<?php /** * * Bootstrap file for universal load. * * This file will be load by cli and web entry, you can define or config the application as global use. * */ use Pagon\App; define('APP_DIR', __DIR__); require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $app = new App(__DIR__ . '/config/default.php'); // Load env from file if (is_file(__DIR__ . '/config/env')) { $app->mode(trim(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/config/env'))); } $mode = $app->mode(); if (is_file($conf_file = __DIR__ . '/config/' . $mode . '.php')) { $app->append(include $conf_file); } // Boost application $app->add('Booster'); // Functions $app->assisting(); // Add pretty exception if ($app->debug) { $app->add('PrettyException'); } else { error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); }
<?php use Pagon\App; define('APP_DIR', __DIR__); define('BASE_DIR', dirname(__DIR__)); require dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $app = new App(array('views' => APP_DIR . '/views', 'autoload' => APP_DIR . '/src') + (include BASE_DIR . '/config/default.php')); /** * Config */ // Load env from file if (is_file(BASE_DIR . '/config/env')) { $app->mode(trim(file_get_contents(BASE_DIR . '/config/env'))); } // Load config by enviroment if (!is_file($conf_file = BASE_DIR . '/config/' . $app->mode() . '.php')) { echo "No config found! Plz add config/" . $app->mode() . ".php file"; exit; } else { $app->append(include $conf_file); } $app->add('Booster'); $app->assisting(); // Add pretty exception if ($app->debug) { $app->add('PrettyException'); } else { error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); } $app->protect('loadOrm', function () { global $app;