protected function write(array $record)
     switch ($record['level']) {
         case Logger::EMERGENCY:
         case Logger::ALERT:
         case Logger::CRITICAL:
         case Logger::ERROR:
             $context = Notification::CONTEXT_ERROR;
         case Logger::WARNING:
             $context = Notification::CONTEXT_WARNING;
             $context = Notification::CONTEXT_INFO;
     $message = $record['level_name'] . ': ' . htmlentities($record['message']);
     $notification = new Notification($message);
     $notification->context = $context;
     $notification->flags = 0;
     try {
         Manager::notify(Common::getRandomString(), $notification);
     } catch (Zend_Session_Exception $e) {
         // Can happen if this handler is enabled in CLI
         // Silently ignore the error.
 public function saveSettings()
     if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
         switch (Common::getRequestVar('form')) {
             case "formMaskLength":
                 $this->handlePluginState(Common::getRequestVar("anonymizeIPEnable", 0));
                 $trackerConfig = Config::getInstance()->Tracker;
                 $trackerConfig['ip_address_mask_length'] = Common::getRequestVar("maskLength", 1);
                 $trackerConfig['use_anonymized_ip_for_visit_enrichment'] = Common::getRequestVar("useAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment", 1);
                 Config::getInstance()->Tracker = $trackerConfig;
             case "formDeleteSettings":
                 $settings = $this->getPurgeSettingsFromRequest();
                 //do nothing
     $notification = new Notification(Piwik::translate('General_YourChangesHaveBeenSaved'));
     $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_SUCCESS;
     Notification\Manager::notify('PrivacyManager_ChangesHaveBeenSaved', $notification);
     $this->redirectToIndex('PrivacyManager', 'privacySettings', null, null, null, array('updated' => 1));
 public function sendSMS($apiKey, $smsText, $phoneNumber, $from)
     $message = sprintf('An SMS was sent:<br />From: %s<br />To: %s<br />Message: %s', $from, $phoneNumber, $smsText);
     $notification = new Notification($message);
     $notification->raw = true;
     $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_INFO;
     Notification\Manager::notify('StubbedSMSProvider' . preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/', '', $phoneNumber), $notification);
 public function index()
     $view = new View('@IP2Location/index');
     $view->language = LanguagesManager::getLanguageCodeForCurrentUser();
     $view->adminMenu = MenuAdmin::getInstance()->getMenu();
     $view->topMenu = MenuTop::getInstance()->getMenu();
     $view->notifications = NotificationManager::getAllNotificationsToDisplay();
     $view->userMenu = MenuUser::getInstance()->getMenu();
     $view->phpVersion = phpversion();
     $view->phpIsNewEnough = version_compare($view->phpVersion, '5.3.0', '>=');
     $view->assign('userMenu', 'IP2Location');
     $view->assign('dbNotFound', false);
     $view->assign('dbOutDated', false);
     $view->assign('showResults', false);
     $view->assign('fileName', '-');
     $view->assign('date', '-');
     $view->assign('country', '');
     $view->assign('regionName', '');
     $view->assign('cityName', '');
     $view->assign('position', '');
     $ipAddress = trim(Common::getRequestVar('ipAddress', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
     $view->assign('ipAddress', $ipAddress);
     $dbPath = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/plugins/IP2Location/data/';
     $dbFile = '';
     if ($handle = opendir($dbPath)) {
         while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
             if (strtoupper(substr($file, -4)) == '.BIN') {
                 $dbFile = $dbPath . $file;
     if (!$dbFile) {
         $view->assign('dbNotFound', true);
     if ($dbFile) {
         $view->assign('fileName', $file);
         if (filemtime($dbFile) < strtotime('-2 months')) {
             $view->assign('dbOutDated', true);
         } else {
             $view->assign('date', date('d M, Y', filemtime($dbFile)));
         if (!empty($_POST)) {
             $view->assign('showResults', true);
             $result = IP2LocationAPI::lookup($ipAddress, $dbFile);
             $view->assign('country', $result['countryCode'] != '-' ? $result['countryName'] . ' (' . $result['countryCode'] . ')' : '-');
             $view->assign('regionName', !preg_match('/not supported/', $result['regionName']) ? $result['regionName'] : '-');
             $view->assign('cityName', !preg_match('/not supported/', $result['cityName']) ? $result['cityName'] : '-');
             $view->assign('position', !preg_match('/not supported/', $result['latitude']) && $result['latitude'] != '-' ? $result['latitude'] . ', ' . $result['longitude'] : '-');
     echo $view->render();
Beispiel #5
 private function copyDataFile()
     if (!file_exists($this->getDataFilePath()) && file_exists($this->getDataExampleFilePath())) {
         copy($this->getDataExampleFilePath(), $this->getDataFilePath());
     $notification = new Notification('Please edit the file ' . $this->getDataFilePath() . ' and fill in your data');
     $notification->raw = true;
     $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_INFO;
     Notification\Manager::notify('IntranetGeoIp_DATA_ERROR', $notification);
 public function notifyWhenPiwikNotConfiguredCorrectly()
     $fingerprintingEnabled = (bool) Config::getInstance()->Tracker['enable_fingerprinting_across_websites'];
     if ($fingerprintingEnabled) {
     $message = "<b>Warning: InterSites Plugin requires a change in your Piwik configuration:</b><br/>" . " To collect data for InterSites plugin, you must configure Piwik to allow the tracking of your visitors across websites. </br>" . " (By default Piwik does not know if a given user has visited several of your websites.) </br>" . " To continue using InterSites you must edit your file config/config.ini.php and add the following setting: </br>" . "<code>[Tracker]</br>enable_fingerprinting_across_websites=1</code><br/>" . " After you make this change, give Piwik time to collect new data. You can then view the '%s' in the <b>All Websites</b> dashboard</a>.";
     $message = sprintf($message, Piwik::translate('InterSites_CommonVisitorsTool_LaunchLinkText'));
     $notification = new Notification($message);
     $notification->raw = true;
     $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_WARNING;
     Notification\Manager::notify('InterSites_MustBeConfigured', $notification);
Beispiel #7
 public function notifications()
     $notification = new Notification('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.');
     Notification\Manager::notify('ExampleUI_InfoSimple', $notification);
     $notification = new Notification('Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet.');
     $notification->title = 'Warning:';
     $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_WARNING;
     $notification->flags = null;
     Notification\Manager::notify('ExampleUI_warningWithClose', $notification);
     $notification = new Notification('Phasellus tincidunt arcu at justo faucibus, et lacinia est accumsan. ');
     $notification->title = 'Well done';
     $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_SUCCESS;
     $notification->type = Notification::TYPE_TOAST;
     Notification\Manager::notify('ExampleUI_successToast', $notification);
     $notification = new Notification('Phasellus tincidunt arcu at justo <a href="#">faucibus</a>, et lacinia est accumsan. ');
     $notification->raw = true;
     $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_ERROR;
     Notification\Manager::notify('ExampleUI_error', $notification);
     $view = new View('@ExampleUI/notifications');
     return $view->render();
Beispiel #8
 public function saveSettings()
     if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") {
         switch (Common::getRequestVar('form')) {
             case "formMaskLength":
                 $enable = Common::getRequestVar("anonymizeIPEnable", 0);
                 if ($enable == 1) {
                 } else {
                     if ($enable == 0) {
                     } else {
                         // pass
                 $privacyConfig = new Config();
                 $privacyConfig->ipAddressMaskLength = Common::getRequestVar("maskLength", 1);
                 $privacyConfig->useAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment = Common::getRequestVar("useAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment", 1);
             case "formDeleteSettings":
                 $settings = $this->getPurgeSettingsFromRequest();
                 //do nothing
     $notification = new Notification(Piwik::translate('General_YourChangesHaveBeenSaved'));
     $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_SUCCESS;
     Notification\Manager::notify('PrivacyManager_ChangesHaveBeenSaved', $notification);
     $this->redirectToIndex('PrivacyManager', 'privacySettings', null, null, null, array('updated' => 1));
  * @return string
 public function admin()
     $view = new View('@LoginLdap/index');
     if (!function_exists('ldap_connect')) {
         $notification = new Notification(Piwik::translate('LoginLdap_LdapFunctionsMissing'));
         $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_ERROR;
         $notification->type = Notification::TYPE_PERSISTENT;
         Notification\Manager::notify('LoginLdap_LdapFunctionsMissing', $notification);
     $serverNames = Config::getServerNameList() ?: array();
     $view->servers = array();
     if (empty($serverNames)) {
         try {
             $serverInfo = ServerInfo::makeFromOldConfig()->getProperties();
             $serverInfo['name'] = 'server';
             $view->servers[] = $serverInfo;
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             // ignore
     } else {
         foreach ($serverNames as $server) {
             $serverConfig = Config::getServerConfig($server);
             if (!empty($serverConfig)) {
                 $serverConfig['name'] = $server;
                 $view->servers[] = $serverConfig;
     $view->ldapConfig = Config::getPluginOptionValuesWithDefaults();
     $view->isLoginControllerActivated = PluginManager::getInstance()->isPluginActivated('Login');
     $view->updatedFromPre30 = Option::get('LoginLdap_updatedFromPre3_0');
     return $view->render();
  * Assigns view properties that would be useful to views that render admin pages.
  * Assigns the following variables:
  * - **statisticsNotRecorded** - Set to true if the `[Tracker] record_statistics` INI
  *                               config is `0`. If not `0`, this variable will not be defined.
  * - **topMenu** - The result of `MenuTop::getInstance()->getMenu()`.
  * - **currentAdminMenuName** - The currently selected admin menu name.
  * - **enableFrames** - The value of the `[General] enable_framed_pages` INI config option. If
  *                    true, {@link Piwik\View::setXFrameOptions()} is called on the view.
  * - **isSuperUser** - Whether the current user is a superuser or not.
  * - **usingOldGeoIPPlugin** - Whether this Piwik install is currently using the old GeoIP
  *                             plugin or not.
  * - **invalidPluginsWarning** - Set if some of the plugins to load (determined by INI configuration)
  *                               are invalid or missing.
  * - **phpVersion** - The current PHP version.
  * - **phpIsNewEnough** - Whether the current PHP version is new enough to run Piwik.
  * - **adminMenu** - The result of `MenuAdmin::getInstance()->getMenu()`.
  * @param View $view
  * @api
 public static function setBasicVariablesAdminView(View $view)
     $view->topMenu = MenuTop::getInstance()->getMenu();
     $view->userMenu = MenuUser::getInstance()->getMenu();
     $view->currentAdminMenuName = MenuAdmin::getInstance()->getCurrentAdminMenuName();
     $view->isDataPurgeSettingsEnabled = self::isDataPurgeSettingsEnabled();
     $view->enableFrames = PiwikConfig::getInstance()->General['enable_framed_settings'];
     if (!$view->enableFrames) {
     $view->isSuperUser = Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess();
     if (Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess() && self::isPhpVersion53()) {
         $notification = new Notification(Piwik::translate('General_WarningPhpVersionXIsTooOld', '5.3'));
         $notification->title = Piwik::translate('General_Warning');
         $notification->priority = Notification::PRIORITY_LOW;
         $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_WARNING;
         $notification->type = Notification::TYPE_TRANSIENT;
         $notification->flags = Notification::FLAG_NO_CLEAR;
         NotificationManager::notify('PHP53VersionCheck', $notification);
     $adminMenu = MenuAdmin::getInstance()->getMenu();
     $view->adminMenu = $adminMenu;
     $notifications = $view->notifications;
     if (empty($notifications)) {
         $view->notifications = NotificationManager::getAllNotificationsToDisplay();
  * Assigns view properties that would be useful to views that render admin pages.
  * Assigns the following variables:
  * - **statisticsNotRecorded** - Set to true if the `[Tracker] record_statistics` INI
  *                               config is `0`. If not `0`, this variable will not be defined.
  * - **topMenu** - The result of `MenuTop::getInstance()->getMenu()`.
  * - **currentAdminMenuName** - The currently selected admin menu name.
  * - **enableFrames** - The value of the `[General] enable_framed_pages` INI config option. If
  *                    true, {@link Piwik\View::setXFrameOptions()} is called on the view.
  * - **isSuperUser** - Whether the current user is a superuser or not.
  * - **usingOldGeoIPPlugin** - Whether this Piwik install is currently using the old GeoIP
  *                             plugin or not.
  * - **invalidPluginsWarning** - Set if some of the plugins to load (determined by INI configuration)
  *                               are invalid or missing.
  * - **phpVersion** - The current PHP version.
  * - **phpIsNewEnough** - Whether the current PHP version is new enough to run Piwik.
  * - **adminMenu** - The result of `MenuAdmin::getInstance()->getMenu()`.
  * @param View $view
  * @api
 public static function setBasicVariablesAdminView(View $view)
     $view->topMenu = MenuTop::getInstance()->getMenu();
     $view->currentAdminMenuName = MenuAdmin::getInstance()->getCurrentAdminMenuName();
     $view->isDataPurgeSettingsEnabled = self::isDataPurgeSettingsEnabled();
     $view->enableFrames = PiwikConfig::getInstance()->General['enable_framed_settings'];
     if (!$view->enableFrames) {
     $view->isSuperUser = Piwik::isUserIsSuperUser();
     $adminMenu = MenuAdmin::getInstance()->getMenu();
     $view->adminMenu = $adminMenu;
     $view->notifications = NotificationManager::getAllNotificationsToDisplay();
Beispiel #12
  * Assigns view properties that would be useful to views that render admin pages.
  * Assigns the following variables:
  * - **statisticsNotRecorded** - Set to true if the `[Tracker] record_statistics` INI
  *                               config is `0`. If not `0`, this variable will not be defined.
  * - **topMenu** - The result of `MenuTop::getInstance()->getMenu()`.
  * - **enableFrames** - The value of the `[General] enable_framed_pages` INI config option. If
  *                    true, {@link Piwik\View::setXFrameOptions()} is called on the view.
  * - **isSuperUser** - Whether the current user is a superuser or not.
  * - **usingOldGeoIPPlugin** - Whether this Piwik install is currently using the old GeoIP
  *                             plugin or not.
  * - **invalidPluginsWarning** - Set if some of the plugins to load (determined by INI configuration)
  *                               are invalid or missing.
  * - **phpVersion** - The current PHP version.
  * - **phpIsNewEnough** - Whether the current PHP version is new enough to run Piwik.
  * - **adminMenu** - The result of `MenuAdmin::getInstance()->getMenu()`.
  * @param View $view
  * @api
 public static function setBasicVariablesAdminView(View $view)
     $view->topMenu = MenuTop::getInstance()->getMenu();
     $view->userMenu = MenuUser::getInstance()->getMenu();
     $view->isDataPurgeSettingsEnabled = self::isDataPurgeSettingsEnabled();
     $enableFrames = PiwikConfig::getInstance()->General['enable_framed_settings'];
     $view->enableFrames = $enableFrames;
     if (!$enableFrames) {
     $view->isSuperUser = Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess();
     $adminMenu = MenuAdmin::getInstance()->getMenu();
     $view->adminMenu = $adminMenu;
     $notifications = $view->notifications;
     if (empty($notifications)) {
         $view->notifications = NotificationManager::getAllNotificationsToDisplay();
Beispiel #13
 public function markNotificationAsRead()
     $notificationId = Common::getRequestVar('notificationId');
Beispiel #14
  * Assigns variables to {@link Piwik\View} instances that display an entire page.
  * The following variables assigned:
  * **date** - The value of the **date** query parameter.
  * **idSite** - The value of the **idSite** query parameter.
  * **rawDate** - The value of the **date** query parameter.
  * **prettyDate** - A pretty string description of the current period.
  * **siteName** - The current site's name.
  * **siteMainUrl** - The URL of the current site.
  * **startDate** - The start date of the current period. A {@link Piwik\Date} instance.
  * **endDate** - The end date of the current period. A {@link Piwik\Date} instance.
  * **language** - The current language's language code.
  * **config_action_url_category_delimiter** - The value of the `[General] action_url_category_delimiter`
  *                                            INI config option.
  * **topMenu** - The result of `MenuTop::getInstance()->getMenu()`.
  * As well as the variables set by {@link setPeriodVariablesView()}.
  * Will exit on error.
  * @param View $view
  * @return void
  * @api
 protected function setGeneralVariablesView($view)
     $view->date = $this->strDate;
     try {
         $view->idSite = $this->idSite;
         if (empty($this->site) || empty($this->idSite)) {
             throw new Exception("The requested website idSite is not found in the request, or is invalid.\n\t\t\t\tPlease check that you are logged in Piwik and have permission to access the specified website.");
         $rawDate = Common::getRequestVar('date');
         $periodStr = Common::getRequestVar('period');
         if ($periodStr != 'range') {
             $date = Date::factory($this->strDate);
             $period = Period\Factory::build($periodStr, $date);
         } else {
             $period = new Range($periodStr, $rawDate, $this->site->getTimezone());
         $view->rawDate = $rawDate;
         $view->prettyDate = self::getCalendarPrettyDate($period);
         $view->siteName = $this->site->getName();
         $view->siteMainUrl = $this->site->getMainUrl();
         $datetimeMinDate = $this->site->getCreationDate()->getDatetime();
         $minDate = Date::factory($datetimeMinDate, $this->site->getTimezone());
         $this->setMinDateView($minDate, $view);
         $maxDate = Date::factory('now', $this->site->getTimezone());
         $this->setMaxDateView($maxDate, $view);
         // Setting current period start & end dates, for pre-setting the calendar when "Date Range" is selected
         $dateStart = $period->getDateStart();
         if ($dateStart->isEarlier($minDate)) {
             $dateStart = $minDate;
         $dateEnd = $period->getDateEnd();
         if ($dateEnd->isLater($maxDate)) {
             $dateEnd = $maxDate;
         $view->startDate = $dateStart;
         $view->endDate = $dateEnd;
         $language = LanguagesManager::getLanguageForSession();
         $view->language = !empty($language) ? $language : LanguagesManager::getLanguageCodeForCurrentUser();
         $view->topMenu = MenuTop::getInstance()->getMenu();
         $view->userMenu = MenuUser::getInstance()->getMenu();
         $notifications = $view->notifications;
         if (empty($notifications)) {
             $view->notifications = NotificationManager::getAllNotificationsToDisplay();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Piwik_ExitWithMessage($e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString());
Beispiel #15
 public function activate($redirectAfter = true)
     $pluginName = $this->initPluginModification(static::ACTIVATE_NONCE);
     if ($redirectAfter) {
         $message = $this->translator->translate('CorePluginsAdmin_SuccessfullyActicated', array($pluginName));
         if ($this->settingsProvider->getSystemSettings($pluginName)) {
             $target = sprintf('<a href="index.php%s#%s">', Url::getCurrentQueryStringWithParametersModified(array('module' => 'CoreAdminHome', 'action' => 'generalSettings')), $pluginName);
             $message .= ' ' . $this->translator->translate('CorePluginsAdmin_ChangeSettingsPossible', array($target, '</a>'));
         $notification = new Notification($message);
         $notification->raw = true;
         $notification->title = $this->translator->translate('General_WellDone');
         $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_SUCCESS;
         Notification\Manager::notify('CorePluginsAdmin_PluginActivated', $notification);
         $redirectTo = Common::getRequestVar('redirectTo', '', 'string');
         if (!empty($redirectTo) && $redirectTo === 'marketplace') {
             $this->redirectToIndex('Marketplace', 'overview');
         } elseif (!empty($redirectTo) && $redirectTo === 'referrer') {
         } else {
             $plugin = $this->pluginManager->loadPlugin($pluginName);
             $actionToRedirect = 'plugins';
             if ($plugin->isTheme()) {
                 $actionToRedirect = 'themes';
             $this->redirectToIndex('CorePluginsAdmin', $actionToRedirect);
Beispiel #16
  * Assigns variables to {@link Piwik\View} instances that display an entire page.
  * The following variables assigned:
  * **date** - The value of the **date** query parameter.
  * **idSite** - The value of the **idSite** query parameter.
  * **rawDate** - The value of the **date** query parameter.
  * **prettyDate** - A pretty string description of the current period.
  * **siteName** - The current site's name.
  * **siteMainUrl** - The URL of the current site.
  * **startDate** - The start date of the current period. A {@link Piwik\Date} instance.
  * **endDate** - The end date of the current period. A {@link Piwik\Date} instance.
  * **language** - The current language's language code.
  * **config_action_url_category_delimiter** - The value of the `[General] action_url_category_delimiter`
  *                                            INI config option.
  * **topMenu** - The result of `MenuTop::getInstance()->getMenu()`.
  * As well as the variables set by {@link setPeriodVariablesView()}.
  * Will exit on error.
  * @param View $view
  * @return void
  * @api
 protected function setGeneralVariablesView($view)
     $view->idSite = $this->idSite;
     $view->siteName = $this->site->getName();
     $view->siteMainUrl = $this->site->getMainUrl();
     $siteTimezone = $this->site->getTimezone();
     $datetimeMinDate = $this->site->getCreationDate()->getDatetime();
     $minDate = Date::factory($datetimeMinDate, $siteTimezone);
     $this->setMinDateView($minDate, $view);
     $maxDate = Date::factory('now', $siteTimezone);
     $this->setMaxDateView($maxDate, $view);
     $rawDate = Common::getRequestVar('date');
     $periodStr = Common::getRequestVar('period');
     if ($periodStr != 'range') {
         $date = Date::factory($this->strDate);
         $validDate = $this->getValidDate($date, $minDate, $maxDate);
         $period = Period\Factory::build($periodStr, $validDate);
         if ($date->toString() !== $validDate->toString()) {
             // we to not always change date since it could convert a strDate "today" to "YYYY-MM-DD"
             // only change $this->strDate if it was not valid before
     } else {
         $period = new Range($periodStr, $rawDate, $siteTimezone);
     // Setting current period start & end dates, for pre-setting the calendar when "Date Range" is selected
     $dateStart = $period->getDateStart();
     $dateStart = $this->getValidDate($dateStart, $minDate, $maxDate);
     $dateEnd = $period->getDateEnd();
     $dateEnd = $this->getValidDate($dateEnd, $minDate, $maxDate);
     if ($periodStr == 'range') {
         // make sure we actually display the correct calendar pretty date
         $newRawDate = $dateStart->toString() . ',' . $dateEnd->toString();
         $period = new Range($periodStr, $newRawDate, $siteTimezone);
     $view->date = $this->strDate;
     $view->prettyDate = self::getCalendarPrettyDate($period);
     $view->prettyDateLong = $period->getLocalizedLongString();
     $view->rawDate = $rawDate;
     $view->startDate = $dateStart;
     $view->endDate = $dateEnd;
     $language = LanguagesManager::getLanguageForSession();
     $view->language = !empty($language) ? $language : LanguagesManager::getLanguageCodeForCurrentUser();
     $view->topMenu = MenuTop::getInstance()->getMenu();
     $view->adminMenu = MenuAdmin::getInstance()->getMenu();
     $notifications = $view->notifications;
     if (empty($notifications)) {
         $view->notifications = NotificationManager::getAllNotificationsToDisplay();
  * Deactivate default Login module, as both cannot be activated together
  * TODO: shouldn't disable Login plugin but have to wait until Dependency Injection is added to core
 public function activate()
     if (Manager::getInstance()->isPluginActivated("Login") == true) {
         $notification = new Notification(Piwik::translate('GoogleAuthenticator_LoginPluginDisabled'));
         $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_INFO;
         Notification\Manager::notify('GoogleAuthenticator_LoginPluginDisabled', $notification);
Beispiel #18
  * Load the plugins classes installed.
  * Register the observers for every plugin.
 private function reloadActivatedPlugins()
     $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo = array();
     foreach ($this->pluginsToLoad as $pluginName) {
         if (!$this->isPluginLoaded($pluginName) && !$this->isPluginThirdPartyAndBogus($pluginName)) {
             $newPlugin = $this->loadPlugin($pluginName);
             if ($newPlugin === null) {
             if ($newPlugin->hasMissingDependencies()) {
                 // at this state we do not know yet whether current user has super user access. We do not even know
                 // if someone is actually logged in.
                 $message = Piwik::translate('CorePluginsAdmin_WeDeactivatedThePluginAsItHasMissingDependencies', array($pluginName, $newPlugin->getMissingDependenciesAsString()));
                 $message .= ' ';
                 $message .= Piwik::translate('General_PleaseContactYourPiwikAdministrator');
                 $notification = new Notification($message);
                 $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_ERROR;
                 Notification\Manager::notify('PluginManager_PluginDeactivated', $notification);
             $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo[] = $newPlugin;
     // post pending events after all plugins are successfully loaded
     foreach ($pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo as $plugin) {
Beispiel #19
  * Load the plugins classes installed.
  * Register the observers for every plugin.
 private function reloadActivatedPlugins()
     $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo = array();
     foreach ($this->pluginsToLoad as $pluginName) {
         if (!$this->isPluginLoaded($pluginName) && !$this->isPluginThirdPartyAndBogus($pluginName)) {
             $newPlugin = $this->loadPlugin($pluginName);
             if ($newPlugin === null) {
             if ($newPlugin->hasMissingDependencies()) {
                 // add this state we do not know yet whether current user has super user access. We do not even know
                 // if someone is actually logged in.
                 $message = sprintf('We disabled the plugin %s as it has missing dependencies.', $pluginName);
                 $message .= ' Please contact your Piwik administrator.';
                 $notification = new Notification($message);
                 $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_ERROR;
                 Notification\Manager::notify('PluginManager_PluginDeactivated', $notification);
             $pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo[] = $newPlugin;
     // post pending events after all plugins are successfully loaded
     foreach ($pluginsToPostPendingEventsTo as $plugin) {
Beispiel #20
 public function activate($redirectAfter = true)
     $pluginName = $this->initPluginModification(static::ACTIVATE_NONCE);
     if ($redirectAfter) {
         $plugin = \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->loadPlugin($pluginName);
         $actionToRedirect = 'plugins';
         if ($plugin->isTheme()) {
             $actionToRedirect = 'themes';
         $message = $this->translator->translate('CorePluginsAdmin_SuccessfullyActicated', array($pluginName));
         if (SettingsManager::hasSystemPluginSettingsForCurrentUser($pluginName)) {
             $target = sprintf('<a href="index.php%s#%s">', Url::getCurrentQueryStringWithParametersModified(array('module' => 'CoreAdminHome', 'action' => 'adminPluginSettings')), $pluginName);
             $message .= ' ' . $this->translator->translate('CorePluginsAdmin_ChangeSettingsPossible', array($target, '</a>'));
         $notification = new Notification($message);
         $notification->raw = true;
         $notification->title = $this->translator->translate('General_WellDone');
         $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_SUCCESS;
         Notification\Manager::notify('CorePluginsAdmin_PluginActivated', $notification);
         $this->redirectToIndex('CorePluginsAdmin', $actionToRedirect);
Beispiel #21
 private function createUpdateOrInstallView($template, $nonceName)
     $pluginName = $this->getPluginNameIfNonceValid($nonceName);
     $view = new View('@Marketplace/' . $template);
     $view->errorMessage = '';
     $view->plugin = array('name' => $pluginName);
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $notification = new Notification($e->getMessage());
         $notification->context = Notification::CONTEXT_ERROR;
         $notification->type = Notification::TYPE_PERSISTENT;
         $notification->flags = Notification::FLAG_CLEAR;
         Notification\Manager::notify('CorePluginsAdmin_InstallPlugin', $notification);
     $view->plugin = $this->plugins->getPluginInfo($pluginName);
     return $view;