  * check vote ok from cookie
  * checks against the settings if cookie block is used. if so checks if a cookie exists
  * for the current simplePoll. if so, checks the timestamp in the cookie to decide if the
  * user can vote again. if he votes and cookies are used, a cookie with the current timstamp is written
  * @param \Pixelink\Simplepoll\Domain\Model\SimplePoll $simplePoll
  * @return mixed TRUE if the user is allowed to vote, string with the error message if not
 protected function checkVoteOkFromCookie(\Pixelink\Simplepoll\Domain\Model\SimplePoll $simplePoll)
     // get the settings for cookie blocking
     $cookieBlock = $this->settings['cookieBlock'];
     if (!(strtolower($cookieBlock) == 'true' || $cookieBlock == '1')) {
         // cookies are not blocked, so the user can vote
         return TRUE;
     // get the settings for multiple votes either global or local
     if ($this->settings['useTyposcriptSettings'] == 'true' || $this->settings['useTyposcriptSettings'] == '1') {
         $allowMultipleVote = $this->settings['allowMultipleVote'];
     } else {
         $allowMultipleVote = $simplePoll->getAllowMultipleVote();
     // check if there already is a cookie. that would mean the user is not allowed to vote right now.
     $cookieExists = isset($_COOKIE['simplePoll-' . $simplePoll->getUid()]);
     if ($cookieExists) {
         if ($allowMultipleVote) {
             return \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\LocalizationUtility::translate('tx_simplepoll.voteNotNow', 'Simplepoll');
         } else {
             return \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\LocalizationUtility::translate('tx_simplepoll.voteOnlyOnce', 'Simplepoll');
     // set the cookie for the current poll, so other polls won't be affected.
     // if multiple votes are not allowed we set the cookie valid for one month
     if ($allowMultipleVote) {
         setcookie('simplePoll-' . $simplePoll->getUid(), time(), time() + $this->settings['garbageCollectorInterval']);
     } else {
         setcookie('simplePoll-' . $simplePoll->getUid(), time(), time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30);
     return TRUE;
 public function getIpInPoll(\Pixelink\Simplepoll\Domain\Model\SimplePoll $simplePoll, $userIp)
     $query = $this->createQuery();
     $query->matching($query->logicalAnd($query->equals('simplepoll', $simplePoll->getUid()), $query->equals('address', $userIp)));
     return $query->execute()->getFirst();