Beispiel #1
  * Handles the whole import logic
  * @return void
 public function doImport()
     global $db, $error, $finished, $compression, $import_file, $local_import_file, $message;
     $GLOBALS['finished'] = false;
     $shp = new ShapeFile(1);
     // If the zip archive has more than one file,
     // get the correct content to the buffer from .shp file.
     if ($compression == 'application/zip' && PMA_getNoOfFilesInZip($import_file) > 1) {
         $zip_content = PMA_getZipContents($import_file, '/^.*\\.shp$/i');
         $GLOBALS['import_text'] = $zip_content['data'];
     $temp_dbf_file = false;
     // We need dbase extension to handle .dbf file
     if (extension_loaded('dbase')) {
         // If we can extract the zip archive to 'TempDir'
         // and use the files in it for import
         if ($compression == 'application/zip' && !empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['TempDir']) && is_writable($GLOBALS['cfg']['TempDir'])) {
             $dbf_file_name = PMA_findFileFromZipArchive('/^.*\\.dbf$/i', $import_file);
             // If the corresponding .dbf file is in the zip archive
             if ($dbf_file_name) {
                 // Extract the .dbf file and point to it.
                 $extracted = PMA_zipExtract($import_file, realpath($GLOBALS['cfg']['TempDir']), array($dbf_file_name));
                 if ($extracted) {
                     $dbf_file_path = realpath($GLOBALS['cfg']['TempDir']) . (PMA_IS_WINDOWS ? '\\' : '/') . $dbf_file_name;
                     $temp_dbf_file = true;
                     // Replace the .dbf with .*, as required
                     // by the bsShapeFiles library.
                     $file_name = mb_substr($dbf_file_path, 0, mb_strlen($dbf_file_path) - 4) . '.*';
                     $shp->FileName = $file_name;
         } elseif (!empty($local_import_file) && !empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['UploadDir']) && $compression == 'none') {
             // If file is in UploadDir, use .dbf file in the same UploadDir
             // to load extra data.
             // Replace the .shp with .*,
             // so the bsShapeFiles library correctly locates .dbf file.
             $file_name = mb_substr($import_file, 0, mb_strlen($import_file) - 4) . '.*';
             $shp->FileName = $file_name;
     // Load data
     if ($shp->lastError != "") {
         $error = true;
         $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('There was an error importing the ESRI shape file: "%s".'));
     // Delete the .dbf file extracted to 'TempDir'
     if ($temp_dbf_file && isset($dbf_file_path) && file_exists($dbf_file_path)) {
     $esri_types = array(0 => 'Null Shape', 1 => 'Point', 3 => 'PolyLine', 5 => 'Polygon', 8 => 'MultiPoint', 11 => 'PointZ', 13 => 'PolyLineZ', 15 => 'PolygonZ', 18 => 'MultiPointZ', 21 => 'PointM', 23 => 'PolyLineM', 25 => 'PolygonM', 28 => 'MultiPointM', 31 => 'MultiPatch');
     switch ($shp->shapeType) {
         // ESRI Null Shape
         case 0:
             // ESRI Point
         // ESRI Point
         case 1:
             $gis_type = 'point';
             // ESRI PolyLine
         // ESRI PolyLine
         case 3:
             $gis_type = 'multilinestring';
             // ESRI Polygon
         // ESRI Polygon
         case 5:
             $gis_type = 'multipolygon';
             // ESRI MultiPoint
         // ESRI MultiPoint
         case 8:
             $gis_type = 'multipoint';
             $error = true;
             if (!isset($esri_types[$shp->shapeType])) {
                 $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('You tried to import an invalid file or the imported file' . ' contains invalid data!'));
             } else {
                 $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('MySQL Spatial Extension does not support ESRI type "%s".'));
     if (isset($gis_type)) {
         /** @var GISMultilinestring|\PMA\libraries\gis\GISMultipoint|\PMA\libraries\gis\GISPoint|GISPolygon $gis_obj */
         $gis_obj = GISFactory::factory($gis_type);
     } else {
         $gis_obj = null;
     $num_rows = count($shp->records);
     // If .dbf file is loaded, the number of extra data columns
     $num_data_cols = isset($shp->DBFHeader) ? count($shp->DBFHeader) : 0;
     $rows = array();
     $col_names = array();
     if ($num_rows != 0) {
         foreach ($shp->records as $record) {
             $tempRow = array();
             if ($gis_obj == null) {
                 $tempRow[] = null;
             } else {
                 $tempRow[] = "GeomFromText('" . $gis_obj->getShape($record->SHPData) . "')";
             if (isset($shp->DBFHeader)) {
                 foreach ($shp->DBFHeader as $c) {
                     $cell = trim($record->DBFData[$c[0]]);
                     if (!strcmp($cell, '')) {
                         $cell = 'NULL';
                     $tempRow[] = $cell;
             $rows[] = $tempRow;
     if (count($rows) == 0) {
         $error = true;
         $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(__('The imported file does not contain any data!'));
     // Column names for spatial column and the rest of the columns,
     // if they are available
     $col_names[] = 'SPATIAL';
     for ($n = 0; $n < $num_data_cols; $n++) {
         $col_names[] = $shp->DBFHeader[$n][0];
     // Set table name based on the number of tables
     if (mb_strlen($db)) {
         $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SHOW TABLES');
         $table_name = 'TABLE ' . (count($result) + 1);
     } else {
         $table_name = 'TBL_NAME';
     $tables = array(array($table_name, $col_names, $rows));
     // Use data from shape file to chose best-fit MySQL types for each column
     $analyses = array();
     $analyses[] = PMA_analyzeTable($tables[0]);
     $table_no = 0;
     $spatial_col = 0;
     $analyses[$table_no][TYPES][$spatial_col] = GEOMETRY;
     $analyses[$table_no][FORMATTEDSQL][$spatial_col] = true;
     // Set database name to the currently selected one, if applicable
     if (mb_strlen($db)) {
         $db_name = $db;
         $options = array('create_db' => false);
     } else {
         $db_name = 'SHP_DB';
         $options = null;
     // Created and execute necessary SQL statements from data
     $null_param = null;
     PMA_buildSQL($db_name, $tables, $analyses, $null_param, $options);
     $finished = true;
     $error = false;
     // Commit any possible data in buffers
  * Prepares and return the dataset as needed by the visualization.
  * @param array  $data       Raw data
  * @param array  $scale_data Data related to scaling
  * @param string $format     Format of the visualization
  * @param object $results    Image object in the case of png
  *                           TCPDF object in the case of pdf
  * @return mixed the formatted array of data
  * @access private
 private function _prepareDataSet($data, $scale_data, $format, $results)
     $color_number = 0;
     // loop through the rows
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         $index = $color_number % sizeof($this->_settings['colors']);
         // Figure out the data type
         $ref_data = $row[$this->_settings['spatialColumn']];
         $type_pos = mb_stripos($ref_data, '(');
         $type = mb_substr($ref_data, 0, $type_pos);
         $gis_obj = GISFactory::factory($type);
         if (!$gis_obj) {
         $label = '';
         if (isset($this->_settings['labelColumn']) && isset($row[$this->_settings['labelColumn']])) {
             $label = $row[$this->_settings['labelColumn']];
         if ($format == 'svg') {
             $results .= $gis_obj->prepareRowAsSvg($row[$this->_settings['spatialColumn']], $label, $this->_settings['colors'][$index], $scale_data);
         } elseif ($format == 'png') {
             $results = $gis_obj->prepareRowAsPng($row[$this->_settings['spatialColumn']], $label, $this->_settings['colors'][$index], $scale_data, $results);
         } elseif ($format == 'pdf') {
             $results = $gis_obj->prepareRowAsPdf($row[$this->_settings['spatialColumn']], $label, $this->_settings['colors'][$index], $scale_data, $results);
         } elseif ($format == 'ol') {
             $results .= $gis_obj->prepareRowAsOl($row[$this->_settings['spatialColumn']], $row['srid'], $label, $this->_settings['colors'][$index], $scale_data);
     return $results;
  * Test factory method
  * @param string $type geometry type
  * @param object $geom geometry object
  * @dataProvider providerForTestFactory
  * @return void
 public function testFactory($type, $geom)
     $this->assertInstanceOf($geom, GISFactory::factory($type));
Beispiel #4
// Extract from field's values if available, if not use the column type passed.
if (!isset($gis_data['gis_type'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['type']) && $_REQUEST['type'] != '') {
        $gis_data['gis_type'] = mb_strtoupper($_REQUEST['type']);
    if (isset($_REQUEST['value']) && trim($_REQUEST['value']) != '') {
        $start = substr($_REQUEST['value'], 0, 1) == "'" ? 1 : 0;
        $gis_data['gis_type'] = mb_substr($_REQUEST['value'], $start, mb_strpos($_REQUEST['value'], "(") - $start);
    if (!isset($gis_data['gis_type']) || !in_array($gis_data['gis_type'], $gis_types)) {
        $gis_data['gis_type'] = $gis_types[0];
$geom_type = $gis_data['gis_type'];
// Generate parameters from value passed.
$gis_obj = GISFactory::factory($geom_type);
if (isset($_REQUEST['value'])) {
    $gis_data = array_merge($gis_data, $gis_obj->generateParams($_REQUEST['value']));
// Generate Well Known Text
$srid = isset($gis_data['srid']) && $gis_data['srid'] != '' ? htmlspecialchars($gis_data['srid']) : 0;
$wkt = $gis_obj->generateWkt($gis_data, 0);
$wkt_with_zero = $gis_obj->generateWkt($gis_data, 0, '0');
$result = "'" . $wkt . "'," . $srid;
// Generate SVG based visualization
$visualizationSettings = array('width' => 450, 'height' => 300, 'spatialColumn' => 'wkt');
$data = array(array('wkt' => $wkt_with_zero, 'srid' => $srid));
$visualization = GISVisualization::getByData($data, $visualizationSettings)->toImage('svg');
$open_layers = GISVisualization::getByData($data, $visualizationSettings)->asOl();
// If the call is to update the WKT and visualization make an AJAX response
if (isset($_REQUEST['generate']) && $_REQUEST['generate'] == true) {
  * Generates parameters for the GIS data editor from the value of the GIS column.
  * @param string $value of the GIS column
  * @return array parameters for the GIS editor from the value of the GIS column
  * @access public
 public function generateParams($value)
     $params = array();
     $data = GISGeometry::generateParams($value);
     $params['srid'] = $data['srid'];
     $wkt = $data['wkt'];
     // Trim to remove leading 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(' and trailing ')'
     $goem_col = mb_substr($wkt, 19, mb_strlen($wkt) - 20);
     // Split the geometry collection object to get its constituents.
     $sub_parts = $this->_explodeGeomCol($goem_col);
     $params['GEOMETRYCOLLECTION']['geom_count'] = count($sub_parts);
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($sub_parts as $sub_part) {
         $type_pos = mb_stripos($sub_part, '(');
         $type = mb_substr($sub_part, 0, $type_pos);
         $gis_obj = GISFactory::factory($type);
         if (!$gis_obj) {
         $params = array_merge($params, $gis_obj->generateParams($sub_part, $i));
     return $params;