<?php use PHPVS\Validator as V; use PHPVS\Sanitizer as S; use PHPVS\RuleSet; require dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/bootstrap.php'; // sample input data $input = array('name' => '', 'age' => 0, 'email' => 'php.html.js.cn', 'contact' => ['name' => 'foobar', 'website' => 'http://php.html.js.cn']); $rules = array('name' => S::text()->required()->prepare(), 'age' => V::int(1)->defaulted(5)->prepare(), 'email' => V::email()->prepare(), 'contact' => RuleSet::setup(['name' => V::int()->prepare(), 'website' => V::email()->prepare()])); $result = RuleSet::filter($input, $rules);
<?php use PHPVS\Validator as V; use PHPVS\Sanitizer as S; require dirname(__DIR__) . '/src/bootstrap.php'; if ($a = V::int()->valid(0)) { echo "valid int!\n"; } else { // invalid input } // attribute sanitizer $title = "Title with 'some' <sepcial> characters."; $title = S::attr()->filter($title); echo $title, "\n"; // sanitizer with a default value echo S::int()->filter("str", $default = 10), "\n"; // output 10 // callback to wrap string with a <pre> tag. echo S::callback(function ($data) { return sprintf("<pre>%s</pre>", $data); })->filter("something"), "\n";