Beispiel #1
function fetchTransactions($apikey, $vcode, $refID, $idcharacter, $con)
    $pheal4 = new Pheal($apikey, $vcode, "char", $refID);
    $wallet_response = $pheal4->WalletTransactions(array("characterID" => $idcharacter));
    if ($refID != 0) {
        $wallet_response = $pheal4->WalletTransactions(array("fromID" => $refID));
    $i = -1;
    //get the Eve transaction ID for the latest transaction (this might need some tweaking when they decide to recycle ids)
    $getLatestTransaction = utils::mysqli_result(mysqli_query($con, "SELECT MAX(transkey) AS val FROM transaction WHERE character_eve_idcharacter = '{$idcharacter}'"), 0, 0);
    if (!isset($getLatestTransaction)) {
        $latestTransaction = 0;
    } else {
        $latestTransaction = $getLatestTransaction;
    // var_dump($latestTransaction);
    $arrayfinal = array();
    $array_refs = array();
    $null = (string) "NULL";
    foreach ($wallet_response->transactions as $row2) {
        $transkey = $row2->transactionID;
        $typeid = $row2->typeID;
        $dateTime = $row2->transactionDateTime;
        $quantity = $row2->quantity;
        $price_unit = $row2->price;
        $transactionType = $row2->transactionType;
        $station = $row2->stationName;
        $price_total = $price_unit * $quantity;
        $station_id = $row2->stationID;
        $clientName = $row2->clientName;
        array_push($array_refs, $transkey);
        if ($transkey > $latestTransaction) {
            $item[$i] = array("{$null}", "'" . $dateTime . "'", "'" . $quantity . "'", "'" . $price_unit . "'", "'" . $price_total . "'", "'" . $transactionType . "'", "'" . $idcharacter . "'", "'" . $station_id . "'", "'" . $typeid . "'", "'" . $transkey . "'", "'" . str_replace("'", ".", $clientName) . "'");
    for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++) {
        $arrayfinal[$j] = $item[$j];
    $values_transactions = array();
    foreach ($arrayfinal as $rowValues) {
        foreach ($rowValues as $key => $rowValue) {
            $rowValues[$key] = $rowValues[$key];
        //this array contains all transactions in this format: (x,y,z),(a,b,c),...
        $values_transactions[] = "(" . implode(', ', $rowValues) . ")";
    if (!empty($values_transactions)) {
        $query_insert = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `trader`.`transaction` (`idbuy`, `time`, `quantity`, `price_unit`, `price_total`, `transaction_type`, `character_eve_idcharacter`, `station_eve_idstation`, `item_eve_iditem`, `transkey`, `client`) " . "VALUES " . implode(', ', $values_transactions);
        $insert_transactions = mysqli_query($con, $query_insert) or die(mysqli_error($con));
        return $newTransactions = mysqli_affected_rows($con);
        if (count($array_refs) == 2560) {
            $refID = end($array_refs);
            fetchTransactions($apikey, $vcode, $refID, $idcharacter, $con);
    } else {
        return $newTransactions = 0;
        $insert_transactions = False;
 if (!empty($corpStandingsArray)) {
     $update_standings_corp = mysqli_query($con, "INSERT IGNORE INTO `trader`.`standings_corporation` \n                      (`idstandings_corporation`, \n                      `characters_eve_idcharacters`, \n                      `corporation_eve_idcorporation`, \n                      `value`) \n                       VALUES" . implode(', ', $corpStandingsArray)) or die(mysqli_error($con));
 $factionStandingsArray = array();
 foreach ($result3->characterNPCStandings->factions as $factionStandings) {
     //$standing = $factionStandings->standing;
     //$factionStandingsArray[$standing] = $factionStandings->fromID;
     $factionStandingsArray[] = "(NULL," . $idcharacter . "," . $factionStandings->fromID . "," . $factionStandings->standing . ")";
 if (!empty($factionStandingsArray)) {
     $update_standings_faction = mysqli_query($con, "INSERT IGNORE INTO `trader`.`standings_faction` \n                      (`idstandings_faction`, \n                      `characters_eve_idcharacters`, \n                      `faction_eve_idfaction`, \n                      `value`) \n                       VALUES" . implode(', ', $factionStandingsArray)) or die(mysqli_error($con));
 //Update ALL transactions for each character
 $pheal4 = new Pheal($apikey, $vcode, "char");
 $wallet_response = $pheal4->WalletTransactions(array("characterID" => $idcharacter));
 $i = -1;
 $null = (string) "NULL";
 foreach ($wallet_response->transactions as $row2) {
     $typeid = $row2->typeID;
     $dateTime = $row2->transactionDateTime;
     $quantity = $row2->quantity;
     $price_unit = $row2->price;
     $transactionType = $row2->transactionType;
     $station = $row2->stationName;
     $price_total = $price_unit * $quantity;
     $station_id = $row2->stationID;
     $transkey = $row2->transactionID;
     $clientName = $row2->clientName;
     $item[$i] = array("{$null}", "'" . $dateTime . "'", "'" . $quantity . "'", "'" . $price_unit . "'", "'" . $price_total . "'", "'" . $transactionType . "'", "'" . $idcharacter . "'", "'" . $station_id . "'", "'" . $typeid . "'", "'" . $transkey . "'", "'" . str_replace("'", ".", $clientName) . "'");