Beispiel #1
  * Generate local actions View.
  * @static
  * @access   public
  * @return   View
  * @since    1.0.0-alpha
  * @version  1.0.0-alpha
 public static function generateActions()
     $aActions = [];
     $sForRoute = Router::getCurrentRouteName();
     $aLocalActions = static::getLocalActions($sForRoute);
     // create local actions
     foreach ($aLocalActions as $oAction) {
         /* @var $oAction LocalActions\Action */
         // check conditions
         $aConditions = $oAction->getConditions();
         $oBuilder = $oAction->getBuilder();
         $aParams = $oAction->getParameters();
         if (!empty($aConditions)) {
             foreach ($oAction->getConditions() as $sParam => $sParamValue) {
                 if (Router::getParam($sParam) != $sParamValue) {
                     continue 2;
         // get route and check access to it
         $oRoute = Route::factory($oAction->getRoute());
         if ($oRoute->hasAccess($aParams) === FALSE) {
             continue 1;
         // use builder, if set
         if ($oBuilder !== NULL) {
         // create new local action
         $sURL = $oRoute->url($oAction->getParameters());
         $aActions[] = ['url' => $sURL, 'title' => $oAction->getTitle(), 'icon' => $oAction->getIcon()];
     return View::factory('base/local_actions')->bind('aActions', $aActions);
Beispiel #2
  * Activate user account.
  * @access     public
  * @return     View
  * @since      1.0.0
  * @version    1.1.0, 2015-02-12
 public function actionActivation()
     // if user is logged, redirect to main page
     if (UserModel::isLogged()) {
     // set page title
     $this->setTitle(__('Activate your new account'));
     // get code from URL
     $sCode = Router::getParam('code');
     $bActivated = FALSE;
     // get activation code from DB
     $oResult = DB::query("SELECT c FROM \\Model\\User\\ActivationCode c WHERE c.code = :code")->param('code', $sCode)->single();
     /* @var $oResult ActivationCodeModel */
     // activate user
     if ($oResult instanceof ActivationCodeModel) {
         // Set user as activated
         $bActivated = TRUE;
         $oUser = $oResult->getUser();
         // Remove activation code from DB
     // view
     return View::factory("user/frontend/register/activation")->bind('bActivated', $bActivated);
Beispiel #3
  * ACTION - Backend delete action.
  * @access   public
  * @return   View
  * @since    2.1.2-dev
  * @version  2.1.2-dev
 public function actionDelete()
     // check if someone want to remove admin account
     if ((int) Router::getParam('id') === 1) {
         return View::factory('base/alert')->set('sType', 'danger')->set('sMsg', __('Admin account cannot be removed!'));
     // return View
     return parent::actionDelete();
Beispiel #4
  * Constructor.
  * @access   public
  * @param    string $name
  * @param    Form   $form
  * @since    1.0.0-alpha
  * @version  1.0.0-alpha
 public function __construct($name, Form &$form)
     // add reCaptcha JavaScript API
     // get private and public keys
     $this->sPublickey = Config::get('recaptcha.publickey');
     $this->sPrivatekey = Config::get('recaptcha.privatekey');
     // parent construct
     parent::__construct($name, $form);
Beispiel #5
  * Get whole cached translations data.
  * @access   public
  * @return   array
  * @since    1.0.0-dev
  * @version  1.2.0-dev
 public static function getCachedData()
     if (static::$cachedData === NULL) {
         $cachedData = Cache::get(Router::getLang(), 'i18n');
         if ($cachedData === FALSE) {
             $cachedData = [];
         static::$cachedData = $cachedData;
     return static::$cachedData;
Beispiel #6
  * Change main (start or parent) breadcrumbs and/or title for this backend
  * constructor.
  * @access   protected
  * @since    1.2.0-dev
  * @version  1.2.0-dev
 protected function alterBreadcrumbsTitleMain()
     // parent call
     // remove last breadcrumb
     // add new breadcrumb
     $sControllerOriginal = Router::getControllerName();
     $sURL = Route::backendUrl($sControllerOriginal, 'index');
     $sControllerName = strtolower($sControllerOriginal);
     $this->addBreadCrumb(__('section.' . $sControllerName), $sURL);
Beispiel #7
  * Default action for TinyMCE Responsive File Manager. Config file available
  * via <code>\ResponsiveFileManager::$aConfig</code> variable. For 
  * non-commercial usage only.
  * @access	public
  * @since	1.0.0-dev
  * @version	1.0.1
 public function actionDefault()
     $sFileManagerAction = Router::getParam('fmaction');
     if (!in_array($sFileManagerAction, ['dialog', 'ajax_calls', 'execute', 'force_download', 'upload'])) {
         throw new Code404Exception();
     if (!\UserPermissions::hasPerm('wysiwyg_filemanager')) {
         throw new Code401Exception();
     $sLang = Router::getLang();
     \ResponsiveFileManager::$aConfig['default_language'] = $sLang;
Beispiel #8
  * Default action for database updating.
  * @access   public
  * @return   View
  * @since    2014-08-17
  * @version  1.2.0-dev
 public function actionDefault()
     $this->addToTitle('Database updating module');
     // create update form
     $oForm = new Form('db_update');
     $oForm->setSubmitValue(__('make update'));
     // check if update button has been clicked
     if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) {
         $sUpdateOutput = static::makeUpdateNoExec();
         Cache::set($sUpdateOutput, 'output', 'dbupdate');
         Session::flash(Router::getCurrentUrl(), __('Database updated successfully.'));
     // return View
     return View::factory('db_update/backend/default')->bind('oForm', $oForm);
Beispiel #9
  * Main action to run cron jobs.
  * @access   public
  * @since    2.33.0-dev, 2015-06-07
  * @version  2.39.0-dev
 public function actionDefault()
     if (!class_exists('\\Cron\\CronExpression')) {
         throw new Exception\Fatal('Cannot run Cron jobs without proper Cron library.');
     $sTokenFromURL = Router::getParam('token');
     $sTokenFromConfig = Config::get('base.cron_token');
     $iCronJobsCompleted = 0;
     // check Cron token
     if ($sTokenFromURL !== $sTokenFromConfig) {
         throw new Exception\Code404();
     // get all Cron jobs
     $aAllJobs = CronJobsHelper::getCronJobs();
     // count amount of all CRON jobs
     $iCronJobs = count($aAllJobs);
     // run a single CRON job
     foreach ($aAllJobs as $aJobData) {
         $sModule = $aJobData['module'];
         $sJobKey = base64_encode($aJobData[1] . '.' . $aJobData[2]);
         $aCache = Cache::get($sModule . '.' . $sJobKey, 'cron');
         $iRunDate = isset($aCache['time']) ? $aCache['time'] : NULL;
         $oCron = CronExpression::factory($aJobData[0]);
         if ($iRunDate === NULL || $iRunDate < time()) {
             switch ($aJobData[1]) {
                 case 'route':
                     $sURL = Route::factory($aJobData[2])->url();
                 case 'file':
                 case 'url':
                 case 'function':
             $iNextRun = $oCron->getNextRunDate()->format('U');
             $aCacheToSave = ['time' => $iNextRun, 'last_execution_time' => time(), 'type' => $aJobData[1], 'param' => $aJobData[2]];
             Cache::set($aCacheToSave, $sModule . '.' . $sJobKey, 'cron', 0);
     // log that cron jobs turning on action was completed
     Log::insert('Cron jobs (in amount of ' . $iCronJobs . ') were checked and ' . $iCronJobsCompleted . ' of them were turned on.');
     // end of functionality
Beispiel #10
  * ACTION - Particular page.
  * @access   public
  * @return   View
  * @throws   Exception\Code404
  * @throws   Exception\Fatal
  * @since    1.0.1-dev, 2015-04-11
  * @version  1.2.0-dev
 public function actionPage()
     $query = DB::query('SELECT p FROM \\Model\\Page p WHERE p.rewrite = :rewrite');
     $query->param('rewrite', Router::getParam('rewrite'));
     $page = $query->single();
     if (!$page instanceof Model\Page) {
         throw new Exception\Code404('Page does not exist.');
     $entityConfig = ViewEntity\Configurator::factory($page);
     $viewEntity = ViewEntity::factory($entityConfig);
     return $viewEntity->getView();
  * Format value.
  * @access     public
  * @param    string $value
  * @return    string
  * @since      1.0.0-alpha
  * @version    1.0.0-alpha
 public function format($value)
     $sOutput = '';
     if ($value instanceof ModelCore\FileBroker) {
         $oAttributes = Helper\Attributes::factory();
         $oField = $this->getField();
         /* @var $oField View\ViewField */
         $sFieldName = $oField->getName();
         $oFile = $value->getFile();
         /* @var $oFile \Model\File */
         // get file path
         $sFilePath = $oFile->getFullPath();
         // generate HTML
         $oAttributes->addToAttribute('href', Router::getBase() . '/' . $sFilePath);
         $sOutput = '<img src="/assets/system/file_icons/' . $oFile->getExt() . '.png" alt="" /> <a ' . $oAttributes->renderAttributes() . '>' . $sFilePath . '</a>';
         // remove objects
     // return final output
     return $this->sPrefix . $sOutput . $this->sSuffix;
Beispiel #12

# particular page
\Plethora\Router::addRoute('page', '/page/{rewrite}')->addParameterType('rewrite', 'string')->setController('Frontend\\Pages')->setAction('page');
Beispiel #13
 * @author   Krzysztof Trzos
 * @package  base
 * @since    1.0.0-alpha
 * @version  1.0.0-alpha

/* @var $oHead \Plethora\View */
/* @var $oBody \Plethora\View */
/* @var $sBodyClasses string */

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="<?php 
echo \Plethora\Router::getLang();
echo $oHead->render();
<body class="<?php 
echo trim($sBodyClasses);
echo $oBody->render();
Beispiel #14
  * Load translations from a given path.
  * @access   private
  * @param    string $path
  * @throws   Exception\Fatal
  * @version  1.2.0-dev
  * @since    1.2.0-dev
 private function loadFiles($path)
     $localePath = $path . DS . 'locale';
     $langs = Router::getLangs();
     if (file_exists($localePath)) {
         $scannedDir = \FileManager::scanDir($localePath, 0);
         foreach ($scannedDir as $dirId => &$file) {
             list($lang, $type) = explode('.', $file);
             // check language
             if (!in_array($lang, $langs)) {
             // import data from single file
             switch ($type) {
                 case 'json':
                     $fileTranslations = static::importFileJson($localePath . DS . $file, $lang);
                     $fileTranslations = [];
             // count translations per type
             $appPart = NULL;
             if (strpos($path, PATH_FW) !== FALSE) {
                 $appPart = 'fw';
             } elseif (strpos($path, PATH_MODULES) !== FALSE) {
                 $appPart = 'module';
             } elseif (strpos($path, PATH_APP) !== FALSE) {
                 $appPart = 'app';
             // do counting per app part
             $counting = 0;
             foreach ($fileTranslations as $context => $translation) {
                 $counting += count($translation);
             $temp =& $this->amountLoadedPerType[$appPart];
             switch ($appPart) {
                 case 'module':
                     $module = str_replace(PATH_MODULES, '', $path);
                     $temp[$module][$lang] = $counting;
                 case 'app':
                 case 'fw':
                     $temp[$lang] = $counting;
             // merge data
             $this->loadedContent = array_replace_recursive($this->loadedContent, $fileTranslations);
Beispiel #15

# particular page
\Plethora\Router::addRoute('sitemap', '/sitemap')->setController('Frontend\\Sitemap')->setAction('default');
Beispiel #16
                $type = __('Modules');
        echo $type;
        if ($part === 'module') {
                            <table class="table table-bordered table-hover">
            foreach (\Plethora\Router::getLangs() as $lang) {
                echo $lang;
            foreach ($data as $module => $dataPerModule) {
                echo $module;
Beispiel #17
  * Generate query of particular entity list and search engine.
  * @access   public
  * @return   SearchEngineGeneratedQueries
  * @since    1.0.0-alpha
  * @version  1.0.0-alpha
 public function generateQuery()
     $oQuery = DB::queryBuilder()->select('t')->from($this->getModel()->getClass(), 't');
     $aJoined = [];
     $iAlias = 0;
     $oForm = $this->getForm();
     // if search engine form is submitted
     if ($oForm->isSubmitted()) {
         $aQueryParams = [];
         $aIgnoredQueryParams = [];
         foreach (array_keys($oForm->getFields()) as $sFieldName) {
             /* @var $oField Form\Field */
             $mValue = $oForm->get($sFieldName);
             if ($mValue !== '') {
                 $aQueryParams[$sFieldName] = $mValue;
             } else {
                 $aIgnoredQueryParams[] = $sFieldName;
         $sURL = Router::currentUrlWithQueryParams($aQueryParams, $aIgnoredQueryParams);
     // if URL has any filters
     $aQueryParamsForSearch = Router::getQueryStringParams();
     if (count($aQueryParamsForSearch) > 0) {
         foreach ($aQueryParamsForSearch as $sFieldName => $mValue) {
             // if value is not empty
             if (!is_array($mValue) && $mValue !== '' && $mValue !== NULL || is_array($mValue) && $mValue !== []) {
                 // changing models for theirs IDs
                 if (is_array($mValue)) {
                     foreach ($mValue as &$oValue) {
                         /* @var $oValue \Plethora\ModelCore */
                         if ($oValue instanceof ModelCore) {
                             $oValue = $oValue->getId();
                 } elseif ($mValue instanceof ModelCore) {
                     $mValue = $mValue->getId();
                 // if field is from primary table
                 if ($this->getModel()->getMetadata()->hasField($sFieldName)) {
                     $oQuery->andWhere("t." . $sFieldName . " LIKE '%" . trim($mValue) . "%'");
                 } elseif ($this->getModel()->getMetadata()->hasAssociation($sFieldName)) {
                     $sAssocTableAlias = 'a' . $sFieldName;
                     if (is_array($mValue)) {
                         $aConditions = [];
                         foreach ($mValue as $mSingleValue) {
                             $aConditions[] = $sAssocTableAlias . ".id ='" . trim($mSingleValue) . "'";
                         $sCondition = implode(' OR ', $aConditions);
                     } else {
                         $sCondition = $sAssocTableAlias . ".id ='" . trim($mValue) . "'";
                     $oQuery->join('t.' . $sFieldName, $sAssocTableAlias, \Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Join::WITH, $sCondition);
                 } else {
                     $aRelFieldInfo = $this->getRelFieldInfo($sFieldName);
                     if ($aRelFieldInfo !== FALSE) {
                         if (!in_array($aRelFieldInfo->getVar(), $aJoined)) {
                             $sAlias = 't' . $iAlias;
                             $aJoined[$sAlias] = $aRelFieldInfo->getVar();
                             $oQuery->join('t.' . $aRelFieldInfo->getVar(), $sAlias);
                         } else {
                             $sAlias = array_search($aRelFieldInfo->getVar(), $aJoined);
                         $oQuery->andWhere($sAlias . "." . $aRelFieldInfo->getOriginalName() . " LIKE '%" . trim($mValue) . "%'");
     $oQuery->orderBy('', 'desc');
     return SearchEngineGeneratedQueries::factory($oQuery);
Beispiel #18
                <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                <span class="icon-bar"></span>
                <span class="icon-bar"></span>
            <a class="navbar-brand navbar-brand-logo"
echo Route::factory('home')->url();
echo __('Main page');
echo Router::getBase() . '/' . Theme::getThemePath();
echo \Plethora\Core::getAppName();
" />
            <a class="navbar-brand"
echo Route::factory('home')->url();
echo __('Main page');
Beispiel #19
  * Get user image styled by "UserLogo" style.
  * @access   public
  * @return   string
  * @since    2.1.2-dev
  * @version  2.1.2-dev
 public function getImageStyled()
     $imgStyles = \Plethora\ImageStyles::factory();
     $styled = $imgStyles->useStyle('UserLogo', $this->getImagePath());
     return \Plethora\Router::getBase() . '/' . $styled;
  * Format value.
  * @access     public
  * @param    ModelCore\FileBroker $oImageBroker
  * @return    string
  * @since      1.0.0-alpha
  * @version    1.0.0-alpha
 public function format($oImageBroker)
     $sOutput = '';
     if ($oImageBroker instanceof ModelCore\FileBroker && $oImageBroker->getFile() instanceof \Model\File) {
         $oAttributes = Helper\Attributes::factory();
         $oField = $this->getField();
         /* @var $oField \Plethora\View\ViewField */
         $oFile = $oImageBroker->getFile();
         /* @var $oFile \Model\File */
         // set proper ALT
         if (!empty($this->sImageAltPattern)) {
             $oModel = $oField->getEntity()->getModel();
             $aFields = $oModel->getMetadata()->getFieldNames();
             if ($oModel->hasLocales()) {
                 $aFields = array_merge($aFields, $oModel->getLocalesMetadata()->getFieldNames());
             $sAlt = $this->sImageAltPattern;
             foreach ($aFields as $sField) {
                 if (strpos($sAlt, ':' . $sField) !== FALSE) {
                     $sAlt = str_replace(':' . $sField, $oModel->{$sField}, $sAlt);
                 if (strpos($sAlt, ':') === FALSE) {
             $oAttributes->addToAttribute('alt', $sAlt);
         // get image path
         $sFieldName = $oField->getName();
         $oFormField = $oField->getEntity()->getModel()->getConfig()->getField($sFieldName);
         /* @var $oFormField \Plethora\Form\Field\ImageModel */
         $sImagePath = $oFile->getFullPath();
         if (empty($sImagePath) && $oFormField->getDefaultImage() === NULL) {
             return NULL;
         } elseif (empty($sImagePath) && $oFormField->getDefaultImage() !== NULL) {
             $sImagePath = $oFormField->getDefaultImage();
         // stylize image
         if (!empty($this->sImageStyle)) {
             $sImagePath = ImageStyles::useStyle($this->sImageStyle, $sImagePath);
         $oAttributes->addToAttribute('src', Router::getBase() . '/' . $sImagePath);
         $sOutput = '<img ' . $oAttributes->renderAttributes() . ' />';
         // if this image should be linked to it's original-sized equivalent
         if ($this->bLinkToOriginalSize) {
             $sImagePathOriginal = '/' . $oFormField->getUploadPath(TRUE) . '/' . $oFile->getNameWithExt();
             $oAttributes = Helper\Attributes::factory()->setAttributes($this->aLinkAttributes);
             $sOutput = Helper\Html::a($sImagePathOriginal, $sOutput, $oAttributes);
     // return final output
     return $this->sPrefix . $sOutput . $this->sSuffix;
Beispiel #21
  * Find active route in particular menu.
  * @access	private
  * @param	array    $aRoutes
  * @param	integer  $iParentKey
  * @param	array    $aParent
  * @since	1.2.0-dev
  * @version	1.2.0-dev
 private function findActiveRoute(array &$aRoutes, $iParentKey = NULL, array $aParent = [])
     foreach ($aRoutes as $i => &$aRoute) {
         /* @var $aRoute array */
         $oItem = $aRoute['object'];
         /* @var $oItem \Model\Menu\Item */
         $sRouteName = $oItem->getRoute();
         /* @var $sRouteName string */
         $aRouteParams = $oItem->getRouteParams() !== NULL ? $oItem->getRouteParams() : [];
         /* @var $aRouteParams array */
         $aActiveRoutes = $oItem->getActiveRoutes() !== NULL ? $oItem->getActiveRoutes() : [];
         /* @var $aRouteParams array */
         $sPath = Route::factory($sRouteName)->path($aRouteParams);
         $sCurrentPath = Router::getCurrentUrl();
         if (in_array(Router::getCurrentRouteName(), $aActiveRoutes)) {
             $aRoute['classes'] = 'current active_trail';
         } elseif (!isset($aRoute['classes'])) {
             $aRoute['classes'] = NULL;
         if ($iParentKey !== NULL) {
             $aRoute['parent_key'] = $iParentKey;
             $aRoute['parent'] = $aParent;
         if ($sPath === $sCurrentPath) {
         if (isset($aRoute['siblings']) && !empty($aRoute['siblings'])) {
             $this->findActiveRoute($aRoute['siblings'], $i, $aRoutes);
             /* @var $oChildren View */
Beispiel #22
  * Action to set new password after e-mail validation.
  * @access   public
  * @return   View
  * @since    1.0.0, 2015-02-17
  * @version  2.1.0-dev
 public function actionNewPassword()
     // fill up breadcrumbs title and other
     $this->addBreadCrumb(__('New password'));
     // get code from $_GET
     $sCode = Router::getParam('code');
     // get recovery code from DB
     $oRecoveryCode = DB::query("SELECT c FROM \\Model\\User\\RecoveryCode c WHERE c.code = :code")->param('code', $sCode)->single();
     /* @var $oResult User\RecoveryCode */
     // check if code exists
     if ($oRecoveryCode instanceof User\RecoveryCode) {
         $this->addToTitle(' - ' . __('New password'));
         // get user
         $oUser = $oRecoveryCode->getUser();
         // generate form for account access recovery
         $oConfig = ModelCore\ModelFormConfig::factory()->noReload()->setFieldsRestriction(['password'])->setMessage(__('Your password has been successfully changed to the new one.'))->setAction(Route::factory('password_recovery')->url());
         // get form
         $oModelForm = $oUser->form('new_password', $oConfig);
         $oForm = $oModelForm->generate();
         // check if form is valid
         if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) {
             Session::flash(Route::factory('password_recovery')->url(), __('Password has been changed successfully.'));
         // return view
         return View::factory('base/form')->bind('oForm', $oForm);
     } else {
         $this->addToTitle(' - ' . __('Error occured'));
         return View::factory('user/frontend/recovery/wrong_code');
Beispiel #23
  * Fields config for backend.
  * @static
  * @access   protected
  * @return   ModelCore\MConfig
  * @since    1.1.0-dev
  * @version  1.3.0-dev
 protected static function generateConfig()
     // get config from parent
     $config = parent::generateConfig();
     // get list of all routes
     $routesList = array_keys(Router::getRoutes());
     $routesOptions = [];
     foreach ($routesList as $value) {
         $routesOptions[$value] = ['value' => $value, 'label' => $value];
     // BACKEND
     $config->addField(Form\Field\Select::singleton('route')->setOptions(array_combine($routesList, $routesList))->setLabel(__('Route'))->setRequired());
     $config->addField(Form\Field\Text::singleton('route_parameters')->setLabel(__('Route parameters'))->setQuantity(0));
     $config->addField(Form\Field\Checkbox::singleton('active_routes')->setColumnsAmount(3)->setOptions($routesOptions)->setLabel(__('Active routes'))->setTip(__('List of routes for which the actual route will be active')));
     $config->addField(Form\Field\Text::singleton('classes')->setLabel(__('HTML classes'))->addRulesSet(Validator\RulesSetBuilder\String::factory()->regex(':value', '[0-9a-z_-]*')));
     // return config
     return $config;
Beispiel #24
  * ACTION - Backend add action.
  * @access   public
  * @return   void
  * @since    1.0.0-alpha
  * @version  1.0.0-alpha
 public function actionAdd()
     $url = Route::factoryBackendURL('files', 'list');
Beispiel #25

/* @version 1.0.1, 2014-11-27 */
/* @var $oUser \Model\User */

if (\Plethora\Router::getParam('id') == \Plethora\Session::get('uid')) {
    <p style="text-align: center;">
        <a href="<?php 
    echo \Plethora\Route::factory('user_profile_edit')->url();
" title="<?php 
    echo __('Edit profile');
            [ <?php 
    echo __('Edit profile');

<div class="user_profile">
Beispiel #26
  * Render field and return its rendered value.
  * @access   public
  * @return   string
  * @since    1.0.0-alpha
  * @version  1.0.0-alpha
 public function render()
     $content = '';
     $values = $this->getValue();
     $langVersions = $this->isMultilanguage() ? Router::getLangs() : ['und'];
     $fieldDefaultId = $this->getAttributes()->getAttribute('id');
     $fieldDefaultName = $this->getAttributes()->getAttribute('name');
     // create all cases of this field's value
     foreach ($langVersions as $sLang) {
         $fieldValueContent = [];
         $langValues = Helper\Arrays::get($values, $sLang, []);
         $amountOfFieldValues = count($langValues);
         // check quantity of this field's value for particular lang
         if ($this->getQuantity() !== 0 && $this->getQuantity() < $amountOfFieldValues) {
             $amountOfFieldValues = $this->getQuantity();
         // if current amount of fields is below minimal quantity
         if ($amountOfFieldValues < $this->getQuantityMin()) {
             $amountOfFieldValues = $this->getQuantityMin();
         // if current amount of fields is higher than maximal quantity
         if ($this->getQuantityMax() > 0 && $amountOfFieldValues > $this->getQuantityMax()) {
             $amountOfFieldValues = $this->getQuantityMax();
         // container for one lang values
         $fieldSingleValue = View::factory('base/form/field_single_lang')->set('sLang', $sLang)->bind('oField', $this);
         // for each value number
         for ($i = 0; $i < $amountOfFieldValues; $i++) {
             $this->getAttributes()->setAttribute('id', $fieldDefaultId . '_' . $sLang . '_' . $i)->setAttribute('name', $fieldDefaultName . '[' . $sLang . '][' . $i . ']');
             $this->renderSingleValue($fieldValueContent, $sLang, $i);
         // prepend to field whole content
         $content .= $fieldSingleValue->bind('aLangValues', $fieldValueContent)->render();
     // field pattern
     if ($this->getQuantity() !== 1) {
         $this->getAttributes()->setAttribute('id', $fieldDefaultId . '_LANGUAGE_NUMBER')->setAttribute('name', $fieldDefaultName . '[LANGUAGE][NUMBER]');
         $sPatternContent = $this->renderSingleValuePattern();
         $sPattern = View::factory('base/form/field_single_value')->set('sLang', 'LANGUAGE')->set('sOneValueNumber', 'NUMBER')->bind('sOneValueContent', $sPatternContent)->bind('oField', $this)->render();
         $this->getFormObject()->addFieldPattern($this->getName(), $sPattern);
     // reset ID and NAME attributes
     // rendering base of field
     return View::factory($this->getViewBase())->render(['sContent' => $content, 'oField' => $this]);
Beispiel #27
  * This method create output for response.
  * @access     protected
  * @param      View $oContent
  * @return     Response
  * @since      1.0.0-alpha
  * @version    1.0.0-alpha
 public function createResponse(View $oContent = NULL)
     if ($oContent === NULL) {
         $oContent = $this->{Router::getActionName()}();
         /* @var $oContent View */
     // render page View
     if ($oContent instanceof View) {
         $sContent = $oContent->render();
     } else {
         $sContent = $oContent;
     if ($this->bResponseAsJson) {
         $sResponse = json_encode(['status' => $this->sStatus, 'content' => $sContent]);
     } else {
         // create response
         $oResponse = new Response();
         return $oResponse;
Beispiel #28
  * Find active route in particular menu.
  * @access   private
  * @param    array   $routes
  * @param    integer $parentKey
  * @param    array   $parent
  * @since    1.0.0-dev
  * @version  1.3.0-dev
 private function findActiveRoute(array &$routes, $parentKey = NULL, array $parent = [])
     foreach ($routes as $i => &$route) {
         /* @var $route array */
         /* @var $routeName string */
         /* @var $routeParams array */
         /* @var $activeRoutes array */
         if (!isset($route['classes'])) {
             $route['classes'] = [];
         $routeName = Helper\Arrays::get($route, 'route_name', NULL);
         $url = Helper\Arrays::get($route, 'url', NULL);
         $routeParams = Helper\Arrays::get($route, 'route_parameters', []);
         $activeRoutes = Helper\Arrays::get($route, 'active_routes', []);
         //            $path        = $url === NULL ? Route::factory($routeName)->path($routeParams) : $url;
         if ($routeName !== NULL) {
             $path = Route::factory($routeName)->path($routeParams);
         } else {
             $path = $url;
         $path = str_replace(Router::getBase(), '', $path);
         $currentPath = Router::getCurrentUrl();
         if (in_array(Router::getCurrentRouteName(), $activeRoutes)) {
             $route['classes'][] = ['current ' . $this->activeTrailClass];
         if ($parentKey !== NULL) {
             $route['parent_key'] = $parentKey;
             $route['parent'] = $parent;
         if ($path === $currentPath) {
         if (isset($route['children']) && !empty($route['children'])) {
             $this->findActiveRoute($route['children'], $i, $routes);
             /* @var $oChildren View */
Beispiel #29
  * Fields config for backend.
  * @access   public
  * @return   ModelCore\MConfig
  * @since    1.0.0-alpha
  * @version  1.0.0-alpha
 protected static function generateConfig()
     $oConfig = parent::generateConfig();
     $currentRouteName = Router::getCurrentRouteName();
     $currentRouteParams = Router::getParams();
     // BACKEND
     if ($currentRouteName === 'backend' && in_array($currentRouteParams['action'], ['edit', 'list'])) {
         $oConfig->addField(Form\Field\Text::singleton('name')->setLabel(__('File name'))->setDisabled());
         $oConfig->addField(Form\Field\Text::singleton('ext')->setLabel(__('File extension'))->setDisabled());
         $oConfig->addField(Form\Field\Text::singleton('file_path')->setLabel(__('File path'))->setDisabled());
         $oConfig->addField(Form\Field\Text::singleton('mime')->setLabel(__('File MIME type'))->setDisabled());
         $oConfig->addField(Form\Field\Text::singleton('size')->setLabel(__('File size'))->setTip(__('File size in KB.'))->setDisabled());
         $oConfig->addField(Form\Field\Select::singleton('status')->setOptions([0 => __('Temporary'), 1 => __('Permanent')])->setLabel(__('Status'))->setDisabled());
     return $oConfig;
Beispiel #30
  * Doctrine model loader
  * @static
  * @access   private
  * @return   array  models
  * @since    1.0.0-alpha
  * @version  1.0.0-alpha
 private static function loadModels()
     foreach (Router::getModules() as $aModuleData) {
         $sPathToModels = PATH_MODULES . $aModuleData['path'] . DS . 'classes' . DS . 'Model';
         if (file_exists($sPathToModels)) {
             static::scanModelDir($sPathToModels, '\\Model');
     return static::$modelsDirectories;