public function __construct($publicKey = '', $privateKey = '')
     $this->rsa = new RSA();
     if (!$publicKey || !$privateKey) {
         $keys = $this->rsa->createKey();
         $this->publicKey = $keys['publickey'];
         $this->privateKey = $keys['privatekey'];
     $this->publicKey = $publicKey;
     $this->privateKey = $privateKey;
Beispiel #2
 public function onEnable()
     $this->saveResource("server-icon.png", false);
     $this->saveResource("steve.yml", false);
     $this->saveResource("alex.yml", false);
     $this->onlineMode = (bool) $this->getConfig()->get("online-mode");
     if ($this->onlineMode and !function_exists("mcrypt_generic_init")) {
         $this->onlineMode = false;
         $this->getLogger()->notice("no mcrypt detected, online-mode has been disabled. Try using the latest PHP binaries");
     if (!$this->getConfig()->exists("motd")) {
         $this->getLogger()->warning("No motd has been set. The server description will be empty.");
     if (Info::CURRENT_PROTOCOL === 84) {
         $this->translator = new Translator_84();
         $this->rsa = new RSA();
         $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents($this, $this);
         Achievement::add("openInventory", "Taking Inventory");
         //this for DesktopPlayer
         if ($this->onlineMode) {
             $this->getLogger()->info("Server is being started in the background");
             $this->getLogger()->info("Generating keypair");
             $keys = $this->rsa->createKey(1024);
             $this->privateKey = $keys["privatekey"];
             $this->publicKey = $keys["publickey"];
         $this->getLogger()->info("Starting Minecraft: PC server on " . ($this->getIp() === "" ? "*" : $this->getIp()) . ":" . $this->getPort() . " version " . MCInfo::VERSION);
         $disable = true;
         foreach ($this->getServer()->getNetwork()->getInterfaces() as $interface) {
             if ($interface instanceof ProtocolInterface) {
                 $disable = false;
         if ($disable) {
             $this->interface = new ProtocolInterface($this, $this->getServer(), $this->translator);
     } else {
         $this->getLogger()->critical("Couldn't find a protocol translator for #" . Info::CURRENT_PROTOCOL . ", disabling plugin");
Beispiel #3
 public static function generateKeyPair($comment = 'dogpro')
     $rsa = new RSA();
     return $rsa->createKey();
Beispiel #4
  * Generate a keypair
  * @return array ['privatekey' => $privateKey, 'publickey' => $publicKey]
 public function createKey()
     $rsa = new RSACrypt();
     $rsa->setPassword($this->config->getSystemValue('secret', ''));
     return $rsa->createKey(self::CREATE_KEY_BITS);
Beispiel #5
 public function testCreateKey()
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\phpseclib\\Crypt\\RSA', $privatekey);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('\\phpseclib\\Crypt\\RSA', $publickey);
     return array($publickey, $privatekey);
Beispiel #6
  * Generate a private/public RSA key pair
  * @param int $size Key size
  * @param string $passphrase Optional - password-protected private key
  * @return self
  * @throws InvalidKeyException
 public static function generateKeyPair($size = 2048)
     if ($size < 2048) {
         throw new InvalidKeyException('Key size must be at least 2048 bits.');
     $rsa = new RSA();
     $keypair = $rsa->createKey($size);
     return new KeyPair(new PrivateKey($keypair['privatekey']), new PublicKey($keypair['publickey']));
 protected static function doGenerateKeys($keySize = 2048)
     $rsa = new Crypt_RSA();
     defined('CRYPT_RSA_EXPONENT') || define('CRYPT_RSA_EXPONENT', 65537);
     return $rsa->createKey($keySize);
Beispiel #8
 private function generateSshKeys()
     $rsa = new RSA();
     $rsa->setPassword(\OC::$server->getConfig()->getSystemValue('secret', ''));
     $key = $rsa->createKey();
     // Replace the placeholder label with a more meaningful one
     $key['publicKey'] = str_replace('phpseclib-generated-key', gethostname(), $key['publickey']);
     return $key;
Beispiel #9
  * Create domain RSA keys
  * @return KeyPair
  * @throws \Exception
 public function createKeys()
     $rsa = new RSA();
     $keys = $rsa->createKey(2048);
     if ($keys['partialkey'] === false) {
         $this->domainKeys = new KeyPair($keys['privatekey'], $keys['publickey']);
     } else {
         throw new \Exception('CPU was to slow, we\'ve not yet coded this part.');
     return $this->domainKeys;
Beispiel #10
  * Generate a 4096 bits RSA private key
  * @return array the PEM-encoded version of the unprotected private and public keys.
 function genRsa()
     $rsa = new RSA();
     $privKey = $rsa->createKey(4096);
     // TODO handle timeout?
     if (isset($privKey["partialkey"])) {
     return $privKey;
     // hash with privatekey and publickey
Beispiel #11
 public static function generate($bits = 2048, $password = '')
     $bits = (int) $bits;
     $rsa = new RSA();
     if (!empty($password)) {
     $keys = $rsa->createKey($bits);
     $publicKey = new SshPublicKey($keys['publickey']);
     $privateKey = new SshPrivateKey($keys['privatekey'], $password);
     return new SshKeyPair($publicKey, $privateKey);
  * @Route("/asd", name="homepage")
 public function indexAction(Request $request)
     $request = $this->get('request');
     $defaultData = array('name' => 'Type your file name here');
     $form = $this->createFormBuilder($defaultData)->add('name', 'text')->add('file', 'file', array('mapped' => false))->add('submit', 'submit')->getForm();
     if ($request->getMethod() == 'POST') {
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             // perform some action, such as saving the task to the database
             $data = $form->getData();
             if ($form['file']->getData()) {
                 $filename = $form['file']->getData()->getClientOriginalName();
                 $uploadDir = dirname($this->container->getParameter('kernel.root_dir')) . '/web/bundles/framework/upload';
                 $form['file']->getData()->move($uploadDir, $filename);
                 $link = '/web/bundles/framework/upload' . '/' . $filename;
         $inputFile = $request->files->get('cache.xml');
         return $this->render('default/index.html.twig', array('cipher' => "", 'plain' => "", 'rsacipher' => "", 'rsaplain' => "", 'rsapk' => "", 'form' => $form->createView(), 'link' => $link));
     } else {
         $des = new DES();
         echo gettype($des);
         $des->setKey('This is my secret key');
         $plaintext = 'asda sda sdas dasd asdasdada sd';
         $cipher = $des->encrypt($plaintext);
         $plain = $des->decrypt($cipher);
         $rsa = new RSA();
         $rsaplain = "encrypt using RSA";
         $key = $rsa->createKey(1024);
         $rsacipher = $rsa->encrypt($rsaplain);
         $rsadec = $rsa->decrypt($rsacipher);
         // replace this example code with whatever you need
         return $this->render('default/index.html.twig', array('base_dir' => realpath($this->container->getParameter('kernel.root_dir') . '/..'), 'cipher' => $cipher, 'plain' => $plain, 'rsacipher' => $key['publickey'], 'rsaplain' => $key['privatekey'], 'rsapk' => $rsa->getPublicKey(), 'form' => $form->createView()));
 public function onRun()
     foreach ($this->loadPaths as $name => $path) {
         if (!class_exists($name, false) and !interface_exists($name, false)) {
             require $path;
     $rsa = new RSA();
     $this->logger->info("[BigBrother] Generating keypair");
     $keys = $rsa->createKey(1024);
Beispiel #14
  * Create and save a key pair for user
  * @return KeyPair
  * @throws \Exception
 public function createKeys()
     $rsa = new RSA();
     $keys = $rsa->createKey(2048);
     if ($keys['partialkey'] === false) {
         $this->keyPair = new KeyPair($keys['privatekey'], $keys['publickey']);
         $this->writeToStorage('public.key', $this->keyPair->getPublic());
         $this->writeToStorage('private.key', $this->keyPair->getPrivate());
         $this->config('status', 'keys generated');
     } else {
         throw new \Exception('CPU was to slow, we\'ve not yet coded this part.');
     $this->acme = new AcmeService(new AcmeClient($this->acmeServer, $this->keyPair), $this->keyPair);
     return $this->keyPair;
Beispiel #15
 public function testSaveSPKAC()
     $privKey = new RSA();
     $x509 = new X509();
     $spkac = $x509->signSPKAC();
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $spkac);
     $this->assertInternalType('string', $x509->saveSPKAC($spkac));
     $x509 = new X509();
     $spkac = $x509->signSPKAC();
     $this->assertInternalType('array', $spkac);
     $this->assertInternalType('string', $x509->saveSPKAC($spkac));
 public function onEnable()
     $keyFile = $this->getDataFolder() . "key.json";
     if (!is_file($keyFile)) {
         $dir = dirname($keyFile);
         if (!is_dir($dir)) {
             mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
         $rsa = new RSA();
         $keys = $rsa->createKey(2048);
         file_put_contents($keyFile, json_encode($keys, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING));
     } else {
         $keys = json_decode(file_get_contents($keyFile), true);
     $listenerDir = $this->getDataFolder() . "listeners/";
     if (!is_dir($listenerDir)) {
     foreach (scandir($listenerDir) as $file) {
         if (is_file($listenerDir . $file) and substr($file, -4) === ".php") {
             require_once $listenerDir . $file;
             $contents = file_get_contents($listenerDir . $file);
             if (preg_match_all('/^class=([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$/m', $contents, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {
                 $class = $matches[1][0];
                 try {
                     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class);
                     if (!$reflection->isInstantiable()) {
                         $this->getLogger()->error("Unable to instantiate class {$class} specified at vote listener {$file}!");
                     if (!$reflection->isSubclassOf("votifierpe\\VoteListener")) {
                         $this->getLogger()->error("Class {$class} of vote listener {$file} must implement votifierpe\\VoteListener but didn't!");
                     $this->listeners[] = $reflection->newInstance($this);
                 } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
                     $this->getLogger()->error("Unable to load vote listener {$file}: unable to find specified listener class {$class}");
     $this->tcp = new TCPListener($this, $this->getConfig()->get("port"), serialize($keys));
  * Generates a new key pair. Then stores the private key and returns the public key.
  * @param int $keylength Desired key length in bits
  * @return array The public key as an associative array containing its exponent "e"
  *               and modulus "n" in hexadecimal representation.
 public static function generateKeys($keylength)
     $rsa = new RSA();
     $keys = $rsa->createKey($keylength);
     // delete, if exists - future-proofing for layout changes
     // create, if doesn't exist
     $e = new BigInteger($keys['publickey']['e'], 10);
     $n = new BigInteger($keys['publickey']['n'], 10);
     $e = $e->toHex();
     $n = $n->toHex();
     $publickey = array('e' => $e, 'n' => $n);
     return $publickey;
 protected function createRSA()
     $rsa = new RSA();
     $rsa->setComment($this->config['routerboard']['backupuser'] . "@backup");
     $key = $rsa->createKey(2048);
     if (!empty($key)) {
         // be safe
         // create (public key)
         $this->fsys->dumpFile($this->config['system']['ssh-dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '', $key['publickey']);
         // create id_rsa (private key)
         $this->fsys->dumpFile($this->config['system']['ssh-dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'id_rsa', $key['privatekey']);
         // set permissions -rw-------
         $this->fsys->chmod($this->config['system']['ssh-dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'id_rsa', 0600);
         $this->fsys->chmod($this->config['system']['ssh-dir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '', 0600);
         // backup existing RSA files for sure.
         $this->logger->log("The SSH-RSA public key has been created. Never delete those files! (id_rsa,", $this->logger->setNotice());
     throw new Exception(get_class($this) . " can not create the ssh-rsa public key file!");
Beispiel #19
 public function generateKeys($token)
     $rsa = new RSA();
     $keys = $rsa->createKey(4096);
     $items = $this->entity_manager->getRepository('PasswordSafeBundle:SharedPassword')->findByReceiver($token->getUser());
     $rsaOld = new RSA();
     $meta = $this->databaseService->getMeta($token);
     $meta->add('privateKey', $keys['privatekey']);
     $meta->add('publicKey', $keys['publickey']);
     $this->databaseService->saveMetaRow($token, $meta);
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $decrypted = $rsaOld->decrypt($item->getEncryptedData());
Beispiel #20
 public function getPair()
     $installationUuid = $this->name;
     $publicKeyName = $this->getPublicKeyPath();
     $privateKeyName = $this->getPrivateKeyPath();
     if (Storage::exists($publicKeyName) === false || Storage::exists($privateKeyName) === false) {
         $rsa = new RSA();
         $keys = $rsa->createKey(2048);
         $privateKey = $keys['privatekey'];
         $publicKey = $keys['publickey'];
         Storage::disk('local')->put($privateKeyName, $privateKey);
         Storage::disk('local')->put($publicKeyName, $publicKey);
     return ['public' => $publicKeyName, 'private' => $privateKeyName];
     /*$sshConnection = ssh2_connect('', 22, array('hostkey'=>'ssh-rsa'));
       $sshSuccess = ssh2_auth_pubkey_file(
           storage_path('app/' . $publicKeyName),
           storage_path('app/' . $privateKeyName)
Beispiel #21
 public static function create($type, $host, $port, $username, $password, &$key)
     $connection = new Connection($type, $host, $port, $username, $password);
     $rsa = new RSA();
     //define('CRYPT_RSA_EXPONENT', 65537);
     //define('CRYPT_RSA_SMALLEST_PRIME', 64); // makes it so multi-prime RSA is used
     // == $rsa->createKey(1024) where 1024 is the key size
     $key = $privatekey;
     $connection->publicKey = $publickey;
     return $connection;
Beispiel #22
  * Generate a RSA secret key (sub)packet.
  * @param integer $keylength   RSA keylength.
  * @param string $packet_type  Secret key packet to create.
  * @return OpenPGP_SecretKeyPacket  Secret key packet object.
 protected function _generateSecretKeyPacket($keylength, $packet_type)
     $rsa = new Crypt\RSA();
     $k = $rsa->createKey($keylength);
     return new $packet_type(array('n' => $rsa->modulus->toBytes(), 'e' => $rsa->publicExponent->toBytes(), 'd' => $rsa->exponent->toBytes(), 'p' => $rsa->primes[1]->toBytes(), 'q' => $rsa->primes[2]->toBytes(), 'u' => $rsa->coefficients[2]->toBytes()));
Beispiel #23
  * Regenerate and return the private and public keys for a user
  * @author salvipascual
  * @param String $email
  * @return Array(privatekey, publickey)
  * */
 public function recreateRSAKeys($email)
     // create the public and private keys
     $rsa = new RSA();
     $keys = $rsa->createKey();
     $privatekey = $keys['privatekey'];
     $publickey = $keys['publickey'];
     // update the new keys or create a new pair
     $connection = new Connection();
     $connection->deepQuery("INSERT INTO `keys` (email, privatekey, publickey) VALUES('{$email}', '{$privatekey}', '{$publickey}') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE privatekey='{$privatekey}', publickey='{$publickey}', last_usage=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP");
     // return the new keys
     return array("privatekey" => $privatekey, "publickey" => $publickey);