loadPermissions() public static method

public static loadPermissions ( array $data, $default = self::DEFAULT_OP ) : Permission[]
$data array
return Permission[]
  * @param array $plugin
  * @throws PluginException
 private function loadMap(array $plugin)
     $this->name = preg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9 _.-]", "", $plugin["name"]);
     if ($this->name === "") {
         throw new PluginException("Invalid PluginDescription name");
     $this->name = str_replace(" ", "_", $this->name);
     $this->version = $plugin["version"];
     $this->main = $plugin["main"];
     $this->api = !is_array($plugin["api"]) ? [$plugin["api"]] : $plugin["api"];
     if (stripos($this->main, "pocketmine\\") === 0) {
         throw new PluginException("Invalid PluginDescription main, cannot start within the PocketMine namespace");
     if (isset($plugin["commands"]) and is_array($plugin["commands"])) {
         $this->commands = $plugin["commands"];
     if (isset($plugin["depend"])) {
         $this->depend = (array) $plugin["depend"];
     if (isset($plugin["softdepend"])) {
         $this->softDepend = (array) $plugin["softdepend"];
     if (isset($plugin["loadbefore"])) {
         $this->loadBefore = (array) $plugin["loadbefore"];
     if (isset($plugin["website"])) {
         $this->website = $plugin["website"];
     if (isset($plugin["description"])) {
         $this->description = $plugin["description"];
     if (isset($plugin["prefix"])) {
         $this->prefix = $plugin["prefix"];
     if (isset($plugin["load"])) {
         $order = strtoupper($plugin["load"]);
         if (!defined(PluginLoadOrder::class . "::" . $order)) {
             throw new PluginException("Invalid PluginDescription load");
         } else {
             $this->order = constant(PluginLoadOrder::class . "::" . $order);
     $this->authors = [];
     if (isset($plugin["author"])) {
         $this->authors[] = $plugin["author"];
     if (isset($plugin["authors"])) {
         foreach ($plugin["authors"] as $author) {
             $this->authors[] = $author;
     if (isset($plugin["permissions"])) {
         $this->permissions = Permission::loadPermissions($plugin["permissions"]);
Beispiel #2
 public function onEnable()
     if (!is_dir($this->getDataFolder())) {
         mkdir($this->getDataFolder(), 0777, true);
     $buildInfo = json_decode($this->getResourceContents("meta.build.json"));
     $configFile = $this->getDataFolder() . "config.yml";
     $os = Utils::getOS();
     if ($os === "win") {
         $this->getServer()->getCommandMap()->register("wea", new StartConfigurationCommand($this));
     // register //wea-config
     if (is_file($configFile)) {
         $lines = file($configFile);
         if (trim($lines[0]) !== "---" or trim($lines[1]) !== "### WORLDEDITART GAMMA CONFIG FILE ###") {
             $this->getLogger()->warning("Using outdated config file! plugins/WorldEditArt/config.yml will be renamed into config.yml.old");
             rename($configFile, $configFile . ".old");
         } else {
             $ok = true;
     // warn old config
     if (!isset($ok)) {
         $this->getLogger()->notice("Thank you for using WorldEditArt Gamma!");
         $this->getLogger()->notice("You are strongly encouraged to configure WorldEditArt using our installer.");
         if ($os === "win") {
             $this->getLogger()->notice("Type `/wea-config` then enter on console to start the installer.");
         } else {
             $this->getLogger()->notice("Please stop the server and run the SHELL COMMAND `" . PHP_BINARY . " " . Phar::running(false) . "` to start the installer.");
         $this->getLogger()->notice("WorldEditArt will continue to run with the default configuration.");
     // save default config
     $this->objectPool = new Fridge($this);
     if (true) {
         $langs = [];
         foreach (scandir($par = rtrim(Phar::running(), "/") . "/resources/lang/") as $file) {
             $path = $this->getDataFolder() . "lang/{$file}";
             if (!is_dir($this->getDataFolder() . "lang")) {
                 mkdir($this->getDataFolder() . "lang");
             if ($file !== "index.json" and strtolower(substr($path, -5)) === ".json") {
                 $langs[substr($file, 0, -5)] = true;
             if (!file_exists($path)) {
                 file_put_contents($path, file_get_contents($par . $file));
         $this->translationManager = new TranslationManager($this, $langs);
     // initialize translations
     if (true) {
         $json = $this->getResourceContents("permissions.json");
         $perms = json_decode($json, true);
         $stack = [];
         $this->walkPerms($stack, $perms);
     // register permission nodes
     $this->sessionCollection = new SessionCollection($this);
     new WorldEditArtCommand($this);
     // TODO initialize data provider
     $em1 = TextFormat::GOLD;
     $em2 = TextFormat::LIGHT_PURPLE;
     $green = TextFormat::DARK_GREEN;
     $iso = $buildInfo->buildTime->ISO8601;
     $this->getLogger()->info("{$green} Enabled{$em1} WorldEditArt {$buildInfo->type} " . "#{$buildInfo->typeVersion}{$green} compiled on {$em2}" . str_replace("T", " ", $iso));