Inheritance: extends PayPal\Common\PayPalResourceModel
Beispiel #1
  * Runs a card payment with PayPal
  * @link
  * @return PayPal\Api\Payment 
 public function payCard($cardInfo = [], $sum = 0, $message = '')
     $card = new CreditCard();
     $fundingInstrument = new FundingInstrument();
     $payer = new Payer();
     $amount = new Amount();
     $transaction = new Transaction();
     if ($message) {
     $payment = new Payment();
     return $payment->create($this->_apiContext);
     // get state from this json
Beispiel #2
 public static function preparePayment($payment, $domain)
     $items = array();
     $currency = null;
     $total = 0;
     foreach ($payment->items as $item) {
         $tmpItem = new PayPalItem();
         $items[] = $tmpItem;
         $total += (double) $item->price;
         $currency = $item->currency;
     $itemList = new ItemList();
     $payer = new PayPalPayer();
     switch ($payment->payer->paymentMethod) {
         case Payer::PAYMENT_CREDIT_CARD:
             $card = new PayPalCreditCard();
             $fi = new FundingInstrument();
         case Payer::PAYMENT_PAYPAL:
     $amount = new Amount();
     $transaction = new Transaction();
     $redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();
     $paypalPayment = new PayPalPayment();
     try {
         return static::getPayment($paypalPayment->getId(), $domain)->then(function ($payment) use($paypalPayment) {
             $payment->approvalUrl = static::getLink($paypalPayment->getLinks(), "approval_url");
             return $payment;
     } catch (PayPalConnectionException $e) {
         return When::reject($e);
     } catch (PayPalInvalidCredentialException $e) {
         return When::reject($e);
Beispiel #3
 public function doStoreCreditCardAPI($payment_type, $card_number, $exp_month, $exp_year, $csc, $first_name, $last_name)
     $apiContext = new ApiContext(new OAuthTokenCredential(self::CLIENT_ID, self::SECRET));
     $card = new CreditCard();
     try {
     } catch (\PPConnectionException $ex) {
         echo "Exception:" . $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
     //            $test = $card->getId();
     //            $creditCardToken = new CreditCardToken();
     //            $creditCardToken->setCredit_card_id($test);
     //            $fundingInstrument = new FundingInstrument();
     //            $fundingInstrument->setCredit_card($creditCardToken);
     //            $payer = new Payer();
     //            $payer->setPayment_method("credit_card");
     //            $payer->setFunding_instruments(array($fundingInstrument));
     //            $amount = new Amount();
     //            $amount->setCurrency("USD");
     //            $amount->setTotal($total);
     //            $transaction = new Transaction();
     //            $transaction->setAmount($amount);
     //            $transaction->setDescription("creating a direct payment with credit card");
     //            $payment = new Payment();
     //            $payment->setIntent("sale");
     //            $payment->setPayer($payer);
     //            $payment->setTransactions(array($transaction));
     //            try {
     //                $payment->create($apiContext);    //$card->create($apiContext);
     //            } catch (\PPConnectionException $ex) {
     //                echo "Exception:" . $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
     //                var_dump($ex->getData());
     //                exit(1);
     //            }
     return $card->getId();
Beispiel #4
 function paypal($data)
     try {
         foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
             ${$k} = $v;
         include_once 'config.paypal.php';
         $apiContext = new ApiContext(new OAuthTokenCredential(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET));
         list($m, $y) = explode("/", $card_expiry);
         $card = new CreditCard();
         $fi = new FundingInstrument();
         $payer = new Payer();
         $amount = new Amount();
         $transaction = new Transaction();
         $transaction->setDescription('Enter your card details and proceed');
         $payment = new Payment();
         $res = json_decode($payment->create($apiContext));
         $this->save($data, __FUNCTION__, $res, 1);
         return json_encode(["status" => true, "msg" => sprintf("Your payment has been %s", $res->state)]);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($e instanceof PPConfigurationException) {
         } elseif ($e instanceof PPConnectionException) {
         } elseif ($e instanceof PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException) {
             $res = json_decode($e->getData(), 1);
             $this->save($data, __FUNCTION__, $res, 0);
             $msg = array_shift(isset($res["details"]) ? $res["details"] : []);
             return json_encode(["status" => false, "msg" => $res["name"] == "UNKNOWN_ERROR" || empty($msg["issue"]) ? "An unknown error has occurred" : sprintf("%s %s", ["cvv2" => "CVV2", "expire_year" => "Card expiration", "credit_card" => "", "type" => "Invalid credit card number or", "number" => "Credit card number", "expire_month" => "Expiration month"][end(explode(".", $msg["field"]))], strtolower($msg["issue"]))]);
         } else {
             throw $e;
 public function testOperations()
     $c1 = $this->cards['full'];
     // 		$this->assertNull($c1->getId());
     $c2 = CreditCard::get($c1->getId());
     $this->assertEquals($c1->getBilling_address(), $c2->getBilling_address());
     $this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($c2->getLinks()));
     $this->assertEquals(self::$cardType, $c2->getType());
Beispiel #6
 public function payDemo()
     $addr = new Address();
     $addr->setLine1('52 N Main ST');
     $card = new CreditCard();
     $fi = new FundingInstrument();
     $payer = new Payer();
     $amountDetails = new \PayPal\Api\Details();
     $amount = new Amount();
     $transaction = new Transaction();
     $transaction->setDescription('This is the payment transaction description.');
     $payment = new Payment();
Beispiel #7
 * Creates a new mock 'payment authorization'
 * @param PayPal\Api\ApiContext apiContext
 * @return PayPal\Api\Authorization
function createAuthorization($apiContext)
    $addr = new Address();
    $addr->setLine1("3909 Witmer Road")->setLine2("Niagara Falls")->setCity("Niagara Falls")->setState("NY")->setPostalCode("14305")->setCountryCode("US")->setPhone("716-298-1822");
    $card = new CreditCard();
    $fi = new FundingInstrument();
    $payer = new Payer();
    $amount = new Amount();
    $transaction = new Transaction();
    $transaction->setAmount($amount)->setDescription("Payment description.");
    $payment = new Payment();
    // Setting intent to authorize creates a payment
    // authorization. Setting it to sale creates actual payment
    $paymnt = $payment->create($apiContext);
    $resArray = $paymnt->toArray();
    return $authId = $resArray['transactions'][0]['related_resources'][0]['authorization']['id'];
 public static function authorize()
     $addr = new Address();
     $addr->setLine1("3909 Witmer Road");
     $addr->setLine2("Niagara Falls");
     $addr->setCity("Niagara Falls");
     $card = new CreditCard();
     $fi = new FundingInstrument();
     $payer = new Payer();
     $amount = new Amount();
     $transaction = new Transaction();
     $transaction->setDescription("This is the payment description.");
     $payment = new Payment();
     $paymnt = $payment->create();
     $resArray = $paymnt->toArray();
     return $authId = $resArray['transactions'][0]['related_resources'][0]['authorization']['id'];
Beispiel #9
  * @depends testSerializationDeserialization
  * @param CreditCard $obj
 public function testGetters($obj)
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getId(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getNumber(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getType(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getExpireMonth(), 123);
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getExpireYear(), 123);
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getCvv2(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getFirstName(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getLastName(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getBillingAddress(), AddressTest::getObject());
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getExternalCustomerId(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getState(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getValidUntil(), "TestSample");
     $this->assertEquals($obj->getLinks(), LinksTest::getObject());
  * @param $data     array       form post data
  * @return string   HTML to display
 function _prePayment($data)
     $order = $this->_getOrder($data['order_number']);
     //initialise application
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     //get card input
     $data['cardtype'] = $app->input->getString("cardtype");
     $data['cardnum'] = $app->input->getString("cardnum");
     $month = $app->input->getString("month");
     $year = $app->input->getString("year");
     $card_exp = $month . '' . $year;
     $data['cardexp'] = $card_exp;
     $data['cardcvv'] = $app->input->getString("cardcvv");
     $data['cardnum_last4'] = substr($app->input->getString("cardnum"), -4);
     //initialise payment
     $apiContext = new ApiContext(new OAuthTokenCredential($this->api_clientId, $this->api_clientSecret));
     $apiContext->setConfig(array('mode' => $this->api_mode));
     //		echo'<pre>';print_r($apiContext);die;
     $card = new CreditCard();
     $fi = new FundingInstrument();
     $payer = new Payer();
     if (!empty($data['email'])) {
         $payerInfo = new PayerInfo();
     $amount = new Amount();
     $item1 = new Item();
     $itemList = new ItemList();
     $transaction = new Transaction();
     $payment = new Payment();
     $request = clone $payment;
     try {
     } catch (PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) {
         $error = json_decode($ex->getData());
         $error_html = '<h2>' . $error->name . '</h2><br>';
         foreach ($error->details as $r) {
             $error_html .= '- ' . $r->field . ' - ' . $r->issue . '<br>';
         $app->enqueueMessage($error_html, 'error');
         $app->redirect('index.php?option=com_bookpro&view=formpayment&order_id=' . $order->id . '&' . JSession::getFormToken() . '=1');
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
     $ack = $payment->getState();
     if ($ack == 'approved' || $ack == 'completed') {
         $order->pay_status = "SUCCESS";
         $order->order_status = "CONFIRMED";
         $order->tx_id = $payment->getId();
     } else {
         JLog::addLogger(array('text_file' => 'paypal.txt', 'text_file_path' => 'logs', 'text_file_no_php' => 1, 'text_entry_format' => '{DATE} {TIME} {MESSAGE}'), JLog::ALERT);
         JLog::add('Transaction: ' . json_encode($payment) . '\\nOrder: ' . $order->order_number . ' Status: ' . $ack, JLog::ALERT, 'com_bookpro');
         $order->pay_status = "PENDING";
         $order->tx_id = $transaction_id;
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $app->redirect('index.php?option=com_bookpro&controller=payment&task=postpayment&method=' . $this->_element . '&order_number=' . $order->order_number);
// REST API is restricted in some countries.
// API used: /v1/payments/payment
require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';
use PayPal\Api\Amount;
use PayPal\Api\Details;
use PayPal\Api\Item;
use PayPal\Api\ItemList;
use PayPal\Api\CreditCard;
use PayPal\Api\Payer;
use PayPal\Api\Payment;
use PayPal\Api\FundingInstrument;
use PayPal\Api\Transaction;
// ### CreditCard
// A resource representing a credit card that can be
// used to fund a payment.
$card = new CreditCard();
// ### FundingInstrument
// A resource representing a Payer's funding instrument.
// For direct credit card payments, set the CreditCard
// field on this object.
$fi = new FundingInstrument();
// ### Payer
// A resource representing a Payer that funds a payment
// For direct credit card payments, set payment method
// to 'credit_card' and add an array of funding instruments.
$payer = new Payer();
// ### Itemized information
// (Optional) Lets you specify item wise
 public function postPayment()
     $paypal_conf = Config::get('paypal');
     $apiContext = new ApiContext(new OAuthTokenCredential($paypal_conf['client_id'], $paypal_conf['secret']));
     $card = new CreditCard();
     $fi = new FundingInstrument();
     $payer = new Payer();
     $item1 = new Item();
     $item1->setName('Ground Coffee 40 oz')->setDescription('Ground Coffee 40 oz')->setCurrency('USD')->setQuantity(1)->setTax(0.3)->setPrice(7.5);
     $item2 = new Item();
     $item2->setName('Granola bars')->setDescription('Granola Bars with Peanuts')->setCurrency('USD')->setQuantity(5)->setTax(0.2)->setPrice(2);
     $itemList = new ItemList();
     $itemList->setItems(array($item1, $item2));
     $details = new Details();
     $amount = new Amount();
     $transaction = new Transaction();
     $transaction->setAmount($amount)->setItemList($itemList)->setDescription("Payment description")->setInvoiceNumber(uniqid());
     $payment = new Payment();
     try {
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         ResultPrinter::printError('Create Payment Using Credit Card. If 500 Exception, try creating a new Credit Card using <a href="">Step 4, on this link</a>, and using it.', 'Payment', null, $request, $ex);
     //ResultPrinter::printResult('Create Payment Using Credit Card', 'Payment', $payment->getId(), $request, $payment);
     echo "string";
             $payer = new Payer();
             $item_1 = new Item();
             $item_1->setName('Item 1') // item name
                 ->setPrice('15'); // unit price
             $item_2 = new Item();
             $item_2->setName('Item 2')
             $item_3 = new Item();
             $item_3->setName('Item 3')
             // add item to list
             $item_list = new ItemList();
             $item_list->setItems(array($item_1, $item_2, $item_3));
             $amount = new Amount();
             $transaction = new Transaction();
                 ->setDescription('Your transaction description');
             $redirect_urls = new RedirectUrls();
             $payment = new Payment();
             try {
             } catch (\PayPal\Exception\PPConnectionException $ex) {
                 if (\Config::get('app.debug')) {
                     echo "Exception: " . $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
                     $err_data = json_decode($ex->getData(), true);
                 } else {
                     die('Some error occur, sorry for inconvenient');
             foreach($payment->getLinks() as $link) {
                 if($link->getRel() == 'approval_url') {
                     $redirect_url = $link->getHref();
             // add payment ID to session
             Session::put('paypal_payment_id', $payment->getId());
             if(isset($redirect_url)) {
                 // redirect to paypal
                 return Redirect::away($redirect_url);
             return Redirect::route('original.route')
                 ->with('error', 'Unknown error occurred');*/
  * @dataProvider mockProvider
  * @param CreditCard $obj
 public function testList($obj, $mockApiContext)
     $mockPPRestCall = $this->getMockBuilder('\\PayPal\\Transport\\PayPalRestCall')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $params = array();
     $result = $obj->all($params, $mockApiContext, $mockPPRestCall);
Beispiel #14
// Creates the credit card as a resource
// in the PayPal vault. The response contains
// an 'id' that you can use to refer to it later.
// (See bootstrap.php for more on `ApiContext`)
try {
    $card = $card->create($apiContext);
} catch (PayPal\Exception\PPConnectionException $ex) {
    echo "Exception:" . $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
try {
    // ### Delete Card
    // Lookup and delete a saved credit card.
    // (See bootstrap.php for more on `ApiContext`)
    $creditCard = CreditCard::get($card->getId(), $apiContext);
} catch (PayPal\Exception\PPConnectionException $ex) {
    echo "Exception: " . $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
	<title>Delete a saved credit card</title>
    <p> Credit Card deleted Successfully</p>
	<a href='../index.html'>Back</a>
Beispiel #15
// REST API is restricted in some countries.
// API used: /v1/payments/payment
require __DIR__ . '/PayPalSDK/paypal/rest-api-sdk-php/sample/bootstrap.php';
use PayPal\Api\Amount;
use PayPal\Api\Details;
use PayPal\Api\Item;
use PayPal\Api\ItemList;
use PayPal\Api\CreditCard;
use PayPal\Api\Payer;
use PayPal\Api\Payment;
use PayPal\Api\FundingInstrument;
use PayPal\Api\Transaction;
// ### CreditCard
// A resource representing a credit card that can be
// used to fund a payment.
$card = new CreditCard();
// ### FundingInstrument
// A resource representing a Payer's funding instrument.
// For direct credit card payments, set the CreditCard
// field on this object.
$fi = new FundingInstrument();
// ### Payer
// A resource representing a Payer that funds a payment
// For direct credit card payments, set payment method
// to 'credit_card' and add an array of funding instruments.
$payer = new Payer();
// ### Additional payment details
// Use this optional field to set additional

// # Create Credit Card Sample
// You can store credit card details securely
// with PayPal. You can then use the returned
// Credit card id to process future payments.
// API used: POST /v1/vault/credit-card
require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';
use PayPal\Api\CreditCard;
// ### CreditCard
// A resource representing a credit card that is
// to be stored with PayPal.
$card = new CreditCard();
// For Sample Purposes Only.
$request = clone $card;
// ### Save card
// Creates the credit card as a resource
// in the PayPal vault. The response contains
// an 'id' that you can use to refer to it
// in future payments.
// (See bootstrap.php for more on `ApiContext`)
try {
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    ResultPrinter::printError("Create Credit Card", "Credit Card", null, $request, $ex);
ResultPrinter::printResult("Create Credit Card", "Credit Card", $card->getId(), $request, $card);
Beispiel #17
 public function pay(PaymentData $paymentData)
     $paymentId = null;
     if ($paymentData->isValid()) {
         $holderName = explode(' ', $paymentData->getCCHolderName());
         $holderFirstName = '';
         $holderLastName = '';
         if (count($holderName > 1)) {
             $holderFirstName = $holderName[0];
             $holderName[0] = '';
             $holderName = trim(implode(' ', $holderName));
             $holderLastName = $holderName;
         } else {
             $holderFirstName = $paymentData->getCCHolderName();
         // ### CreditCard
         // A resource representing a credit card that can be
         // used to fund a payment.
         $card = new CreditCard();
         // ### FundingInstrument
         // A resource representing a Payer's funding instrument.
         // For direct credit card payments, set the CreditCard
         // field on this object.
         $fi = new FundingInstrument();
         // ### PayerInfo
         // Contains payers info data
         // commented because field email is required but user doesn't fill it in form
         $payerInfo = new PayerInfo();
             ->setEmail('login@domain'); //this field is required!
         // ### Payer
         // A resource representing a Payer that funds a payment
         // For direct credit card payments, set payment method
         // to 'credit_card' and add an array of funding instruments.
         $payer = new Payer();
         // ### Amount
         // Lets you specify a payment amount.
         // You can also specify additional details
         // such as shipping, tax.
         $amount = new Amount();
         // ### Transaction
         // A transaction defines the contract of a
         // payment - what is the payment for and who
         // is fulfilling it.
         $transaction = new Transaction();
         $transaction->setAmount($amount)->setDescription("Customer full name: " . $paymentData->getCustomerFullName())->setInvoiceNumber(uniqid());
         // ### Payment
         // A Payment Resource; create one using
         // the above types and intent set to sale 'sale'
         $payment = new Payment();
         try {
             $paymentId = $payment->getId();
         } catch (\Exception $ex) {
             $this->errorMessages[] = "Error: " . $ex->getMessage() . '<br/> Details: ' . $ex->getData();
     } else {
         $this->errorMessages = $paymentData->getErrorMessages();
     return $paymentId;
Beispiel #18
// The following code takes you through
// the process of retrieving a saved CreditCard
require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';
use PayPal\Api\CreditCard;
// The cardId can be obtained from a previous save credit
// card operation. Use $card->getId()
$cardId = "CARD-5BT058015C739554AKE2GCEI";
// ### Authentication
// Pass in a `OAuthTokenCredential` object
// explicilty to authenticate the call.
// If you skip this step, the client id/secret
// set in the config file will be used.
/// ### Retrieve card
try {
    $card = CreditCard::get($cardId);
} catch (\PPConnectionException $ex) {
    echo "Exception: " . $ex->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
	<div>Retrieving credit card: <?php 
echo $cardId;
// REST API is restricted in some countries.
// API used: /v1/payments/payment
require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';
use PayPal\Api\Amount;
use PayPal\Api\CreditCard;
use PayPal\Api\Details;
use PayPal\Api\FundingInstrument;
use PayPal\Api\Item;
use PayPal\Api\ItemList;
use PayPal\Api\Payer;
use PayPal\Api\Payment;
use PayPal\Api\Transaction;
// ### CreditCard
// A resource representing a credit card that can be
// used to fund a payment.
$card = new CreditCard();
// ### FundingInstrument
// A resource representing a Payer's funding instrument.
// For direct credit card payments, set the CreditCard
// field on this object.
$fi = new FundingInstrument();
// ### Payer
// A resource representing a Payer that funds a payment
// For direct credit card payments, set payment method
// to 'credit_card' and add an array of funding instruments.
$payer = new Payer();
// ### Itemized information
// (Optional) Lets you specify item wise
Beispiel #20
 public function createBillingAgreement($planId, $shippingAddress, $billingAddress, $productName, $cartSummary, $cardDetails, $apiContext)
     $billingPlanDefaultValues = $this->getBillingPlanDefaultValues();
     $billingAgreement = new Agreement();
     $billingAgreement->setName('Billing Agreement For ' . $productName);
     $startDate = new Zend_Date();
     $payerInfo = new PayerInfo();
     /* Fields not supported yet */
     /* Get a MALFORMED_REQUEST error when using this field */
     $cardName = $cardDetails->cardName;
     $cardNumber = $cardDetails->cardNumber;
     $cardType = strtolower($cardDetails->cardType);
     $cardExpiryMonth = $cardDetails->cardExpiryMonth;
     $cardExpiryYear = $cardDetails->cardExpiryYear;
     $cardSecurityCode = $cardDetails->cardSecurityCode;
     $nameParser = new Om_Model_Name();
     $name = $nameParser->parse_name($cardName);
     $card = new CreditCard();
     $fundingInstrument = new FundingInstrument();
     $payer = new Payer();
     $shippingAddressPayPal = new Address();
     $shippingAddressPayPal->setLine2($shippingAddress->addressLine2 . ' ' . $shippingAddress->addressLine3);
     $plan = new Plan();
     return $billingAgreement->create($apiContext);
Beispiel #21
  * Obtain the Credit Card resource for the given identifier.
  * @param string         $creditCardId
  * @param ApiContext     $apiContext is the APIContext for this call. It can be used to pass dynamic configuration and credentials.
  * @param PayPalRestCall $restCall   is the Rest Call Service that is used to make rest calls
  * @return CreditCard
 public static function get($creditCardId, $apiContext = null, $restCall = null)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($creditCardId, 'creditCardId');
     $payLoad = "";
     $json = self::executeCall("/v1/vault/credit-cards/{$creditCardId}", "GET", $payLoad, null, $apiContext, $restCall);
     $ret = new CreditCard();
     return $ret;
  * @dataProvider mockProvider
  * @param CreditCard $obj
 public function testUpdate($obj, $mockApiContext)
     $mockPayPalRestCall = $this->getMockBuilder('\\PayPal\\Transport\\PayPalRestCall')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $result = $obj->update($mockApiContext, $mockPayPalRestCall);
// This sample code demonstrates how you can authorize a payment.
// API used: /v1/payments/authorization
require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';
use PayPal\Api\Address;
use PayPal\Api\CreditCard;
use PayPal\Api\FundingInstrument;
use PayPal\Api\Payer;
use PayPal\Api\Amount;
use PayPal\Api\Transaction;
use PayPal\Api\Payment;
// The biggest difference between creating a payment, and authorizing a payment is to set the intent of payment
// to correct setting. In this case, it would be 'authorize'
$addr = new Address();
$addr->setLine1("3909 Witmer Road")->setLine2("Niagara Falls")->setCity("Niagara Falls")->setState("NY")->setPostalCode("14305")->setCountryCode("US")->setPhone("716-298-1822");
$card = new CreditCard();
$fi = new FundingInstrument();
$payer = new Payer();
$amount = new Amount();
$transaction = new Transaction();
$transaction->setAmount($amount)->setDescription("Payment description.");
$payment = new Payment();
// Setting intent to authorize creates a payment
// authorization. Setting it to sale creates actual payment
// For Sample Purposes Only.
$request = clone $payment;
Beispiel #24

// # Create Credit Card Sample
// You can store credit card details securely
// with PayPal. You can then use the returned
// Credit card id to process future payments.
// API used: POST /v1/vault/credit-card
require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';
use PayPal\Api\CreditCard;
// ### CreditCard
// A resource representing a credit card that is
// to be stored with PayPal.
$card = new CreditCard();
// ### Additional Information
// Now you can also store the information that could help you connect
// your users with the stored credit cards.
// All these three fields could be used for storing any information that could help merchant to point the card.
// However, Ideally, MerchantId could be used to categorize stores, apps, websites, etc.
// ExternalCardId could be used for uniquely identifying the card per MerchantId. So, combination of "MerchantId" and "ExternalCardId" should be unique.
// ExternalCustomerId could be userId, user email, etc to group multiple cards per user.
$card->setExternalCardId("CardNumber123" . uniqid());
// For Sample Purposes Only.
$request = clone $card;
// ### Save card
// Creates the credit card as a resource
// in the PayPal vault. The response contains
// an 'id' that you can use to refer to it
// in future payments.
Beispiel #25
  * @param string $cardId credit card id obtained from 
  * a previous create API call.
 function getCreditCard($cardId)
     return CreditCard::get($cardId, getApiContext());
 public function actionMakepayments()
     $card = new CreditCard();
     try {
         // ...and for debugging purposes
         echo '<pre>';
         var_dump('Success scenario');
         echo $card;
     } catch (PayPalConnectionException $e) {
         echo '<pre>';
         var_dump('Failure scenario');
         echo $e;
Beispiel #27
 public function createCreditCard($creditCardNumber, $firstName, $lastName, $expireMonth, $expireYear, $ccv, $type = "visa")
     $card = new CreditCard();
     return $card;
$agreement = new Agreement();
$agreement->setName('DPRP')->setDescription('Payment with credit Card')->setStartDate('2015-06-17T9:45:04Z');
// Add Plan ID
// Please note that the plan Id should be only set in this case.
$plan = new Plan();
// Add Payer
$payer = new Payer();
$payer->setPaymentMethod('credit_card')->setPayerInfo(new PayerInfo(array('email' => '*****@*****.**')));
// Add Credit Card to Funding Instruments
$creditCard = new CreditCard();
$fundingInstrument = new FundingInstrument();
//Add Payer to Agreement
// Add Shipping Address
$shippingAddress = new ShippingAddress();
$shippingAddress->setLine1('111 First Street')->setCity('Saratoga')->setState('CA')->setPostalCode('95070')->setCountryCode('US');
// For Sample Purposes Only.
$request = clone $agreement;
// ### Create Agreement
try {
    // Please note that as the agreement has not yet activated, we wont be receiving the ID just yet.
 public static function createCreditCard()
     $card = new CreditCard();
     return $card;
Beispiel #30
 public function credit_card()
     return "Hello?";
     $card = new CreditCard();
     $fi = new FundingInstrument();
     $payer = new Payer();
     $item1 = new Item();
     $item1->setName('Ground Coffee 40 oz')->setDescription('Ground Coffee 40 oz')->setCurrency('USD')->setQuantity(1)->setTax(0.3)->setPrice(7.5);
     $item2 = new Item();
     $item2->setName('Granola bars')->setDescription('Granola Bars with Peanuts')->setCurrency('USD')->setQuantity(5)->setTax(0.2)->setPrice(2);
     $itemList = new ItemList();
     $itemList->setItems(array($item1, $item2));
     $details = new Details();
     $amount = new Amount();
     $transaction = new Transaction();
     $transaction->setAmount($amount)->setItemList($itemList)->setDescription("Payment description")->setInvoiceNumber(uniqid());
     $payment = new Payment();
     $request = clone $payment;
     try {
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         ResultPrinter::printError('Create Payment Using Credit Card. If 500 Exception, try creating a new Credit Card using <a href="">Step 4, on this link</a>, and using it.', 'Payment', null, $request, $ex);
     ResultPrinter::printResult('Create Payment Using Credit Card', 'Payment', $payment->getId(), $request, $payment);
     return $payment;