public function enrichLayoutDefinition($object)
     $groupCollectionMapping = $this->recursiveGetActiveGroupCollectionMapping($object);
     $this->activeGroupDefinitions = [];
     $activeGroupIds = $this->recursiveGetActiveGroupsIds($object);
     if (!$activeGroupIds) {
     $filteredGroupIds = [];
     foreach ($activeGroupIds as $groupId => $enabled) {
         if ($enabled) {
             $filteredGroupIds[] = $groupId;
     $condition = "ID in (" . implode(',', $filteredGroupIds) . ")";
     $groupList = new Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig\Listing();
     $groupList->setOrder(["ASC", "ASC"]);
     $groupList = $groupList->load();
     /** @var  $group Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig */
     foreach ($groupList as $group) {
         $keyList = [];
         $relation = new Object\Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation\Listing();
         $relation->setCondition("groupId = " . $relation->quote($group->getId()));
         $relation->setOrderKey(["sorter", "id"]);
         $relation->setOrder(["ASC", "ASC"]);
         $relation = $relation->load();
         /** @var  $key Object\Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation */
         foreach ($relation as $key) {
             $definition = \Pimcore\Model\Object\Classificationstore\Service::getFieldDefinitionFromKeyConfig($key);
             if (method_exists($definition, "__wakeup")) {
             if ($definition) {
                 $definition->setMandatory($definition->getMandatory() || $key->isMandatory());
             $keyList[] = ["name" => $key->getName(), "id" => $key->getKeyId(), "description" => $key->getDescription(), "definition" => $definition];
         $this->activeGroupDefinitions[$group->getId()] = ["name" => $group->getName(), "id" => $group->getId(), "description" => $group->getDescription(), "keys" => $keyList];
     if ($groupCollectionMapping) {
         $collectionIds = array_values($groupCollectionMapping);
         $relation = new Object\Classificationstore\CollectionGroupRelation\Listing();
         $condition = "colId IN (" . implode(",", $collectionIds) . ")";
         $relation = $relation->load();
         $sorting = [];
         /** @var $item Object\Classificationstore\CollectionGroupRelation */
         foreach ($relation as $item) {
             $sorting[$item->getGroupId()] = $item->getSorter();
         usort($this->activeGroupDefinitions, function ($a, $b) use($sorting) {
             $s1 = $sorting[$a["id"]] ? $sorting[$a["id"]] : 0;
             $s2 = $sorting[$b["id"]] ? $sorting[$b["id"]] : 0;
             if ($s1 < $s2) {
                 return 1;
             } elseif ($s2 > $s1) {
                 return -1;
             } else {
                 return 0;
 public function relationsAction()
     if ($this->getParam("data")) {
         $dataParam = $this->getParam("data");
         $data = \Zend_Json::decode($dataParam);
         $keyId = $data["keyId"];
         $groupId = $data["groupId"];
         $sorter = $data["sorter"];
         $config = new Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation();
         $data["id"] = $config->getGroupId() . "-" . $config->getKeyId();
         $this->_helper->json(array("success" => true, "data" => $data));
     } else {
         $mapping = array("keyName" => "name", "keyDescription" => "description");
         $start = 0;
         $limit = 15;
         $orderKey = "name";
         $order = "ASC";
         if ($this->getParam("dir")) {
             $order = $this->getParam("dir");
         $sortingSettings = \Pimcore\Admin\Helper\QueryParams::extractSortingSettings($this->getAllParams());
         if ($sortingSettings['orderKey'] && $sortingSettings['order']) {
             $orderKey = $sortingSettings['orderKey'];
             $order = $sortingSettings['order'];
         if ($this->getParam("overrideSort") == "true") {
             $orderKey = "id";
             $order = "DESC";
         if ($this->getParam("limit")) {
             $limit = $this->getParam("limit");
         if ($this->getParam("start")) {
             $start = $this->getParam("start");
         $list = new Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation\Listing();
         if ($limit > 0) {
         if ($this->getParam("filter")) {
             $db = Db::get();
             $condition = "";
             $filterString = $this->getParam("filter");
             $filters = json_decode($filterString);
             $count = 0;
             foreach ($filters as $f) {
                 if ($count > 0) {
                     $condition .= " AND ";
                 $fieldname = $mapping[$f->field];
                 $condition .= $db->getQuoteIdentifierSymbol() . $fieldname . $db->getQuoteIdentifierSymbol() . " LIKE " . $db->quote("%" . $f->value . "%");
         $groupId = $this->getParam("groupId");
         if ($condition) {
             $condition = "( " . $condition . " ) AND";
         $condition .= " groupId = " . $list->quote($groupId);
         $listItems = $list->load();
         $rootElement = array();
         $data = array();
         foreach ($listItems as $config) {
             $item = array("keyId" => $config->getKeyId(), "groupId" => $config->getGroupId(), "keyName" => $config->getName(), "keyDescription" => $config->getDescription(), "id" => $config->getGroupId() . "-" . $config->getKeyId(), "sorter" => $config->getSorter());
             $data[] = $item;
         $rootElement["data"] = $data;
         $rootElement["success"] = true;
         $rootElement["total"] = $list->getTotalCount();
         return $this->_helper->json($rootElement);
 public function enrichLayoutDefinition($object)
     $this->activeGroupDefinitions = array();
     $activeGroupIds = $this->recursiveGetActiveGroupsIds($object);
     if (!$activeGroupIds) {
     $filteredGroupIds = array();
     foreach ($activeGroupIds as $groupId => $enabled) {
         if ($enabled) {
             $filteredGroupIds[] = $groupId;
     $condition = "ID in (" . implode(',', $filteredGroupIds) . ")";
     $groupList = new Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig\Listing();
     $groupList->setOrderKey(array("sorter", "id"));
     $groupList->setOrder(array("ASC", "ASC"));
     $groupList = $groupList->load();
     /** @var  $group Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig */
     foreach ($groupList as $group) {
         $keyList = array();
         $relation = new Object\Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation\Listing();
         $relation->setCondition("groupId = " . $relation->quote($group->getId()));
         $relation->setOrderKey(array("sorter", "id"));
         $relation->setOrder(array("ASC", "ASC"));
         $relation = $relation->load();
         foreach ($relation as $key) {
             $definition = \Pimcore\Model\Object\Classificationstore\Service::getFieldDefinitionFromKeyConfig($key);
             if (method_exists($definition, "__wakeup")) {
             $keyList[] = array("name" => $key->getName(), "id" => $key->getKeyId(), "description" => $key->getDescription(), "definition" => $definition);
         $this->activeGroupDefinitions[$group->getId()] = array("name" => $group->getName(), "id" => $group->getId(), "description" => $group->getDescription(), "keys" => $keyList);
Beispiel #4
  * @param $groupId
  * @param $keyId
  * @return KeyGroupRelation
 public static function getByGroupAndKeyId($groupId, $keyId)
     $relation = new KeyGroupRelation\Listing();
     $relation->setCondition("groupId = " . $relation->quote($groupId) . " and keyId = " . $relation->quote($keyId));
     $relation = $relation->load();
     if ($relation) {
         return $relation[0];
 public function relationsAction()
     if ($this->getParam("data")) {
         $dataParam = $this->getParam("data");
         $data = \Zend_Json::decode($dataParam);
         $keyId = $data["keyId"];
         $groupId = $data["groupId"];
         $sorter = $data["sorter"];
         $mandatory = $data["mandatory"];
         $config = new Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation();
         $data["id"] = $config->getGroupId() . "-" . $config->getKeyId();
         $this->_helper->json(["success" => true, "data" => $data]);
     } else {
         $mapping = ["keyName" => "name", "keyDescription" => "description"];
         $start = 0;
         $limit = 15;
         $orderKey = "name";
         $order = "ASC";
         if ($this->getParam("dir")) {
             $order = $this->getParam("dir");
         $sortingSettings = \Pimcore\Admin\Helper\QueryParams::extractSortingSettings($this->getAllParams());
         if ($sortingSettings['orderKey'] && $sortingSettings['order']) {
             $orderKey = $sortingSettings['orderKey'];
             $order = $sortingSettings['order'];
         if ($this->getParam("overrideSort") == "true") {
             $orderKey = "id";
             $order = "DESC";
         if ($this->getParam("limit")) {
             $limit = $this->getParam("limit");
         if ($this->getParam("start")) {
             $start = $this->getParam("start");
         $list = new Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation\Listing();
         if ($limit > 0) {
         if ($this->getParam("filter")) {
             $db = Db::get();
             $conditionParts = [];
             $filterString = $this->getParam("filter");
             $filters = json_decode($filterString);
             $count = 0;
             foreach ($filters as $f) {
                 $fieldname = $mapping[$f->field];
                 $conditionParts[] = $db->getQuoteIdentifierSymbol() . $fieldname . $db->getQuoteIdentifierSymbol() . " LIKE " . $db->quote("%" . $f->value . "%");
         if (!$this->getParam("relationIds")) {
             $groupId = $this->getParam("groupId");
             $conditionParts[] = " groupId = " . $list->quote($groupId);
         $relationIds = $this->getParam("relationIds");
         if ($relationIds) {
             $relationIds = json_decode($relationIds, true);
             $relationParts = [];
             foreach ($relationIds as $relationId) {
                 $keyId = $relationId["keyId"];
                 $groupId = $relationId["groupId"];
                 $relationParts[] = "(keyId = " . $keyId . " and groupId = " . $groupId . ")";
             $conditionParts[] = "(" . implode(" OR ", $relationParts) . ")";
         $condition = implode(" AND ", $conditionParts);
         $listItems = $list->load();
         $rootElement = [];
         $data = [];
         /** @var  $config Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation */
         foreach ($listItems as $config) {
             $type = $config->getType();
             $definition = json_decode($config->getDefinition());
             $definition = \Pimcore\Model\Object\Classificationstore\Service::getFieldDefinitionFromJson($definition, $type);
             $item = ["keyId" => $config->getKeyId(), "groupId" => $config->getGroupId(), "keyName" => $config->getName(), "keyDescription" => $config->getDescription(), "id" => $config->getGroupId() . "-" . $config->getKeyId(), "sorter" => $config->getSorter(), "layout" => $definition, "mandatory" => $config->isMandatory()];
             $data[] = $item;
         $rootElement["data"] = $data;
         $rootElement["success"] = true;
         $rootElement["total"] = $list->getTotalCount();
         return $this->_helper->json($rootElement);
 public function enrichLayoutDefinition($object)
     $groupList = new Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig\Listing();
     $groupList = $groupList->load();
     $this->activeGroupDefinitions = array();
     $activeGroupIds = $this->recursiveGetActiveGroupsIds($object);
     /** @var  $group Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig */
     foreach ($activeGroupIds as $groupId => $enabled) {
         if ($enabled) {
             $group = Object\Classificationstore\GroupConfig::getById($groupId);
             $keyList = array();
             $relation = new Object\Classificationstore\KeyGroupRelation\Listing();
             $relation->setCondition("groupId = " . $relation->quote($group->getId()));
             $relation = $relation->load();
             foreach ($relation as $key) {
                 //                    $definition = $key->getDefinition();
                 $definition = \Pimcore\Model\Object\Classificationstore\Service::getFieldDefinitionFromKeyConfig($key);
                 if (method_exists($definition, "__wakeup")) {
                 $keyList[] = array("name" => $key->getName(), "id" => $key->getKeyId(), "description" => $key->getDescription(), "definition" => $definition);
             $this->activeGroupDefinitions[$group->getId()] = array("name" => $group->getName(), "id" => $group->getId(), "description" => $group->getDescription(), "keys" => $keyList);