Author: Nick Sagona, III (
  * Set the ORDER BY value
  * @param mixed  $by
  * @param string $order
  * @return AbstractSql
 public function orderBy($by, $order = 'ASC')
     $byColumns = null;
     if (is_array($by)) {
         $quotedAry = [];
         foreach ($by as $value) {
             $quotedAry[] = $this->sql->quoteId(trim($value));
         $byColumns = implode(', ', $quotedAry);
     } else {
         if (strpos($by, ',') !== false) {
             $ary = explode(',', $by);
             $quotedAry = [];
             foreach ($ary as $value) {
                 $quotedAry[] = $this->sql->quoteId(trim($value));
             $byColumns = implode(', ', $quotedAry);
         } else {
             $byColumns = $this->sql->quoteId(trim($by));
     $this->orderBy .= (null !== $this->orderBy ? ', ' : '') . $byColumns;
     $order = strtoupper($order);
     if (strpos($order, 'RAND') !== false) {
         $this->orderBy = $this->sql->getDbType() == \Pop\Db\Sql::SQLITE ? ' RANDOM()' : ' RAND()';
     } else {
         if ($order == 'ASC' || $order == 'DESC') {
             $this->orderBy .= ' ' . $order;
     return $this;
Beispiel #2
  * Create table in databse
  * @return void
 protected function createTable()
     if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/Sql/' . strtolower($this->sql->getDbType()) . '.sql')) {
         $sql = str_replace('[{table}]', $this->sql->getTable(), file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/Sql/' . strtolower($this->sql->getDbType()) . '.sql'));
         $queries = explode(';', $sql);
         foreach ($queries as $query) {
             if (!empty($query) && $query != '') {
  * Get table info
  * @return array
 public function getTableInfo()
     $info = ['tableName' => $this->table, 'primaryId' => $this->primaryKeys, 'columns' => []];
     $sql = null;
     $field = 'column_name';
     $type = 'data_type';
     $nullField = 'is_nullable';
     switch ($this->sql->getDbType()) {
         case \Pop\Db\Sql::PGSQL:
             $sql = 'SELECT * FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = \'' . $this->table . '\' ORDER BY ordinal_position ASC';
         case \Pop\Db\Sql::SQLSRV:
             $sql = 'SELECT \'column_name\', t.Name \'data_type\', c.is_nullable, c.column_id FROM sys.columns c INNER JOIN sys.types t ON c.system_type_id = t.system_type_id WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(\'' . $this->table . '\') ORDER BY c.column_id ASC';
         case \Pop\Db\Sql::SQLITE:
             $sql = 'PRAGMA table_info(\'' . $this->table . '\')';
             $field = 'name';
             $type = 'type';
             $nullField = 'notnull';
         case \Pop\Db\Sql::ORACLE:
             $sql = 'SELECT column_name, data_type, nullable FROM all_tab_cols where table_name = \'' . $this->table . '\'';
             $field = 'COLUMN_NAME';
             $type = 'DATA_TYPE';
             $nullField = 'NULLABLE';
             $sql = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM `' . $this->table . '`';
             $field = 'Field';
             $type = 'Type';
             $nullField = 'Null';
     while (($row = $this->sql->db()->fetch()) != false) {
         switch ($this->sql->getDbType()) {
             case \Pop\Db\Sql::SQLITE:
                 $nullResult = $row[$nullField] ? false : true;
             case \Pop\Db\Sql::MYSQL:
                 $nullResult = strtoupper($row[$nullField]) != 'NO' ? true : false;
             case \Pop\Db\Sql::ORACLE:
                 $nullResult = strtoupper($row[$nullField]) != 'Y' ? true : false;
                 $nullResult = $row[$nullField];
         $info['columns'][$row[$field]] = ['type' => $row[$type], 'null' => $nullResult];
     return $info;
Beispiel #4
  * Get single model object with dynamic field values using a table join
  * @param  string $table
  * @param  string $model
  * @param  int    $modelId
  * @param  array  $filters
  * @return mixed
 public static function getModelObjectFromTable($table, $model, $modelId, array $filters = [])
     $sql = Table\Fields::sql();
     $sql->select()->where('models LIKE :models');
     $value = $sql->getDbType() == \Pop\Db\Sql::SQLITE ? '%' . $model . '%' : '%' . addslashes($model) . '%';
     $fields = Table\Fields::execute((string) $sql, ['models' => $value], Record::ROW_AS_ARRAYOBJECT);
     $encrypted = [];
     $multiples = [];
     if ($fields->hasRows()) {
         $sql = new Sql($sql->db(), $table);
         $select = [$table . '.*'];
         $where = [];
         foreach ($fields->rows() as $field) {
             $select[$field->name] = DB_PREFIX . 'field_' . $field->name . '.value';
         foreach ($fields->rows() as $field) {
             if ($field->encrypt) {
                 $encrypted[$field->id] = $field->name;
             if ($field->type != 'textarea-history' && ($field->dynamic || $field->type == 'checkbox' || $field->type == 'select' && strpos($field->attributes, 'multiple') !== false)) {
                 $multiples[$field->id] = $field->name;
             $sql->select()->join(DB_PREFIX . 'field_' . $field->name, [$table . '.id' => DB_PREFIX . 'field_' . $field->name . '.model_id']);
         $sql->select()->where($table . '.id = :id');
         if (count($where) > 0) {
             foreach ($where as $w) {
         $record = new Record();
         $record->executeStatement($sql, [$table . '.id' => $modelId], Record::ROW_AS_ARRAYOBJECT);
         $values = $record->getColumns();
         foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
             foreach ($filters as $filter => $params) {
                 if (null !== $params && count($params) > 0) {
                     $params = array_merge([$value], $params);
                 } else {
                     $params = [$value];
                 $value = call_user_func_array($filter, $params);
             if (in_array($key, $encrypted)) {
                 $values[$key] = self::parse((new Mcrypt())->decrypt($value));
             } else {
                 $values[$key] = self::parse($value);
         if (count($multiples) > 0) {
             foreach ($multiples as $id => $name) {
                 $fv = new Record();
                 $fv->setPrefix(DB_PREFIX)->setPrimaryKeys(['id'])->setTable('field_' . $name);
                 $fv->findRecordsBy(['model_id' => $modelId, 'model' => $model], null, Record::ROW_AS_ARRAYOBJECT);
                 if ($fv->hasRows()) {
                     $values[$name] = [];
                     foreach ($fv->rows() as $f) {
                         $values[$name][] = self::parse(in_array($id, $encrypted) ? (new Mcrypt())->decrypt($f->value) : $f->value);
     } else {
         $sql = new Sql($sql->db(), $table);
         $sql->select([$table . '.*'])->where($table . '.id = :id');
         $record = new Record();
         $record->executeStatement($sql, [$table . '.id' => $modelId], Record::ROW_AS_ARRAYOBJECT);
         $values = $record->getColumns();
     $values['id'] = $modelId;
     return new $model($values);
Beispiel #5
  * Predicate render method
  * @param  int $count
  * @return string
 public function render($count = 1)
     $where = null;
     // Build any nested predicates
     //if (null !== $this->nested) {
     //    $where = '(' . $this->nested . ')';
     if (count($this->nested) > 0) {
         $where = '(' . implode(') AND (', $this->nested) . ')';
     // Loop through and format the predicates
     if (count($this->predicates) > 0) {
         if (null !== $where) {
             $where .= ' ' . $this->predicates[0]['combine'] . ' ';
         $paramCount = $count;
         $dbType = $this->sql->getDbType();
         foreach ($this->predicates as $key => $predicate) {
             $format = $predicate['format'];
             $curWhere = '(';
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($predicate['values']); $i++) {
                 if ($i == 0) {
                     $format = str_replace('%1', $this->sql->quoteId($predicate['values'][$i]), $format);
                 } else {
                     if (is_array($predicate['values'][$i])) {
                         $vals = $predicate['values'][$i];
                         foreach ($vals as $k => $v) {
                             $predValue = strpos($predicate['values'][0], '.') !== false ? substr($predicate['values'][0], strpos($predicate['values'][0], '.') + 1) : $predicate['values'][0];
                             // Check for named parameters
                             if (':' . $predValue == substr($v, 0, strlen(':' . $predValue)) && $dbType !== \Pop\Db\Sql::SQLITE && $dbType !== \Pop\Db\Sql::ORACLE) {
                                 if ($dbType == \Pop\Db\Sql::MYSQL || $dbType == \Pop\Db\Sql::SQLSRV) {
                                     $v = '?';
                                 } else {
                                     if ($dbType == \Pop\Db\Sql::PGSQL && !$this->sql->getDb()->isPdo()) {
                                         $v = '$' . $paramCount;
                             $vals[$k] = null === $v ? 'NULL' : $this->sql->quote($v);
                         $format = str_replace('%' . ($i + 1), implode(', ', $vals), $format);
                     } else {
                         if ($predicate['values'][$i] instanceof \Pop\Db\Sql) {
                             $val = (string) $predicate['values'][$i];
                         } else {
                             $val = null === $predicate['values'][$i] ? 'NULL' : $this->sql->quote($predicate['values'][$i]);
                         $predValue = strpos($predicate['values'][0], '.') !== false ? substr($predicate['values'][0], strpos($predicate['values'][0], '.') + 1) : $predicate['values'][0];
                         // Check for named parameters
                         if (':' . $predValue == substr($val, 0, strlen(':' . $predValue)) && $dbType !== \Pop\Db\Sql::SQLITE && $dbType !== \Pop\Db\Sql::ORACLE) {
                             if ($dbType == \Pop\Db\Sql::MYSQL || $dbType == \Pop\Db\Sql::SQLSRV) {
                                 $val = '?';
                             } else {
                                 if ($dbType == \Pop\Db\Sql::PGSQL && !$this->sql->getDb()->isPdo()) {
                                     $val = '$' . $paramCount;
                         $format = str_replace('%' . ($i + 1), $val, $format);
             $curWhere .= $format . ')';
             if ($key == 0) {
                 $where .= $curWhere;
             } else {
                 $where .= ' ' . $predicate['combine'] . ' ' . $curWhere;
     return $where;
Beispiel #6

require_once '../../bootstrap.php';
use Pop\Db\Db;
use Pop\Db\Sql;
try {
    // Define DB credentials
    $creds = array('database' => 'helloworld', 'host' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'hello', 'password' => '12world34');
    $db = Db::factory('Mysqli', $creds);
    // Create a non-prepared statement, escaping the value
    $sql = new Sql($db, 'users');
    $sql->select()->where()->greaterThanOrEqualTo('id', $db->adapter()->escape(5));
    echo $sql . '<br />' . PHP_EOL;
    while ($row = $db->adapter()->fetch()) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
Beispiel #7
 public function testIsNotNull()
     $p = new Predicate(Sql::factory(Db::factory('Sqlite', array('database' => __DIR__ . '/../tmp/test.sqlite')), 'users'));
     $this->assertEquals('("email" IS NOT NULL)', (string) $p);
Beispiel #8

require_once '../../bootstrap.php';
use Pop\Db\Db;
use Pop\Db\Sql;
try {
    // Define DB credentials
    $creds = array('database' => 'helloworld', 'host' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'hello', 'password' => '12world34');
    $db = Db::factory('Mysqli', $creds);
    // Create a prepared statement
    $sql = new Sql($db, 'users');
    $sql->select()->where()->greaterThanOrEqualTo('id', '?');
    echo $sql . '<br />' . PHP_EOL;
    // Prepare the statement, bind the parameters and execute
    $db->adapter()->bindParams(array('id' => 5));
    foreach ($db->adapter()->fetchResult() as $row) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
Beispiel #9
 public function testDelete()
     $s = new Sql(Db::factory('Sqlite', array('database' => __DIR__ . '/../tmp/test.sqlite')), 'users');
     $this->assertEquals('DELETE FROM "users" ORDER BY "id" ASC LIMIT 1', $s->render(true));
Beispiel #10
  * Method to clear all stored values from cache.
  * @return void
 public function clear()
     $this->sqlite->adapter()->query('DELETE FROM "' . $this->table . '"');