array($file, $application->module('phire-themes')['invisible'])) {
                         $forms['Phire\\Content\\Form\\Content'][0]['content_template']['value'][$file] = $file . ' (parent)';
             } else {
                 foreach ($dir->getFiles() as $file) {
                     if (strpos($file, '.ph') !== false && !in_array($file, $application->module('phire-themes')['invisible'])) {
                         $forms['Phire\\Content\\Form\\Content'][0]['content_template']['value'][$file] = $file;
             $application->mergeConfig(['forms' => $forms], true);
  * Prepare view
  * @param  string $template
  * @return void
 protected function prepareView($template)
     // Check for any override templates
     $headerTemplate = file_exists(CONTENT_ABS_PATH . '/phire/view/phire/header.phtml') ? CONTENT_ABS_PATH . '/phire/view/phire/header.phtml' : __DIR__ . '/../../view/phire/header.phtml';
     $footerTemplate = file_exists(CONTENT_ABS_PATH . '/phire/view/phire/footer.phtml') ? CONTENT_ABS_PATH . '/phire/view/phire/footer.phtml' : __DIR__ . '/../../view/phire/footer.phtml';
     $viewTemplate = file_exists(CONTENT_ABS_PATH . '/phire/view/' . $template) ? CONTENT_ABS_PATH . '/phire/view/' . $template : $this->viewPath . '/' . $template;
     $this->view = new View($viewTemplate);
     $this->view->phire = new \ArrayObject([], \ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);
     $this->view->assets = $this->application->module('phire')->getAssets();
     $this->view->systemTitle = $this->application->config()['system_title'];
     $this->view->phireHeader = $headerTemplate;
     $this->view->phireFooter = $footerTemplate;
     $this->view->phireUri = BASE_PATH . APP_URI;
     $this->view->basePath = BASE_PATH;
     $this->view->base_path = BASE_PATH;
     $this->view->contentPath = CONTENT_PATH;
     $this->view->content_path = CONTENT_PATH;
     if (isset($this->sess->installed)) {
         $this->view->installed = true;
     if (isset($this->sess->saved)) {
         $this->view->saved = true;
     if (isset($this->sess->removed)) {
         $this->view->removed = true;
     if (isset($this->sess->user)) {
         $this->view->phireNav = $this->services['nav.phire'];
         $this->view->phirePath = BASE_PATH . APP_PATH;
         $this->view->docRoot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
         $this->view->user = $this->sess->user;
         $this->view->acl = $this->services['acl'];
         $this->view->config = $this->config;
         $this->view->headers = $this->application->config()['headers'];
         $this->view->dashboard = $this->application->config()['dashboard'];
         $this->view->dashboardSide = $this->application->config()['dashboard_side'];
         $this->view->footers = $this->application->config()['footers'];
     } else {
         $this->view->phireNav = null;
Beispiel #8
  * Check if the user session is allowed with the ACL service
  * @param  Application $application
  * @return void
 public static function check(Application $application)
     $sess = $application->getService('session');
     $acl = $application->getService('acl');
     if (isset($sess->user) && isset($sess->user->role) && $acl->hasRole($sess->user->role)) {
         // Get routes with slash options
         $route = $application->router()->getRouteMatch()->getRoute();
         $routes = $application->router()->getRouteMatch()->getRoutes();
         if (isset($routes[$route]) && isset($routes[$route]['acl']) && isset($routes[$route]['acl']['resource'])) {
             $resource = $routes[$route]['acl']['resource'];
             $permission = isset($routes[$route]['acl']['permission']) ? $routes[$route]['acl']['permission'] : null;
             if (!$acl->isAllowed($sess->user->role, $resource, $permission)) {
Beispiel #9
  * Save content to cache
  * @param  Application $application
  * @return void
 public static function save(Application $application)
     if ($application->router()->getController() instanceof \Phire\Content\Controller\IndexController && $application->router()->getController()->response()->getCode() == 200 && empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && !$_POST) {
         $sess = $application->services()->get('session');
         $uri = $application->router()->getController()->request()->getRequestUri();
         $cache = (new Model\Cache())->getCacheAdapter();
         $exclude = $application->module('phire-cache')['exclude'];
         if (null !== $cache && !isset($sess->user) && !in_array($uri, $exclude)) {
             $contentType = $application->router()->getController()->response()->getHeader('Content-Type');
             $body = $application->router()->getController()->response()->getBody();
             if ($contentType == 'text/html') {
                 $body .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '<!-- Generated by the phire-cache module on ' . date('M j, Y H:i:s') . '. //-->' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
             } else {
                 if (stripos($contentType, 'xml') !== false) {
                     $body .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '<!-- Generated by the phire-cache module on ' . date('M j, Y H:i:s') . '. -->' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
             $cache->save($uri, ['content-type' => $contentType, 'body' => $body]);
Beispiel #10
  * Delete dynamic field files
  * @param  int         $fieldId
  * @param  int         $modelId
  * @param  string      $model
  * @param  boolean     $encrypt
  * @param  Application $app
  * @param  string      $uploadFolder
  * @param  string      $mediaLibrary
  * @return void
 protected static function saveFiles($fieldId, $modelId, $model, $encrypt, $app, $uploadFolder, $mediaLibrary = null)
     $field = T\Fields::findById($fieldId);
     if (isset($field->id)) {
         $time = time();
         $newValues = [];
         $oldValues = new Record();
         $oldValues->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $field->name);
         $oldValues->findRecordsBy(['model_id' => $modelId, 'model' => $model], ['order' => 'id ASC']);
         $old = $oldValues->rows(false);
         foreach ($_FILES as $key => $file) {
             $id = substr_count($key, '_') == 2 ? substr($key, strrpos($key, '_') + 1) : 0;
             if (!empty($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']) && !empty($_FILES[$key]['name'])) {
                 if (null !== $mediaLibrary) {
                     $library = new \Phire\Media\Model\MediaLibrary();
                     if (isset($library->id)) {
                         $settings = $library->getSettings();
                         $mediaUpload = new Upload($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/' . $library->folder, $settings['max_filesize'], $settings['disallowed_types'], $settings['allowed_types']);
                         if ($mediaUpload->test($_FILES[$key])) {
                             $media = new \Phire\Media\Model\Media();
                             $media->save($_FILES[$key], ['library_id' => $library->id]);
                             $value = $media->file;
                             if ($encrypt) {
                                 $value = (new Mcrypt())->create($value);
                             if (isset($old[$id])) {
                                 $replaceValue = new Record();
                                 $replaceValue->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $field->name);
                                 if (isset($replaceValue->id)) {
                                     $replaceValue->value = $value;
                                     if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $old[$id]['value'])) {
                                         unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $old[$id]['value']);
                                     if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/' . $library->folder . '/' . $old[$id]['value'])) {
                                         $media = new \Phire\Media\Model\Media();
                                         if (isset($media->id)) {
                                             $media->remove(['rm_media' => [$media->id]]);
                             } else {
                                 $newValues[] = $value;
                             copy($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/' . $library->folder . '/' . $media->file, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $media->file);
                 } else {
                     $upload = new Upload($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/', $app->module('phire-fields')->config()['max_size'], $app->module('phire-fields')->config()['disallowed_types'], $app->module('phire-fields')->config()['allowed_types']);
                     $value = $upload->upload($_FILES[$key]);
                     if ($encrypt) {
                         $value = (new Mcrypt())->create($value);
                     if (isset($old[$id])) {
                         $replaceValue = new Record();
                         $replaceValue->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $field->name);
                         if (isset($replaceValue->id)) {
                             $replaceValue->value = $value;
                             if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $old[$id]['value'])) {
                                 unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $old[$id]['value']);
                     } else {
                         $newValues[] = $value;
         foreach ($newValues as $v) {
             if (!empty($v)) {
                 $fv = new Record(['model_id' => $modelId, 'model' => $model, 'timestamp' => $time, 'revision' => 0, 'value' => $v]);
                 $fv->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $field->name);
                 $fvs = new Record();
                 $fvs->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $field->name);
                 $sql = $fvs->getSql();
                 $sql->update(['timestamp' => ':timestamp'])->where('model_id = :model_id')->where('model = :model');
                 $fvs->execute($sql, ['timestamp' => $time, 'model_id' => $modelId, 'model' => $model]);
Beispiel #11
  * Get all category values for the form object
  * @param  AbstractController $controller
  * @param  Application        $application
  * @return void
 public static function parseCategories(AbstractController $controller, Application $application)
     if ($controller->hasView() && ($controller instanceof \Phire\Categories\Controller\IndexController || $controller instanceof \Phire\Content\Controller\IndexController)) {
         $body = $controller->response()->getBody();
         $category = new Model\Category();
         $category->show_total = $application->module('phire-categories')['show_total'];
         $category->filters = $application->module('phire-categories')['filters'];
         $category->datetime_formats = $application->module('phire-categories')['datetime_formats'];
         $catIds = self::parseCategoryIds($body);
         $catParentIds = self::parseParentCategoryIds($body);
         if (count($catIds) > 0) {
             foreach ($catIds as $key => $value) {
                 $categoryName = 'category_' . $value['id'];
                 if (isset($value['limit']) && $value['limit'] > 0 && $category->hasPages($value['limit'])) {
                     $limit = $value['limit'];
                     $pages = null;
                 } else {
                     if ($category->pagination > 0 && $category->hasPages($category->pagination)) {
                         $limit = $category->pagination;
                         $pages = new \Pop\Paginator\Paginator($category->getCount(), $limit);
                     } else {
                         $limit = null;
                         $pages = null;
                 if (null !== $pages) {
                     $controller->view()->pages = $pages;
                 $controller->view()->{$categoryName} = $category->getItems($limit, $controller->request()->getQuery('page'));
         if (count($catParentIds) > 0) {
             foreach ($catParentIds as $key => $value) {
                 if (isset($value['limit']) && $value['limit'] > 0) {
                     $limit = $value['limit'];
                     $categoryName = 'categories_' . $value['id'] . '_' . $limit;
                 } else {
                     $limit = null;
                     $categoryName = 'categories_' . $value['id'];
                 $controller->view()->{$categoryName} = $category->getCategoryChildren($value['id'], $limit);
         $body = $controller->view()->render();
Beispiel #12
  * Save dynamic field values to the EAV table
  * @param  Application        $application
  * @param  Table\Fields       $field
  * @param  mixed              $value
  * @param  string             $model
  * @param  int                $modelId
  * @param  string             $uploadFolder
  * @param  string             $mediaLibrary
  * @return void
 public static function save(Application $application, $field, $value, $model, $modelId, $uploadFolder = null, $mediaLibrary = null)
     $dynamicFieldIds = [];
     $fieldId = $field->id;
     $key = 'field_' . $fieldId;
     if ($field->dynamic) {
         $dynamicFieldIds[] = $field->id;
     $fv = Table\FieldValues::findById([$fieldId, $modelId, $model]);
     if ($field->type == 'file' && isset($_FILES[$key]) && !empty($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']) && !empty($_FILES[$key]['name'])) {
         if (isset($fv->field_id)) {
             $oldFile = json_decode($fv->value);
             if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $oldFile)) {
                 unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $oldFile);
         if (null !== $mediaLibrary && $application->isRegistered('phire-media')) {
             $library = new \Phire\Media\Model\MediaLibrary();
             if (isset($library->id)) {
                 $settings = $library->getSettings();
                 $mediaUpload = new Upload($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/' . $library->folder, $settings['max_filesize'], $settings['disallowed_types'], $settings['allowed_types']);
                 if ($mediaUpload->test($_FILES[$key])) {
                     $media = new \Phire\Media\Model\Media();
                     $media->save($_FILES[$key], ['library_id' => $library->id]);
                     $value = $media->file;
                     copy($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/' . $library->folder . '/' . $media->file, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $media->file);
         } else {
             $upload = new Upload($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/', $application->module('phire-fields')->config()['max_size'], $application->module('phire-fields')->config()['disallowed_types'], $application->module('phire-fields')->config()['allowed_types']);
             $value = $upload->upload($_FILES[$key]);
     if (!empty($value) && $value != ' ') {
         if ($field->encrypt && !is_array($value)) {
             $value = (new Mcrypt())->create($value);
     if (isset($fv->field_id)) {
         $oldValue = json_decode($fv->value, true);
         if (!empty($value) && $value != ' ') {
             if (strpos($field->type, '-history') !== false) {
                 if ($value != $oldValue) {
                     $ts = null !== $fv->timestamp ? $fv->timestamp : time() - 180;
                     if (null !== $fv->history) {
                         $history = json_decode($fv->history, true);
                         $history[$ts] = $oldValue;
                         if (count($history) > $application->module('phire-fields')->config()['history']) {
                             $history = array_slice($history, 1, $application->module('phire-fields')->config()['history'], true);
                         $fv->history = json_encode($history);
                     } else {
                         $fv->history = json_encode([$ts => $oldValue]);
             if ($field->dynamic && is_array($oldValue) && isset($oldValue[0])) {
                 $oldValue[0] = $value;
                 $newValue = json_encode($oldValue);
             } else {
                 $newValue = json_encode($value);
             $fv->value = $newValue;
             $fv->timestamp = time();
         } else {
             if (!$field->dynamic && $field->type != 'file') {
             } else {
                 if ($field->dynamic && $field->type != 'file' && is_array($oldValue) && isset($oldValue[0])) {
                     $oldValue[0] = '';
                     $newValue = json_encode($oldValue);
                     $fv->value = $newValue;
                     $fv->timestamp = time();
     } else {
         if (!empty($value) && $value != ' ') {
             $fv = new Table\FieldValues(['field_id' => $fieldId, 'model_id' => $modelId, 'model' => $model, 'value' => $field->dynamic ? json_encode([$value]) : json_encode($value), 'timestamp' => time()]);
     foreach ($dynamicFieldIds as $fieldId) {
         $i = 1;
         $offset = 0;
         $fv = Table\FieldValues::findById([$fieldId, $modelId, $model]);
         $checkValue = json_decode($fv->value, true);
         if (is_array($checkValue) && isset($checkValue[0]) && is_array($checkValue[0])) {
             foreach ($checkValue as $k => $v) {
                 $fieldToCheck = $k > 0 ? 'field_' . $fieldId . '_' . $k : 'field_' . $fieldId;
                 if (!isset($_POST[$fieldToCheck])) {
             $checkValue = array_values($checkValue);
             $fv->value = json_encode($checkValue);
             $fv->timestamp = time();
         while (isset($_POST['field_' . $fieldId . '_' . $i])) {
             if (!empty($_POST['field_' . $fieldId . '_' . $i]) && $_POST['field_' . $fieldId . '_' . $i] != ' ') {
                 $postValue = $_POST['field_' . $fieldId . '_' . $i];
                 if (isset($fv->field_id)) {
                     $value = json_decode($fv->value, true);
                     if (isset($value[$i - $offset])) {
                         $value[$i - $offset] = $postValue;
                     } else {
                         $value[] = $postValue;
                     $fv->value = json_encode($value);
                     $fv->timestamp = time();
                 } else {
                     $fv = new Table\FieldValues(['field_id' => $fieldId, 'model_id' => $modelId, 'model' => $model, 'value' => json_encode([$postValue]), 'timestamp' => time()]);
             } else {
                 if (isset($fv->field_id)) {
                     $value = json_decode($fv->value, true);
                     if (isset($value[$i])) {
                         $value = array_values($value);
                     $fv->value = json_encode($value);
                     $fv->timestamp = time();
     foreach ($dynamicFieldIds as $fieldId) {
         $i = 1;
         $offset = 0;
         $fv = Table\FieldValues::findById([$fieldId, $modelId, $model]);
         while (isset($_FILES['field_' . $fieldId . '_' . $i])) {
             if (!empty($_FILES['field_' . $fieldId . '_' . $i]['tmp_name'])) {
                 if (null !== $mediaLibrary && $application->isRegistered('phire-media')) {
                     $library = new \Phire\Media\Model\MediaLibrary();
                     if (isset($library->id)) {
                         $settings = $library->getSettings();
                         $mediaUpload = new Upload($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/' . $library->folder, $settings['max_filesize'], $settings['disallowed_types'], $settings['allowed_types']);
                         if ($mediaUpload->test($_FILES['field_' . $fieldId . '_' . $i])) {
                             $media = new \Phire\Media\Model\Media();
                             $media->save($_FILES['field_' . $fieldId . '_' . $i], ['library_id' => $library->id]);
                             $postValue = $media->file;
                             copy($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/' . $library->folder . '/' . $media->file, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $media->file);
                 } else {
                     $upload = new Upload($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/', $application->module('phire-fields')->config()['max_size'], $application->module('phire-fields')->config()['allowed_types']);
                     $postValue = $upload->upload($_FILES['field_' . $fieldId . '_' . $i]);
                 if (isset($fv->field_id)) {
                     $value = json_decode($fv->value, true);
                     if (isset($value[$i - $offset])) {
                         $value[$i - $offset] = $postValue;
                     } else {
                         $value[] = $postValue;
                     $fv->value = json_encode($value);
                     $fv->timestamp = time();
                 } else {
                     $fv = new Table\FieldValues(['field_id' => $fieldId, 'model_id' => $modelId, 'model' => $model, 'value' => json_encode([$postValue]), 'timestamp' => time()]);
     foreach ($dynamicFieldIds as $fieldId) {
         $fv = Table\FieldValues::findById([$fieldId, $modelId, $model]);
         if (isset($fv->field_id)) {
             $value = json_decode($fv->value, true);
             if (is_array($value) && isset($value[0]) && is_array($value[0])) {
                 foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
                     if (is_array($val) && isset($val[0]) && (empty($val[0]) || $val[0] == ' ')) {
                         $value[$key] = array_values($val);
                         if (count($value[$key]) == 0) {
                 $value = array_values($value);
             } else {
                 if (is_array($value) && isset($value[0]) && (empty($value[0]) || $value[0] == ' ')) {
                     $value = array_values($value);
             if (count($value) == 0) {
             } else {
                 $fv->value = json_encode($value);
Beispiel #13
  * Init data values
  * @param  AbstractController $controller
  * @param  Application        $application
  * @return void
 public static function initDateValues(AbstractController $controller, Application $application)
     if ($controller instanceof \Phire\Content\Controller\IndexController && $controller->hasView()) {
         $publish = $controller->view()->publish;
         $expire = $controller->view()->expire;
         $pubDate = substr($publish, 0, strpos($publish, ' '));
         $pubTime = substr($publish, strpos($publish, ' ') + 1);
         $expDate = substr($expire, 0, strpos($expire, ' '));
         $expTime = substr($expire, strpos($expire, ' ') + 1);
         $pubMonth = date($application->module('phire-content')['month_format'], strtotime($pubDate));
         $pubDay = date($application->module('phire-content')['day_format'], strtotime($pubDate));
         $pubYear = date($application->module('phire-content')['year_format'], strtotime($pubDate));
         $pubHour = date($application->module('phire-content')['hour_format'], strtotime($pubTime));
         $pubMin = date($application->module('phire-content')['minute_format'], strtotime($pubTime));
         $pubPeriod = date($application->module('phire-content')['period_format'], strtotime($pubTime));
         $expMonth = date($application->module('phire-content')['month_format'], strtotime($expDate));
         $expDay = date($application->module('phire-content')['day_format'], strtotime($expDate));
         $expYear = date($application->module('phire-content')['year_format'], strtotime($expDate));
         $expHour = date($application->module('phire-content')['hour_format'], strtotime($expTime));
         $expMin = date($application->module('phire-content')['minute_format'], strtotime($expTime));
         $expPeriod = date($application->module('phire-content')['period_format'], strtotime($expTime));
         $pubDate = date($application->module('phire-content')['date_format'], strtotime($pubDate));
         $pubTime = date($application->module('phire-content')['time_format'], strtotime($pubTime));
         $expDate = date($application->module('phire-content')['date_format'], strtotime($expDate));
         $expTime = date($application->module('phire-content')['time_format'], strtotime($expTime));
         $controller->view()->set('publish_date', $pubDate);
         $controller->view()->set('publish_time', $pubTime);
         $controller->view()->set('publish_month', $pubMonth);
         $controller->view()->set('publish_day', $pubDay);
         $controller->view()->set('publish_year', $pubYear);
         $controller->view()->set('publish_hour', $pubHour);
         $controller->view()->set('publish_minute', $pubMin);
         $controller->view()->set('publish_period', $pubPeriod);
         $controller->view()->set('expire_date', $expDate);
         $controller->view()->set('expire_time', $expTime);
         $controller->view()->set('expire_month', $expMonth);
         $controller->view()->set('expire_day', $expDay);
         $controller->view()->set('expire_year', $expYear);
         $controller->view()->set('expire_hour', $expHour);
         $controller->view()->set('expire_minute', $expMin);
         $controller->view()->set('expire_period', $expPeriod);
Beispiel #14
  * Init tag model and tag cloud
  * @param  AbstractController $controller
  * @param  Application        $application
  * @return void
 public static function init(AbstractController $controller, Application $application)
     if (!$_POST && $controller->hasView() && $controller instanceof \Phire\Content\Controller\IndexController) {
         $sql = Table\TagItems::sql();
         $sql->select([0 => 'tag_id', 1 => 'id', 2 => 'title', 3 => 'slug', 'count' => 'COUNT(1)'])->join(DB_PREFIX . 'tags', [DB_PREFIX . '' => DB_PREFIX . 'tag_items.tag_id']);
         $sql->select()->groupBy('tag_id')->orderBy('count', 'DESC');
         $tags = Table\TagItems::query($sql);
         $cloud = null;
         $max = 0;
         if ($tags->hasRows()) {
             foreach ($tags->rows() as $i => $tag) {
                 if ($i == 0) {
                     $max = $tag->count;
                 $weight = round($tag->count / $max * 100);
                 if ($weight < 10) {
                     $weight = 1;
                 } else {
                     $weight = $weight - $weight % 10;
                 $cloud .= '<a class="tag-link tag-weight-' . $weight . '" href="' . BASE_PATH . '/tag/' . $tag->slug . '">' . $tag->title . '</a>' . PHP_EOL;
         $tag = new Model\Tag();
         $tag->filters = $application->module('phire-tags')['filters'];
         $controller->view()->tag_cloud = $cloud;
         $controller->view()->phire->tag = $tag;
Beispiel #15
  * Delete dynamic field values
  * @param  AbstractController $controller
  * @param  Application        $application
  * @return void
 public static function delete(AbstractController $controller, Application $application)
     if ($_POST) {
         $uploadFolder = BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/files';
         $mediaLibrary = $application->module('phire-fields')->config()['media_library'];
         foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
             if (substr($key, 0, 3) == 'rm_' && is_array($value)) {
                 $fields = Table\Fields::findBy();
                 $fieldIds = [];
                 $fieldTypes = [];
                 $fieldStorage = [];
                 foreach ($fields->rows() as $field) {
                     $fieldIds[$field->id] = $field->name;
                     $fieldTypes[$field->id] = $field->type;
                     $fieldStorage[$field->id] = $field->storage;
                 foreach ($value as $id) {
                     foreach ($fieldIds as $fieldId => $fieldName) {
                         if ($fieldStorage[$fieldId] == 'eav') {
                             $fv = Table\FieldValues::findBy(['model_id' => (int) $id]);
                             if ($fv->hasRows()) {
                                 foreach ($fv->rows() as $f) {
                                     $fValue = json_decode($f->value, true);
                                     if (!is_array($fValue)) {
                                         $fValue = [$fValue];
                                     foreach ($fValue as $f) {
                                         if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $f)) {
                                             unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $f);
                                         if (null !== $mediaLibrary && $application->isRegistered('phire-media')) {
                                             $library = new \Phire\Media\Model\MediaLibrary();
                                             if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/' . $library->folder . '/' . $f)) {
                                                 $media = new \Phire\Media\Model\Media();
                                                 if (isset($media->id)) {
                                                     $media->remove(['rm_media' => [$media->id]]);
                             $fv = new Table\FieldValues();
                             $fv->delete(['model_id' => (int) $id]);
                         } else {
                             $fv = new Record();
                             $fv->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $fieldName);
                             $fv->findRecordsBy(['model_id' => (int) $id]);
                             if ($fieldTypes[$fieldId] == 'file' && $fv->hasRows()) {
                                 foreach ($fv->rows() as $f) {
                                     if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $f->value)) {
                                         unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $uploadFolder . '/' . $f->value);
                                     if (null !== $mediaLibrary && $application->isRegistered('phire-media')) {
                                         $library = new \Phire\Media\Model\MediaLibrary();
                                         if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE_PATH . CONTENT_PATH . '/' . $library->folder . '/' . $f->value)) {
                                             $media = new \Phire\Media\Model\Media();
                                             if (isset($media->id)) {
                                                 $media->remove(['rm_media' => [$media->id]]);
                             $fv->delete(['model_id' => (int) $id]);
Beispiel #16
  * Login and track session
  * @param  AbstractController $controller
  * @param  Application        $application
  * @return void
 public static function login(AbstractController $controller, Application $application)
     $sess = $application->getService('session');
     $userUri = APP_URI;
     $key = 'user';
     if (isset($sess->member) && $application->isRegistered('phire-members')) {
         $key = 'member';
         $memberAdmin = new \Phire\Members\Model\MembersAdmin();
         if (isset($memberAdmin->uri)) {
             $userUri = $memberAdmin->uri;
     $path = BASE_PATH . $userUri;
     if ($path == '') {
         $path = '/';
     $cookie = Cookie::getInstance(['path' => $path]);
     // If login, validate and start new session
     if ($controller->request()->isPost() && substr($controller->request()->getRequestUri(), -6) == '/login') {
         // If the user successfully logged in
         if (isset($sess[$key])) {
             $config = Table\UserSessionConfig::findById($sess[$key]->role_id);
             $data = Table\UserSessionData::findById($sess[$key]->id);
             if (isset($config->role_id)) {
                 if (!self::validate($config, $sess[$key], $data)) {
                     if (isset($data->user_id)) {
                     } else {
                         $data = new Table\UserSessionData(['user_id' => $sess[$key]->id, 'logins' => null, 'failed_attempts' => 1]);
                     if (isset($config->role_id) && (int) $config->log_type > 0 && null !== $config->log_emails) {
                         self::log($config, $sess[$key], false);
                     Response::redirect(BASE_PATH . $userUri . '/login?failed=' . $data->failed_attempts);
                 } else {
                     if (isset($data->user_id)) {
                         $limit = (int) $application->module('phire-sessions')['login_limit'];
                         $logins = unserialize($data->logins);
                         if ($limit > 0 && count($logins) >= $limit) {
                         $logins[time()] = ['ua' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']];
                         $data->failed_attempts = 0;
                         $data->logins = serialize($logins);
                     } else {
                         $data = new Table\UserSessionData(['user_id' => $sess[$key]->id, 'logins' => serialize([time() => ['ua' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']]]), 'total_logins' => 1, 'failed_attempts' => 0]);
                 $expire = (int) $config->session_expiration > 0 ? (int) $config->session_expiration : null;
                 $timeout = (int) $config->timeout_warning;
             } else {
                 $expire = null;
                 $timeout = false;
             $lastLogin = null;
             $lastIp = null;
             // Check for the last login
             $data = Table\UserSessionData::findById($sess[$key]->id);
             if (isset($data->user_id)) {
                 $logins = null !== $data->logins ? unserialize($data->logins) : [];
                 if (count($logins) > 1) {
                     $keys = array_keys($logins);
                     $timestamp = isset($keys[count($keys) - 2]) ? $keys[count($keys) - 2] : null;
                     if (null !== $timestamp && isset($logins[$timestamp])) {
                         $lastLogin = $timestamp;
                         $lastIp = $logins[$timestamp]['ip'];
             // Clear old sessions
             $clear = (int) $application->module('phire-sessions')['clear_sessions'];
             if ($clear > 0) {
                 $clear = time() - $clear;
                 $sql = Table\UserSessions::sql();
                 $sql->delete()->where(['start <= :start']);
                 Table\UserSessions::execute((string) $sql, ['start' => $clear]);
             $session = new Table\UserSessions(['user_id' => $sess[$key]->id, 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'ua' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'start' => time()]);
             $sess[$key]->session = new \ArrayObject(['id' => $session->id, 'start' => $session->start, 'last' => $session->start, 'expire' => $expire, 'timeout' => $timeout, 'last_login' => $lastLogin, 'last_ip' => $lastIp], \ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS);
             if (isset($config->role_id) && (int) $config->log_type > 0 && null !== $config->log_emails) {
                 self::log($config, $sess[$key], true);
             // Else, if the user login failed
         } else {
             if (null !== $controller->view()->form && $controller->view()->form !== false && null !== $controller->view()->form->username) {
                 $user = \Phire\Table\Users::findBy(['username' => $controller->view()->form->username]);
                 $config = Table\UserSessionConfig::findById($user->role_id);
                 if (isset($user->id)) {
                     $data = Table\UserSessionData::findById($user->id);
                     if (isset($data->user_id)) {
                     } else {
                         $data = new Table\UserSessionData(['user_id' => $user->id, 'logins' => null, 'failed_attempts' => 1]);
                     if (isset($config->role_id) && (int) $config->log_type > 0 && null !== $config->log_emails) {
                         self::log($config, $user, false);
         // Check existing session
     } else {
         if (isset($sess[$key]) && isset($sess[$key]->session)) {
             if (!isset(Table\UserSessions::findById((int) $sess[$key]->session->id)->id) || null !== $sess[$key]->session->expire && time() - $sess[$key]->session->last >= $sess[$key]->session->expire) {
                 $session = Table\UserSessions::findById((int) $sess[$key]->session->id);
                 if (isset($session->id)) {
                 Response::redirect(BASE_PATH . $userUri . '/login?expired=1');
             } else {
                 if ($sess[$key]->session->timeout && null !== $sess[$key]->session->expire) {
                     $cookie->set('phire_session_timeout', $sess[$key]->session->expire - 30);
                     $cookie->set('phire_session_path', BASE_PATH . $userUri);
                 $sess[$key]->session->last = time();